He slipped out the hotel door, shutting it firmly, to track the next criminal, Bris.
The club pounded with the bass of rock music while the dance floor showered with a light show synced to the tunes. Men and women danced with each other, or in a group, and some to their own rhythm. Sweat and alcohol mixed in the air to fuel the patrons' interests and enthusiasms.
"I'll find us a table," Tracy said. "You get the first round."
"What?" yelled Carol over the noise of the club.
Tracy pointed to herself. "Table!" Then she pointed to Carol. "Drinks!"
Carol rolled her eyes but started towards the bar. Tracy looked for one of the small tables big enough only to hold a couple drinks, but all were taken. She spotted a couple that looked about to leave, but just as she reached it, another couple slid in.
Frustrated, she turned back to the bar. She saw Carol in a very animated conversation with a good-looking man. Dark haired, his skin tanned, he leaned over close to her ear. With a smile, he waved the bartender over and signaled for another round of drinks.
Tracy frowned. That was her drink sitting on the bar, yet she didn't want to break up what looked like a good thing for Carol. Fuck it, she thought, and she strolled to where Carol stood.
"Excuse me," she said reaching in between them to grab the drink Carol had ordered for her. Her shoulder accidentally brushed against Carol's new friend, and she got the oddest feeling. It was like she was sliding against something electric. Carol smiled at her with a goofy look on her face, and Tracy decided the Carol must be in extreme like with this guy. She shrugged her shoulders and moved off, finding a spot at the wall where she watched the dance floor. Here the music was a little less loud, and she noticed that her ears were ringing.
As she watched the alcohol-fueled movements of the dancers, another body slid in place next to her, bumping her. For the second time that evening, she experienced an electric sensation and she looked up to see a huge man. Her head only came up to his well-defined chest. She couldn't help but notice arm muscles that strained his t-shirt. Mr. Hunky's skin was the same deep tan as Carol's friend, and his eyes were pools of dark caramel.
Her eyes dropped below his waist. Aside from having the most deliciously trim hips, he appeared to sport quite a package beneath his pants. She took in a deep breath as her heart picked up its pace.
Tracy took a long sip of her drink to calm herself. She found it difficult to look him directly in the eyes.
He stared intently in the direction of the bar, and Tracy followed his gaze. He appeared to be looking at Carol and her friend. She screwed up her courage by clearing her throat.
"Excuse me," she said. "Do you know that guy?" His sinfully dark eyes turned to her, and she could swear his nostrils flared. "Because," she continued her heart thumping in her chest, "he's with my friend there."
"Yes, I know him."
"Well, he looks busy."
"You should take your friend and leave," he said his husky voice sending shivers down Tracy's spine. "He's making bad plans."
"Well, she seems to be up for them." She suddenly did something completely uncharacteristic of her.
"Hey, let's go out on the dance floor."
He looked at Tracy, and then towards Carol. "I don't know to dance."
She chuckled, thinking he must have some alcohol in him to talk like that.
"Neither does anyone else," Tracy reassured him with a smile. After draining the rest of her drink, she grasped his hand and pulled him to the dance floor.
The noise, the lights, and the drink shoved her into a different, freer frame of mind. The stresses of her workday melted away. Being inches from adorable Mr. Hunky helped that along.
He was right - he wasn't much of a dancer, since he only bobbed up and down paying more attention to Carol and her new friend than his eager partner, but with arms and abs like that, who cared?
Then Tracy stumbled over her feet and fell forward. He immediately swept her into his arms, drawing her close to his chest. She looked up, her eyes meeting his, and he seemed to see her for the first time. His eyes opened wide with surprise.
"Sorry," she said.
"No, don't be sorry," he said.
It felt so good to be in his arms, warm and safe. Tracy slid her arms around his waist, her mind racing ahead of what it would be like to kiss him. She rubbed her head against his chest, like a cat in heat, amazed at how wonderful it was to smell his scent. It was heady, full of musk and sin.
Right now, judging by the wetness dripping into her panties she could use a little sin in her life. Apparently, from the growing bulge in his pants, he could too.
