Divided Souls (Captured Miracle #3) (5 page)

Read Divided Souls (Captured Miracle #3) Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Captured Miracle

BOOK: Divided Souls (Captured Miracle #3)
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“We don’t have a lot of time to get you ready, Nova. We need to move quick and I need your utmost compliance.”

I nodded. “Okay.”

“I’ve been instructed not to completely ruin your hair. Apparently, your hair is one of Mr. McKnight’s favorite features.”

“Um?” I watched as his large body moved from the entrance to a small door across the apartment and to the left side. Hesitantly, I followed him.

I found Officer Michael Andean in the bathroom with a suitcase filled with expensive looking wigs splayed open on the floor. There was makeup on the bathroom vanity and contacts - blue - sitting next to the makeup.

“We’ll both need to alter our appearances multiple times throughout our travels, Nova.” He gestured to the tools currently laying over every surface of the bathroom. “I have a makeup artist joining us in about,” he lifted his wrist to glance at his watch. “No more than five minutes.”

My mouth opened to utter - I actually don’t know
I was going to say. My mind was trying to work through the
- I was trying to
- the journey I was facing before I would see Calix.

A knock on the door interrupted my words before they’d even been decided and Officer Michael Andean brushed past me. I heard the door open and I heard a female voice fill the space. Then, time seemed to slow as my overloaded brain strained to play catch-up.


I don’t know how many stops we made before I found myself being driven outside the city to a small private airport, but surely we stopped more times than necessary. I’d worn so many disguises, that I was beginning to wonder what the real me looked like again. Currently, as the car rolled to a stop, my hair was long and blond. The wig had been weaved into my own hair so flawlessly I honestly couldn’t tell that it wasn’t real. My eyes were no longer brown, but instead, they were a dull blue - almost gray. Hell, even the shape of my face had changed with the use of a little morticians wax here and there, making my cheekbones appear almost - higher. Shadowing of concealer, powder, bronzer and blush gave a whole new outline to my face - features I’d never before knew I could possess.

Gone was my appearance of constant innocence. My doe eyes had been lined with the perfect amount of eyeliner to make their shape look less round and more - sharp. My lips weren’t a soft shade of pink, but instead, they’d been stained a deep nude, redrawn to look more full with a pencil of lip liner. I was beautiful, but it wasn’t the beauty I was attracted to. It was a cold kind of beauty that those I knew who possessed it, seemed to lack basic humanity.

My body didn’t recognize the fabric resting against it’s every inch, hugging every curve. The pantsuit and jacket restricted my movement in a way that my chiffon dresses, leggings and sweaters never had. I honestly couldn’t tell you how people wore these every day. It was horrible.

The car stopped and I peered outside the tinted window at a man I didn’t recognize standing beside the stairs to board the plane. A long sigh fell from my lips as Officer Michael Andean, who also no longer looked a thing like himself, stood from the car to round to my side. He opened the door and I stepped out onto the concrete. The sharp sound of my spiked heels clicking against the platform made me flinch.

Officer Michael Andean spoke quietly. “This is where I leave you now, Mrs. McKnight.”

My eyes swung to him before shooting to the man standing beside the stairs leading up into the plane. “Is that - Neil?”

He nodded. “He will take you to Mr. McKnight.” His eyes softened slightly on my face. “It’s been a pleasure, Nova.”

I forced a smile. We both knew that the time we had spent together had been anything but a pleasure. Instead of agreeing with him, I asked. “Will you be seeing my sister again, Officer?”

The only hint of surprise his face gave to me was the small raise of his brow. When he replied, there was no hesitation in his voice. “Yes.”

I narrowed my eyes on his face. “Because you want to, or because you’ve been ordered to maintain a relationship with her?” I hurried to continue at the dark look in his eyes. “I’m only asking, because she’s my baby sister, and it’s my job to protect her.” I held his eyes with my own. “She really - likes you.”

Slowly, a grin formed on his lips. “I’m seeing her because I want to. She will remain safe, I can assure you of that, Nova.”

“Good.” I breathed a breath of relief. “Do me a favor then?”

Wary eyes connected with mine. “What would this favor be?”

A mischievous grin stretched my lips. “Be the man who gently, but effectively, enforces that girl to stop with the profanity.” I huffed. “It’s - well, it’s unladylike.”

