
Read Exposed Online

Authors: Andrea Maller

BOOK: Exposed
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    Chapter One


     “Have you checked on her today, Alex?” Charles asked, straightening the papers on his desk for the third time in ten minutes.

     “No change. Status Quo.”

     “That’s not necessarily a bad thing.”

     “Her vitals are holding steady. She just needs to hold on for one more month. We’ll give the girls the final injection tomorrow. Then they’ll be ready to do the transplant.”

     “I couldn’t stand it if I lost her again,” Charles said, lowering his head to reveal a thinning patch of greying hair.

     “That’s not going to happen. We’ve spent half our lives developing this technology. It’s practically perfected.”

     “Exactly! Practically perfected. Not flawless. Something could still go wrong -- horribly wrong. What would we do then? We have no room for error and there are still some very important kinks that need to be worked out.”

     “She’s survived in this state for almost eighteen years.”

     “That gives us no guarantee.”

     “Relax. There’s no reason to believe she won’t make it through the procedure.”

     “If only she had family, we never would have had to go to the extremes that we did,” Charles said, fumbling with a folder.

     “Or broke a few laws,” Alex added.

     “I know we did the right thing. The greater good and all. We did what we had to do.”

     “Samantha would have agreed with our choices if she were able to speak for herself. She would have wanted us to do everything possible to keep her alive, legal or not.”

     “I know you’re right. She was a fighter. Is a fighter,” Charles said, quickly correcting himself. 

     “Samantha’s the strongest woman I’ve ever known. If anyone can survive...”

     “It kills me to see her in this state, though. She looks so fragile. So helpless.”

     “You know it’s only temporary. We’ve already made it through the most difficult hurdles. We’ve achieved what they said couldn’t be done. Shouldn’t be done. We’re pioneers, Charles. Someday those laws will change. People will be more open-minded once they see the benefit of our research. They just need time to accept our work.”

     “That’s never going to happen as long as the procedure is considered illegal, but as long as it saves Samantha, I’ll deal with the consequences. We should be celebrating our eighteenth wedding anniversary next month. Instead, I’m still waiting for her to become my wife.”

     “Patience, Charles. Just a little longer. Everything will fall into place.”

     “I know you’re right. Nobody here ever really believed we would succeed in our research. So many have failed before us.”

     “We got very lucky.”

     “Luck had nothing to do with it, Alex. Nothing was going to stand in the way of saving Samantha. Nothing!” Charles said, rising up, slamming his hand on the desk.


Chapter Two


     Alyson snuggled into the crook of Jake’s neck, his arm naturally cradling her delicate frame. They sat, every afternoon, on the brown suede couch in Jake’s basement watching science fiction movies. They only watched the originals. Neither Jake nor Alyson liked remakes. They felt they had a been there, done that quality to them
Attack of the Fifty Foot Woma
was playing on the flat screen across the room, the sound muted. Their feet were propped up, shoes off, of course, on the wooden coffee table.

     “We must’ve watched this movie a hundred times,” Jake said.

     “At least,” Alyson laughed.

     “It never gets old.”

     “I know what you mean. There’s something about a fifty foot kick-ass female who doesn’t take any crap from a man. She’s such an inspiration.”

     “Hey! Don’t get any crazy ideas, Alyson.”

     “Don’t worry. I know you would never be a jerk like her husband. He deserved what he got.”

     “Some guys just don’t know when they have a good thing.”

     “I’m glad you’re not one of those guys.”

     “I know what I have with you. I’m very lucky. I would never hurt you like that.”

     Jake pulled Alyson close to him, twirling her auburn curls around his fingers and breathing in the floral essence of her hair. Sweet jasmine, his favorite. The smell always reminded him of being a child, picking flowers with his mom, relaxing in the sun. Those years seemed so far now.

     Since losing his mom six years ago, he held on to her memory like a security blanket. He needed one since his father rarely had time for him. His research always came first. Even as Jake’s mom lay dying, his father was doing experiments at Genesis Biotech, his home away from home.

     “Popcorn?” Jake asked, holding the bowl out for Alyson.

     “Extra butter with a touch of cayenne?”

     “Just like you like it,” Jake said, smiling.

     Alyson reached in and took a large handful.

