Devil Disguised (10 page)

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Authors: Karolyn Howard

BOOK: Devil Disguised
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Entering the dining room, she saw Duncan standing near the dining room table. He turned towards her. His gaze travelled over her briefly before locking with hers. “Good evening, Lily.”

“Good evening, Lord Cavanaugh.”

She noticed the slight quirk of his lips before he pulled her chair back instead of the nearby servant. Once again, she sat in the chair to the left of his while he remained at the head of the table.

Wine was poured and the meal served. She took a bite of the roasted vegetables from her plate and enjoyed the flavor. She looked up from her plate to find his eyes assessing her.

He put his fork down and said, “Lily, the words you overheard me say to my sister.” He paused, inhaling deeply before continuing to say, “They were not true. While you are staying here because of my friendship with Charles, I do not mind spending time with you. And, you are correct; you have not mentioned London since the first
night we dined together. Also, as I said before, please, call me Duncan.”

Lily bowed her head slightly and took another bite of her food.

He sat back in his chair appearing frustrated. “Have you nothing to say?”

She shook her head in silent response as Duncan pushed his plate away from him. “You do not know me well, but I very rarely find the need to apologize for any of my actions. You could at least acknowledge what I have said to you,” he said harshly.

Lily put her fork down and sipped her wine before she replied, “All right. I have heard what you said and made a mental note that you lied easily to your sister who appears to be one of the people closest to you. Although you say you hardly need to apologize for any of your actions I am certain there are many women who may think otherwise. I have noticed that although you are the one who hurt my feelings, you want me to soothe your own feelings of guilt. We are all accountable for our own actions, Lord Cavanaugh and you seem to have a hard time dealing with your own. You said last night that you were trying to understand me, well I think I have just given up on trying to comprehend you.”

She stood up and Duncan’s eyes widened as he stood as well. She rushed by him and then turned, stopping abruptly. “Please do not follow me. I would hate to slam the door in your face a third time.”

She hurried up the stairs and went into her room. Leaning against the closed door, she looked up and took
in a deep breath as her hands quivered. Why did he affect her so much? This could not go on. Shaking her head, she moved to her desk and looked at the paper and pen before her. Someone else had to allow her to stay with them. Sitting down at her desk, she began writing letters to her friends to request a visit.

Lily lifted her head from the desk and gasped. Apparently, she had fallen asleep and the ink she was using had spilled over all the correspondences. Seeing her hand covered in the black liquid, she walked to the water basin and did her best to wash the ink away. She looked down and cried out. Her dress had an ink stain from the sleeve down to the bodice and was likely ruined. Frustrated, she undid the ties to the bodice and struggled out of her corset.

Glancing at the dying embers in the fireplace she knew the hour must be late. After putting on a light blue nightgown, she went to bed and slid under the covers. She tossed and turned, but she could not get comfortable. Then her stomach rumbled. Yet another dinner had been unfinished. She sighed, recalling that the few bites of the roast had been delicious. Angrily, she grabbed the thin robe that matched her nightgown and went downstairs to get something to eat.

The trip to the kitchen was now so familiar she did not need a candle to light her way even without the moon’s light. At the bottom of the stairs, she paused hearing a strange noise, but then pushed it aside not wanting to repeat what occurred many nights ago. Entering the kitchen, she found a blueberry pie on the counter and
took a slice. After finishing her second piece, she started back to her room.

At the bottom of the stairs, a movement above caught her eye. Dimly she could make out a figure crouching low and moving across the top of the stairs and it was heading towards her room. Covering her mouth to keep from screaming she froze in stunned silence. Her heart pounded as she crept up the stairs. She had no candlestick this night and could think of only one thing to do; she hurried to Duncan’s room.

Turning the doorknob, she entered the room and quickly took in her surroundings. Light flickered from the hearth as she saw a figure in the bed to her left. Duncan was asleep. Rushing to his side she whispered, “Lord Cavanaugh.”

