Dreams of Ivory (15 page)

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Authors: Carrie Ann Ryan

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Dreams of Ivory
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“You don’t even know who I am. That’s what pisses me off,” the other man spat. “I’ve been here for
working my ass off, and nobody knows. Nobody knows what I’ve done and how hard it is to work in two regions just because that dumb bitch can’t make a decision.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t know your name, but how about we go sit and talk about that?” Jackson said calmly.

“My name is Brent. Honor knows who I am. Or at least, she
. That stupid bitch should know
about me.”

“How about you watch your language in front of my kids?” Brayden said, his voice smooth. “I’m going to take them back to their mom, and then you, Jackson, and I can talk.”

Brent grimaced then reached into his coat—something the man shouldn’t have been wearing in this high heat—and pulled out a gun.

Jackson’s heart sped up, and Lacy’s grip on his leg tightened.

“You don’t have to do this, Brent,” Jackson said, not as calm as it had been before.

“You think I want to do this? If it wasn’t for that bitch, Honor, I wouldn’t be in this position. It’s all about her and her worries though. She never thinks about the rest of us or about how her going and coming can change everything. You, above all, should know this. She left you alone and look what happened. You became that icy bastard that no one likes.”

Jackson’s eyes darted around, but he didn’t see a way out of this. They stood out in the open with a glass window behind them.

He’d have to talk and find a way to convince the man to let the children go. Hopefully, someone in town would be their nosy selves and look out their window so they could call Tyler.

With all the magic in the world, he didn’t have any defense. He was as useless as ever, and he couldn’t think of a way to protect his family.

There had to be something he could do.

“Brent, I’m sorry about what happened,” Jackson said. “This isn’t the answer though.”

“You’re a fucking Cooper! You’re not God, even though the lot of you seems to think you are. You don’t get to decide what I do. You don’t get to fix this. How hard is it for people to just understand that I deserve something more than a pat on the back and a kick in the ass?”

“I don’t understand,” Jackson said as he took a step back, shielding Lacy. Brent’s eyes narrowed, and Jackson froze.

Okay, no moving.

“Of course you don’t understand. Why would Honor explain anything to you? She’s the fucking princess and can do anything she wants regardless of the consequences and who she steps on to get there.”

“Brent, put the gun away. We can talk about this.”

Jackson froze again as he heard Honor walk up from behind him. No, she couldn’t be here.

“You bitch! You ruined everything.”

“Now, Brent, dear, this isn’t the way. You know this.” Honor’s Aunt Clementine passed Jackson, her head held high as she faced down the man with the gun.

“Stay out of this, Clementine,” Brent said.

“No, I won’t. Put the gun down, and let’s talk about what you’re thinking,” Clementine ordered in a calm voice.

“You should have noticed me. You should know what I’m talking about.”

Honor stood by Jackson’s side and gripped his hand. Hell, she couldn’t be here. She had to leave. He didn’t know what he’d do if he lost her.

She was his life, and he’d just figured it out.

They’d already gotten their second chance, and he’d be damned if he lost it.

“Tell us,” Honor pleaded. “Tell us what I did.”

“You left. You left everyone here because you were a selfish bitch. When you left, someone had to take over your territory—the territory you would have been using if you’d done your job—because you couldn’t be bothered to do your duty. No one else would have gotten away with it. For fuck’s sake, Jackson can’t get out of being a sandman because he knows the rules. You, on the other hand, get away with everything. You’re the niece of the Ivory Queen, and when you find the time in your busy fucking life, you’ll be groomed to take over for her. It’s all in the blood, but your blood is dirty.”

All of this because Honor had been allowed to take her time and wait until she was ready? All tooth fairies were allowed to start when they were ready, she wasn’t special.

She wasn’t.

“Honor feels bad about all of this,” Jackson said. “She’s torn herself up over her decisions, but she was allowed to leave, Brent. She was allowed to find herself outside of her duty.”

“Jackson, don’t,” Honor whispered.

“She’s selfish,” Brent spat. “I did all of her work
mine for years, and nobody noticed.”

