Devil Disguised (33 page)

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Authors: Karolyn Howard

BOOK: Devil Disguised
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Lily wrung her hands together. “Richard, I need to -.”

“Wait,” he interrupted. “I do not want to do this here. At least come with me so that we can speak about this somewhere else. I already feel at a disadvantage in your home. Let us take a carriage ride to discuss our future. You owe that to me at least.”

Nodding her head, she said, “You are right, of course. I will go with you.”

He nodded and lifted his arm to lead her from the room. She was still trying to gather her thoughts while he helped her into his carriage. Adjusting her skirts, she watched Richard step back to a footman and speak to him briefly as he handed something to him. Then Richard turned back and hurried into the carriage. He tapped on the roof as the carriage rolled forward.

He said, “Now, what did you need to tell me?”

Duncan paced in the salon of the Montgomery home. As promised, he had waited until the late afternoon to arrive and now he was beyond anxious to see Lily. The door opened and he spun around to see Charles enter the room.

Duncan glanced behind his friend and said, “Hello, Charles. While I usually enjoy conversing with you, I hope you know that I am here to see Lily.”

Charles nodded and walked to the drink cart. “I know, but she is not here. She left some time ago with Lord Hastings and has not yet returned.”

“I see.” Perplexed he sat down in a chair behind him and absentmindedly took the drink handed to him.

“You made quite a declaration yesterday, Duncan.”

“And, I meant every word.”

Charles chuckled. “I am glad to hear that, since you made your feelings known to everyone, not just Lily. I guess if one wants to return to London he should make sure the entire ton knows the reason.”

Duncan rolled his eyes. “Charming, Charles, as always.”

“I try,” Charles teased. “Listen, when Lily returns I want -.”

A knock interrupted the words Charles was about to speak when the butler entered. “Beg pardon, my lord, but the footman was to hand these letters to you as soon as Lord Cavanaugh arrived. I apologize it was not done as requested.”

Charles took the notes and shrugged his shoulders. The butler left as Charles handed a letter to Duncan and said, “The writing is Lily’s.”

Duncan stared down at the elegant script as he heard the sound of Charles opening the letter. “My note states that everything we need to know is in your letter.”

Tearing the seal, Duncan read the words.


I wish I could tell you that after what we said and shared yesterday, my mind had changed, but it has not. For reasons I cannot explain to you, I must marry Richard. It is something I simply need to do. I am leaving with Richard today to begin my life with him. I am sorry for any hurt I have caused you and hope someday you can forgive me.

Tell my uncle I will see him in a few days and that he may pack my things for a new home.

Thank you again for all you have done for me.


Crushing the paper in his hand, Duncan dropped the letter and picked up his glass of whiskey, finishing the contents in one swallow.

He walked to the drink cart as Charles said, “What the hell did it say, Duncan?”

“It said, never trust a woman.”

Charles exhaled and picked up the letter. Smoothing the crumpled surface, he read over the letter. “What?”

“It seems Hastings is quite irresistible,” Duncan scoffed.

“This does not make any sense. I did not see Lily today and even though she is impulsive, I cannot believe she is going to do this. We need to go after her.”

Duncan swallowed the contents of another glass of whiskey and slammed the glass down on the table nearest him. “No. You can do what you feel you need to do. I am leaving.”

Moving swiftly, he nearly collided with the butler who was rushing into the room.

The butler said, “My lord, the authorities are here. They say it is urgent.”

Duncan turned to look at Charles who said, “Of course, send them in.”

Two men entered the room as one of them said, “Lord Montgomery?”

“Here.” Charles nodded his head. “What can I assist you with officers?”

The taller man said, “We thought it was important to inform you that Mary Smith has escaped the asylum where she was housed.”

“What?” Charles and Duncan exclaimed in unison.

“We do not know all the details, but apparently at some point yesterday, she was not in her room and has not been located since. But, we are doing everything to apprehend her and discover how she managed such a feat.”

Charles gaped and then said, “Thank you. Please inform me as soon as you find out any more information.”

The men moved to the door and shook hands with Charles. Then he turned to face Duncan. “I am going to find Lily. She must be warned about Mary’s escape even if she is a married woman now.”

Duncan nodded. “I am going with you.”

Lily stepped out of the carriage and gasped. They were outside a small gothic church.

Richard grabbed her hand. “We are here, dear. Come on.”

She pulled against his hold as he dragged her forward. “Richard! Did you not hear a word I said in the carriage? I no longer want to marry you! Please, I love someone else.”

He stopped abruptly and she fell against his hard form. “Yes, Lord Cavanaugh, but he was not here for you. He did not help bring you back into society. I have waited a long time, Lily. My patience will be rewarded. Now.”

“No,” she cried out and pushed against his hold.

