Desert World Savages: The Complete Series (6 page)

Read Desert World Savages: The Complete Series Online

Authors: Lisa Lace

Tags: #Romance / Fantasy

BOOK: Desert World Savages: The Complete Series
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Tracy enjoyed the sensations of his fingers on her nipple, her hair, and her jaw. But she had to think of her survival. Though he seemed to be helping her, she couldn't trust him a hundred percent. She raised herself up on one elbow.

"I thought you told me that 'you couldn't do this.'"

He looked down, and then again into her eyes. "I did. But you see, I can't seem to help myself. There is something about you, Tracy Walsh, that makes me want you. And I want you more with each passing minute."

"They say on Earth that the road to hell is paved with good intentions."

"What is hell?" he asked.

"It is a place of eternal torment for wicked people."

"Well, I'm not concerned about what happens when I die," said Rev. "I'd rather enjoy life now." He bent over and kissed her, his arms holding her shoulders. Without thinking Tracy opened her mouth, her tongue sliding on his lips. His tongue pushed forward and claimed her mouth. He held her so tight that she put her arms around his neck without thinking. He broke away, kissing behind her ear, the warm wetness of his mouth on that sensitive spot sparking a fire between her legs.

She whimpered then and swung her legs over the side of the table, hooking her left leg around his waist drawing him to her. Tracy reached down and put her hand on the bulge in his pants, rubbing it. He groaned, long and low, and she loved how the sound echoed in her chest.

Cax drew his fingers down the length of her spine, sending more shots of pleasure through her. Putting her right leg around him, she pulled him harder toward her. She was wet and ready. Every part of her felt like it was on fire, and she had to rub her pussy against his cock.

"Come on," she breathed in his ear. "Give it to me. I want you."

He hesitated. "I can't. I shouldn't."

"Do you have a wife? Girlfriend?" she asked.

He shook his head.

"Then no more of this 'I can't business.' I don't care," she said. "Take off these damned pants," she said. "I'm tired of waiting."

"So am I," he said. "Door, lock. Lights out," he called out, and all lights in the room went out. They were in total darkness, so she felt his cock rather than saw it. She heard a sound like velcro tearing, and he pushed his erect cock into her hands. It was huge in her hand, and hard like steel. She circled her index finger and thumb around it. Her two digits were unable to meet. Tracy played with the head of his cock, rubbing her thumb on the underside at the head.

"What are you doing me," he moaned. "Oh yes, gods, yes. You have to stop, or--"

Tracy's hand strayed to his balls and found them drawn tight. "Oh, eager, huh. Well, you make me hot too."

It didn't take much to lower her hips so that her wet pussy connected with his cock. Tracy pressed her opening against the head of his cock. It felt so good connecting flesh to flesh, and she need to have him inside her.

"So hot," he said.

"Yes, fuck me."

With a groan he thrust and pushed himself into her tight core, filling her, stretching her.

"Oh my god," Tracy moaned. "Fuck me, fuck me hard."

He pulled back, and thrust again hard, making her grunt.

"More! Give me more," she begged.

Cax grabbed her hair with one hand and held her back with his other arm. He bent his head and sucked a nipple hard into his mouth, so hard it hurt at first. Her pussy throbbed, pushed to the edge of arousal, keeping her plateaued between desire and release. He let her nipple fall from her mouth, a shocked look on his face. But he moved, slowly at first, in and out of her, then picking up the rhythm to a frantic pace.

She held on as he took her, wild with his thrusts, unable to stop him if she tried, but not wanting to either. It felt too good, sending her a place where there were no thoughts, only the relentless pleasure of his cock inside her. Suddenly, she exploded, breaking apart into a million stars, her cry ringing against the hollow walls of the cavernous room. With a final push he spilled inside her, pumping his cock three more times, huffing like he couldn't breath.

"Oh, great goddess," he said when he could catch a breath. He pulled her head to him and kissed her, crushing his mouth to hers.

The room was quiet until she said, "I can't be in outer space. For one thing, I'm not dressed for it."