He barked an unexpected laugh and his eyes twinkled as he looked down into my face. “I think I can manage that.”

“And,” I paused to catch the emotions I felt running through me. “Take care of her.”

Once again, his eyes softened. “Will do, Mrs. McKnight.”

I turned toward Neil and the plane, and as I walked, I didn’t once look back.

Chapter 6

We landed once to refuel before we took off again. I was exhausted, but I couldn’t sleep. Not only was I excessively uncomfortable in the pantsuit, but I was excited and nervous all in one. It had been nearly two months since I had seen my husband.

The end of November was nearing and I was somewhere around ten weeks pregnant. I hadn’t started showing yet, but I had noticed my clothing fitting different. My skin felt almost tighter and my appetite wasn’t nearly what it had been before the pregnancy. I’d thought I’d want to eat more - but I didn’t. Eating myself into a feeling of fullness never failed to spark a wave of active nausea. I hated feeling sick to my stomach, so I refrained from eating so much that I found myself feeling full. I was pretty sure that although my pants were fitting tighter around my waist, I’d lost weight since becoming pregnant.

“When we land, we will have arrived at our destination.” Neil stated, his voice rumbling into the silence. “Calix will be waiting for you.” His eyes moved over my face. “And I doubt he would want to see you looking this way.”

I blinked. “I don’t know how to take all this off.” I gestured to the entirety of my body - that was more makeup and artificial hair than anything else.

Neil smiled. “The morticians wax is easily removed. Just peel it back from your skin.” He raised from his chair to move across the cabin to me. “I’ll help you with your wig.”

I grinned, unable to stop the disbelief ringing in my tone as I asked, “You know how to remove a wig that’s been weaved into the hair?”

“I ensure I am trained for every situation I am faced with.” He stated matter of fact.

I giggled. “That’s adorable.”

“Efficient.” His tone was clipped. “It is in no way adorable.” I felt his fingers in my hair, working the wig from my real strands. “But you better be nice to me, or I just might forget how to do this without pulling.”

I snorted. “You wouldn’t.”

“Try me.”

“I’ll tell on you.” I threatened with a smirk.

He chuckled. “It’ll be your word against mine.”

I huffed playfully. It felt nice to jab words with Neil. I’d missed him - without even realizing it. Sighing, I leaned back in the chair, enjoying the feel of his fingers working the wig loose. “Thank you, Neil.”

“It is my job, Nova.” He spoke softly. “But, you’re welcome.”

I smiled, knowing how very difficult it was for him to accept my thanks.

When he was finally finished, he tossed the wig into the trash and I ran my fingers through my hair, loving the feeling of freedom I knew I wouldn’t take for granted any time soon. “This feels amazing.”

He smiled. “Go shower and clean yourself back to normal. We’ll be landing in an hour in Sitka.”

“Sitka?” I raised a brow. “Do you mean Alaska?”

Neil nodded. “Yes, I mean Alaska.”

“Wow.” I couldn’t help the slow smile that formed on my lips. “I’ve always wanted to see Alaska.”

Neil smiled. “Shower.” He pointed to the small hall. “Now.”

“Okay, okay,” I waved him off. “I’m going.”


By the time I’d finished showering and dressing myself in the clothing I’d found sitting on the vanity of the plane - thankfully a pair of spandex pants and a loose beige sweater - we were nearing the landing. I knew, because as soon as I met Neil in the cabin, he pointed to my chair.

“Sit and buckle up.” He grinned. “We’ll be landing soon.”

I hurried to do as he commanded, as though completing his request would get me to Calix that much quicker. I knew it wouldn’t. Buckling myself in the seat sooner wouldn’t make the pilot fly the plane any faster, but it didn’t stop my hopeful mind from its fantasy.

Inside my chest, my heart was a thundering mess of nervous, excited, anticipation-filled beats. I would soon see Calix. I would soon be in the arms of my husband, my lover, and my captor. Yes, Calix was still my captor. He’d been the man who’d taken my body against my will - the man who’d forced my mind into acceptance and my heart into obedience. He was the captor of my soul - because without him - I felt divided. Over the course of my time without Calix, I had come to the realization, however devastating, that in order for my soul to thrive in this world, it needed to stand connected to his. He was the drug that would destroy me - but he was also the medication that healed my every wound. Calix was the monster who owned me and the man who loved me all at once. And if I were being honest, I wouldn’t change it if I could.

