Dragon Lords 4-Warrior Prince (3 page)

BOOK: Dragon Lords 4-Warrior Prince
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Before she could get up, she looked down the dining platform. Pia quickly sat back down. The grooms were before them, walking up to the table. She’d have to stay put and leave to follow the servant in a moment. What else was she going to spend the night doing? Besides, it would be nice to explore a little before getting cooped on the ship for another month.

Leaning back, with the plan of waiting out the brides and grooms leaving, she suddenly looked up. Before her loomed the rude stranger who had stared at her in line. She crossed her arms over her chest, showing she wasn’t amused by his joke.

Sure, that’s right, pick on the ugly girl. Ha, ha, ha, very funny. You are so hilarious, Pia fumed inwardly. Even her thoughts came out sarcastic. Her brow lifted as she waited for him to take his best shot.

"I’m Zoran," the large warrior stated. His voice was softened with the accent of his people. Though the words were gentle, he didn’t smile as he studied her.

His tone was seductive in its low pitch, but Pia refused to be affected by it. She was too angry. Her brow lifted higher, as if to say, So? That concerns me how?

Zoran’s brows knitted beneath his mask. She wasn’t moving. Drawing near, he placed his palms on the table and softly ordered her, "Come."

"Come?" she mused, the word more a mockery of him than an actual question.

Pia slowly stood and looked him over with a barely contained snarl. Zoran was surprised when she didn’t swing for his head. She looked like she wanted to. To his further astonishment, she said nothing as she came around the table to better face him.

Pia was livid. It was real funny of this guy. He couldn’t find a wife so he’d come to play games with her. What? Were all his friends watching in the distance? Did he lose the bet? Draw the short straw? Was he going to lead her to the wrong tent and leave her there as a cruel joke on someone else? Was he going to toy with her and then refuse to let her choose him as husband? Or, worst of all, did he think she would fall readily into his oversized arms and he’d get a free night of sport?

Standing, hands on hips, she looked him over and sighed.

"Well?" Pia demanded through tight lips. "Lead the way."

Zoran wondered if she was perhaps nervous. Seeing her aggravation, he knew better. At a loss for words, and unable to speak them even if he could think of what to say to her, he nodded his head and began to walk. Hesitantly, he looked over his shoulder to see if she followed. She did, but she didn’t seem to be enjoying herself.

Pia watched the quiet stranger carefully, her eyes scanning the crowd. Other brides were being led forward--some by hand, some not. She saw Olena behind her being carried over a man’s shoulder, a look of amusement on her pale face. Turning her attention back to the barbarian Zoran, she eyed him critically, looking for faults.

He was too big, too muscled, too much hair, too tan, too built, too ... naked, too incredibly graceful when he walked, too handsome of body with skin she could imagine touching, too firm, especially in the backside as it stirred beneath the fur loincloth. Pia gulped. What was she doing?

Her frown deepened and she let loose an aggravated sigh. Zoran glanced at her, but held quiet as he continued on. Stopping at a red tent, he moved to open the flap for her.

"Come," he said.

Pia stopped to eye him warily. She lifted her hand to push back the blonde strands that blew across her face, constantly taken aback by them, but her arm was trapped by the belt.

When she didn’t step forward, but only continued to stare, Zoran stepped closer. He repeated his word louder, his tone growing hard as if he was stating a direct order, "Come."

"After you," Pia answered, doing her best not to look at the glowing crystal snuggled into the depths of his incredibly admirable chest. An ache moved its way into her stomach.

Oh, great! To top off the perfectly dreadful night, she was going to get sick as well.

Zoran forced a shrug and led the way in. Inside, he was confused. Outside, he gave nothing away. When he turned, he almost expected her not to be there. Not that she could have escaped. If she’d tried to run, he would’ve gone after her.

Pia followed him inside his tent and glanced around. She really had no choice. If she took off too quickly and this man protested, she’d void the contract with Galaxy Brides.

Within the tent, the red earth floor was covered completely in soft furs. In the middle, beneath the center point of the pyramid, there was a low bed with more furs and pillows. It sat about a half foot off the ground.