     “Thanks,” she said, kissing his cheek playfully.

     Jake turned the sound up as the movie played on. They watched scene after scene, occasionally stopping to snack on the hot buttered treat. Science fiction was their religion and the only type of movie they ever watched. That could be because both of their fathers were research scientists, or maybe, they were just normal teenagers fascinated with old B movies.

     “Hey, what would you do if that was me?”

     “What do you mean if that was you? You mean if you woke up one day and you were fifty feet tall? What would I do?”


     “Well, for starters, we’d have to get a convertible because there would never be enough head room in my little car.”

     “Very funny. I’m serious. What would you do?”

     “There would just be more of you to love,” Jake said, his hand gently caressing her face.

     “You’re so sweet,” Alyson said, tilting her head, brushing her cheek against his hand.

     They watched the rest of the movie with fierce intensity, speaking the lines aloud in unison. When it ended, Jake clicked off the t.v. and turned the lights up in the room.

     “I should head home. I have a report due tomorrow and I haven’t even started the research yet.”

     “That’s cutting it kind of close, don’t you think?” 

     “It’s okay. It’s not due until after lunch. I have plenty of time.”

     “You never cease to amaze me. Let me grab the popcorn bowl and I’ll walk you out.”

     “You’re always such a gentleman.”

     Jake followed Alyson up the stairs. He placed the bowl on the podium near the front door and leaned in to kiss Alyson good-bye. As his hand reached for the doorknob, he heard his name being called from the kitchen.

     “Is that you, Jake?” his father called out.

     “Yes, I’m just walking Alyson out.”

     “So, Alyson’s here. I finally get to meet her,” he said as he emerged from the kitchen.

     “You could have met her a lot sooner if you were ever home. Speaking of which, why are you home so early?” Jake asked, not sure if he really wanted the answer.

     “It’s nothing for you to worry about. I was just a little tired.”

     Mr. Parker did a double take when he saw Alyson.

     Jake noticed his father’s reaction, but said nothing.

     “Is something wrong?” Alyson asked.

     He couldn’t help staring at the familiar face before him. Not wanting to seem rude, he covered best he could.

     “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your girlfriend?”

     “Alyson, this is my dad. Dad, this is Alyson.”

     Alyson reached her hand out to meet Mr. Parker’s.

     “I’m glad I finally got to meet you, Mr. Parker.”

     “The pleasure is all mine. I’ve heard a lot about you. It’s good to finally put a face with the name.”

     “Alyson can’t stay. She has to write a paper. It’s due tomorrow,” Jake said, interrupting their conversation.

     “We’ll speak again soon,” Mr. Parker said as he headed back into the kitchen.

     “See you at school tomorrow?” Alyson said.

     “As always.”

     Jake grabbed the popcorn bowl off the podium and joined his father in the kitchen.

     “Alyson’s gone. Now do you want to tell me the real reason why you’re home so early. You would never come home just because you were tired. You would have slept at work.”

     “I told you, Jake. It’s nothing for you to worry about. Don’t even concern yourself with it. It’s nothing I can’t handle.”

     “I’ll let it go for now, but only because I don’t have the energy to argue with you. What are you cooking? It actually smells edible.”

     “Listen to you. The food connoisseur. You don’t cook any better than I do.”

     “At least I don’t burn everything, Dad.”

     “That’s because you only make cereal and sandwiches.”

     Jake and his father laughed until the water started boiling over in the pot.

     “Quick! Turn the flame down, Jake.”

     Jake lowered the flame and then took a long look at his father. They hadn’t spent any time together in months. This felt good. It felt right. He liked having a normal family moment. Especially since they didn’t happen very often. At least not since his mom died.

     “Alyson seems to be an amiable girl. Nothing like her father, the...”

     “Dad! I know how you feel about him, but Alyson’s incredible. I’m glad you told me to get close to her.”

     “You do realize it was for business purposes, not pleasure.”

     “I know, and I’m sorry I couldn’t help you with your work, but she doesn’t get involved with her dad’s research. She’s just a normal teenager like me. We’ve got more important things on our mind than espionage. I’ll admit I was intrigued when you first told me about her. After all, she’s gorgeous. What guy wouldn’t want to date her?” Jake said, dreamily looking at Alyson’s picture in his wallet.

