Double Threat My Bleep (2 page)

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Authors: Julie Prestsater

Tags: #High School

BOOK: Double Threat My Bleep
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“Well, neither is getting stalked by psycho boy either.” I was just being nice to the poor guy this summer and he got the wrong idea. A girl can’t even talk to a guy anymore without him thinking you want to get naked. Seriously, not
high school girls are giving it up.

Chapter Two







, how was it?” Alex asks. “Did I miss anything good?”

“Nah,” I say, maneuvering my arms through each bra strap, without taking off my shirt, and holding the phone in the crook of my neck. It’s been a long night. I’m too lazy to change into pajamas. “Same as usual…just a different time, and a different place.”

“Did you at least have a good time?”

I think for a moment. “Yeah…once Travis got lost, I danced a bit with everyone. But that’s about it.”

“Travis? You’re not gonna dump me for that geek, are you?”

“Not today,” I tease, “maybe tomorrow.”

“Ha ha.”

“So, how about you? What’d you do tonight? Did you hit all the sorority parties?” I ask, half jokingly. Travis did make me think a little bit about all the older girls Alex is probably meeting. He’s gorgeous. Those skanks are probably trying to jump his bones already. I can just see them now…low-rise jeans with thongs hanging out the back. With my luck, all the Berkeley chicks playing peekaboo with their butt cracks probably have perfectly tanned, firm bottoms. I bet none of them sport a giant muffin top either.

“Baby, I don’t have time to do the party thing,” he says.

“Yeah right, that’s what all the college guys say to make their girlfriends and parents happy.”

“Oh really…and how many college guys have you surveyed to come up with this expert opinion?” I can picture his adorable smile right now.

I giggle a bit before saying, “Too many to count.”

Alex bursts into laughter. “You are such a goofball Meg.”

“That’s why you love me…” OMG. I can’t believe I just said that. Silence. Dead silence. What’s the saying? I can totally hear a pin drop right now. Is he still breathing? We have never used the
word before. He’s probably having a heart attack.

“Ha ha, you’re a goofball too,” I say, in a poor attempt to distract my soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend from the fact I mentioned the words “love” and “me” in the same sentence. What the hell was I thinking?

“Ahem,” Alex grunts, clearing his throat. Awkward. “Yeah…Megan…that’s one of the reasons I…I love you.”


Did Alex just tell me HE LOVES ME?

Wait…did he stall before saying that? Is that a good sign? He just wanted to be sure, right? Or is it a bad sign? He felt obligated to say it? It has to be good. He has never lied to me before.

OMG. Alex loves me. I’m in love.

“Meg,” Alex says, with a chirp in his voice. “Did you hear what I just said?”

“Yes, I dddid,” I stutter. “I’m just trying not to scream…or cry…or jump up and down. You just made me the happiest girl in the world.” I’m so giddy, I’m about to pee my pants.

“So what have I been doing for the last couple months then?”

“Awww…you’ve been alright…you know, an average boyfriend.” I chuckle.

Alex loves me. Alex is my boyfriend. Alex is my man. Who would’ve thought? I mean, we ended the school year with the possibility of
, but as soon as he got back from grad night, he called me. And when I say as soon as he got back, I really mean it. My phone woke me from my sweet Alex dreams at seven thirty, as the buses rolled back in to school that morning. Alex said he couldn’t wait another minute to move on with our relationship. So I got dressed, he picked me up, we hit the Steel Grill, and we’ve been inseparable ever since. Until now, that is. But who cares, he loves me.

“So it’s okay for me to tell you I love you?” he asks. He said it again. He loves me.

“Of course, why wouldn’t it be? I love you too…I’ve loved you since I met you, but now it’s just so much better,” I pause. “It’s so much better when someone loves you back.” For most of last year, I was insanely obsessed and in love with Alex. There was just one small problem…he was dating my best friend, Amy. But that came to an end when she decided to start doing the nasty with my boyfriend. Dang, it sounds like a pitiful episode of 90210. It’s not bad to watch on TV when it’s these tiny rich stick figures who screw each other over every week, but it sucks ass to actually live it. Oh well…Alex loves
now. Amy who?

“Aww, Meggie, you know I’ve loved you for just as long.”