In one corner of the red tent was a low table with giant pillows on the floor. It was laden with chocolates and fruit. In the next corner was a steaming bathtub with perfumes and oils. In the third corner, she saw a bondage table with straps and whips.

Zoran watched her reaction carefully. She gave nothing away. She wasn’t even shocked as her eyes moved past the bondage table. Without flinching, she went to the low food table and studied it.

"Ah," she murmured to herself. Zoran tensed as she picked up a knife. To his relief, she didn’t wield it at him, but turned it on the belt around her waist. With a deft flick, she cut the straps and stretched out her freed arms.

Pia studied the blade for a moment. It would be too dull to slice through her hair.

More’s the pity, she thought, putting the blade down.

Zoran watched as she took the straps from her wrists. Then, grabbing the curls that flowed beautifully down her back, she made quick work of the mass. She tied it into a makeshift bun at her nape to keep the locks off her shoulders. Muscles moved temptingly beneath her skin.

Zoran’s darkening eyes grew with heat, the rest of his body simmering. Her stunningly tanned flesh glowed in the firelight coming from the torches affixed along the tent walls. He wished to tie her, just like that, with her hands trapped above her head so he could have his way, taking his time as he thoroughly explored the long line of her back.

Closing his eyes, he pictured it vividly. He’d take his knife, cutting the slinky material from her skin. He would peel it back to see the tender peaks and hollows of her body. She’d tremble for him. She’d pant as she tried to remain calm. Once naked, his eyes would study her as his hands tested her response. She would grow hot. She would beg. Her mouth would part in beautiful, soft moans. He’d kiss her and they’d make love just like that, with her long legs wrapped about his waist as he thrust...

Nearly moaning with the agony of it, he opened his eyes.

Pia turned and again stretched her arms, completely unaware of his thoughts. When she looked at him, the pleasant expression caused by the simple act of freeing herself from her hair was lost. She scowled and sighed. Placing her hands on her hips, she studied him.

After a long, tense moment, she asked quietly, "Is this some kind of a joke?"

Zoran’s stomach lurched, only to tighten. She was disappointed by him? She didn’t think he was worthy? As the Captain of the Guards, he’d proved himself to the entire kingdom that he was the worthiest fighter in the land. He led armies, won battles and tournaments. But here was the woman destiny had chosen for him and she didn’t think he was good enough for her. The bitterness of it stung like a blow to the gut. She continued to look him up and down in disdain.

Slowly, he shook his head in denial. No, this was no joke. He found nothing funny about it at all.

Pia ignored his silent answer. "What is it? Someone outside listening?"

Again, he shook his head.

"I know we aren’t getting married, so you can drop the act." Turning, she plucked a piece of fruit off the table and stuck it in her mouth. Her mouth full, she said, "I’m contracted to go along with this. That’s the only reason I followed you here. I know you’re up to something. So you might as well get it over with or give me permission to leave. I’m starving and I want to go back to my suite and drink some green tea."

When he moved, it was with slow purpose. He passed by her, moving to pull a pillow out from the low table for her to sit. She eyed him despairingly.

"I’d just as soon eat on the ship," she said, frowning.

He motioned for her to be seated.

"All right," she sighed. Her eyes gave away her suspicion, but her curiosity was strong. If she ran away from him too soon, Galaxy Brides could try to call her on her contract. She couldn’t afford to pay them for the surgeries and she wouldn’t risk them sending out a bulletin with her before and after pictures on it. They claimed they didn’t take any, but Pia didn’t trust that lady doctor.

Pia had no choice but to wait this prank out. She couldn’t risk letting the Rayvikians find her. To do so would be a horrific death sentence.

Zoran sat across from her, leaning back on his heels. Pia eyed him resignedly and waited. When she didn’t move, he motioned to the fruit. She took up a piece and bit into it. Chewing thoughtfully, she took another bite and then another to finish the piece off.

Zoran watched her in silence. She seemed completely unaware of the effect she was having on him, as she placed fruit in her mouth and licked absently at her fingers. Every once in awhile she’d sigh as if she were bored. He poured her wine and handed it to her. She took it and sipped dutifully, though he noticed she didn’t swallow it.

Pia hated wine. The smell of it made her sick to her stomach. Holding her breath, she pretended to politely drink and set the glass down. She took more fruit, her stomach beginning to stir with delight at finally being fed.

