DreamALittleDream (13 page)

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Authors: Amylea Lyn

BOOK: DreamALittleDream
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“Come on, sweetheart. Let's let Aiden look at your pictures and go on up to bed. You look exhausted, and he needs time to process and focus.” Jake placed a gentle arm around Cael’s shoulders and herded the kid toward the stairs. “Come on up whenever you’re ready,”

Jake said, looking back over his shoulder at Aiden.

Aiden nodded and turned toward the kitchen, feeling in the pit of his stomach that his whole life was about to change.

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Chapter Fifteen

Jake waited until Cael was completely asleep, lying in the center on their large bed, before he’d gotten up to go check in on Aiden. It had been nearly an hour since he’d left his baby downstairs, and he was starting to worry.

Jake knew this whole thing had been hard for Aiden to understand, his baby always being so rational and sure of his thoughts and beliefs, but Aiden just couldn’t discount the things Cael was saying. In fact, for Jake, it made plenty of sense.

It explained how Cael knew they would get hit by that car in the parking lot, even though he had been out cold at the time. It explained the incident with the homeless man at the grocery store, and it even explained why Cael was always drawing in his sketchbooks; he didn’t just like drawing, he had to draw. It was a part of his gift.

But the biggest reason of all was it explained the eyes.

Cael’s soulful, violet eyes, so soft yet filled with wisdom and knowledge no normal man could know; Jake's grandma had had eyes like that.

Maybe it was his Native American heritage coming into play, but there were some things you just had to believe in, despite what society and common knowledge might say. Cael’s abilities were one of them.

When he walked into the kitchen, he wasn’t surprised to find Aiden pacing. He was surprised to see the amount of sketches strewn about the kitchen table, and the troubled frown marring his baby’s face.

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Finally, Aiden stopped pacing and looked over at Jake with sad eyes.

“How many…” he began, then stopped and shook his head. Jake didn’t interrupt, just waited patiently until Aiden continued. Eventually, he did. “How many people have I had committed, medicated, told them they were crazy, that actually weren’t? People who were special like Cael? How many do you think?”

Jake could only shake his head and sigh. “What finally convinced you?” he asked.

Aiden turned toward the table and picked up a drawing that he thrust toward Jake. It was a very detailed picture of a train wreck, with one of its cable cars broken off and turned on its side. The engine number was only partially visible, a large
was written and circled at the top, and on the bottom it was clearly dated.

“This is transit number one-forty-three. It wrecked a little over a month ago. Twenty-three people died. Cael dated his picture on August twelfth.” Aiden shook his head in wonderment. “That’s one week before the actual accident. Cael was admitted into the hospital on August third.” Aiden took a deep breath, and Jake could see Aiden’s hand holding the picture was shaking. “We don’t allow the news to be shown at the hospital, not even in the nurse’s stations. It upsets the patients. Cael drew the wreck without ever seeing it. Even if he had heard someone talking about it and drew a picture and back-dated the damn thing, he still wouldn’t have known the number of the cable car that flipped or how many people died. He couldn’t have known, Jake. There was no way for him to get that information while in the
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Jake nodded. “You’re right.”

Aiden shook his head and tossed the paper back toward the pile on the table in agitation. “Don’t you see,” he exclaimed, running his hands through his hair. “This changes everything. Everything I thought I believed in is completely dashed. How can I trust the judgments for the patients I have, or the decision I have been making, in what I thought was the best on their behalf? I don’t know anything anymore!” He looked at Jake with such a desolate expression, Jake felt instant sympathy. “What do I do now, Jake? What do I do?”

Jake reached out and stopped Aiden’s frantic pacing with a hand on his shoulder. “First,” he murmured, “you take a deep breath.” He waited until Aiden complied before continuing. “Now, you go upstairs, pull Cael close and apologize to him for doubting him and promise never to do it again. All of the rest of this stuff can wait. What matters now is that sweet boy upstairs knows you love him and trust him. We’ll deal with the rest tomorrow.”

Aiden sighed, leaning on Jake’s seemingly never-ending strength. “You’re right. I was an inconsiderate ass and need to make it right.” He started to pull away, then stopped to look up at Jake with a soft expression.

“You love him already, don’t you?” It wasn’t really a question, more a statement or observation, but Jake answered anyway.