“Yeah, I know,” I reply, even though I’m not so sure. But, I’m not going to let last year get me down. This is now, and the past is the past. And I look forward to my future with my hot, sexy boyfriend.

“Just wish I was there with you,” Alex tells me.


“Well, I always thought I would tell you in person and, at least, be able to kiss you.”

“Something to look forward to the next time we get to see each other,” I respond, softly. It’s going to be a long wait. “Are you sure you can’t come home before Thanksgiving? How about Columbus Day? Berkeley doesn’t give you guys a holiday for the guy who discovered the Americas?” I ask sadly, with a touch of humor so I don’t sound so desperate.

“No, we don’t get a day off for the guy who began the mass genocide of an entire ethnic group.”

“Scary…college is already rubbing off on you,” I say. “You better not get arrested for protesting or anything. I don’t want the man I love to be a criminal.” Did you hear that? The man I love. This is so much fun.

“I know huh,” he mutters through a snicker, “but I don’t think I’ll make it home before Thanksgiving.” I’m frowning. I’m trying not to say anything. I don’t want to make him feel worse than he does. “It’s pretty expensive to fly back and forth…but once school starts, time will fly by so fast…the next thing you know, we’ll be eating turkey together, watching the Cowboys kick some ass on the flat screen.”

“Turkey sounds good. Seeing you sounds great. But, you can watch football with my dad, while my mom and I plan out our attack on the mall.”

I hear a slight chuckle on his end. “Deal,” he says. “So, tell me more about everyone. How’s everything going? I miss all you guys.”

“We all miss you too,” I respond. “I miss you.” I can feel my face burn with sorrow. I can’t get emotional. I’ve cried the last two times I’ve talked to him. It’s just hard, having him so far away. But I have to remember, it’s hard for him too. At least here, I have all our friends. He’s so far away, and he’s alone. “Everyone’s doing great. Dom and Steph are just as cute as ever. Jonathan and Keesh are still nuts. They crack me up, they’re more like brother and sister than a couple. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them kiss, have you?”

“I’ve never even seen them hold hands.” He chuckles.

“’Yeah well, I’m counting on Josh to save me from gagging over all the PDA once school starts,” I mutter. “He’ll be a loner like me.”

“Erika’ll probably sneak on campus and visit you guys. She’s so whipped. She could be hookin’ up with some college dude, but she’s…” Alex’s commentary comes to a screeching halt.

Whoa. Does he realize what he’s saying? He obviously stopped himself. A little too late though. I get what he was about to say. Come on now. He’s not any different than Erika. He could be hooking up with some older bitches, and I wouldn’t even know about it. They’re in the same boat,
college students going out with us scrawny high school peons.

“But she’s what, Alex? What were you going to say?”

“Nothing babe.”



“Interesting,” is all I can think of to say. Do I really want to start this conversation? We just professed our love to each other. I don’t want to ruin it with any bull.

Alex must feel the same way. All I hear is the low steady hum of him breathing.

I’m first to break the silence. “Well, it’s getting late. I’ll talk to you tomorrow sometime.”

“Yeah, it is. I’ll call you.”

“Whatever…sounds good. Bye,” I say, nonchalantly.

“Bye, Meg.”

How do things change so quickly? Just five minutes ago, I could’ve done cartwheels across the football field. I was so excited about Alex telling me he loved me. But then, seconds later, he’s all,
Erika can have any guy she wants and she’s with this toddler instead
. Well, he didn’t use those words exactly, but that’s the way it sounded. He may as well have added,
What the heck am I thinking? I’m going out with this little girl, when I could have a hot piece of sorority girl ass.

Yeah…like I’m going to get any sleep tonight.


Boys are stupid.

Chapter Three







I wake up late last year too? I swear, first days of school are never easy. The tardy bell rings as I whip open the door to my first period class. I scan the room. Whew. The teacher has her back to me, tapping away at her computer. Keesh waves me over. Thank you. She saved me a seat next to her. Within seconds I’m sitting down, tearing open my bag, and fishing out my binder. I take out a pencil just in time for the teacher to flip the light switch off and the Powerpoint on.

First period biology. What’s with getting science first thing in the morning? I hope this lady doesn’t drone on like Ms. Caldwell did last year. I was one day away from stapling my eyelids open to stay awake in her class. Oh my gosh, she should not be able to teach in the morning. It should be illegal. She should get arrested for torturing students before noon.