"You are," affirmed Rev.

"But I have my job. I need..."

"You need to breath deeply," he said. "And you need to accept this. Because I need you to THINK. This is a bad situation for all of us and any misstep will get us sent out the airlock into space."

She swallowed hard. "Does that mean what I think it means. That I'd..." Tracy stared hard at the view screen.

"Not just you. Carol too, and possibly me."

"Fuck," she said. "What are we going to do?"

"I'm going to secure you for the night shift. Then I'll continue with my work."

"Which is?"

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you." Holding her this close, with her butt almost on his cock, generated sexual thoughts in Reven. He shifted without thinking to push closer to her.

"Plausible deniability," she said.

"Uh huh," he said, not actually listening to what she was saying. Holding her near brought her scent, her delicious, sensual fragrance, to his nose. Why did this creature, not even his own species, hold such allure? He bent his head down to breathe in more of her. The aroma hit him like a drug.

She said she tasted like vanilla. Rev didn't know what vanilla was, but if it was like Tracy it was delectable. Rev hadn't visited many planets because of his relative youth, but he wasn't inexperienced with women. Any woman he'd been with didn't compare with Tracy's alluring curves and the enticing flavor of her lips. If he could, he'd take her now but that would be wrong.

"What are you doing?" she said her voice rising. "Are you sniffing me?"

The sound of her voice shocked him out of his reverie. Oh gods, he was. "Sorry," he said. Rev released her.

"Come with me."


"Over to the tanks."

"What are you going to do? You aren't putting me IN that thing, are you?" she asked. Her voice climbed higher when she saw the regeneration tanks just past the tables.

"It's not too bad. I've been in them myself."

"You have?" she asked suspiciously.

"It is a standard medical practice. It will help to flush the drugs from your system and accelerate the healing process. When you get out, you'll feel great."

She gulped. "Isn't there another way?"

"No. If Grenta checks during the night and you're not there, he'll raise an alarm."

"You aren't giving me much choice."

"WE don't have much choice." Rev agreed. "But it will keep you safe."

She edged closer to the tank and peered in. "How does it work?"

He pulled up the face mask connected to hoses sitting inside the tank. "This goes over your face. It's your breathing supply. The healing medium flushes into the tank and you lie in it."



"I don't like it. We have things that on Earth. We call them sensory deprivation chambers."

"You will not be deprived of anything. The healing medium naturally puts you to sleep. You'll wake when I drain the tank and take the mask off you."

"You'll be here?"


She took a deep breath. "Well, if we don't have a choice, let's do it."

Rev's hands trembled as he struggled to control himself. His hands slide over her soft hair as he fitted the mask on her face, making sure it was secure.

When he picked her up, he found it difficult to not put her on the table and fuck her again right there. The need to do this was immediate and irrational, and he struggled to focus to complete his task. He only regained control when the healing medium, a clear gel, flushed into the tank and covered her body. Rev watched as she slowly closed her eyes and floated serenely in the tank.

The woman would be the death of him. She was from a Non-Aligned world and the law said that it was illegal to have sex with Non-Aligned Sentients.

He reminded himself that there were good reasons for this. An Aligned Worlds citizen had legal rights that Non-Aligned sentients did not. This created a power imbalance between the two individuals that in the society of Aligned Worlds that was not just unacceptable, it was immoral.

In simpler terms, a Non-Aligned world sentient, in a relationship to the Aligned World sentient, had the legal status of a pet. Rev was a civilized man, trained to defend citizens and non-citizens alike against the abuses of men such as Jaal, Bris and Cax. He would not take advantage of a Non-Aligned Sentient.

If only his dick knew or cared about legal rights. It throbbed between his legs. It was an aching annoyance begging for something it could not have.


Rev put the woman Carol in the tank next to Tracy. He guessed that whatever drugs she had been given was double Tracy's dosage, because the other woman was still unconscious. The tank would flush the drugs out her and repair any physical damage.

