Double Threat My Bleep (5 page)

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Authors: Julie Prestsater

Tags: #High School

BOOK: Double Threat My Bleep
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“Why? I thought you and the girls would’ve been at home by now chugging Diet Cokes and popping Hot Cheetohs.” We both chuckle.

“I wish. Steph wanted to stay and watch Dom practice for a few. We’re gonna leave soon.”

“Tell them all I said hi.”

“I will.”

“Well, tell them. I’m surprised Keesh isn’t talking shit into the phone by now.”

“Oh, they’re sitting up in the bleachers. I ran down when I saw it was you calling.” I don’t want to tell him about Travis. Not now anyway, when I’ve been waiting all day to talk to him.

“Okay then, you can tell them later. You wanna call me when you get home. I’ll be in my room the rest of the night studying so I’m free.”

“I’ve been dying to talk to you all day, but I guess I’d rather get in my PJs and cuddle with you in my bed.”

“That’s an idea. You’re making me want to jump on a plane for home right now.”

“Promises, promises,” I say, joking at the thought that my wonderful boyfriend would actually jump on a plane to come home and cuddle with me in my PJs, and in my bed. Wow. I wish it wasn’t a joke.

“Ha ha.” He pauses. “I miss you.”

“Oh, I miss you too.”

“Okay, babe, before I start getting all sentimental, we better go. Call me later.”

“Sounds good.”

“Love you.”

“Oh, I love you too,” I tell him.

I flip my phone shut and turn around to join my friends but they are right there in front of me.

“Love you too,” Jonathan squeals, in a girl voice. They all chuckle. I look at Travis. He’s the only one not laughing. I feel bad. After our conversation, I really didn’t want to throw this in his face. I didn’t mean to anyway.

“Let’s get the hell out of this place already,” I say, ignoring the comment.

The whole way home I can’t help but think about how I lied to Alex. I didn’t want to tell him about my chat with Travis right then. I don’t know why but I just thought it would be weird. But now…I don’t know that I want to tell him at all.

Now I can’t help but wonder—wonder if Alex is keeping anything from me.

Chapter Six







movie night. What the heck else is there to do? The football game is away this week. We don’t drive. Well, Dominic does but he has to ride with the rest of the team on the bus. Erica drives but she and Josh are having some
time tonight—excuse us. And Ben drives too, but he and Vanessa both have to work. They might stop by later if they aren’t too zonked from a long night at the mall. Sometimes I can’t believe that Ben and Ness still want to hang out with us. Erica stays connected because of Josh, but what reason do they have to stay? Not that I’m complaining. I like having them around.

With everyone off doing their own things, the guest list is a bit sluggish. Keesh and Steph are already here, helping me get everything set up. My dad bought a LCD projector so we’ve been having fun watching movies on the garage door. It’s kinda cool chillin’ outside under the stars watching a movie. I’m not a fan of seeing horror movies outside though. I always feel like the bad guys are going to jump out of the bushes. We still don’t know what we’re going to watch…Jonathan is bringing his stash of movies. We’ll probably have to choose between an action flick or one with Eva Mendes, Megan Fox, or Jessica Alba.

“Hey, ladies,” Jonathan hollers, as he strolls up the drive way. “Let the party begin, now that you got the men.”

Men? Yeah right, how about boys? Hold on a sec—did he just say
? As in plural? He’s the only guy coming. I look up and shouldn’t even be shocked. Yup, you guessed it. Travis is with him.

“Hey,” Travis says, holding a few bags.

“What do you got there, Trav?” Keesh asks.

He sets the bags on the table and starts taking things out one by one. “Jonathan said you wouldn’t mind me crashing the party if I brought some eats.”

“Food is always a good way to get into a party,” Stephanie replies, rubbing her belly. Isn’t that the truth? We are way too easily bought off by some Hot Cheetohs and licorice. If he brought some chocolate too, he can stay.

He brought a jumbo sized Kit Kat. Who told him?

I take the Kit Kat out of his hand before he can even put it on the table. “Oh, I guess you can stay.” I tear the wrapper open with my teeth and break off a piece to chow down.

“Awww,” he begins. “I hit your sweet spot.”

My jaw drops. “Why do you always have to be so nasty Travis?”

“You’re the nasty one. I wasn’t even going there.”

Keesh takes the chocolate away from me. “Chill, Meggie, with your dirty little mind. No choco unless you play nice.”

I stick my hand out and she puts the chocolate back in my hand. “Thanks.”