“Just like I did the first moment I laid eyes on you,” he
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Aiden smiled. “Good. Me, too.” He took Jake’s hand and led his lover toward the stairs. “Now let’s go love our boy.”


Aiden walked into the bedroom as quietly as possible, his heart clenching at the sight of his little love lying in the center of the bed, cheeks tear-stained and brow furrowed even in sleep. Aiden couldn’t help but wonder what he was dreaming about and if he was picturing the future in his mind again.

It seemed so impossible; the entire situation was like some big prank put on by a television show or

something. But when the proof was staring him right in the face, in the form of picture after picture of recent and past events, not to mention things that may come to pass, Aiden found himself starting to believe. He still wasn’t one hundred percent sure, but he was much more open than he had been. He only hoped that would be enough to convince Cael to trust him again.

Carefully, Aiden stripped out of his clothes and slowly slipped into the bed, taking his sleeping lover in his arms while trying not to wake him.

Cael sighed, sniffling softly, and nuzzled closer. Aiden ran his hand gently through the kid’s hair, and when Cael’s eyes finally fluttered open, he was waiting there with a gentle smile on his face.

“Hi, honey,” he whispered.

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Cael’s eyes widened slightly, and he tensed. “A-Aiden?”

Cael’s voice trembled, and he bit his lip in trepidation.

There was a wealth of questions in his one little word, like ‘do you believe me?’ ‘are you going to kick me out and hate me?’ ‘will you ever love me again?’.

Aiden knew the answer to each of those unspoken questions was yes, never, and until the day I die. Now all he had to do was prove it to Cael.

“It's okay, honey, we’re good. I promise.” Aiden smiled as Cael completely relaxed, sinking into him like Aiden’s nonresistance was the last thing Cael needed to make his entire world right. Aiden held him close, rubbing a soothing hand up and down his naked back.

Jake smiled over Cael’s shoulder, where he was lounging on Cael’s other side, and winked at Aiden.

Aiden winked back.

“Come here, love,” Aiden whispered, tilting Cael’s face up and kissing him.

His little love’s lips were so soft and moist, yielding yet enthusiastic in their surrender, and it revved up Aiden’s lust like nothing else. Cael whimpered and moaned, and Aiden deepened the kiss like he was searching for the secrets of eternity inside Cael’s moist heat. He reached down, cupping that sweet little butt, but instead of turning and crushing Cael into the mattress, he moved so Cael was resting on his chest and cradled between his thighs.

Cael pulled back with a hesitant frown. “Aiden?”

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Jake shushed him, placing gentle kisses along his shoulders. “It’s okay sweetheart, he wants it. Can’t you tell? Look in his eyes and see how much he wants your sweet cock in his ass, filling him up good. He wants you, Cael.”

Cael’s eyes were wide with a look of shock,

nervousness, and pure unadulterated lust. “I-I’ve never…” he gasped, small body shaking.

Aiden smiled gently, trailing his hand down Cael’s chest to tweak one of those pert little nipples. “I’d be honored to be your first, honey. Don’t be scared. Jake will talk you through it. Grab some lube and come love me.”

Cael looked over at Jake for reassurance, then turned back to Aiden and took a fortifying breath. “Okay,” he whispered, reaching over to pull the ever present bottle of lube from the nightstand. Carefully wetting a few fingers, Cael handed the bottle to Jake and gasped when Aiden pulled his knees up to his chest.

Smearing the lube all around his hole, Cael ever so carefully pushed one finger in, jaw dropping in shock.

“You’re so warm,” he murmured in wonder, slowly working his finger in and out of Aiden’s body. “Is this okay?”

Aiden grunted softly. “’S good, love, give me another.”

Cael looked unsure, but Jake nodded encouragingly.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. He’ll tell you when he’s ready. Trust him, ’kay?”

Cael nodded and worked another finger in, scissoring
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them carefully to stretch Aiden’s ring of muscle. He jumped when Aiden yelped, hips rising off the bed when his prostate was finally stroked. Cael watched his with wide eyes, a small grin curving his mouth.

“You like that?” he asked, pegging Aiden’s gland again.

“Feels good, huh?”

Aiden nodded, shifting his hips to try and work more of those swirling digits deeper. “Yeah, oh yeah! So good, I love it!”