Unfortunately, this was done only to get the women ready for genetic conversion. The thought made him sick to his stomach.

Reven had work to do, and he concentrated on those tasks to get his mind off Tracy. The database he found earlier was filled with information on cargo, destinations, and delivery dates. All he needed was some undisturbed time to commit the information to his memory; then he would be able to give testimony to the courts.

If he got that far. The bitter information he had learned of his brother's fate at the hands of these people stayed close to him.

It was unusual for the Aligned Worlds Enforcement Wing to admit brothers into their ranks. Although the work was dangerous, the prestige of working in the Enforcement Wing generated enough hopeful candidates to spare a family from losing multiple members in its service. Rev's eidetic memory was the deciding factor in admitting him to the Academy. A rare ability, it made him even more valuable in giving court testimony than the usual tracker. Rev was proud of his ninety-eight percent conviction rate. It was the high point of what had, until this point in his life, been an outstanding career.

Rev's decision to pursue his brother's disappearance against orders put that career at risk. Though trackers were allowed a certain amount of discretion in pursuing cases, this was one instance where his captain overrode him.

It was an angry confrontation and one that Rev regretted now. It was almost certain that his brother was dead, released into space by either Bris or Cax when they discovered him snooping around. His brother Tev, was smart and resourceful, pulling himself out of situations that would strike terror in anyone.

But being spaced? Rev couldn't imagine how a person would getting out of that situation. Rev's zero-g training had taught him that. One particularly harrowing training exercise was floating out of an airlock without a tether. His mission was to dock with another spacecraft using only the small jets built into a spacesuit.

Unfortunately, Rev's suit sprouted an air leak and depressurized rapidly. This left him without pressure to keep the fluids in his body functioning properly and he didn't have enough air to breathe. He was unconscious within ten seconds. Rev was only alive today through the quick thinking of one of his classmates.

Three minutes. That's how long a body can survive without any protection in the vacuum of space. His classmate revived him right before the three minute mark. Rev couldn't imagine that his brother survived being spaced without a suit, without back-up, and without help.

Rev rubbed his temples. It had been a stroke of luck that he had gotten one of the criminals responsible for his brother's death jailed on a backwater planet. Even better, he had been able to assume Cax's identity as well. The data he looked at and absorbed now was a gift from the gods. This information would shut down a major wiver's ring that went beyond Jaal and his crew.

The view screen winked off. Rev had memorized everything he needed from the database. If he was smart, he would activate his pick-up signal and wait for the enforcement wing to send a ship. According to protocol, he would launch himself into space in a pressure suit and jet to a waiting ship. On the ship, Rev would read his testimony into the judicial record. People higher up the food chain would then decide what to do.

For some reason, he didn't feel that smart. Rev glanced back at Tracy's tank. The idea of leaving her behind and subjecting her to Grenta's conversion techniques stuck a knife in his heart.

He shook his head, getting angry at himself. How could he get into such a crazy situation? Going against orders to rescue his family was one thing. He had to find his brother to heal his soul.

Going against the law was another thing entirely. Rev revered the rule of the law and the stability and justice it brought to society. Duty to the principles of the Aligned Worlds had given him a sense of morality and helped guide his actions. He couldn't let his attraction to this woman get in the way of his duty.

Could he?

Rev thought for a minute. There was one more thing to do before he made a plan of action. He pushed up from his seat at the console and walked towards the stasis chambers at the back of the room. Rev had the identifiers of the chamber prisoners now: their height, weight, hair color, skin color. Grenta's records obligingly listed what they had been and what they became during their conversions.

As he walked into the stasis area, lights above the chambers switched on.

The chambers were all six feet in height, with the faces of the occupants visible through a transparent window.

Their eyes were shut, their faces were devoid of emotion, and the looked peaceful. They appeared to be asleep, though they were not. The body functions of the women were kept at a minimal amount of activity, which kept toxic build-ups of waste products from flowing to the gel around them. Their brain activity was minimized as well. Because these machines were commonly used by the wivers, Rev had studied them and their use in the academy.

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