Dial a Stud: Dante's Story (33 page)

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Authors: J. A Melville,Bianca Eberle

BOOK: Dial a Stud: Dante's Story
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“So, are we both getting naked?” I asked. “I know we’ve been friends a really long time, but apart from a flash of your boobs once, years ago when we were both drunk, New Year’s Eve, from memory, we’ve never seen each other naked. Is that going to be weird? Do you think we should flash our goods at one another, and get that shit out of the way?”

Mel shot me a look like I was crazy or something. “Do you think that will help? When we’re both getting fucked, are you going to be looking at my boobs? I mean, I might give yours a passing look, but to be honest, I think most of my focus, will be on Alex’s cock, as he’s fucking me.”

“Well I suppose, they are hard to ignore, when they’re doing what they do best, but maybe later, before they get here, we should just drop our clothes, stare, point, do whatever the hell we have to do, so it’s not awkward later.”

“Fine, we’ll do that then.” Mel agreed, turning her attention back, to whatever she was looking at on her computer.

“The only other thing Mel, do you think you’re likely to want to try kissing? Are we going to do anything girl on girl?”

Mel gaped at me. “Where on earth is all this coming from? Do you think you’ll want to kiss me? Is this another one of those things, we should try before they boys get here, so it’s not awkward?”

“Well, it might work better with alcohol, but I’ll admit, I’ve always been curious to see, if I kissed a girl, whether I’d like it.” I grinned and Melanie rolled her eyes.

“That was so cheesy. Fine, get over here. Let’s try it now.”

Nervously I approached her, and my friend stood, facing me. She closed her eyes, and I bent forward, closing mine too, just before our lips touched.

Gently I moved mine over hers, and I felt Mel open slightly to me. I deepened the kiss, but as soon as I pushed my tongue forward, just breeching her mouth, we both pulled away from one another, shaking our heads.

“That would be a hell to the no.” She screwed up her nose at me.

“Don’t take this the wrong way.” I said. “I love you, but I didn’t love that. No to the kissing, no touching, just the, ‘I’ll show you mine and you show me yours,’ shit, ok?”

“Amen to that.” She agreed.

We both sat down again, and for the next hour worked in silence. When I finally looked up, Mel was watching me, and when our eyes met, we both burst into laughter, collapsing against our chairs.

“Now that was just plain weird, wasn’t it? Don’t think we’ll tell Dante or Alex, what we did, ok? I don’t want them trying to push us, into girl on girl to entertain them.”

“No way in hell, would I ever tell Alex about that.” Mel agreed.

“Yeah, same with Dante, so our lips stay sealed on that one.” I turned back to my computer. I knew though, that he wouldn’t find it hot, to see Mel and I getting it on. He was too jaded by the job, to get any excitement from something like that. He was also only interested in me. That knowledge in itself, made me want to hug myself with glee. I knew he had to be dreading tonight, but at least, once it was done, that would be it, and we could concentrate on our up and coming trip to Tuscany.




I looked at myself in the mirror. I was about as ready, as I was ever going to get, for the exhibitionist fuck. Mel and I had eaten, before spending time in our respective bathrooms, preparing for when Dante and Alex arrived.

I’d bathed in water that I’d added essential oils to, washed my hair and dried it, so it framed my face, in soft waves. I’d rubbed body lotion into my skin, so I looked and smelled, about as good as I was going to get.

I wasn’t sure why, I was going to so much trouble. Mel had seen me at my best and worst, and my attempt to see if we liked kissing, was probably the ultimate in the worst.

Dante had seen me at my best and worst too, but for some reason, I just felt compelled to be at my best, for this evening. Maybe, part of my behaviour was, my old insecurities rearing their ugly heads. Dante loved me, he was not going to be overcome with desire for my friend, when he saw her naked. Inside, I knew this, but it didn’t hurt to pimp myself, all the same.

It was exactly one minute before nine, when we heard the doorbell chime. It was nice to see they were punctual at least.

