Dragon Lords 4-Warrior Prince (2 page)

BOOK: Dragon Lords 4-Warrior Prince
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"I wish I could be so ambitious. I’m afraid I didn’t watch a single one of those boring uploads," another woman said.

Pia had used the uploads while in surgery before she’d even boarded the ship. They’d taken her mind off the pain and made her feel more productive. She was sure she knew more about the planet than most of its inhabitants did. Qurilixen was on the outer edge of the Y quadrant. The planet’s surface was plagued by a soft green haze of light because it had three suns--two yellow and one blue--and one moon.

"I tried on my gown this afternoon," Gena said, much to Pia’s annoyance. She glanced to see the woman holding her own breasts and closed her eyes so she wouldn’t be subject to the scene. Unhampered, Gena continued, "They are gorgeous, but I think I’m going to go get my breasts enhanced again--just a little bigger--and I’m going to have my nipples enlarged. Those Princes won’t be able to resist me. Maybe I’ll marry all four of them just for fun."

Unable to resist poking holes in the annoying woman’s logic, Pia said sarcastically, so everyone could hear, "How will you know who the Princes are? I’ve heard that all the men wear disguises. You could end up with a royal guard."

"Or a gardener," a brunette offered with a laugh, joining in the fun.

Gena’s face fell. Pia closed her eyes to her. Mission accomplished.

"I hear they wear practically nothing at all."

Pia shot Olena Leyton an amused grimace, not liking to be reminded of that little fact. Good thing they couldn’t have sex that first night. She was sure she didn’t want anyone touching her.

"Except the mask and some fur," Olena finished.

Pia could take no more. She blocked them out of her head as she turned to look into the mirror. Again, the stranger’s face was there in place of hers.

When she turned back around, breaking from her own troubled thoughts of getting married, she noticed that most of the women had already left and that her beauty droid was long since finished with her. Nodding kindly at Olena, Pia said nothing as she went back to her suite to get dressed.

Lost in thought, she trailed down the long metal corridor to her room. She startled in surprise to hear the medical droid’s voice say, "Miss Korbin, this way. It’s time for your last treatment."

Pia stopped walking, embarrassed. Seeing the reserved blue eyes of Nadja on her, she knew the woman had heard. Nadja turned quickly away.

Pia changed her course, glad that the treatments would finally be over with. Slipping her ID card over the wall scanner, the medic room door opened and she stepped inside a machine. Dropping her white cotton robe, she stood naked as the medical droid closed her in. Instantly, a bright green light shot all around her body. The rays tingled on her naked flesh.

Closing her eyes, Pia swallowed nervously. It was almost time to meet her future husband. She just hoped that one of the Qurilixen would want to bring ugly little Pia home with them.


* * * *


Pia’s heart stopped in her chest and tears came to her eyes. This was never going to work. She’d spent the last six weeks resigning herself to a Qurilixen husband and now that she saw them, she knew she was going to have to go back and start the journey over again. When the uploads had said large warriors, Pia assumed they were politely meaning fat, potbellied fighters. She couldn’t have been more wrong.

Before her were two rows of Qurilixen bachelors. They were large, fighting men. They were warriors. And, to Pia’s everlasting horror, they were all in incredible shape and exceptionally handsome. A few had battle scars on their flesh, but nothing so dramatic that it took away from their beauty. If anything, it only added to their dangerous allure.

The Qurilixen were nearly seven feet of pure bone, muscle, and sculpted flesh. She could tell, since they were practically naked. Pia was no out of shape marshmallow, but even she was dwarfed by their thick arms and chests.

Fur loincloths wrapped around their fit waists to leave bare their powerfully built legs and upper bodies. The fire glistened off their smooth, oiled skin. Jewelry clasped around sinewy biceps in golden rings of intricate design. From their solid necks hung crystals bound with leather straps.

Pia knew she looked ridiculous in the outfit the droid had given her to wear. Her shoulders were bared, as the gown only came up to cover her breasts. She could fill the gown out, thanks to the doctors. But the silk and gauze material didn’t make her feel beautiful, only self-conscious.

