Double Threat My Bleep (6 page)

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Authors: Julie Prestsater

Tags: #High School

BOOK: Double Threat My Bleep
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“Are you serious Mom?” I say through tear-filled eyes. “You’re not really bringing me along to see New Kids, are you?”

“It’s taken you long enough to figure that out.” She chuckles, turns her attention back to the road, flips on KIIS, and starts singing the latest Lady Gaga tune that blares through the speakers. I love her so much right now I’m not even going to complain about her torturing the song and starting mating season with all the dogs in the neighborhood.

I whip out my cell and begin pounding on the keys.


I send it to Keesh, Steph, and ALEX. I flip it shut and stare. My mouth is straining with a smile but it’s uncontrollable. I can’t stop smiling, even if I tried.

Keesh: LOL…now u no y Im not goin…u nd some alone tme…go getcha man

Steph: mmbr…safe sex is best.

Alex: finally. Its been killing me to keep a secrt this big. Cant wait to c u.

“Omigod, Mom. Everyone knew except for me,” I whine.

“So you like your surprise, huh?” she replies, with a wink.

“Oh, yes. Yes. Thank you. Thank you so much. I love you.” I’m so ecstatic I can’t even think straight. I’m going to see Alex today. In just seven hours. Wait, am I going to see Alex today? Or is it tomorrow? “So tell me the details for the weekend? Or more specifically…when do I get to see my boyfriend?”

“We haven’t even got on the freeway yet and you’re ready to get rid of me,” Mom tells me, shaking her head with a slight laugh.


Holy Crap. Three hours of driving and three New Kids CDs later, we are finally making a pit stop. I’m wondering if I can get my mom to put something else on the radio. Lucky me, I forgot my iPod charger at home and my battery died somewhere around Pasadena. That was a long time ago and I don’t know how much more of this I can take. Seriously. We have listened to the Greatest Hits CD, the new one, and a CD my mom made with the concert playlist. What the hell have these guys done to my mother? I didn’t even know she knew we had a CD burner on the computer much less she knew how to use it. These ladies are wacko, singing and dancing along to every song. I’m pretty sure I could get on stage with the guys and do their choreography after watching my mom. Omigod, please let my mom have another CD to listen to.


Whew. We’re on the road again and there’s silence. Awww. I can relax. I prop my pillow on the side of me and lean into it for a nice little nap.

“So if Danny were to want to hook up, would you?” I hear Kendra ask my mom. Seriously. Am I dreaming? Did she really just ask that? My mom looks over at her with a sheepish grin. “C’mon I know he’s on your freebie list.”

“Ahem…what’s a freebie list?” I ease my way into their highly inappropriate mom conversation. What do they think this is…Sex and The City?

Kendra turns around to inform me, “A freebie list is a list of people…mostly celebrities… your spouse would allow you to get with if you had the chance…and not get pissed or want to divorce you.” She says it so matter-of-factly, like it’s no big deal to cheat on your husband as long as it’s with some super hot celebrity you both agree on.

“So, mom, you can just cheat on Dad with this guy and it’s totally cool?”

“Only if it’s one time though. You can’t have a relationship with someone on your freebie list.” Kendra continues to enlighten me.

“Like a one-night stand?” I ask.

“Yup and that’s why I’d never get with Danny even if I had the chance,” Mom says. Well that’s comforting. Not.

“Afraid you’d want more,” Kendra teases.

“No. I know that after one night with me,” she pauses, “it wouldn’t be enough for Danny. He’d keep coming back for more. He’d start stalking me, your dad would get all pissed, and then we’d have a huge mess on our hands.”

“Omigod, I can’t believe you just said that.” Ewww. Moms should not talk about this kind of stuff. Well, at least not in front of their daughters. Kill me now. Seriously. I think I’m going to jump out of the car.

“What’d I say?” she asks, trying to act all innocent. I will never think of my mom the same again. I mean…I know she’s had sex before…but I was hoping it was just the one time I was conceived. I know it’s naïve of me to think such a thing, but can’t a kid dream? LOL.

“Shoot, well you know Joey better stay away from all this unless Keesh wants to have a new daddy,” Kendra blurts out, pushing up her boobs and adjusting her bra.

These women are going to kill me. “Isn’t he one of the married ones? Have you guys no shame?”

“Calm down Miss Manners. Geez, can’t we have a little fun?” Mom asks.

