Dial a Stud: Dante's Story (35 page)

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Authors: J. A Melville,Bianca Eberle

BOOK: Dial a Stud: Dante's Story
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It was hot, erotic, and combined with what Dante was doing to me, I moaned, long and loud, feeling myself balancing right on the precipice of my own orgasm.

As Alex shuddered through his release, his head came forward again, and he locked eyes with mine. It was like seeing into the man’s soul, watching his pupils dilating, seeing the flood of red to his cheeks and the frantic beat of the pulse in his neck, as he emptied himself into my friend.






Chapter Twenty Three


I’d no sooner started to recover from the sight of watching Mel and Alex come, when my attention was brought abruptly back to the man behind me, with one well aimed, forceful plunge of his cock into me.

“Now it’s your turn cara.” Dante bent towards me, to whisper the words in my ear.

“I…want…you…to…come…too.” The words stuttered from my lips, with every thrust into me. I turned my head enough to meet his eyes, so he would see how much, I wanted him, to join me.

His movements slowed right down, as he lowered his lips to mine in a slow, gentle exploration. When he raised his head, I could see the conflicting emotions, in his beautiful eyes. It was obvious to me, even though he said nothing, that he wasn’t sure he could give me what I wanted.

When his head lifted, and his attention shifted to the others briefly, I knew, I knew he wasn’t comfortable about letting go in front of them. It seemed he could fuck around others; he would have done it a lot when he was a stud probably, but coming seemed to be another thing. He definitely wasn’t as comfortable with it. A part of me sensed it was because; it was such a vulnerable time, those moments of release. A person was exposed, laid open, for all to see, while in the grip of orgasm. Dante’s childhood had been so out of control, he was the other extreme now, so rigid, so determined to hold onto it.

“I love you.” I mouthed to him, as he swivelled his hips, in a gentle motion, watching his love for me, flare in his eyes.

“I don’t know cara.” The words leaving his lips bore traces of doubt. “You know, I’m not done with you yet.”

I pondered his words, which wasn’t easy, with all that was going on with my body, driving me ever closer to my orgasm.

When the butt plug suddenly began to vibrate, I shrieked, hearing Dante’s soft chuckle behind me.

He began to move again, with deep, rhythmic thrusts. If I’d thought I was about to explode before, it was nothing compared to how I was feeling now.

As the powerful strokes of his cock, drove me ever closer to my release, I clenched, hard, tightening like a vice, heightening my own pleasure, and hopefully pushing Dante to the point of no return.

His immediate response, was to roll his hips, before he drove into me hard, so hard, it hurt. That was all it took. I came, violently, shuddering and crying, tears streaming uncontrollably down my cheeks. I couldn’t move; I couldn’t reach for him or do anything to ride out the pleasure. I could only stand there, legs spread, my orgasm tearing through me.

I heard Dante grunt as I began to pulse around him, flooding him with my release, and I willed him silently to come too. Another sound made its way past his lips, a kind of guttural, almost basic, animalistic sound, before he pitched forward over my back.

I felt his breath at my ear; I heard his laboured breathing, as he gasped softly. “You’re going to get your wish.”

The words had barely left his lips, when he thrust awkwardly, a couple more times, before stilling, his big body shaking and blissfully, I felt the warmth inside me as he began to come, filling me, pumping helplessly, emptying into me.

I felt the butt plug suddenly stop vibrating, which was a welcome relief, when I was feeling so sensitive after my orgasm, and obviously Dante couldn’t handle it either, against his cock and balls.

His arms closed around me, dragging my back up hard against his chest, as we both struggled for air. I forced my eyes open, and met Mel’s across the vault.

Alex had obviously freed her already, since she lifted a hand to fan herself, her lips mouthing to me. “That was hot.”

I smiled shakily at her, still too in the grip of my emotions to do more, or even say something coherent to her.