“We all noticed,” Clementine said. “We did. You know this, Brent. You even told me you were fine with the extra work because you love doing what you do. When Honor came back, you were happy.”

“You just saw what you wanted to see. You’re nothing. Just like her.”

He aimed the gun at Jackson and grimaced. “I tried to hurt her through you, Jackson. Everyone knew Jackson hated Jordan’s magic and then everything else that happened with his family and magic. I knew you loved him from before; you can’t hide things from me. I
. I gave you the thing we all know you hated, but you persevered. You weren’t supposed to do that. I even had to use my favor from my sandman friend to get that dust. Now that bastard sandman, Sam, found out. He took my friend away and now he’s going to come for me.”

Jackson inwardly cursed. Sam had found out what had happened and if Brent was freaking out now, that meant Sam had to have been close to finding it all.

It all would have been over safely if Brent hadn’t gone off the deep end.

“Now I guess I’ll have to hurt Honor another way. I’ll be remembered now. I was the golden boy around here until you showed back up. Clementine would have made me her heir. You ruined everything and you now have to go.”

Honor moved in front of him, and Jackson cursed. 

“Honor, move,” Jackson whispered.

“No,” she said sternly. “You don’t get to hurt the man I love. You don’t get to hurt anyone. Brent, if you have an issue with me, then make it with me.”

Jackson blinked at her declaration but set it aside. He’d deal with that later. Now he needed to get the woman
loved out of harm’s way.

Brent closed his eyes tightly then opened them. “If you’re dead, you can’t feel the hurt.”

No shit, Sherlock

“That’s why I didn’t want you dead before,” Brent added and Jackson’s heart seized.

Where the hell was Tyler?

Jackson reached out and gripped Honor’s hip, pulling her back. She wouldn’t move to his side, but at least he could feel her against him.

“Brent, I’m sorry,” Honor said. “I’m so, so sorry. I was a selfish brat. I shouldn’t have gone and finished my degree. I should have stayed here so you wouldn’t have to deal with everything I left behind. I’ll leave again if you want to keep the region. Or I’ll stay and give you all the credit. Just tell me what to do. Don’t hurt my family.”

Brent screamed and fired.

Seconds ticked by slowly as Jackson gripped Honor to him at the same time leaning down to cover Lacy. Glass shattered behind them as the store window burst. 

Lacy screamed, and Jackson looked down at the little girl with glass in her hair but, miraculously, no cuts on her body.

“I’m not joking around,” Brent yelled. “Stand up, all of you. Don’t move.”

Jackson stood with a shaking Lacy on his leg. Brayden stood with his sons behind him, and Honor and Clementine stood between them.

“You don’t have to do this,” Honor cried, and he squeezed her hand.

He’d never felt more helpless in his life. Not when she’d left him before because she’d had to. Not when he’d pushed Honor out of the way from the flowerpot. Not when Brent ran her off the road. Not when Brent had almost killed her and Matt in the rock slide.

Now he was helpless at the mercy of a mad man who wanted recognition but wanted vengeance just as much. 

“I have to. Don’t you see? Nothing worked. I wanted you to hurt, and you kept getting better. I wanted Jackson to leave you and blame you for everything. Instead, you two seemed closer than ever. I just want my job back. What’s so wrong with that?”

Everything, but Jackson didn’t say that. Brent made no sense, yet there was nothing he could do. Not when any action could hurt his family. 

“I don’t want to kill you, Honor. That was never the plan, but I don’t see another way out.”

A single tear slid down Brent’s cheek, and he fired. Jackson threw himself over Honor’s body, pulling Lacy with him. The silence after the blast was deafening.

Brent screamed, and Jackson looked up to see the other man clutching his hand, blood streaming down his coat. Tyler had the man’s other arm behind his back and was reading him his rights.

Hugh, Tyler’s deputy, looked a bit shell-shocked but holstered his gun.

It seemed that Jackson had missed the second shot—Hugh’s.

He pulled himself up and looked over Lacy and Honor. “Are you two all right? What’s wrong? Tell me.”