     “She is a looker,” Mr. Parker said, rubbing his scruffy chin between his fingers.

     “Dad! That’s my girlfriend you’re talking about. You’re not supposed to look at her that way.”

     “She does remind me of someone, though. Someone I knew a long time ago, before either of you were born.”

     “An old girlfriend?” Jake said with a sly wink.

     “Sort of. I was crazy about her, but she never looked at me that way. We only socialized professionally. It wasn’t for a lack of trying, though. Ironically enough, she dated Alyson’s father. Only had eyes for him. Beautiful emerald green eyes. I could have stared into those eyes forever,” he sighed.

     “So, what happened?”

     “When Charles was around, she wouldn’t even give me a second glance. He ruined my chances of ever having a future with her,” he said, voice rising, face reddening. 

     “How about us catching a movie this weekend, Dad.”

     “You’re not going to distract me from our conversation.”

     “I wasn’t. I was just trying to...”

     “I know. You were just trying to help. I want to talk about it, though,” he said, his voice softening.

     “O..okay,” Jake said. “If they were serious, why didn’t they stay together?”

     “They were very serious. Even spoke of marriage. Then one day...gone. She just disappeared. No trace of her anywhere.”


     “Before her disappearance, she worked with Charles at New View Biotech. She was a research scientist also.”

     “So this feud between you and Alyson’s dad is more than just business,” Jake said, feeling a little used.

     “I hate to admit it, but yes.”

     “So who was this Helen of Troy?”

     “Her name’s Samantha. Samantha Leigh. She was incredible. No disrespect to your mom, she was a wonderful woman, but Samantha...she could light up a room. She had everything -- beauty, intelligence. Everything a man could want and more. Problem was, she only had eyes for Charles.”

     “Did you ever ask her out?”

     “I wanted to, many, many times, I wanted to, but Charles always got in the way. I spoke with her on several occasions and we had a real connection. I could tell she was interested in me, but...”

     “It sounds like you could have had something special.”

     “She was the first woman who really challenged me. She was brilliant. If it wasn’t for Charles... Still, I never forgot her.”

     “I’ve never seen this side of you -- the human side. It’s a comforting change from the usual you -- clinical and cold. Who would have guessed that my dad is human like the rest of us? You actually have feelings.”

    Jake was silent for a moment. He thought about his father’s words. Part of him felt hurt, part of him relieved.

     “You barely shed a tear at Mom’s funeral. I never thought you really cared about anything except your work.”

     “I know it must seem that way to you because I spend so much time at the lab, but your mother and you have always been a priority to me.”

     “How can you say that? Do you really expect me to believe we were important to you? You weren’t even around when Mom was sick. Half the time you didn’t even come home at night.”

     “We were on the verge of a very important discovery. I couldn’t just leave in the middle. People were counting on me.”

     “We were counting on you here, Dad. We needed you here. Mom needed you. She cried out in the middle of the night for you and where were you? I’ll tell you where you were. Not here! Not with your family!”

     “Calm down, Jake. There’s no need to get all excited,” Mr. Parker said, lightly placing his hand on his son’s shoulder. 

     “Don’t try to comfort me now,” Jake said, pushing his father’s hand away. “It’s too late. You had your chance six years ago. I don’t need you now. I needed you then.”

     Jake pushed past his father and ran down the basement steps, two at a time. He slumped into the couch and breathed in the scent of Alyson’s perfume, still lingering in the cushions. He closed his eyes and imagined she was still there, sitting next to him, gently caressing his face.

     Then, he remembered his mom. First, the happy times, then the difficult times. The moments when he felt so alone, when he really needed his father’s love and affection, and it just wasn’t there.

Snap out of it, Jake. You’re not a little kid anymore. You don’t need your dad’s anything anymore. You’re almost eighteen. Time to grow up, he said to himself.

     Jake was used to giving himself pep talks. Having Mr. Parker for a father, he had to learn how to do many things for himself. After calming down, he called Alyson.

     “Meet me at our usual. Fifteen minutes, okay?”

     “I’ll be there.”

     Jake hung up the phone feeling very lucky to have Alyson in his life. At least his father did one good thing for him.

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