Keesh throws her arms around Jonathan who is putting a DVD in the player. “What are we watching, Jon Jon?” she asks.

part two. I know none of you have seen it, yet.” He turns to me. “And don’t worry, Meg, it’s not scary so you don’t have to be afraid of the boogey man coming to get you.”

Transformers. Are you kidding me? Seriously, guys are so predictable. It’s an action flick
it has Megan Fox. This is the last time they get to pick the damn movie. Thank God for Shia, Josh, and Tyrese or I’d kick his ass.

“So who picks first this time?” I ask.

“I think you go first, Meg. Then Steph, then me,” Keesh responds.

“Yeah, that’s right,” Steph confirms.

“What are you picking?” Travis questions.

Jonathan chuckles. “Just be quiet and listen,” he says.

“Hmmm…this is a tough one. Got some good choices. My man is going to be Mr. Duhamel for this one.”

“Damn, I was going to pick him,” Keesh yells.

“So was I,” Steph says, pretend pouting.

“Okay, I got Shia. That little guy is soooo cute, plus he’s a rebel.”

Steph throws her hands up. “Fine, I will just have to settle with the all those muscles. It will be a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it.” We all start laughing.

All but Travis. “What the heck are you guys talking about?” he asks.

“Oh.” I chuckle. “It’s just this dumb game we play. We always pick a guy to be our husband or boyfriend or whatever. Only when we haven’t seen a movie. Sometimes I will pick a guy that is smokin’ hot and he will end up to be an ax murderer.” He’s looking at me like I’m crazy. “I hate it when my man dies though. That always sucks.”

“That has to be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard,” he says, shaking his head.

Well excuse me. We have a good time with it. He can leave if he doesn’t like our ridiculous little game. Ugh.

“Dude, just let them do their thing and have fun,” Jonathan says. “Okay, let’s get this movie going or we’re gonna be here all night. Getcha food, grab your seat, and shut the…” He doesn’t finish his sentence but we all get the point. He plops himself down in one of those folding canvas loveseat chairs. Keesh grabs a bowl of popcorn and settles in next to him.

I’m all cozy on my chaise lounge with my Kit Kat, licorice, and Diet Coke. I’m just missing Alex, but what else is new? He’s hitting the frat parties tonight. Damn, I’ve been trying not to think about it. That didn’t last long. Omigod. I need to clear my thoughts of him and a whole sorority of girls. I can trust him. I know I can. But here I am, picturing girls throwing themselves at him to the point he can no longer resist.

“So who get’s Megan?” Travis asks.

“She doesn’t count,” Keesh replies.

“How can Megan Fox not count?”

“You guys don’t get to play. It’s our thing. So shush,” Stephanie scolds, chuckling a bit.

That cracks me up inside. Travis hasn’t been around long enough to know that we get to have our fantasies about our celebrity boyfriends, and they…well…they don’t. Haha.


“Ahh, man, we missed the movie.” Ben and Vanessa stroll up hand in hand.

“It just ended,” I say, happy to see them. “We might start another one.”

“So we kickin’ any ass tonight?” he asks.

Haha. He remembers. See, some guys get it. Vanessa had the misfortune of picking Bradley Cooper when we watched He’s Just Not That Into You. He was so yummy until he cheated on his wife, over and over again. And then, we all wanted to kick his ass.

“No, no cheating husbands tonight,” I reply.

Travis sighs. “You’re in on this too.” He says this like he’s disgusted.

“Trav, my man…you gotta learn to just go with the flow with these girls or you’re done.” So nice of Ben to give him some advice. Hopefully, he’ll take it.

“Dang Vanessa, you got your man so well trained,” Keesh jokes.

“More like whipped,” Jonathan responds.

Vanessa looks up at Ben and pats him on the chest. “Trained, whipped, it’s all the same. He knows who’s in charge.”

“Ruff ruff,” Ben barks playfully into Vanessa’s ear, sending all of us into fits of laughter.

Chapter Seven







has been a nightmare. Only one elective. Really. Come on now, I need a breather. I actually miss P.E.. I never thought I’d say that in my life. But at least I’d have one less class to study for. Having five academic classes is going to kill me. ASB seems to be just as demanding too. We have a lot more responsibilities this year from working the student store to decorating for football games. I don’t know why we have to make posters for the games and tape them up all over the bleachers. I doubt anyone reads them. I know I never noticed them last year. Maybe Keesh and I should’ve taken dance like we originally planned. It sucked having to choose between ASB and dance. I hope we didn’t make the wrong choice.