Even Alex shot me a grin, when I turned to him, and he winked, before I saw his attention turn to Dante. Something flashed briefly in his eyes, but since I couldn’t see Dante’s expression; I had no idea what that look represented.

Gently he pulled free of me and quickly removed the butt plug. The sudden feeling of emptiness surprised me, but I welcomed it too, my body feeling more than a little, well used now.

The cuffs at my wrists were released, and I rubbed my hands over them, feeling the dull pain, from when I’d pulled on them without realising. The skin was red, marred by lines where the metal had dug into me, but I knew they’d fade in a day or so.

Dante dropped to undo the cuffs on my ankles, but I found myself blushing furiously, when his cum began to drip from me, as I stood, legs spread from the restraints.

The minute he released me, I brought my legs together, embarrassed by what had just happened. Instantly he was on his feet, his arms closing around me. “Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed cara. I love to see, my cum, dripping from you. It’s my mark on you, in you. You are mine, and mine alone.” He pressed his lips to my ear again, so the others wouldn’t hear. “You know I very rarely come, in front of anyone else when working. I told you this, and you know about my problem. You are my salvation Grace, this oh so sweet, welcoming cunt of yours, is my cure. I love you.”  He pulled my panties back into place, and handed me my robe. “Come, we are finished.”

“So, was that everything you expected my sweet girl?” Alex wrapped an arm around Mel, pulling her in close, so he could press his lips to her temple.

“Hell yes.” She shot him a smile so wide, he blinked and I saw something cross his face. Was it shock, surprise, something that seemed to leave him momentarily speechless?

“Let’s get the hell out of here, and go to bed.” Alex seemed to snap out of, whatever had briefly seemed to bother him, grabbing Mel’s hand, and dragging her towards the doorway.

I watched them go, before turning to Dante. He was staring at the doorway, where Mel and Alex had gone through, a smile on his lips.

When he caught me staring at him, he grinned. “Well, it would seem Alex is smitten with your friend.” He said, and I gaped at him.

“Is that what that was?”

Dante looked down at me. “You saw it too?” He asked, and I nodded.

“Yeah, he momentarily looked like he’d been hit by a truck. Alex is normally so…so…” I faltered, trying to find the right words to describe him.

“He’s carefree, doesn’t take life too seriously cara, but Melanie has stolen his heart. I recognise the symptoms.” He said, running a finger gently down my cheek. “Come, I would like to shower and I suspect you would too.”

I nodded. I loved all that had happened this evening. It had been exciting, arousing, intoxicating, but now I felt sticky and just wanted to get clean, before falling into bed. It had been a long evening. Mel got her fantasy, and I was happy for her, but now I just wanted to shower, and sleep in the arms of the man I loved.




Two weeks later, Dante and I were lying in his bed after he’d made, sweet, gentle love to me.

“I was wondering cara, how you would feel, about your friend and Alex coming with us to Tuscany?”

I rolled over towards him, my hand settling on his chest. “Really; do you think they’ll want to come?”

“I’ve already asked them. I thought it might be a nice opportunity for you, and Melanie to have a holiday, and I’ve always wanted to show Alex the vineyard. I think it will interest him.”

I pressed my lips to the smooth skin over his heart, feeling the steady beat as I kissed him. “You know, you’re very sweet to think of bringing them too. I guess we don’t really need to worry about alone time. What happened a couple of weeks ago, has sort of, taken our friendships to a whole new level, wouldn’t you agree?”

Dante’s arms came around me, half pulling me onto him. “That’s true, but I hope you didn’t like it too much. I don’t really wish to share you with them again. They may not have touched you, but they watched you come, and Alex has touched you and been inside you. I have no desire to share any of you with them again. You are mine, and mine alone, as I am yours.”

As I listened to his words, my heart swelled with love for this man. I could hear the emotion in them and it hit home for me, how hard that night had been for him. Well, both of them really. He didn’t want anyone else touching me or watching me. He was such a complex blend of sweet, sensitive, caring and loving, but he also could be dominant, in the bedroom, possessive and an animal if the mood struck him. I smiled at that. I loved it when he got all possessive. When he not only claimed me, but he consumed me, he owned me. It was extremely exciting.