He did not stir. One hand was above his head and the other under the covers. His chest bare. She delicately shook his shoulder and said, “Duncan. Please wake up!”

His eyes fluttered open and a grin spread across his face. He looked relaxed and very young as his eyes appeared unfocused. His voice was a low rumble as he said, “Hello.”

He reached up and slid his arm over hers. He tugged her down on top of him and then rolled over. She gasped at the unexpected action and saw his eyes were nearly closed as he held her under him. She felt the heat from his body as he pressed against her. Squirming under him, she could feel every inch of his bare chest though her thin nightgown and robe. He mumbled, “I like this dream.”

He brought his lips to hers and began to deepen the kiss while she pushed against him. Lifting his head, she saw disbelief cross over his features and then he looked down at their very compromising position. He looked completely perplexed as he said, “What?”

“Agh. Get off of me!” She shoved at him. He lifted off of her as she scrambled to stand next to the bed.

He shook his head, finally appearing completely awake. He looked at her in disbelief. “What are you doing in my room?”

“I am here because someone just went into

“Oh my God.” Panic crossed his features.

He threw the covers off the bed and rose to stand. Naked. He was completely naked. Lily gasped and then spun away from him as her mouth dropped open. She had never seen a man totally bare before except for the statues in museums. The temptation to turn around was too great. She turned her head, just slightly, as her eyes followed Duncan’s backside as he went to a nearby chair to pick up his trousers. She saw his entire form again as he shifted to put on his clothes.

She inhaled sharply and felt the heat rise in her cheeks. The sharp curves and angles of his muscles were far more defined than any lifeless statue. The hard planes of his chest continued as ripples along his ribs and continued down to sharp angles above his waist and his prominent manhood. She held in another gasp, but could not manage to close her gaping mouth. He did not seem to notice her stare and seemed entirely focused on his task. After pulling a shirt over his head, he brushed by her and went to his nightstand.

Pulling a small dagger from a drawer, he said, “I would prefer it if you stayed here, but I am guessing you plan to follow me.”

She nodded and hurried to join him at the door.

He waited until she was next to him and ordered, “Stay behind me.”

Strength and power radiated from him and somehow she felt a thrill. Her heart raced as he pulled the door open and she followed him out into the dark corridor. Her eyes adjusted to the dim light and she saw a figure at the far end of the hallway opening the balcony door. The figure turned and appeared to see them before it dropped out of sight. Duncan cursed and ran down the hallway to the balcony. He cursed again as Lily joined him on the balcony’s ledge and looked down. A lone horse and rider were moving away from the house. A rope had been secured to the balcony railing providing a way for the intruder to get down to the ground.

Duncan slammed his hands on the balcony rail and then spun around to go back into the house. He walked swiftly down the hallway when Eleanor’s door opened. She held her belly and said, “Duncan, what is happening?”

He rushed to her side and said, “Someone came in the house, but they just got away. Please, go lie back down, El. I will have one of the servants stay with you.”

She nodded and closed the door. Simon came scampering towards them as he fumbled with his spectacles. “My lord, what happened?”

“An intruder just escaped by a rope tied to the balcony. I want you to wake the servants and search the home.
See what the person took. And, have someone stay with Eleanor.”

Simon nodded and hurried down the hallway.

Lily said, “My room.”

Duncan gestured in that direction and they went into her bedroom.

“Wait.” He held up his hand and began walking cautiously around the room.

He looked under the bed and then pulled the bed covers back. Seeming satisfied, he nodded at her and then put another log on the fire to bath the room in more light. She looked around the room and noticed immediately that her personal items had been moved on her nightstand.

“There was a picture here of me with Charles. I do not see it,” Lily muttered.

Duncan appeared at her side and looked down at the nightstand. “Why would they take a picture of you and not those pearl earrings?”

Her eyes widened. “I have no idea.”

His eye narrowed as something dark crossed his features. “Look around and see if anything else has been taken.”

She nodded and moved to her dressing table to see if anything was missing there.

He moved away from her and said, “Well, it appears they did not want you to send any letters.” He lifted an ink-stained piece of paper.