He lifted her by the waist and carried her forward. She was surprised by his strength and his hold as he held her so tightly she could barely breathe. He carried her through the large wooden door. She lifted her gaze to see the sun low on the horizon before he closed the door behind them. He lowered her down, but held her tightly against him. The church was empty and was dimly lit by the glow of multiple candles along the sides of the wooden pews and against the stone walls.

A minister came from behind the altar and said, “Goodness, Lord Hastings is everything all right?”

Lily cried out, “No, padre, please he is -.”

Richard clapped his hand over her mouth. “I am sorry padre, my fiancée is upset. We just had an argument, which I warned you about, did I not?”

The minister nodded reluctantly and seemed to pale slightly. “Yes, you did. Your witnesses have arrived.”

“Splendid. Please let them know we are here and give us a few moments. By the time your return, I am certain all will be well.”

The minister nodded and walked away as Lily continued to struggle against Richard’s hold. He released her mouth and she inhaled sharply as his hand travelled over her breasts before pulling her tighter at the waist and against him.

Gasping, she felt his arousal against her lower back. He eased his hold slightly as his breath touched her ear. “Feel that? I have been a gentleman with you, showed you restraint and courtesy, but tonight you will be mine. I will enjoy taking you on your hands and knees.”

Breaking free of his hold, she turned around and slapped him. Stunned by her own actions she could only stare as a sly smile spread across his features. Terrified, she backed away from him and started to run away when she heard a familiar feminine voice cry out, “Lily!”

She stopped and clutched her chest as she spun around. “Eleanor!” she shouted.

Her stomach lurched as she saw Mary holding a pistol to Eleanor’s temple.

Mary laughed. “Ah. My dear, Lily. I had dreamed of seeing you again. I forgot how pale you look when you see me.”

Richard stepped next to Mary, but looked at Lily to say, “See, my dear. Here are our two witnesses. If you cooperate with me and say the vows you were planning on saying to me just a day ago, then I will do my best to convince Mary to let Lady Worthington live another day.”

Lily tried to take a breath as she looked at Eleanor’s terrified expression and somehow she knew she must look just as frightened. Then she looked again at Mary.

The resemblance to Richard was uncanny. She blurted out, “You are related.”

Richard smiled. “So you see the similarities? Yes, this is my half-sister, Mary. It was quite the surprise when my father, on his death bed, confessed to me that he had an affair with Mary’s mother. I did not believe it until I went to see your maid and then I could not deny it. When I met Mary, she was madly in love with your brother. I read the letters your brother wrote to her and offered my support; glad to know my sister would get a title and place she was due. As you know that did not happen for her, but I thought it should. Mary entrusted me with your parents’ guilty payoff and I built my family’s fortune, but it was still not fair to Mary and she was unhappy. I looked the other way when I heard of her revenge against your family. Who am I to stand in the way of a woman scorned? But then, I decided I could offer my help in the ultimate payback.”

His eyes darkened as he came forward and grabbed Lily’s wrist, pulling her forward. “You see, my sister wanted to kill you, but I thought of something better. I get your dowry and I can do what I want with you every night. If you displease me or bore me, well, I am certain I could let my sister have her way. Accidents do happen.”

Glancing at the altar next to her, Lily managed to gather her courage to say, “I will never marry you.”

Mary giggled. “Oh, yes, you will marry him, Lily. I am known to be criminally insane. I can shoot Eleanor in a fit of wild insanity and go back to the asylum where my dear brother will find a way to release me again. I am only holding back now because my brother wants to
marry you. It is my turn to do him a favor now after all he has done for me. Do not think for one instant that I will hesitate to kill your new friend, or you, for that matter.”

Lily looked at Mary and then Richard before she gazed upon Eleanor, who was deathly pale.

Taking a shaky breath, Lily said, “My uncle will realize something has happened to me and will try to find us.”

Richard grinned. “Well, I made certain that both he and Duncan received letters from you so they would not come looking for you.”

Lily gaped and then stared at Mary who said, “Yes, I studied the letters you wrote to your precious Duncan very well. I highly doubt either he or Charles will think the letters are a forgery.”

Tears rose in Lily’s eyes as she met the despair in Eleanor’s gaze. She turned to the man who still held her wrist in a vise like grip.

“Call the minister in, Richard,” Lily murmured. “You won. Just promise me that neither you nor Mary will hurt Eleanor.”

“Say your vows with conviction Lily and all will be well.”

Richard left her side to get the minister.

Impulsively, Lily fell to her knees and looked at the altar before her. She prayed for salvation from a fate she never expected.

Duncan felt the cool breeze against his face as he raced towards yet another church alongside Charles. One of the servants had seen the carriage heading in the direction
of York and they had stopped at every church, but the one they were now approaching had a carriage out front. Duncan glanced at Charles as they dismounted.

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