Devil Disguised (25 page)

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Authors: Karolyn Howard

BOOK: Devil Disguised
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He grinned, trying to hide his complete satisfaction and said, “I am not cold now either, but let us make sure we stay warm.”

He slid down next to her and said, “Turn to face the fire.”

She complied as he moved behind her, wrapping his arms around her. She snuggled against him and said, “Hmmm. I may never be cold again.”

Chuckling he leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Get some rest, Lily. We will leave at the first light of day.”

She nodded and closed her eyes as he continued to watch the firelight dance over her smooth skin. Her lips parted slightly and her breathing became steady as she fell asleep. His elation mixed with guilt; she had told him she
was safe with him, but he had ruined her. Charles would be furious if he found out what happened between them. Still, watching her, he pushed his guilt away. She was lying safe in his arms and nothing else mattered.

her eyes fluttered open. A strong arm was wrapped around her waist and wonderful memories flooded back to her. She snuggled against Duncan and enjoyed the feel of his hard body behind her. She saw a flash of lightening followed by a rumble of thunder and realized the storm was still outside. Even though she only dozed off for a few moments, she had not expected to fall asleep because Duncan was with her and they had just shared the most intimate of experiences. She was now ruined, but she could not be happier.

Staring into the dwindling fire, she smiled recalling the passion and tenderness he had displayed. She had always wondered what her first time would be like and it was far better than she imagined. Lying naked now with him she had never felt safer or more sensual. She shifted and moved against him again.

“If you keep doing that I will not be responsible for my actions and I can guarantee you that you will not have the chance to sleep until morning,” he whispered roughly.

She bit her lip and grinned as she wiggled her bottom in response his deep masculine voice.

He held her tighter and nuzzled her neck as he murmured, “Dare you tempt me?”

Without words, she held onto his hand and moved it over her breast. He inhaled sharply and she turned to look at him. His eyes were dark with desire as he rubbed his hand over her breast and leaned down to kiss her. The sensation was different as his facial hair rubbed against her chin. He pulled back as she lifted her hand to touch the stubble on his cheek.

The firelight was fading, but she could tell he was grinning just before he said, “Apologies as I am no longer clean shaven, but I can hardly see you and that will simply not do.”

He kissed her hand before he stood up to place a piece of wood on the fire. Light immediately filled the room and Lily watched as Duncan stoked the fire. She smiled as she admired the male perfection of his form. Muscled arms and wide shoulders led down to ripples of muscles going down his chest. Turning away from her, she watched his back muscles move with strength and precision as he reached for another piece of wood. When he stood, she stared at his firm derrière and his toned legs just before he turned towards her revealing his prominent arousal. Desire flooded her senses.

His eyes narrowed and his gaze found hers. “I hope you like what you see, but you certainly do not need to hide from me.”

She looked down and was surprised she had unconsciously lifted the bedding to cover herself.

A wicked grin spread across his handsome face as he lay down next to her and said, “I felt your eyes on me and I wonder since you tempted me, if you would finish your seduction?”

Slipping under bed cover next to her, he propped his head on his bent arm and looked at her inquisitively. His hair was completely ruffled and the look he gave her now was a combination of boyish charm and manly power. Her heart beat wildly in her chest before she leaned over and kissed him. He opened his mouth and she slid her tongue against his own while her hand explored the hard planes of his chest. She enjoyed the power she felt and the feel of him. Moving her hand lower, he moaned when she touched his arousal. She rubbed her hand along its length, enjoying the shape and feel of the silky skin over the hard form.

He shifted and she gasped at the sudden movement.

She was on her back again looking up at him as he said, “You are a seductress, but it is my turn.”

He kissed along her throat and the softness of his lips mixed with rough stubble on his chin, caused a chill to go up her spine. He shifted off of her and she watched his eyes glisten as he gazed at her and then down at the bedding covering her body. Grinning, he slowly pulled the cover down until it was just above her breasts. He rubbed his chin above her breasts and then kissed over the same area. Then, he lowered the blanket to the edge of her nipples and repeated his actions.

Her breathing became erratic with the mix of sensations that were overwhelming her senses. He slipped the
cover down to revel her breasts and she felt her nipples tighten in anticipation. Rubbing his chin over the sensitive peaks. She moaned as he licked each nipple and then blew his breath over the wetness. She threaded her fingers through his hair as he pulled the cover down and kissed her belly.