My belly fluttered and I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the seat as the plane began its descent. I felt good, clean, and happy. Without all the junk that was the wig and makeup, I felt like me again. And now that I was nearing my reunion with Calix, the
that I had come to know was so blissfully happy.

I felt as though I were finally coming


As soon as the door opened and the stairs had been assembled, my legs took me down them as though they had a mind of their own. The black asphalt of the mini airport pad was shimmering from the drizzle falling from the heavy clouds above, and when I breathed, a puff of white appeared in the air as my warm breath met with the chilled air.

My eyes wasted no time in locating Calix. With only one quick sweep over the lot, I noticed a black SUV - a Range Rover - and beside the drivers door was Calix. He was leaning against the SUV, looking decadent as ever. His blue eyes were frozen on me and his face was set in a mask of sternness that I refused to pay mind to. His wore dark jeans, and his legs were crossed at the ankles. A black jacket had been buttoned right up to his chin and his arms were crossed over his broad chest.

I didn’t think, as I ran across the distance between us. Taking him in, his tousled ebony hair, his firm angular jaw, and his deep blue eyes - so deep and blue they reminded me of the ocean - a blue I could drown in.

Seconds before my body collided with his, he unfolded his arms from his chest and opened them wide, ever ready to catch me. So many things happened inside of me as my body met with his, and our divided souls connected. The dam that had been holding back my tears broke away and the floodgates released an emotion so potent, the sob that escaped my lips was a sound that made my skin pebble with goosebumps. His arms closed around me, holding me tight, cradling me.

I’d only known Calix for a matter of months - and at first I had struggled with the blissful feeling of his arms holding me tight, but not anymore. I never wanted Calix to release me again - for as long as I lived.

Tilting my face toward the warm flesh of his neck, I breathed in his scent. It was crisp and warm and all Calix McKnight. Everything about the man, from his scent, to the cool heat in his eyes, to the blistering damnation that was his love, held me captive. And, I was hopeless, because I couldn’t imagine another way of living my life.

“Calix,” I breathed his name, my body quaking against his as my emotions forced my body and mind to acknowledge their presence. For almost two months, I had been banishing my emotions to the back of my mind, ignoring them. But now that I was here with Calix, I let myself fall apart, because I knew he was the only man capable of putting all the pieces of me back together.

“Love,” his voice was strangled, and I felt his hand slipping beneath my hair to cup the nape of my neck. Gently, but firmly - in a style that was entirely Calix - he tilted my head back, forcing me to show him my face. His eyes moved over my face, and I knew the darkness in his expression was one to worry about, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t worry about anything but remaining here with him - my husband.

He sighed and the puff of white twirled in the air around his lips. “We need to get you into the car, love. The air is cold and you’re not dressed appropriately.”

Calix’s eyes peered over my head and I knew he was glaring intimidatingly at Neil. Thankfully, he didn’t glare long. His hand moved to grip my wrist, before he guided me to the other side of the Range Rover. I stood beside him, feeling lost and confused, as Calix opened the door. I didn’t fight him as he placed me into the passenger seat, buckling me in. My heart was squeezing in my chest as I tried to understand the coolness of the man who had never been anything but burning hot toward me. I couldn’t take my eyes from his handsome face as he pulled back to close the door. He paused, as though on an afterthought, and leaned into me once again. His hand cupped the side of my face and he pressed his lips against my forehead.

Sucking in a trembling breath, I bit my tongue to keep the words I wanted to scream from sounding.
Is this the way a husband greets his wife after months of separation - by a kiss on the forehead?

As Calix pulled back, I closed my eyes to keep my tears from falling. My efforts were wasted, because one tear squeezed determinedly through my lids to roll down my face. A sharp breath caught in Calix’s voice, and I felt his thumb chase away my tear, before he pulled away and closed the door of the Range Rover.

Chapter 7

I’d never been in a car with Calix, that he was driving. Sitting in the passenger seat with my husband at the wheel felt weird. I couldn’t help but wish we were in the back, with a driver, the way we had always ridden together in the past. I couldn’t help but think that if we were in the back, and someone else was driving us, maybe Calix would be touching me. Why wasn’t he touching me? Why did I sense that the man I had worked so hard to reunite myself with didn’t want me?

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