Divided Souls (Captured Miracle #3) (9 page)

Read Divided Souls (Captured Miracle #3) Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Captured Miracle

BOOK: Divided Souls (Captured Miracle #3)
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The sound of a dish in the sink startled me from my thoughts and my eyes flickered up to where Calix was standing at the sink with a plate in his hand. He was rinsing the dishes, before piling them in the dishwasher. Never in my life had I thought I’d see the day that Calix did dishes. It was nice, to see this powerful man do something so simple and mundane as housework.

Calix turned to my plate, which still had a decent portion of food remaining. Disapproving eyes met mine, but he held his tongue as he plucked a piece of bacon from the plate, before tossing it into his mouth. He chewed slowly, as though needing the action to excuse his silence as he gathered his thoughts. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand erect as the air surrounding us shifted.

Then, he spoke. “Nova, we need to talk.”

My spine stiffened as I straightened in my seat. I don’t know why I bothered - it wasn’t like the motion could build a protective wall against whatever we needed to talk about. “Okay.” I breathed in a shaky breath. “What do we need to talk about?”

The sharp angles of his face softened as he took in my obvious nervousness. “Don’t worry, love. I need to start working on a plan to get out lives back to normal, is all.” He offered me an almost sad smile. “We can’t stay hidden forever.”

“Are you sure?” I asked, completely serious. I mean, I quite liked living hidden away from all the dramatics that came with our lives. I didn’t know if I really wanted to go back to living like normal - I mean, what the hell did normal consist of when it came to my life with Calix? There was no normal.

“I’m sure.” His eyes swept over my face. “My grandmother has no interest in running the company. I’ll have to start working again as soon as possible.”


“Oh?” He frowned and I knew by the ticking in his jaw as he clenched his teeth, that I’d angered him. “What does
mean, Nova?”

I shrugged, before thinking better of allowing silence to hang in the air between us. “What happens to me when you start working again?”

“What do you mean?” He answered without pause. “You’ll be joining me when I leave on business, Nova. We won’t be separating again, love. I won’t risk it.”

“Do you promise?” I asked, hating that I felt like a needy, overbearing girlfriend. But, the honest to God truth, was that I couldn’t fathom not being with him. I’d already been forced to spend time away from Calix, and I had no intentions, what-so-ever, to willingly separate myself from him again. I needed assurance, needy girlfriend persona be damned!

For a moment, Calix simply stared at me through his haunted cobalt eyes. And then he moved around the counter so quickly, I felt my heart race. His large hands gripped my hips as he forced the swivel stool to spin around until my body was facing him. His hands moved with a seductive kind of slow from where they rested against my hips, to my thighs, and then to my knees where he forced my legs to spread wide. I was instantly conscious that I was dressed in only his t-shirt, as the cool air touched the sensitive place between my legs.

Feeling a stinging blush flame in my cheeks, Calix stepped forward until he was standing between my legs. When he spoke, his voice was husky and filled with awareness. “I promise, Nova. We will never separate again.”

The validation in his deep voice sent shivers pulsing through my entire body. I wanted to lift my hands to capture the back of his neck so that I could pull his mouth to mine, but I couldn’t move. So I spoke instead. “Okay.” I blinked up at him, trying to hide the sudden overflow of emotion I felt begging for release. “What’s the plan then?”

His shoulders stiffened and I knew this wasn’t going to be good. “I need to know everything you told them when you got home, Nova.”

“What?” I gasped. “Why?”

“Because, if I know the story you crafted, I can work with it.”

“Work with it?” I whispered. “How?”

“I can create a story that will coincide with yours, love.” He explained gently, but despite the gentle overtone to his voice, I knew he was anxious. I could sense it. “I can acquire evidence to support our stories.”

“I didn’t talk to anyone, Calix.”

“You didn’t talk to the police?” He raised a disbelieving brow. “Your father didn’t force you to see a shrink?”

I shook my head, feeling uncertain and frustrated. “I did - talk to them.” I admitted. “I just didn’t tell them what actually happened.”

“What did you tell them?” He asked softly, crooking his head so that his breathtaking eyes met mine. “Tell me everything.”