Mel and I had gone with sexy underwear and silk robes for her fantasy evening. It was probably a bit cliché, but Dante and Alex, had given nothing away, on what they had planned for tonight, or how it was going to pan out.

We’d decided to get into the mood for it, and had already consumed half a bottle of wine. The idea was to get to that pleasantly mellow stage, without getting drunk, or falling asleep.

Nothing screams ‘bad taste’ like falling asleep, mid coitus or, worse, snoring, while sleeping, during mid coitus.

We both turned to one another, when we heard the doorbell, suddenly wide eyed, and with an attack of nerves.

It was show time, well it would be, if either of us got up and answered the door.

“I’ll get it.” Mel hopped up, stumbling slightly on her five inch heels. She looked amazing though, in a blood red corset that pushed her boobs up to heights, where I don’t know what the hell, was stopping them from breaking free. She wore everything red for that matter. Red suspender, teeny, tiny red lace thong, red shoes and even her stockings were sheer red ones. Over it all, she wore, a black robe of a material that, was slightly, see through. It showed enough, to tease and tantalise, and would hopefully have the desired effect, of driving Alex crazy with lust; just so long as it was him crazy with lust, and not Dante.

While she went to get the door, I cast a final eye over myself. I knew I didn’t look as good as Mel. She was slimmer than me, whereas I had the curvier figure, more classic hourglass and larger boobs than her.






Chapter Twenty Two


I’d chosen to wear black and white. My corset was white, with black ribbons that threaded in and out, around the top and bottom of it. I had white suspenders with black lacing, even my shoes were black and white, incredibly sheer white stockings, and a black robe that, like Mel’s, was almost transparent.

I’d rubbed a body lotion into my skin, that actually gave it, a kind of shimmering look, and I hoped that the overall effect would drive Dante crazy. I wasn’t expecting him to reach orgasm, during the exhibitionist fuck fest; he was way more controlled than that, but damn, it might be fun, trying to bring the man undone, for Mel’s fantasy, all the same.

I heard voices approaching and hastily took a large sip of my wine, before turning to the doorway, to catch my first glimpse, of the men, as they walked in.

As soon as I saw them, I swear I nearly came on the spot. Holy hell, they were not playing fair.

Dante was carrying a bag, and I was suddenly curious to see what was in it. Still, I didn’t waste too much time, wondering about that though, I focused on the two men instead.

Damn, they were both dressed in leather. Both had leather pants on, that hugged their long legs, strong thighs and tight asses. Neither wore shirts, just the leather vests, like Dante had worn the night they’d turned up for my fantasy. They both looked mouth wateringly fine, but my eyes were still drawn to Dante. With his dark hair, brown eyes and olive skin, he wore black so well. So well in fact, I wanted to leap off my chair, and climb him, until I reached his cock.

Both men wore leather straps around their wrists, about three inches wide, and they wore their masks, as they had the night, they’d come to me. Again, Dante wore the mask so well. Hand him a sword and he really could pass for Zorro. He even had his hair slicked back, and tied at the back of his neck. Holy motherfucking hell, he looked amazing.

I still hadn’t moved, or said anything. I couldn’t seem to get my legs to respond, and since I was confronted by so much gorgeous male flesh, it was possible I’d swallowed my tongue, and just hadn’t realised it yet.

Dante didn’t seem too fazed by my lack of response, walking over to me, his hand coming out, to cup my chin. Applying just enough pressure, he raised my head to, him. When I saw the look, burning hot and intense in his eyes, my mouth fell open and I’m sure for a moment, I gaped, like a fish out of water, at him.

“You look so beautiful cara.” He bent down closer to me, and I could smell him, his hair, his aftershave, and that scent that was all him. “I can’t wait to be inside you.” He whispered in my ear, so the others wouldn’t hear, and I shivered with anticipation.

Before I could respond to his huskily spoken words, his lips covered mine, and I was lost. Lost to his taste, his touch, lost to his scent, lost to everything that was Dante.

When he finally broke the kiss, I half lifted from my seat, trying to get my lips back on his, but he shook his head at me.