The silk was of the darkest of reds, crimson against her tanned skin. The surgery lasers had given her a soft, all-over bronze color that wouldn’t fade. The doctors said it would help protect her sensitive skin from ultraviolet rays--something that would be particularly useful on a planet with three suns.

Pia sighed as a wave of her long hair hit her forehead. Trying to lift her arm, she frowned when she couldn’t brush the annoying lock off her face. A belt looped across her back, tapering out to the sides, only to lock onto her wrists instead of heading around the front. The strands wound up to her elbows like chains.

The dress fitted to her waist and hips, only to flare out in strips of material when it reached her upper thighs. The wind whipped the skirt against her legs, chilling her. She might as well have been naked for all the coverage the thing afforded her. On her feet were soft, pretty slippers. She missed her combat boots.

Pia ignored the laughing men behind the bachelors, cracking good-natured jokes about the brides and the lucky grooms. The rowdier men posed, trying their best to playfully gain the brides’ attention. The bachelors, however, stayed deadly silent and still, barely smiling as they looked at the women standing on top the docking plank in a straight, orderly line.

Pia’s heart broke as she looked around the wonderful campground. It was perfect, so basic and simple in its untamed, untouched elegance. The colossal trees of the forest were thick, with large leaves that canopied overhead--the shade would be perfect for camping once she got used to the hours of light. She imagined that such a gigantic forest would be great for hunting and fishing, even hiking.

This is a place where she could have gotten lost. It was homey, earthy, and exotic in its smell of burning wood. It was rustic, yet colorful, in its sights. Music played, primal and earthy in the background, hypnotic and enticing at the same time.

In the distance there was a mountain range. Pia squinted, barely able to make it out in the darkening skies. Stars sparkled overhead. The moon was large and gave off a brilliant light. It shone over a valley of pyramid-shaped tents, whose walls were lit by torches and whose tops were decorated by waving banners.

Looking back down, Pia swallowed painfully, trying not to feel so disappointed. The bachelors still stood like bronzed Vikings. Maybe the next planet would be just as good, only the men would be ugly and attracted to ugly things.

The Qurilixen all had shoulder length hair. Black leather masks covered the groom’s faces, hiding them from forehead to upper lip. Their eyes shone bright from the eye slits, like probing liquid metal. Behind them, Pia could see the others were more fully dressed. With such a blatant difference in wardrobe for this ceremony, Pia knew that they would be a sexually charged race. Even now she could see the married couples boldly stroking and touching each other as if it were only natural they did so.

The line slowly moved, jerking her from her thoughts. She dutifully walked down an aisle made up of hot flesh on each side. Her lips curled, though not in pleasure, as she bit the corner of her mouth. She glanced to one side and then the other, knowing full and well no one would look at her for too long with so many other beauties to gaze at. One by one, she saw the men’s eyes alight with lust--lust that wasn’t for her.

Almost to the end of the line, feeling dejected and ready to go back to the ship and change her clothes, she glanced at one of the warriors toward the end. He was staring at her, his crystal shining from the leather strap on his neck. He was a handsome specimen with light brown hair a little longer than the others and matching brown eyes that seemed to shine. He was taller and had broad shoulders, which bulged with a rocky play of muscles. He didn’t smile and there was a commanding nature to his stance.

Pia expected his eyes to move on as everyone else’s had. When he continued to stare, she frowned, glancing over her shoulder.

How rude! she thought in growing ire when she turned back to see that he was indeed still watching her.

Taking his look for one of abhorrence, she shot him an angry scowl. She might not be beautiful, but she didn’t need this man pointing that fact out to her.

The man bowed his head in her direction. Pia leaned a little away from him as she passed by. Her mouth curled in disgust of his manners. He might be the most handsome of them all, but that didn’t give him the right to judge her.

Without a backwards glance, she continued on, following the throng of women to a feasting table. She took a deep breath, glad the worst was over. Now that she’d met with rejection, she could eat, get back to the ship, and prepare for the long flight home. At least the spacecraft wouldn’t be full of women for the second leg of the journey. That would be something anyway.