“I told them I ran away with you! I told them we’d been having an affair for almost two years - because that was how long you said you’d been watching me, Calix. I told them we married because we were in love - that we had a beautiful wedding with wonderful guests. I told them you exceeded my every dream of my wedding day.” I felt a tear slip from my eye, but I’d started and I couldn’t stop now. “I said we were trying for a baby, Calix. I told them you were gentle and caring with me - that you gave me everything I ever needed - and that you would never ever hurt me. I told them we were planning to come back to my family to tell them of the pregnancy - that we were so excited. I said this was all a horrible misunderstanding, Calix.”


I cut him off, because I had more to say. “I know my family didn’t believe a word I said, and my father is convinced that I have Stockholm syndrome, but I don’t care what he thinks. The police stepped back after I’d given my unchanging statement on three separate occasions. They told my father that there was no legal action they could take against you, unless I admitted to being kidnapped and held by you, which I refused to do - even though I wasn’t even positive that you were alive!” I screamed the last words, before whispering. “The police say, that until they receive incriminating evidence that can hold in a court of law, that it is all hearsay.” I was a blubbering mess by now, and I honestly don’t know how Calix understood my words, but I didn’t stop talking. I just couldn’t.

“I talked about all the wonderful times we had together to the therapist. I told her how we fell in love. I told her you would bring me macaroons - my favorite treat - when you’d been away on business trips. I told her I was free in your house, and that I could have contacted my family at any point while you’d been away on business. I told her to check my body for signs of abuse, because there would be none. You’d never abused me, and you’d never hurt me.” I sucked in a breath. “I told her how you knew all my favorite foods, and my breakfast of choice. I told her you refused to buy any soap that wasn’t honey scented, because you knew I loved it. I told her to check your house for the soap, because she’d find it. I told her that you flooded our wedding day with my favorite flowers, Calix - and that there were pictures of our very happy day. I told her how you know me in a way no one has ever known me. That no man would care to know everything about a woman he didn’t love, as deeply and intimately as you loved me - I know she believes me, Calix. I

“Love,” Calix pulled my body against his hard chest after quickly chasing away my tears with the pads of his thumbs. “Did no one ask you why you ran away, rather than introducing me to your family like normal?”

I sniffled, pulling away to look into his beautiful face. “They asked.”

“What did you tell them?” He held his breath and I had a feeling that this answer could change everything.

Sucking in a deep breath for courage, I replied. “I told them there was bad blood between you and my father. I said that I thought if we ran away and got married, I could force my father’s acceptance of us.”


“I think half the police force believes me and I’m confident my therapist believes me.” I announced. “It doesn’t matter though, because they have no evidence, Calix! I gave them

“Good.” He nodded brusquely. “You told no one the truth, then?”

I winced as though he’d slapped me. “Um,”

“Nova,” his voice was thick with fear. “Who did you tell?”

“I told Jaylah everything.” I admitted warily, worrying my bottom lip violently.

“Why would you do that?” He shook his head exasperatedly. His eyes were searching mine desperately and I felt an instant need to defend my actions.

“Because she promised to help me get back to you!” I paused, frantically gripping his bare shoulders. “She helped me, Calix. Even after knowing everything, she helped me get back to you.”

“Why?” His eyes were tortured.

“She knows how much I love you - regardless of all the darkness, all the bad, she knows how much I love you.” I couldn’t seem to stop myself from repeating the words over and over again. “She knows, Calix. She knows how much I love you. I love you.
I love you!

“Shhh, love.” His hand moved beneath my hair to cup the nape of my neck. “It’s alright. Everything will be alright.”

“I love you.” I whispered against the soft skin of his neck, inhaling the scent that ran through my veins like a drug - with every inhalation I was that much more dependent on him. When I spoke again, I’d never uttered truer words. “I can’t live without you.”

“I love you too, Nova.” He pulled away to kiss my lips gently, before commanding firmly. “Go upstairs and take a shower.”

I shook my head. “No, I don’t want to leave,”

He pinned me with icy blue eyes. “Nova, go upstairs and take a shower. I have a few calls to make, and then I’ll join you.”

Feeling defeated, I nodded obediently before I froze in place. “You won’t hurt her - Jaylah - will you?”