“Patience Grace.” He said picking up the black bag he’d brought with them, before nodding to Alex. “We will go and prepare ladies. Do not follow us. We will come for you, when we are ready.”

After they left the room, both Mel and I seemed to sag, like deflating balloons. Her lipstick was looking mussed up, her hair not quite so tidy. Obviously Alex had struck, and rendered her nearly boneless and speechless too.

“What do you think they’re going to do to us?” She finally asked and I shrugged. My body was still in the grip of, the ‘Dante effect’ so stringing even two words together right now, required more effort than I had energy.

Just when I figured I could probably speak, and not sound like I was talking around a mouthful of marbles, Dante and Alex walked back into the kitchen.

Alex walked straight to Mel, and Dante came to me. My eyes lifted to his, but I couldn’t read his expression. He had that look, like he’d had, when he came to fulfil my fantasy. He was in ‘stud mode,’ that much was obvious. 

Dante took one of my hands in his, and raised it to his lips. As he lowered it again, he moved, surprisingly quickly, and before I knew what was happening, one half of a pair of metallic handcuffs, closed around my wrist.

I stared at it in shock, and just raised my head in time, to see Alex doing the same to Mel. He then took her free hand in his, and led her over to Dante and me.

I could see the question in her eyes, that I’m sure was mirrored in mine, but before either of us could speculate too long on it, I was pulled to my feet, my free hand held out to Alex.

He quickly cuffed the other half of Mel’s handcuffs, to my free wrist, so we were now cuffed to one another. The handcuffs that Dante had put on me, still dangled from my other wrist.

It was surprisingly exciting to be restrained like this, and to not know, what was coming next.

Dante began to lead us through the house, and it didn’t take long to realise, he was heading for the indoor/outdoor room, at the back of the house.

It was one of the features I’d fallen in love with, and it had probably been instrumental, in me purchasing the house.

It was a large, open room, with big windows right around it. It had some comfy lounges, and giant cushions scattered around, a long, low coffee table, flat screen TV, and at one end, the few pieces of equipment, Mel and I used, to keep in shape. Well, she used them to keep in shape; I used them to keep myself from expanding. The fact that I’d been plump as a child, made me determined, not to be excessively overweight as a woman, but the reality was, I was curvy, nothing would change that.

The most attractive feature to the room as far as I was concerned, were the huge bi-fold doors, that opened right up, effectively opening one side of the room, to the outdoors.

Outside the doors, was a large paved area, with a barbeque, outdoor lounges, and a nice big solar powered hot tub. Mel and I liked to use it over winter. Something about being, in the cold outdoors, warmed by swirling water, nearly too hot to sit in, sipping wine, and admiring the views over the hills in the distance, just seemed right.

Still, my attention wasn’t on any of the familiar in the room, it was on the changes, made by Dante and Alex. The first obvious change was the lighting in the room. The overhead light had been changed over to a red globe, which cast a dark, intimate kind of glow around the room.

In the dim, seductive lighting, I saw some kind of padded bench, sitting almost centrally in the room. It sort of reminded me of my school days, with the vaulting horse, in gym class. It wasn’t as high though. Made from timber, solid looking, and with a thick, leather pad on the top of it.

I noticed the metal rings at either end of it, top and bottom, which looked like something could be attached to them. As I stared at them, realisation began to dawn. I think Mel and I were going to be tied down to that thing.

Looking at it, I was surprised at how much the prospect, of being restrained, excited me, and when I met Mel’s eyes, I could see the anticipation in hers too.

Tearing my eyes from hers, I turned my attention back on the vaulting horse bench before looking over to the four mirrors, that had been positioned either side of it. There were two on one side, and two on the other, angled, so I could see, that anyone, at the vault, would see everything reflected in them.

Knowing that we’d be able to watch what happened, excited me so much, I felt myself getting wet, and suddenly, any reservations I’d had, about getting naked in front of Mel, evaporated. I was more than ready, for whatever they intended doing to us.

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