“Can you just turn the music back on?” Did I just ask that? Something is definitely wrong when I’m begging to listen to hour four of New Kids On The Block so I don’t have to listen to my mom and her friend brag about how they are so good in bed they can land a boy band guy with just one little taste of their goodies.


Even though I look like crap and look like I’ve just rolled out of bed after seven and a half hours in the car, I’m thrilled to be seeing Alex in just a few minutes. My mom is going to drop me off at his dorm and then come back for me after her concert tonight. I wish I had enough time to go to our hotel and get freshened up, but we’re running short of time. I sent a text to Alex warning him of my sad state. Like he cares, he said. He just wants to see me.

I take one last look in my compact mirror. The fresh powder and mascara have helped a little. I put some more deodorant on, and spray myself with my Juicy perfume. It’ll just have to do.

“We’re here, Meggie,” Mom says. “You ready?”

“You sure this is it?” I ask. “It doesn’t look like a college.” Staring out the window of the car, I gaze at the beautiful buildings and it looks more like a place of relaxation. I expected Alex to be living in high-rise residence halls or something…like the ones they have at schools closer to home.

“Yes, I’m sure,” she says. “Why don’t you take a look over there to be sure?” Mom points in the direction of the sign that clearly says Clark Kerr Campus, and the hot guy who just happens to be sitting right on top of it.

“Omigosh, this is really happening. Look at him. He looks soooo cute,” I practically squeal.

Mom stops the car in front of him, parks illegally, and we all get out. Hugs all around, and they’re off to meet their
. I’m left to Alex for the rest of the day and night.

“They left in a hurry,” he says, taking hold of my waist and pulling me closer. I wrap my arms around him.

“Yeah…my mom’s in a hurry to see my new stepdad,” I tell him. He looks at me strangely. “I know, I’ll tell you later. Those two are crazy.”

“Now I know where you and Keesh get it from.” He smiles at me and it’s like I can feel it in my heart. He leans down and sprinkles my face and neck with soft kisses. Tingles flutter from the top of my head all the way down to my pinky toes. “Let’s get out of here.”

Chapter Eight







what’s with a coed dorm? I mean exactly how many girls live in the same exact building as my boyfriend? How many live on the same damn floor?

I feel so little. So young. So insignificant compared to all these women. They probably think I’m Alex’s little sister or something. There are tall girls, short girls, skinny, fat, chubby, athletic. They’re wearing jeans and tees, booty shorts and sports bras, one is even wearing corduroy pants and a Grateful Dead shirt. Omigod. This is like a freaking buffet of girls just willing to let my cute boyfriend have a taste.

I hope my sudden insecurities aren’t showing on my face. I must look like I’m getting ready to hyperventilate.

Alex takes me by the hand and leads me through the door of…his room. Awww. Safe. No more hot college girls in here.

Alex’s dorm room is interesting—two rooms, one with two beds and the other with three, and a living room. The weird part is the bathroom. It has two sinks which is cool, my parent’s bathroom has two sinks, but there are two shower stalls in this one. Weird huh. I guess when five guys are living in the same apartment thingy, two showers is helpful.

He introduces me to his suitemates, and his roommate says, “Nice to meet you, I’ll be gone for the rest of the night. See you in the morning.” He winks at Alex, and then he’s out before I can say anything back.

“What’s that all about?” I can’t help but ask.

Alex turns away from me and sits on his bed, but I can see his grin. “Uhh…nothin’.” He pats a spot next to him. I guess that’s my cue. Even though I want to jump in his arms, I’m a little nervous. It seems like forever since we’ve been alone. I grab a clip from my backpack and toss my hair up. Okay…that stalled about a whole three seconds. “What’s up, babe?” he tells me.

“Nothing, I just can’t believe I’m here with you.” I sit down next to him on his bed.

We turn toward one another and stare into each other’s eyes for a second before Alex cups my face in his hands and pulls me in closer for a kiss. It’s not the same as the soft kisses he greeted me with—it’s deeper, still slow, still tender, but much more intense at the same time. It’s like I can feel it all the way down in my gut, and suddenly I’m as hot as if I just played an entire soccer game. And I’m winded too.

It’s not long before we’re both lying next to each other on his bed. As nervous as I am, I can’t seem to bring myself to slow this down. We’re both lying on our sides facing each other in a kiss we have yet to come up from for air. He’s bracing himself with one arm under his head, and his other hand is squeezing my back pulling me into him making it impossible for me not to feel every part of his body.