Eating a few more pieces, she nodded her head at him. "Well, thanks for the snack. It’s been real ... entertaining."

He didn’t miss the sarcasm. She didn’t try to hide it.

Zoran lowered his head. He whipped his arm over the table so he could gracefully stalk forward on all fours. Pia watched him, wondering what he was up to. Seeing the look on his face, she stiffened. Her mind told her to stand, that whatever he planned boded ill for her. But she couldn’t move.

A trance fell over her, growing with each pulsing beat of the glowing crystal necklace. Firelight gleamed off the gold bracelet on his arm. She’d been trying to feign disinterest in him as she ate, but her eyes hungrily sought to study him. It was torture to want him and know he couldn’t possibly want her.

Pia parted her lips in breath. He didn’t stop until he’d crawled completely to her. His brown eyes bore unflinchingly forward, trying to claim her soul as they explored her. In that moment, she felt him connecting to her. It was strange. It was almost like she knew him and that he wasn’t a stranger at all. But how could she know him? She’d never been to this quadrant before.

Zoran settled his hands on either side of her thighs. He trapped her down without touching. His eyes dipped to her lips, still moist with juice.

Pia’s eyes widened as his closed. She swallowed nervously, pressing her lips shut and pulling them tight against her teeth as he neared her with a kiss. The first brush of him sent a shockwave over her spine. She trembled violently, feeling the rough texture of his tongue as he licked over her bottom lip.

Pia didn’t return his peculiar kiss. Zoran took his time, licking the fruit juice from her. He traced the seam of her mouth with his tongue, prying her lips easily apart as he pushed deeper.

Zoran felt her breath deepen, detected the heady scent of her fragrant longing. His probing met with the barrier of her teeth. He moved to suck her bottom lip into his mouth. A jolt washed over them both at the intimate act. She stubbornly refused to allow him entrance.

Pia was frozen with shock. She didn’t know what to do. It felt wet and wrong, yet so incredibly right. Her head lightened, nearly swooning with pleasure. His lips pressed closer, trying to get hers to move. She didn’t know how, had never kissed a man. To her amazement, she realized the doctors had repaired not only her skin, but her nerve endings as well. Her mouth tingled with feelings. Before, her whole left side had been dead to the lightest of touches.

Zoran worked forward, his kiss forcing her to lean back. He didn’t look at her. She couldn’t stop staring at him. She couldn’t believe it was happening. Then, the dark demons of her past reared their ugly heads and she pushed his shoulder violently to stop him.

"That’s enough," she said. Her whole body ached in protest of the broken contact. The ache had begun to grow, spinning its web within her stomach. Her words were not as strong as she would’ve liked, as she said, "You’ve had your fun. Now point me in the direction of my ship."

He shook his head. Her hand was still on his shoulder, trying to hold him back from her precarious position. It would be so easy to pull him back to her or push him firmly away. She wanted to pull him close. Zoran leaned over to nip playfully at her wrist. Pia snapped it from him as if he’d tried to sting her.

"Come to the bed," he urged her. His eyes shifted and flashed with danger.

"No!" she practically screamed. She scrambled back on her feet to get away from him. She should’ve known that was all he wanted from her.

Zoran stood, hopping up in one swift movement to tower above her.

"Stay back," she commanded, her eyes glowing with hazel fire. "I’m not a prostitute! I’ll not whore for you."

That stopped him.

With a scowl, she looked around the tent. Then, storming to the front flap, she was surprised when he was there to block her way. She gasped. She hadn’t heard him move.

He lifted his hand to block the opening.

Pia stared at him hard, ordering, "Move."

Zoran didn’t budge. His jaw lifted. If this were a test to see what he would do, he would show her he was worthy of keeping her. He would prove to her that she’d never find a better husband than he. The crystal had decided. It glowed as proof of their match and his body lit with the fire of her taste. They couldn’t fight their fates. It had been written before they were even born.

"I said move," she growled fiercely. "Your game isn’t going to work. I’m not staying here and sleeping with you. Now move it!"

He shook his head. Pia hesitated and her brows narrowed.

"Don’t make me hurt you," she warned.

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