Chapter Two


Zoran of Draig’s eyes lit with fire and his mouth suddenly went dry. He could hardly believe his good fortune. The most beautiful woman in line was destined to be his wife. He could see the firm muscles working beneath her shoulders as she walked. Her arms were slender yet strong. She kept amazing care of herself and moved as if she knew how to use her body to full advantage. Her wide hazel eyes looked around without vanity and when she caught his eye, she seemed surprised that he stared.

But how could he not stare at a vision so lovely?

Zoran’s lips didn’t move to smile. He could barely remember to breathe. Her tanned skin gleamed pleasantly in the firelight and the crimson of her gown was wickedly erotic as it hugged to her very pleasing curves.

She glanced over her shoulder and then back at him. The confusion in her eyes turned to a look of instant annoyance. If not for that hard look directed at him, he would’ve reached forward and grabbed her. Remembering at the last moment that he needed to bow, he did so.

The woman pulled away from him, her eyes narrowing as she hurried past, almost as if she was afraid he meant to touch her. By the look on her face, she wasn’t as pleased with him as he was her. This puzzled him.

Zoran knew he was a handsome, sought after man, even without the title of Prince attached to his name. Whenever he traveled outside his planet, women would vie for his attention. When the prostitutes came to Qurilixen to relieve the men, he was always a hard fought for prize between them, having his pick of any of the beauties--sometimes taking two or three. But those wild days were behind him. He was of the age to finally settle down.

He kept an eye on his bride as she walked away. Her athletic legs strode in perfect form and he felt an animalistic growl growing in the back of his throat. His eyes flashed with the glittering of a barbarous gold. His body already craved her and, by the will of the Gods, he would have her.


* * * *


Pia was ready for the night to be over. She stared at the married couples as they laughed and flirted so easily by the firelight. For a moment, she was jealous, wishing she could be one of the beautiful people she saw enjoying their celebration. They laughed and joked like a giant family, a whole community that was bonded in trust and loyalty. She knew what it was like to belong to a family, one who you could depend on and go to, one who would fight by your side, no questions asked. She imagined that this place would be like that for someone who belonged in it.

The brides had been directed to long wooden tables where a large buffet had been spread beneath a canopy. It was a veritable feast of roasted two-horned pigs, blocks of Qurilixen blue bread with whipped cheese, strange fruit, and crusted pastries. Pia didn’t eat and she didn’t drink what they offered. She just wasn’t in the mood. As soon as she got back to the spacecraft she planned on a nice, long massage and a bottomless cup of green tea.

The Qurilixen men wore simple tunic shirts and breeches. Servants carried pitchers full of a strange berry wine. Pia’s attention was caught as Olena, at her side, eagerly waved one of the servants over. The man’s light blond hair fell over his shoulders as he bowed. Olena held up her goblet, barely giving him a second glance.

Pia did notice him however. He was dressed plainly like the others, but Pia knew well the use of a disguise. Clothes didn’t create a person. They did, however, conceal a person. If you watched close enough, the real person’s nature would always shine through.

She frowned, seeing how the servant’s large hands shook when he poured. They were callused along the side ridge of his palm. This man wielded a sword, probably a heavy blade used typically by foot soldiers. Narrowing her eyes, she studied his movements. He was light on his feet as he walked away, but hadn’t been so graceful when he took Olena’s goblet from her hand. It had been almost as if he were trying not to grip it too hard.

"He makes for a peculiar servant," Pia mused thoughtfully to herself. She suspiciously watched him as he moved down the table. His eyes didn’t travel to the goblets and he seemed more preoccupied with the married couples out by the bonfire pit than with the brides. Bumping into another servant, he mumbled an apology, spilling his wine as he walked down the platform.

"They make for a peculiar race," Olena mumbled.

Pia glanced at the woman, surprised to hear her answer. She hadn’t realized she spoke out loud. Forcing herself to laugh softly, she nodded in agreement. "Do you believe this whole deal?"

"What are you doing here anyway?" Olena asked curiously. "You hardly seem like the type to get trapped into coming."

"Free benefits," Pia said, her words enigmatic. She could tell Olena meant no insult. Pia’s eyes shadowed for a moment as she watched the blond man slipping away into the dark forest. Absently, she glanced at Olena, seeing the woman was about to speak. Quietly, Pia stopped her, moving to stand. "I think I’m going to follow that servant. He’s up to something."

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