I’m starting to realize that ninth grade was cake compared to this year. Mr. Mitchell didn’t have us do much of anything last year, but now he has all the confidence in the world in us. I’m not quite sure I’m liking this.

“What are your plans for the weekend, Megpie?” Mom asks. Ryan and Ellen are chatting in the background. I can’t believe she’s even talking to me right now. Seacrest usually trumps husband and daughter. I look at the radio and back to her in shock. “What?”

“What? What’s up, mom? You’re like totally cheating on Ryan right now? Are you going to survive if you don’t hear the juicy celeb gossip?” I shove a piece of I Can’t Believe It’s Not Buttered whole grain toast into my mouth with a chuckle.

“Ahh...” She flicks her hand at the radio and sighs. “This part of the show is a repeat. I’m good.”

“Oh.” I didn’t realize they did that. “Okay, we don’t really have anything planned yet. Probably the football game tonight, maybe a movie tomorrow, but nothing concrete right now. Why? Did you need something?”

“Weeelllllll,” she squeals. What’s my mom up to? “Do you think I can convince you to ditch school today?”

Is she kidding me? My mom wants me to miss school. Heck yeah. I woke up drowning in thoughts of all the work I have to do for my outrageous course load and now my wonderful mother is giving me a way out.

“Hmmm…let me think about it.” I put my finger to my mouth to ponder. “Uh, yes, I think it can be arranged,” I say only a half a second later.

“Good. I already cleared it with your dad. He’s not too happy with me, but he’ll have to get over it. You have about fifteen minutes to pack.” Mom is very serious, but I can see the excitement in her eyes.

“What are you up to Mom? Where are we going?” She’s acting a little nutty. But who cares? I get to miss school.

She moves to the sink, rinses out her cup of coffee, and clicks off Ryan. “We’re going to Oakland.” She practically sprints down the hall, yelling back to me, “Just pack a few outfits. Look nice. And don’t forget a toothbrush.”

Oakland. What the heck is in Oakland? Where is Oakland?

I flip open my phone and call Keesh.

“You are such a bitch,” she yells in the phone. Huh?

“Excuse me?” I say, totally confused.

“You guys on the freeway yet? My mom told me this morning about you guys taking a road trip.”

“What? Your mom knows too. I just found out. I don’t even know what it’s all about. I just know I need clothes for a few days and we’re going to Oakland, wherever that is.”

“My mom is going with you. Our moms have gone berserk.”

“Your mom is coming. What the heck.”

“Yes. That’s what I said, but I said what the fuck.”

I laugh. “What’s in Oakland?”

She starts to laugh too. “What have our goofy ass moms been obsessing about for the last year?”

The light flips on in my head. “Omigod.”

“Exactly. You’re going to see New Kids on the Block, baby.” She begins singing one of their songs into the phone. The sound is muffled so I can tell she’s dancing too.

“Great,” I say, trying to decide if I really want to miss school to witness my mom screaming and crying over some forty year old men. Yup. I’m pretty sure I do. I should video it and throw it on YouTube. “So you’re coming too, right?”

“Nah, my mom doesn’t want to buy me a ticket. She wanted to splurge and get herself a VIP package to actually meet the guys. They better watch out. They don’t know what they’re getting themselves into letting my mom get within fifty feet of them.”

I can’t help but laugh. She’s absolutely right. Those guys better have a body guard, or two, or three or four. There’s a knock at my door. My mom shouts, “Let’s go. I’ll be in the car.”

“Oh crap, Keesh, I gotta go. I’ll text you on the way.”

“Have fun. Hopefully the guys will have some hot sons our age for you to drool over.”

“Bummer. They don’t. I asked my mom a long time ago.”

We say a quick goodbye, while I toss some clothes in a bag. I rush to the bathroom to get my makeup and toothbrush. And I’m out.

I don’t bother getting comfortable because I know I’m going to be shoved in the backseat as soon as we pick up Keesh’s mom. “Where’s Oakland, Ma?” I ask, cracking open my morning Diet Coke. “How long is it going to take us to get there?”

“It’s up north, near San Francisco…probably take us about seven hours or so.” She looks over at me with a devious grin, watching as a humongous smile the size of the sun spreads across my face. “What are you all happy about?” She continues to grin. Although I can tell she wants to jump up and down, as do I.

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