Dominated (13 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Dominated
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“So hot, baby. So tight,” he stated as he pushed two fingers into her pussy. “God, I love how your pussy grips my fingers.”

She moaned again. She might have said something into the pillow, but it wasn’t intelligible.

Still holding her waist, Gabe guided his cock between her and stroked it over her pussy. She writhed against him. Her arousal filled the room.

“I’m going to take you from behind now, Kathleen. Try not to make too much noise. We could have neighbors, you know.”

He knew that had been the farthest thing from her mind, and he loved how she flinched in fear of being heard. It added to her angst.

Gabriel gripped both of her hips and pressed his cock home in one quick pass.

Kathleen sucked in a breath and he held still deep inside her, waiting for her to release the oxygen from her lungs.

When she finally exhaled, he squeezed her hips. “Good girl. You okay?”

“Move,” she demanded.

He grinned. Perhaps she could give as good as she took. He certainly didn’t feel unmanned when she spoke to him like that.

He didn’t have intentions of letting her have the upper hand too often, but if she wanted to feel like she had some control occasionally, he’d let her top from the bottom. Whatever made her happy. Hell, whatever caused that mewling sound she emitted was worth it to him any day of the week.

He was so deep inside her, but it wasn’t quite enough for her. She squirmed against him, desperate for more contact.

Gabe pulled out and flipped her onto her back so fast, she gasped, wide eyed. He tugged the sheet from the end of the bed and pulled her arms over her head. Before she had a chance to argue, he’d tied her wrists to the headboard and wiggled his way down her body.

She moaned, her mouth opening and closing but no words coming out.

He loved to make her speechless. Meant he was doing his job correctly.

Settling between her spread legs, he sucked a nipple into his mouth while he pinched the other one hard enough for her to buck her chest upward. “Gabe,” she moaned. “I’m. . ."

“I know, baby. Let it go. Let me make you feel good. Stop trying to hold back.”

“You make my head spin. I can’t think.”

“Don’t think. Feel. I’m going to make you come now. Over and over.” This was the reason he was a Dom. He truly wanted his women to enjoy the event and lots of women needed this show of force in order to let themselves go. His mate was no exception. She held back on him and didn’t let her mind release enough to fall over the edge.

The simple act of tying her hands above her head made her vulnerable to his touch. It gave her the permission she needed to come for him.

He sucked her nipple in harder until she panted and wiggled to get away.

With her legs spread wide, she couldn’t escape the pressure he had against her pussy.

His own cock ached, demanding release after being stifled by this new position. But he wouldn’t appease the fellow until Kathleen came. It wasn’t his style.

He reached between their bodies and stroked her clit with his thumb.

She moaned. “Gabe, please.”

“What, baby. Tell me what you want, Kathleen.”

“I need you inside me.”

“And you shall have me, just after you orgasm. Come for me, Kathleen.”

He watched her grit her teeth, trying so hard to maintain control. He knew she really did crave his cock inside her pussy, but if he did that now, she might not come before he did. And that wasn’t acceptable.

He stroked between her lower lips, drawing out more of her moisture.

She fought the need to come. He glanced up at her face and watched the war battling in her expression.

“Come, Kathleen,” he demanded. “Do it and I’ll give you what you want.”

Her mouth opened and she tipped her head back, a sign that told him she was close.

Finally, he plunged two fingers into her core again and stroked them over her G-spot.

She dug her heels into the mattress to gain some purchase.

He pressed her thighs down tighter and dislodged her. “Stop fighting it, Kathleen. You won’t win. I want to watch you come apart.”

In a spit second, without warning, he slipped down her body, held her thighs firmly with his free hand and his shoulder, and sucked her clit into his mouth.

She bucked, gasping and mumbling incoherently.

He sucked harder and flicked the swollen nub with his tongue.

She stiffened almost instantly and let go. Her body convulsed as he sucked, her pussy gripping his fingers in a stronghold. He smiled against her shaved skin, so glad she had finally let him have it. Her orgasms were his, and he would ensure she never went very long without having one.

Before she finished pulsing, he climbed back up her body and pressed his cock into her tight channel. She felt like heaven. His vision blurred as he rode her, each pass drawing his balls up tighter. He’d been so wound up he knew he couldn’t last long. And he’d been right. It didn’t take much for him to come, his cock pressed in to the hilt, his orgasm squirting against her cervix.

It took several moments for him to regain his senses. When he did, he collapsed to the side of her and drew her into his embrace. Her arms were still tangled in the sheet she was tied to over her head, but he didn’t care. He intended to tie her hands over her head often, loving the way her breasts rose and her chest pinkened under the domination.

He rained kisses over her lips, her cheeks, her neck. “You’re mine.”

“Yes. I believe I am.”

“We’re going to be okay, you know that, don’t you?”

“Yes.” She tugged her arms and he finally reached above her to release them.

As she wiggled free, she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back. “Is it always going to be that intense?”

“Probably not, but I’ll do my best to ensure it is as often as possible. I want you to keep me around.” He swatted her ass playfully as he teased her.

“What are we going to do now?” she asked, her voice fading as she grew tired.


“I mean after that.”

“Anything we want, baby. I have two weeks off work. The sky’s the limit. As long as we’re together, I don’t care where we go. I just want to fuck you senseless as many times as possible until neither of us can walk before I have to go back to work and leave you during the day.”

He felt her smile as she grinned against his chest. “Anything?”

Oh, she was going to test him every step of the way. And he was going to love it.

About the Author

Becca Jameson lives in Atlanta, Georgia. When she isn’t writing, she can be found reading, editing, scrapbooking, running, swimming, biking, or taxiing kids. After enjoying several years on the editing side of the business, she decided to give writing a try. Now she can’t stop! And the voices in her head are clamoring to get out faster than she can get them onto “paper”. Becca writes both contemporary romance and paranormal, but there is no telling what she may come up with next.


