Double Bind (2 page)

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Authors: Kathryn Michaela

BOOK: Double Bind
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For a moment a genuine smile slipped across his face.
It startled her, because it was the sort of heart-stopping smile that made girls swoon.
She suddenly realized that he really would be a stud if he could get that irritating cockiness off his face.
Also, it would help if he wasn’t trying to put her in jail for something that she didn’t do.

He looked back down at the folder before him, and his smile faded.
“Last night a very dangerous chemical was released into the water main.
The system registered the toxin, and we were able to remove it before it got out into the city, but only by luck.”

Sarah paled a little.
That really did sound appalling.
“Did anyone get hurt?”

He looked at her, his face unreadable.
After a pause, he shook his head.
“No. We were lucky and caught it in time.
That doesn’t make it any less of a crime.”
He looked meaningfully at Sarah, and she met his gaze squarely.

“Are you sure it wasn’t an accident or anything?”

He raised his eyebrows a little.
“We’re positive.”

Sarah still held his gaze.
She wasn’t guilty, and she wasn’t going to let him think she was.
“Well, I hope you catch whoever it was.
It wasn’t me though, so you’re really going to want to pick up the pace to catch them.”

Sarah started to get up, and Detective Snyder slammed one hand down on the table, hard.
She jerked, swallowing hard, and sat back down.
He watched her for a moment, and then nodded once.
“Thank you.”

Sarah did her best not to scowl, but it was getting harder.
I didn’t do it.
I didn’t even know it happened, how was I supposed to be the one who did it?”

Detective Snyder cleared his throat, pulling a slip of paper out from the file.
“Did you have access to the chemical compound ESPRY-31178, and similar compounds currently being researched at

Sarah blinked.
Her research group had been working on the
project for years.
It was supposed to be the next big breakthrough in cancer treatments.
It was far from ready for production though.
Even when it was done it wasn’t the sort of thing you just put into water.
A single drop injected into a tumor would kill the cancer instantly.
She could barely imagine what would happen if people ingested it.

The thought horrified her enough that she almost forgot to answer.
Detective Snyder cleared his throat again, and she jerked.
I mean, they are in the lab where my research team works, so I probably have access.”

He nodded, his face serious.
“Are you currently in possession of a
keycard, number C3445-67913?”

Sarah reached for her keycard, but it wasn’t hanging from her neck.
She gripped the empty air for a second before she shrugged.
“That might be the number on it.
I don’t know.”

He nodded, shuffling more papers out around him.
“Did you receive a money transfer amounting to twenty five thousand dollars a week ago?”

Sarah said, startled.
“I wish I had.
I could seriously use that much money.”

He didn’t blink, but pushed a paper toward her.
“I’m afraid that we have bank statements that disagree with you.”

Sarah looked down at the paper before her.
It was clearly her bank statement, pathetically low until that massive payout a week before.
The numbers stood there clear and plain.

She looked up to stare at him.
“I didn’t even know that money was there.”

He pulled out more papers.
“Did you not purchase a plane ticket for the Dominican Republic, dated today at 7 pm?”

Sarah was starting to worry.

“So this isn’t an e-confirm with your name and todays date on it?”

Sarah didn’t even look at the paper.
“My identity must have been stolen!
I didn’t do this!”

He looked her squarely in the face.
“Are you claiming that you did not use your keycard to access your research lab at 11:15 last night?”

“I wasn’t even at work last night!” she protested.
“I was at home the whole night!”

“Is there anyone who was there with you?”

She blinked.
“Well no, I was alone.”

“So there is no one to collaborate your story?”

“No, I -” She glared at him.
“I didn’t do it!
You are making it sound like I’m guilty, but I didn’t do it.”

He watched her calmly.
“I’m afraid I’m not doing anything to make you sound guilty, Ms. Gaul.
You really do appear to be guilty.”

“You can’t just say that, you have to -”
Sarah started to protest again, but trailed off when the door to the room opened, revealing Angela.
Angela was dressed for work, her tailored suit matching the lawyer-glare in her eyes.

“Sarah, shut up.”

Sarah’s mouth snapped to a close as Detective Snyder rose from his chair.
Angela’s eyes snapped to take him in.
“I believe that you have interrogated my client enough, Detective.”

Detective Snyder’s eyes flashed angrily.
“I have hardly been interrogating her.
I was unaware that Ms. Gaul had asked for legal representation.”

Angela strode into the room, coming to stand next to the small table.
My name is Angela
I will be representing Ms. Gaul.”

Detective Snyder nodded.
You are welcome to sit in as we -”

“There will be no more discussion.” Angela said, her voice angry.
“Sarah has been more than compliant, considering that she was arrested without cause.”

Detective Snyder’s eyebrows rose.
“I believe that we are here to determine -”

“Was there a single shred of physical evidence tying my client to the crime scene?”

“That isn’t -”

“Unless you have that evidence, then I will restate Ms. Gaul’s assertion that her identity was stolen.
This was most likely at the hands of the same computer genius who hacked the security system of the waterline.”
She passed him a small slip of paper, which he reluctantly took.
“The DA agrees with me.
Ms. Gaul is to be released at once.
Perhaps she would be willing to cooperate more in helping you to find the person who stole her identity, if you hadn’t already assaulted and arrested her.”

Detective Snyder seemed taken aback.
He glanced at the mirror behind his head, and then turned his glare back to Angela.
“One moment please.”
He strode past Angela and out the room.

Sarah turned to look at Angela, beaming.
She jumped up, ready to embrace her friend.
“You did it!
I can’t believe you-”

Angela stopped her with a single hand.
“It’s not over yet, hon.”
She turned to glare at the mirror.
“We should wait until we get in my car to talk.”

Sarah nodded, her enthusiasm fading fast.
Angela certainly didn’t look like she was ready to celebrate.
Sarah gloomily sat back down at the table.
She leafed through the papers spread across the table, glancing at them half-heartedly.
There was a lot of information in there.
Her bank account, her phone record, even her work evaluation form.
She read through, amazed at how easily her life was narrowed down to a few simple sheets.

It seemed like an eternity before the detective returned to the room.
When he did, he held the door open wide, looking a little angry.
He nodded once to Angela, and then looked at me.
“Thank you for your cooperation,
I apologize for any inconvenience.
Officer Saunders will escort you out and see that you get your things.”

An older officer stood in the hall behind the detective.
He nodded at Sarah, his arms crossed behind his back. Sarah stood, tossing her hair angrily as she followed Angela out of the room.

As she went to leave, Detective Snyder leaned in toward her, blocking her path a little.
She paused, looking up at him.
This close, his eyes glowed hazel, and she had to admit to herself that he was a seriously attractive man.
Unfortunately, all that
was wasted on a guy who didn’t seem to be able to take a hint.

“Ms. Gaul.
We will get that evidence.
You are going to have to pay for what you tried to do.”

Sarah smiled up at him, her eyes flashing angrily.
“Good luck with that.”
She pushed past him, and followed Angela and the officer down the hall and away from the irritating scowl on Detective Snyder’s face.

Angela didn’t speak to Sarah until they were both in her car, and they were safely driving out of the parking complex.
Then, she turned to glare at Sarah, her mouth tight and angry.

“What the hell were you thinking?”
Angela said.
“Why would you try to poison people?!”

“What?” Sarah shouted back, twisting behind her seatbelt to face her friend.
“You don’t seriously think I did it, do you?”

Angela looked unsure for a second, her eyes scanning Sarah’s face before returning to the road.
“You aren’t just trying to keep out of jail?”

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