"Hmm," she purred. An urge overcame her to taste him. In fact, it was more than an urge. The more she thought about it, tasting him became a dire necessity. She stood on her tiptoes and put her arms around his neck. She lifted her head, pressing her needy body against him, and pressed her lips to his. His arms were around her now, pulling her to him, his hard muscles pressing into her soft flesh. Her heart beat faster as he lowered his head and met her lips, his tongue reaching out and pushing into her mouth. All thoughts but one left Tracy's head now. There was only one thing she wanted to do.
He pulled away suddenly and started walking to an exit sign. Carol and her date had left through the door. Mr. Hunky was following them and she chased after them all. She'd be damned if she was going to be left standing in the middle of the dance floor alone.
As she opened the door, the cool night air hit her, the brick walls of the city building rising high above them. The alley did have some weak lights. Tracy saw Carol and her date pushed against a wall Her shirt was shoved up above her breasts, her bra pushed aside, and her date sucking on them. Carol groaned, apparently in total agreement with what was being done to her.
The man glanced up at the sound of the door closing and smiled.
"Good," he said. "You got one too. How does she taste?"
Mr. Hunky stood there staring at him.
"Go ahead. Taste her and see if she'll meet our needs. You know what the Captain says. The sweeter the meat, the better."
"Come on," said Tracy grabbing his arm. "Kiss me."
Mr. Hunky glanced at the pair in the corner and then at Tracy. He pulled her to him closely, giving her a searing kiss. Tracy moaned as her nipples hardened and strained against her smooth bra. He ran his hand over her breasts, and finding those pearls, rubbed one with his thumb, sending shocks up her back. She pushed her mound against his leg and bucked her hips. She'd never felt so hot before and in need of release.
She touched the space between his legs and felt his cock straining against his pants. Tracy was gripped with the need to have him in her mouth. She loved giving oral, sucking on a cock hard because of what she did. Her hands fumbled to release on his pants, and it tore away like Velcro. She didn't have time to think about how strange that was because his pants fell away around at his ankles. He wore no underwear and his cock jutted out, long, thick and ready. Tracy, dropping to her knees, fell on it like a starving woman.
He filled her mouth until his cock pushed against the back of her throat. He grunted and guided her mouth and head with his hands gripping her hair. Tracy bobbed up and down the length of his dick, loving the taste, not minding her gagging. She couldn't get enough and moved her head and tongue in a wild frenzy as she took all that she could.
His breathing sped up and he grunted. Rev's cum shot in her mouth and then down her throat. Normally she didn't swallow, not liking the taste that much. But this man's cum didn't have that bitter edge. It was sweet and creamy, and she sucked it down like she was licking an ice cream bar, leaving not a drop of cum behind.
He held himself against her as he softened, then pulled away. But she wasn't finished yet. Tracy wanted hers. She launched herself against one of his massive legs, squirming against it to reach her release. His fingers touched her mound, finding her clit, and she groaned gratefully as he massaged it.
"Yes," she moaned. "More."
His fingers dug in, finding her slick folds, rubbing them as she bucked her hips. With a thrust, two were inside her as he worked her clit with his thumb.
Her ass clenched and he dug in deeper, stroking her as her juices poured over his hand. She needed to cum, but she didn't want to stop the sensations that consumed her. With a final jab of his fingers, she burst apart, her orgasm sweeping through her body, her inner walls pulsing more strongly than she had ever remembered.
In her excitement, she didn't feel the tranquilizer dart enter her body.
"Awesome," she said as she collapsed into Rev's arms.
Bris stood over a disguised Rev, who looked just like Cax. Bris held his captive who was as unconscious as Tracy.
"Good job, Cax. Looks like you got a live one there."
Rev looked down on the brown haired woman and was deeply ashamed of himself. He tried to tell himself that he had to do what he did to keep his cover. Rev needed evidence, damning evidence about this wiver ring to bring to his superiors.
It was obvious to him what was happening. Women from the Non-Aligned worlds were being abducted and sold into marital slavery. Having irrefutable evidence was the only way he could get justice for his brother.