Mrs. Centeno, I think that’s her name, taps on the electronic board, and music blares from the speakers. It’s the Black Eyed Peas,
Let’s Get It Started
. Oh my, this song is so old. She starts clapping. No she didn’t. Does she know she’s like…old? I can feel my face getting hot. I’m embarrassed for her. My classmates are all looking at each other like WTF.

“Is she serious?” Keesh leans over and whispers to me.

I shrug.

“At least she’s got the beat.” Keesh joins in on the clapping. “Come on, Meg.”

I just stare at her. Then I hear others join in as well. Leave it to Keesh to get the party started.

What the hell. I put my pencil down and raise my hands to clap too.

Mrs. Centeno is walking around the room, clapping, and swaying to the beat. By the time the music finishes, there are only a few students who are still sitting still. Amy is one of them. Dang. It’s bad enough I have this crazy teacher first period, now I have to deal with Amy too. Life is not fair.

Well, what did I expect? I guess crossing my fingers, wishing, and praying isn’t enough. If only I could’ve paid off the counselors to make sure I didn’t get any classes with Amy, this year would be great. No such luck I guess. Chances are we’ll probably have at least two more classes together today.

“Welcome back,” Mrs. Centeno yells, drawing my attention away from ex-friend. Maybe I’ll like this lunatic after all. “It’s nice to be back on campus after such a great summer…” Yada, yada, yada.


“She was a little different,” Keesh says, squinting from the brightness of the sun.

I put my hand up to shield my eyes. It’s taking awhile for me to adjust from the darkness of the classroom. “Ya think?”

Keesh looks around. “What do you have next?”

“Same as you dork. We have all but fifth period together, remember?”

She’s totally distracted, turning her head in all directions, and taking quick glances here and there.

“Oh yeah, let’s go then.”

I grab for the water bottle sticking out the side of my backpack. “What’s the rush?”

“I wanna get a good seat.”

“Bull, you’re looking around like a crack addict. Who’re you looking for?” I know the answer to the question already. “I don’t see Jonathan.”

“Yeah, well good. I don’t wanna see him.” Keesh starts walking away.

I start after her, picking up my pace to catch up. “What the hell, Keesh. What’s going on?”

She ignores me, walking up the stairs to our math class, like I’m not right behind her. Something’s obviously wrong, but she’s not ready to tell me. I decide to back off. We take the last steps to our class in silence.

As we come around the corner, Keesh stops suddenly. I look up and see him. Stephanie and Jonathan are standing at the door talking.

“What do you wanna do?” I hope she doesn’t say she wants to leave. I’m all for a day off from math, but not on the
day. She doesn’t answer. She takes a deep breath and keeps walking.

“Babe,” Jonathan squeaks out before Keesh puts her hand up for him to stop.

“Steph, Meggie,” she states, looking each of us in the eye. “You need to make a decision. You’re either my friend, or you’re his.” She motions to Jonathan, but doesn’t even look his way. “You can’t be both. So choose. Is it me or him?”

Steph and I look at each other and then at Keesh. The answer is simple. “You,” we both say together. Keesh turns around, walks into class, and we follow.

“Keesha, c’mon,” Jonathan whines from the doorway. Our teacher gives a stern look in his direction, and I can hear him stomp away.

Okay, this is going to be a good one. What the heck could’ve happened in a matter of three days. Seriously, they were just fine at the party, and now she’s all
you have to choose
. WTF.

We slide into some seats near the back of the class. Not too far back to look like slackers, but not too close to the front to look like we care.

“Okay, spill,” I whisper, since the bell already rang.

Keesh rubs her hands on her pants. She’s nervous. Her hands are sweaty.

“Wait till ASB, I hear this guy is totally strict.”

Steph and I look at Keesh, and then sit up straight and stare at the front of the class.

Keesh always has the lowdown on all the teachers. And she’s usually right. I’m not about to get into trouble the first day of class.

“Ahem, I can already see we are going to have a talking problem in this class. I wouldn’t expect it from honors students,” the Nazi utters. He looks around the class and his eyes focus on me, like a freaking laser beam burning a hole through my body. “You.” He points to me. “Switch seats with…” he scans the class, “him.” He points to a kid in the front row center. Are you kidding me? Seriously. Why me?

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