“So how long are we to be in Tuscany for? I need to know for work. The beauty of the work Mel and I do; is we can do it anywhere. You got internet out at that big old vineyard of yours?”

Dante chuckled. “Of course cara. We even have things like electricity and indoor plumbing.”

I slapped his chest when I realised he was teasing me. “Well, I don’t know. I’ve never been to Italy, and a vineyard in Tuscany sounds beautiful, but remote, and probably not modern.”

“The house is old, but it’s been fully renovated, and offers all the modern conveniences. The vineyard is a mix of the old and new, but it’s all the latest in technology, for the actual making of the wine.”

“So how long are we there for?” I prompted him, for an answer again.

“I’m not sure yet. I have people interested in purchasing it.” He paused for a long moment and finally, curiously, I turned my head to look into his eyes. They were troubled, conflicted, and it hit me, he didn’t want to sell it.

“You don’t want to sell it, do you?”

“No.” He finally admitted, his voice so soft, I nearly missed his answer. “The problem is, I miss it cara. I miss that life, I miss my Grandparents. If it wasn’t for them, I might not be here now. “

His words were very sobering. I knew what he meant. I’d had the support of my family, he hadn’t. His parents never wanted him, well, not until he finally, fit the image of what they saw as appropriate, in their eyes. If he’d been forced back, under their so called care, he would have finished off what he’d once tried to do. To think of this beautiful, sweet man gone, sent a searing pain through my heart, and I couldn’t stop the tears, that began to stream down my face.

Hands tangled in my hair, and my head was forced back, until Dante could see my face. “What is wrong, my beautiful Grace? Why do you cry?”

“Because…because…you didn’t…didn’t deserve the treatment you got. I suddenly realised that if your Grandparents hadn’t taken you in…” I trailed off, reluctant to finish the sentence; instead taking one of his hands, and placing my lips to the uneven ridge, of the scar over his wrist.

“Don’t cry for me cara. We  both know what it’s like to live dark and troubled times, but we came through it, and I can tell you now, being on the other side of that, looking into the bright light of my future, it’s looking pretty damned good. The reason it is of course, because I have you, my beautiful Barbie.”

I smiled through my tears. “Wow, you are such a charmer aren’t you? You know all the right things to say to a girl.”

“Only you, you’re the only woman, I want to charm.”

“I love you Dante. I’m so glad you found me. I want you to be happy though, and I know the vineyard and what to do with it, is tearing at you. Let’s just go there, enjoy it. You can show me your home, your country. You can show me how to make wine. Can I stomp around crushing them, like I’ve seen on TV?”

He laughed quietly at me. “We don’t actually crush the grapes, with our feet any more. As I said, the vineyard is run by the latest, state of the art equipment. No need for pounding all over those poor grapes.”

I pouted at him. “Are you laughing at me?”

His eyes went really wide, with a look of such innocence, I knew it wasn’t real. “Would I do that to you?”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Yes, I do believe you would.” I leaned down and bit his chest, before sucking his flat nipple into my mouth.

I heard him suck in a sharp breath, and smiled to myself. It was funny, how a man’s nipple, could be sensitive, and I already knew Dante’s were.

Movement, out of the corner of my eye, got my attention, and my smile became a smirk, when I saw the sheet had risen.

“You are so easy.” I grinned, sucking at his nipple again.

“Only for you cara, only for you.” He whispered, before dragging me up his chest, his hand at the back of my head. “You have brought me back to life.” His words, and the look in his eyes, nearly brought me to tears again.

“And you, me.” I said, just before his lips closed over mine.





When our plane touched down in Rome, I breathed an enormous sigh of relief. We’d been travelling for hours, and I was exhausted.

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