Taliesin Publishing thrives on introducing you to new authors and stories. If you enjoyed this book, please continue reading for  an excerpt of the next book in this series, as well as excepts of other stories releasing soon we think you’ll love. And if you do, please spread the word.

Taliesin Publishing
Where great stories give birth to legends.
Completed by Becca Jameson
Coming January 2014
Chapter One

Samantha Albertson reached across the desk and grabbed her cell phone with an exasperated sigh. The persistent ring tone assigned to her brother jarred her from her work. She was neck deep in paperwork, trying to find a loophole somewhere in this case she had spread out all over her office.

“Gabe.” She knew her voice sounded clipped, but she couldn’t spare him more than a minute. As a defense attorney, she was busy even when she slept, especially when she picked up a case as a public defender.

“Hi, Sam. What? That’s all I get. Just, Gabe?” He chuckled, his low voice vibrating through the connection and making her smile.

She leaned back in her seat and tipped her head toward the ceiling. The tendrils of hair that had escaped her makeshift bun fell back from her face, clearing her vision.

“You work too hard,” he stated.

“Sorry. I’m in the middle of a case, and. . . Yeah, you know the drill. You should talk.” Hell, Gabe was hardly better than her. The man hadn’t come up for air in ten years ever since he’d left home for college and then medical school and residency.

“Not so much anymore, no. And I gotta tell ya, living life to its fullest has its benefits.” He chuckled again.

Samantha shivered. “Spare me the details, would ya?” Gabe had been to the biennial wolf gathering last month and met his mate. No doubt the man had been . . . occupied, ever since.
Lucky bastard

“Just sayin’. . .”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. What’s up?” She really didn’t have time to dawdle. She leaned forward and glanced at her desk, tapping her pencil on the small sliver of wood visible between haphazard stacks of paper.

She really needed to clean up a bit before she totally lost everything in this office.

“I have a friend—”

“Oh, God, no,” she moaned. “I never like a sentence that starts with ‘I have a friend.’ It always implies free work for me. And I’m already deep into a pro bono case as it is.”

“Not this time.” Gabe paused. His voice had sounded significantly more serious. “His name is Joshua Rice. I went to med school with him and now he lives in St. Louis. He works at Children’s Hospital.”

Hmm, a doctor?
Not likely he needed free legal advice. But. . . “Gabe, I know very little about medical malpractice.”

“It’s not about him. It’s his sister.” The grave voice turned even more serious.


“He’s concerned about her. She’s been essentially missing for a few years and he’s worried she’s being coerced by her husband.”


“Maybe. He’s not sure. But the signs are there. Isolation. Disappearing for long periods of time. Little to no contact with her family. He has a private investigator looking for her, but he wants to get a lawyer now before he finds her, just in case.”

In case what?
She shivered. Any number of possibilities came to mind. “How long has it been since he’s heard from her this time?”

“Over a year.”

She sighed. Not the kind of story she liked to hear. It rarely turned out well. If this sister was a willing participant in her abuse, there was usually little anyone could do to extricate her from the situation. And then there was worse-case scenario, she was dead. That’s when a lawyer really did come in rather handy.

“Give him my info. I’m swamped this week, but send him by. I’ll see what I can piece together to get started.”

“Thanks, Sam.” Gabriel mumbled something she couldn’t hear and then giggled. Giggled?


“Sorry. Kathy’s . . . she’s. . .” His voice was breathy.

“TMI.” Samantha smiled. Thank God one of them had found a mate. She truly was jealous of him, even though she didn’t have time for such a thing herself. “When am I going to meet this mate of yours?”

“Well, if you hadn’t been so damn busy, you’d’ve met her at the gathering. Maybe. . .”

“Sure, ’cause you would have taken precious time out of your wooing schedule to make pleasant introductions and sit down for tea,” she teased. Matings didn’t work that way. Samantha wasn’t ignorant. Normally when two shifters met, all bets were off for anything they’d had planned individually for weeks.

Samantha knew Gabriel and Kathleen had had a rockier start than that, but still.

Gabe laughed, a deep sound that reminded her of childhood. When had he laughed like that since they’d become adults? Kathleen was good for him. He sounded more relaxed. He deserved some fun.

“True. And I’m not really willing to share yet. Soon. I promise.” He whispered again, the muffled sound of his hand over the phone telling her it was time to hang up.

“Okay, I’ve gotta go. I’ll be watching for your friend.” She hung up before he could even respond.

Crazy newly mated couples. Why on earth were they always so involved with each other that the rest of the planet ceased to exist? She’d seen lots of claimings over the years when she’d been a child. The Wolf Gathering occurred every other spring at her parent’s home in Oklahoma. It wasn’t as though she could avoid the festivities.

But really? Was the mating process as disgustingly vomit-inducing as it appeared? Somehow she’d always known she wasn’t the kind of person who would fall for all that craziness. She was a strong woman. Lived on her own. Worked hard. Dated little. Chances of her ever running into a perfect match were slim. What man wanted to fall for a woman like her? Especially shifters. They tended to fall for demure sweet quiet girls.

She did not fit that bill. There wasn’t a demure bone in her body and she wouldn’t bow down to any man’s wishes, human or shifter. Fate had a way of pairing wolves up and She surely recognized the vain attempts to select a partner for Samantha years ago.

A Flight of Thieves by David Bridger
Coming October 2013
Chapter One

Victoria smiled at the tall robot footman striding toward her along the upper eastern gallery.

“Good morning, Princess.” He inclined his head as he swept by. “Doctor Q requested anyone who sees you to relay the message that your sled is repaired.” He turned the corner into the north wing.

“Thank you,” she called after him.

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