Lifting her pelvis in unconscious reaction to his touch, her sex felt swollen and wet. She gasped as he pulled the rest of the blanket down in one quick movement. The cool air brushed over her before the heat from his body warmed her. He slid over her and began to enter her. She felt the smooth tip of him push into her slowly, but steadily, as her body stretched to welcome him. Moaning loudly she enjoyed the sensation of his penetration as she held his strong arms until he was fully inside her. She moved her hands over his body, feeling the powerful muscles flex with his body as his hips moved in a slow rhythm.

Thrusting his tongue in her mouth, he kissed her deeply and she rubbed over the hardness of his arms and back. Shifting, he kissed her neck and she gripped his shoulders as his hips moved faster. Lifting her pelvis, she matched his rhythm and felt an indescribable sensation building inside her. He continued his momentum as if sensing her moment was near and then he thrust deeply as they cried out together in ecstasy.

She was gasping for air as he remained positioned above her. She ran her hands through his hair and he nuzzled her neck. She giggled as his breath tickled her ear before he kissed her cheek and shifted to move off of her.

Lying next her he looked remarkably sated as he said, “How are you, Lily?”

“I am perfect.”

He kissed her hand. “Truer words were never spoken.”

She laughed. “Now, I see the charming rake.”

His expression changed and he looked uneasy. “Yes, I guess you do.”

He kissed her forehead and stood abruptly.

“Duncan, I was jesting.”

“I know.” He wrapped a towel around his waist. “I am going to check on my horse. I will be right back. Try and get some rest. We will leave at dawn.”

She sat up. “Duncan, wait.”

He was already out the door. Pulling the blanket up to her neck, she sat in stunned silence. She should have never teased him about his reputation. Suddenly, she remembered Charlotte’s words of warning. “He will ruin you and break your heart.”

Yes, he had taken her virginity, but he did not hold her heart. She had willingly offered him her body, but she had not given him her love. Clutching the blanket to her chest she lay back down and felt a little better. What they had just shared was nothing more than the sharing of the passion between them, but it was hard to convince herself when the room felt so empty without him there. The firewood snapped and she turned to watch the blaze, trying to calm her now restless heart.

rolled over. She was so comfortable and felt softness all around her as she stretched. Then her eyes flew open and she sat up clutching fabric to her naked form. Where was she? The room looked unfamiliar to her. Panic subsided as she remembered she was in Duncan’s cottage, but she was no longer on the floor wrapped in a blanket before a fire. She was now in a plush bed with pillows surrounding her as light was coming through a nearby window.

Had last night been a dream? Surely not. She rubbed her eyes and looked around the room. Just as she was coming back to her senses, Duncan walked in the room. He wore black trousers and white shirt, which was unbuttoned. She smiled and thought, “No, last night was no dream.”

She asked, “How did I get here?”

He laughed before he replied, “Well, I’m not sure how you walked all the way to the cottage last night, but if you refer to how you got into that bed, I carried you.”

“When?” She was flabbergasted.

“I came in from checking on my horse and you were sound asleep. I carried you to the bed before I placed all our clothes near the fire to dry.”

She nodded as he approached her.

He sat next to her on the bed. “I met Peter outside at first light. He knows we are both safe. The staff was very worried about you, but I told Peter to tell them that you are fine and I wanted you to sleep a bit. I realized there is no reason we need to rush back and that you probably needed the rest.” He grinned wickedly before he said, “We can go whenever you are ready.”

“You could have woken me.”

“Yes, I could have, but I thought you needed the rest.” He grinned again.

She blushed and said, “I slept very well and had no nightmares.”

He laughed and touched his hand to her cheek. Her heart beat wildly at the tender gesture. “I am glad. I remember your nightmare from so long ago.”

“I used to have them often, but that time you woke me is the last one I remember.”

“Good. Someone who looks so peaceful and beautiful when they sleep should never have nightmares.”

His gaze locked with hers. Impossibly, she wanted him again. Her heart nearly beat out of her chest with anticipation as she lowered the sheets to reveal her body.
She saw his breathing intensify as his eyes traveled over her form. When she met his gaze again, his brown eyes were black. He hesitated before he moved over her and then his lips met hers.

Moaning she leaned back into the pillows behind her and he deepened the kiss while he pushed the remainder of the bedding off of her. She felt so wanton as he placed kisses over her breasts and then down her body before he stood up and took off his trousers. She saw his arousal and bit her lip, thrilled at his immediate reaction to her.

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