The skin around his eyes tensed as the intense blue orbs, rimmed in long thick ebony lashes, narrowed threateningly. He didn’t find my question, in the least, amusing.

His hand caught my chin between firm fingers, forcing my eyes remain on his as he spoke slowly, and clearly. “I will never do anything, of intention, that may cause you pain again, Nova. Hurting Jaylah, or any other member of your family would cause you pain.” He paused shortly. “Do you understand what I am saying to you?”

I nodded. “You won’t hurt her.”

His jaw tensed. “I’m glad we’ve cleared that, love. Now,” his body was stiff as he moved away from me. “Go shower. I will join you soon.”

This time, I didn’t argue his command. I slipped from the stool and made my way across the floor to the stairs. As I climbed them, I didn’t once look back.

Chapter 10

I’d been here, in this house in Sitka Alaska, with Calix, for five days now. I’d begged him, repeatedly, to take me into town so that I could explore the beauty of Alaska, but he’d firmly refused each time. I was growing awfully bored of being cooped up in the house, and since all the clothing Calix had ordered for me had arrived yesterday, I was feeling an exploratory walk around our little, or rather quite large, island.

Stretching against Calix’s warm naked body in the bed, I shifted to face him. My movement roused him, because his arms tightened around my frame as though he feared I might try to get away, but his eyes never opened.

I whispered. “Good morning.”

Nothing. The man was trying, determinedly, to hold onto his sleep.

That was not going to happen. “Calix?” I wiggled against him and I felt the proof of his awareness as his arousal grew against my thigh. “I know you’re awake.” I stated in hushed tones. “I’m going to get dressed in some of my new clothes and then I’m going outside.”

His blue eyes opened quickly, startling me. “No you’re not.”

“Calix.” I sighed his name heavily. “I don’t want to be inside anymore. I want to go for a walk. We’ve been here for five days and no one has even passed by the island. Please, let me explore.”


I wiggled against him, purposefully spreading my legs at just the right time to feel his thick length stroke against my already moist core. “Please,” I breathed.

He groaned accusatorily. “You’re a tease.”

“Is it working?”

Suddenly, I wasn’t lying on my side facing him anymore. Instead, I was sprawled with my back against the bedding with Calix hovering above me. His hard weight against my soft body was a decadent feeling I would trade for nothing. My heart raced in my chest as I waited for him to make his next move.

“I don’t know, love.” He smirked down at me. “You tell me - is it working?”

I guessed I was the one who would be making the next move after all, because there was no way I was allowing him to win this battle. I would be going outside if I had to disobey him - but I wanted his permission. Actually, I wanted him to join me.

Looking up at him hotly, I spread my legs wider before wrapping them around his hips. I felt his ready cock poke against my opening and I inhaled sharply, as I took him inside in one slow dive.

A moan broke from his mouth as his eyes widen in shocked surprise and I gasped. “I think it’s you, Calix, who should tell me, if my art of seduction needs work.”

“Fuck me,” he dropped his head into the nook of my shoulder, nipping me gently between kisses. “You’re amazing.” He whispered.

And then I felt his hips move against mine as he dove deep before pulling out to repeat the motions over and over again. It wasn’t the sweet kind of lovemaking he’d been getting me used to, and I appreciated that. Instead, it was a quick, irrational, yet so very rational, kind of lovemaking that made everything inside of me warm to a dizzying state of bliss. The man, in all his wonderfulness, was euphoric.

I felt the familiar swelling of his release inside of me before my body tightened around him as my own orgasm ripped through me in pulsing waves of ecstasy. When we came down from our high, and his lips broke from mine, I beamed up at him. It wasn’t yet 8:30 a.m. and I was already thoroughly sated. Yes, I had a haunch that today was going to be a very good day.

“So?” I breathed up at him as he grinned down at me.

“You’re a definite expert in the art of seduction.” He grinned.

I squealed with excited delight before asking hopefully. “Does that mean we’re going for a walk?”

He nodded and I wiggled underneath him, eager to get myself dressed and ready. As he rolled off of me, and I dove for the side of the bed, I felt his hand land on the bare flesh of my ass and I yelped.

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