But the fact of the matter was that when the woman pushed herself against him, the most intriguing scent filled his nostrils. Though she looked much different from the women of his home world, his sexual organ filled immediately, and it was a strain on his mind to ignore that stirring to concentrate on his work. And the woman persisted, touching her mouth to his. He'd never tasted anything so sweet, alluring or seductive.
When Rev ignored his superiors' orders to go look for his brother, he didn't imagine he would get so deep into a wiver ring. It was the most dangerous assignment any tracker could get and given only to the most trained and skilled men.
Rev was barely out of training when he received a cryptic message from his brother with the co-ordinates of Jaal's ship. The ship wasn't at the location when he arrived, but he tracked it.
Rev didn't care. If the Enforcement Ring didn't care enough about his brother to go look for him, he would. Damn the consequences.
But the one consequence he didn't imagine was having sex with a member of a non-aligned world. What he had done was so illegal he'd be locked in prison.
To make things worse, it looked like to get the evidence he needed, he'd have to allow Bris to take these women back to the ship. Rev felt sick to his stomach.
"Are they okay?" said Rev. We can't bring any damaged ones back." He didn't know this for sure, but he hoped that would be the case.
Bris took a scanner out of his pocket and held it over one woman, then the other.
"They're fine. The drug just knocked them out. They'll be unconscious long enough to get them on the ship." Bris move down the alley, dragging his victim, then glanced back at Rev, who was still standing near the wall.
"Come on! They won't stay asleep all night!"
Jaal met them in the landing bay and inspected the women as if they were pieces of meat. Rev had to hold himself back from punching Jaal in the mouth as Jaal touched the women, especially when his fingers ran over the one Rev held, pulling up her brown hair. Jaal scowled.
"We only needed one more for the shipment," Jaal said unhappily. "The stasis chambers are nearly full."
"You know how it is, Jaal," said Bris. "One might not make it through the process. I'd rather not be short one, like the last time."
Jaal rubbed the back of his neck.
"Besides," said Bris. "We can always keep one in the tank until we off load."
The captain gave a grudging nod. "Well, get them down there then before the rest of the crew sees them."
"Sure," said Bris. He picked up the woman he captured, slinging her unconscious form over his shoulders. Rev cradled his victim in his arms, earning an incredulous look from Bris.
"What?" said Bris. "You like this one?"
"No," Rev said quickly, though as he held her close, thoughts of what happened on the planet came to his mind. The sweetness of her kiss, her lips wrapped around his cock, the look her face when he brought her pleasure stirred his dick again. He cursed himself, wishing away his arousal, willing control.
They traveled through the corridors of the ship and took a lift to the lower decks. The ship had a starboard and a port hold. Each was designed to carry different cargo.
The port hold was a collection of racks where large sealed containers were stored, but it was the starboard hold that Bris called for on the command pad.
Exiting the lift, they walked out onto the deck of the starboard hold, which stretched out fifty yards ahead of them. The room was cut in half by a bulkhead. A thick strip of red was painted across the bulkhead, and biohazard signs were placed at the entrance. They walked twenty feet to get to the hatch in the wall of the ship. Bris held his hand to the scanner at the hatch. As it popped open, a rush of air shot out.
The second officer shook his head. "Damn doctor. I've warned him about excessive oxygen use."
Rev scanned the area of the restricted red section. The interior was dark, but there were some sorts of machinery there, rising in grim towers against the furthest bulkhead.
"Well, come on," grumbled Bris, annoyed. "I'm not going to haul this one all day."
"Doc!" called out Bris. "I have cargo for you!"
Rev winced to Bris' reference of the women as cargo.
"The old sot," muttered Bris. "Doctor! Front and center!"
An older Deneb shuffled out of a room whose door was on the left bulkhead. He limped as he walked, and his white hair hung in his eyes. When he saw Bris and Rev he stood straighter and glared at them.
"You don't have to shout," he complained.
"How is the work going, Grenta? We only have two weeks before we are due at the mining colony."
"You'll have your cargo. Don't worry," said Grenta.