Lily moved towards him. “That was not the intruder. I feel asleep while writing and knocked over the ink jar.”

“You did this?”

She stopped in mid-step, surprised by his angry tone. “It was an accident, I assure you!”

He picked up one of the pieces of paper and then looked over the desk. “Was it?”

“Of course it was! What are you trying to say?”

His face darkened as his eyes rose to meet hers. “Do you know the intruder?”

“Have you lost your senses? Of course I do not know the intruder!”

He put down the letter he had been holding and she saw his knuckles turn white as he gripped the edges of the small desk. “I just find it curious that we had an unusual discussion yesterday and today an intruder managed to find your room, when you were conveniently away from it.”

She froze. “I beg your pardon.”

He released his grip on the desk and shrugged his shoulders. “I just think it is quite remarkable that you were gone from your room at the most opportune moment. Your luck at avoiding dangerous situations seems endless.”

She gaped and exhaled sharply, completely at a loss for words.

He glanced around the room before he met her gaze and moved towards her, his stride determined.

Unconsciously, she stepped back and in a frightened voice said, “I was hungry and had just returned from the kitchen when I saw someone.”

He stood next to her, so close she could feel the heat radiate from him while the scent of soap and sandalwood enveloped her. “One of the servants could bring food up to you.”

She felt an unexpected tremor of fear course through her. His demeanor was hard and uncompromising. Taking a deep breath, she managed to say, “I am aware of that, but not in the middle of the night. I seem to have trouble falling asleep.”

She darted to the side, anxious to be away from him, when he grabbed her elbow and spun her around. He pressed his body into hers as he said, “Do you have trouble sleeping because you think on your sins or because you plan something else? Am I to be your next victim?”

Gasping in horror, she pulled her arm free of his grasp. “What are you accusing me of? How dare you!”

His eyes flashed while he remained close to her. He leaned down and whispered, “You kiss like an angel, but I know you may be the devil.”

She stepped back and swung her hand at his face. The sound of the slap resounded in the room. Crying out, she stood in horror watching a red mark form on his face. Terrified, she turned and ran towards the door.

The door slammed shut in front of her and she felt Duncan directly behind her. She froze. Trapped between the door and the strong body at her back, she had no room to move. She felt his lips brush her ear. “Do not ever strike me again,” he whispered, roughly.

His words were harsh, but the tone he used was something else entirely. She could hear his rapid breathing as it matched her own. Heat radiated from him. Their close proximity made it nearly impossible for her to turn and face him so she nodded her head in delayed response to his words.

She became very aware of the man behind her as images of his naked form entered her mind. The nearly transparent fabric of her silk nightgown brushed against her sensitive skin while his hard body remained pressed against her. Something intangible passed between them and he moved the hair away from her neck. Her breath caught as his lips touched her skin. He inhaled slowly as his lips grazed along her neck, sending chills down her spine.

His warm breath caressed her ear as he whispered, “You smell of jasmine and roses, but you are named after the lily. Fascinating.” His voice low, seductive.

Her fear subsided, replaced by something else as her heartbeat continued its rapid pace. His lips trailed delicate kisses from behind her ear down her shoulder and back again.

“Is this your version of an apology?” she asked breathlessly.

His response was a rumble low in his throat that resonated through her, making her shiver as his lips skimmed along her neck. One hand held her waist against him while the other moved along her side and cupped her breast. She gasped as he began to fondle her breast through the thin materials of her nightgown and robe. Her nipple hardened as his hand rubbed and teased the tight peak as she shamelessly leaned back against him. She tried to turn towards him, desperate to kiss him, but he held her in place.

Briefly she recalled being in Joshua’s arms, but it was nothing like this. The raw power and control exuding from the earl’s embrace made her weak in the knees. His
left hand travelled down her waist and began pulling up the materials of her nightgown and robe. Her breathing became shallow as she felt his touch on her bare skin. Gently, he glided his hand up her inner thigh, his direction clear.

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