Alex kisses my neck sending my body into fits of shivers. The feeling is amazing and makes me hot all over. I slip my hand under his shirt, run it up and down before leaving the tips of my fingers in the waistband of his boxers. I’m tempted to reach in deeper to squeeze his tight ass, but I don’t. It’s then that I feel his hand up the front of my shirt resting on my side, and then making its way up to my breasts. Here come the shivers again. He must sense my nervousness because he brings his hand down to my side again, looks me in the eyes, and continues to plant a few pecks on my lips.

“I missed you,” he tells me.

I kiss him. “I missed you too,” I reply, in a whisper. “I’m so glad I’m here.” I put my hand on the back of his head and smooch him again, harder this time. I ease myself down on my back, bringing him with me. I think I hear a soft moan escape him as he leans on top of me with more kisses. I soak in the pleasure as his hands get to know my body.

And just like that. He stops. He rolls off me and stands up in one swift movement.

“You hungry?” he asks.


“What?” I respond. What just happened?

“I’m sorry. I had to stop.” He looks at me worriedly.

“Uh, no you didn’t.”

“Uh, yes I did.”

I don’t want to sound like a brat but seriously, how can you just stop something this beautiful. “Why?”

He looks down at the floor. “Because if we didn’t, I wouldn’t ever want to.”

“And that’s a bad thing.” I sit up on the edge of the bed. I can’t believe I’m saying this. Because really, if we didn’t stop, I’m pretty sure I know what would have happened next, and am I ready for that? Do I want to have sex with Alex right now?

Do I?

I think I do.

As a matter of fact, I know I do.

“No, it’s not bad at all.” Alex sits next to me again. “I just don’t want your visit to only be about this. I mean, don’t get me wrong. This is nice but…hey, let me take you out. Show you around. Don’t you want to see the campus?”

“Sure, whatever you want, Alex,” I say, standing up, straightening out my clothes, and sticking out my hand for him to take. But I could care less about this city or the campus. Sitting in his room with him until my mom comes to pick me up later is just fine with me.

“Okay then.” He hugs me, and kisses the top of my head. “You’ll probably wanna bring a hoodie or something. It gets cold out at night here.”


My boyfriend actually has a nice evening planned. He was right. We did need to get out and talk. It was totally sweet to be in his arms again, and in that way. We’ve never had the chance to get
close, and it was great. But we haven’t seen each other in months so this, talking, walking, holding hands…it’s cool too.

We take a walk through campus first. He shows me this quad where freshmen throw themselves down on the ground and roll down a hill. It’s some kind of tradition. He tells me he wants me to roll down the hill with him. He says maybe I’ll go to Berkeley with him when I graduate, so I can get a head start. I think it’s cheesy at first, but I roll down that dang hill nonetheless. Surprisingly, it is actually kind of fun.

I don’t know about coming to Berkeley though. If I decide to come here, Alex will be in his senior year and be gone again. What am I going to do? Follow him around for the rest of our lives. I love the guy but I don’t know if I could do it.

We make a pit stop in the student store. I can’t help myself. It doesn’t matter if I decide to apply here or not in a couple years, I have to have a UC Berkeley hoodie. They have Berkeley Mom and Berkeley Dad gear—where’s the Berkeley Girlfriend stuff. Or
My Hot Boyfriend Goes To UC Berkeley
. Maybe there’s a market for that. I’m up for being an entrepreneur.

“It looks good on you,” Alex says, smiling at my new look.

“Thanks.” I pretend to dust off my sleeves. We both chuckle.

“You wanna walk around here and find something to eat or you wanna head off campus?”

“You tell me, you’re the expert.”

“Okay, let’s just grab something from the food court. We can eat back at the dorm and watch a movie or something. Sound good?”



Two cheeseburgers, two fries, a Diet Coke, a Dr. Pepper, a chick flick, and we’re back in Alex’s room. And not in the living room part either. We’re back in his room
. I kick off my shoes and sink down onto his floor. I think it’s a good idea to stay away from the bed for now. I spoke to my mom earlier and she’s having a great time. She said she probably won’t make it back to pick me up until about one in the morning. Who knew my mom was a party animal? She mentioned something about trying to find a waffle house after the concert. She’s officially insane. We may have to have her committed.

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