Cael gave him a saucy grin. “Then I bet you’ll like this…” he said, right before he swooped down to take Aiden’s cock deep into his throat.

Aiden cried out, hands tangling in those soft, blonde strands, face flushed as he shook his head and moaned helplessly. “Fuck, Cael, yes! Yes!” Cael had Aiden writhing in no time, bobbing his head in time with the thrust of his fingers. When he started humming, Aiden lost it and shot early. Raising his head off the pillow, Aiden glanced down to see Jake fingering Cael’s ass, gasping at the sight of his hungry little lover thrusting back on those fingers. Damn! What a sight!

“You going to fuck him, Jake? You going to fuck him while he fucks me?” Aiden asked, relishing the full body shiver Cael gave at his crude words. Yeah, his little love liked the dirty talk. Got off on it like nothing else.

“Fuck yeah, baby. Going to ream you both good,” Jake grunted, adding another finger to the two already inside Cael. “It’s going to be like I’m fucking you both. Hot as hell!”

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Aiden grunted when Cael suddenly added a third slim digit, groaning at the sharp sting and sweet, spreading burn. He could feel his balls tightening and his orgasm gathering at the base of his spine. “Now honey, now!”

he grunted and gasped, tugging lightly on Cael’s hair.

Cael pulled off Aiden’s cock with a
, licking his lips like it was the best damn thing he ever tasted. He took the lube Jake handed back to him, covering his now angry red prick and hissing at the coldness. He got into position, but stopped right as the head of his cock kissed Aiden’s hole, looking up.

“You sure?” he asked. He was shaking from the strain of wanting and having to wait, but was willing to do so until he heard Aiden’s answer.

Smiling, Aiden pulled that sweet face down to his, kissing those bruised and swollen lips. “I love you, Cael,” he whispered, watching as Cael’s eyes widened and pupils dilated. “Take me, love.” That was all it took for Cael to push past the first ring of muscle, gasping at the tightness and heat surrounding him, then sighing happily as he sank completely inside.

“Oh,” he whimpered, looking down at Aiden in

reverence. “I love you, too!”

Aiden just smiled, relishing the feeling of being full. “I know.”

Cael held still as Jake slowly worked his cock inside him, and then began to move, thrusting into Aiden and back to impale himself on Jake. His face was in rapture,
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and he gasped and moaned the entire time, one hand reaching back to run over Jake’s hip and the other reaching up to tease Aiden’s nipples. Aiden knew Cael was starting to lose it when his rhythm started to falter, and it was Jake who grasped Aiden’s leaking cock to stroke it. Jake’s lips were at Cael’s ear, and judging by the look of love and happiness in the kid’s eyes, Jake was whispering his confession of love.

“Me, too! I love you, too!” Cael gasped, turning his head to kiss Jake desperately. The sight pushed Aiden over the edge, and he groaned as he shot hard, spunk flying up on his chest. Cael’s eyes widened, and he cried out, jerking helplessly, and Aiden could feel the flood of heat warming his insides. Jake hissed, thrust a few more time, and then froze, trembling, as he filled Cael.

Cael collapsed onto Aiden’s chest, moaning and using sweet, kittenish licks to clean up his come. Jake managed to keep from letting his body give out and slowly got up to head to the bathroom, no doubt to get a cloth to clean them all up.

Aiden pulled Cael’s face up to his own, growling softly at his own flavor coating the boy’s mouth. Cael sighed happily, moving to snuggle up against Aiden’s side with his head on Aiden’s shoulder.

“Love,” he whispered, eyes drifting shut as he lightly petted the hair on Aiden’s chest. Aiden made a soft sound of agreement, eyes already closed. Both were asleep before Jake even made it back with the cloth.

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Chapter Sixteen

Breakfast the next morning was a rather relaxed affair.

The drawings had been cleaned up, Jake had kissed them both goodbye before heading for work, and now Cael and Aiden were enjoying a couple bowls of cereal together. Cael thought that it was the best morning he had ever had.

He couldn’t fight the happy grin that stretched his face each time Aiden looked at him, feeling like his entire world was right now. It would have been sappy if Aiden hadn’t looked the same every time their eyes met. Well, it was probably still sappy, but Cael didn’t care in the least.

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