Lacy nodded, tears streaming down her face. “I’m fine, Uncle Jacks. Is the bad man gone now?”

He kissed Lacy’s forehead and let himself breathe. “Yes, baby. He’s gone now.” Or would be soon.

“Lacy!” Brayden crawled over to his daughter and hugged her close. Aiden and Cameron sat on the ground behind him, their faces pale, but otherwise they both looked okay.

Clementine squeezed his arm and nodded. “Thank you for taking care of my baby.”

He frowned. “I didn’t do anything.”

“You’ve done more than you know. Keep her safe, Jackson Cooper.”

He nodded then looked down at the woman in his arms. “Honor.”

She gave a wobbly smile then threw her arms around his neck. “Oh my God, Jackson. He could have killed you.”

“He could have killed you.”

“I’m so sorry.”

He framed her face with his hands, ignoring the growing crowd around them. “Never be sorry for another’s actions. You did nothing wrong. We’ve gone over this. This man wanted something to lash out at because he’s a small man who doesn’t understand that his own actions have consequences. This wasn’t your fault.”

She kissed him softly. “I love you so much.”

Despite everything happening around them, he smiled. “I love you, Honor. I love you so much, and I’m never letting you go. You don’t get to find a new place to live because you’re by my side. I want to watch you grow old, grow round with our child. I want to watch you work your magic and learn to use mine. I want it all.”

Honor smiled. “I think I can agree to all of that.”

“Good, because you’re my dream, Honor. I’m never letting you go.”

He knew the world was waiting. His family needed to know everything. Tyler needed a statement, and the town needed answers, but he didn’t care. At that moment, his whole world was the woman in his arms, and he’d be damned if he lost that time.

Honor was his.

His dream.

His magic.

His everything.

Chapter 12

“We should wake up, you know,” Honor said as Jackson ran his hands up and down her sides, leaving them on her rounded belly.

“Since I’ve already made love to you in our dreams, I guess it’s time to wake up. Though I’m not letting you out of bed right away.”

She smiled at him and kissed his chin. “I think I’m okay with that.”

“I’m getting better at this dream-walking thing. It only took a year to make sure I didn’t do it accidentally.”

“You’re amazing, dear,” she teased. “See you when I wake up.”

Honor blinked and smiled as Jackson’s face came into view. “Good morning.”

“Good morning, my wife,” he said, his voice low with sleep. He placed his hand on her belly, and their child kicked. Jackson’s eyes widened with awe, and she fell that much more in love with him. “I’m never going to get used to that.”

“I love you so much, Jackson Cooper.”

“I love you just as much, Honor Cooper.”

“Am I getting too big to be on top?” she asked as she ran her hand down his stomach to grip the base of his erection.

He groaned and rubbed her wrist. “No, the doctor said we’re fine. Now climb up, baby. I know how much you love when I let you have control.”


“You know what I mean.”

“Sure, baby. Whatever you say.” She moved so she straddled him then slowly, oh so slowly, slid down his cock. He filled her up, and she had to close her eyes to make sure she didn’t succumb to bliss too quickly.

“Ride me,” Jackson ordered, his voice husky and sexy as hell.

She placed her hands on his chest and moved up and down, setting the pace slow as they woke up. Her breasts were heavy and full, sensitive due to the pregnancy and the man beneath her.

Jackson gripped her hips, keeping her steady, and soon she found herself throwing her head back as she came, him following soon after.

“I’m so glad this is how we wake up every morning.”

Honor smiled at her husband’s words. “It helps that we set our own hours so we go into our jobs at the same time. This way we get our morning sex.”

Jackson chuckled. “Well, it’s a perk for sure. Now let’s go hop in the shower and get ready. The family is coming soon.”

“Make sure you have the peanut butter ready,” she called over her shoulder as she made her way to the bathroom.

“I will never understand that craving. How is it that all five of you Cooper women are pregnant? I mean, it was odd as hell the first time the four of them were pregnant. Now they’re all pregnant again, and you joined in.”

Honor stepped into the shower and laughed. “What can I say? We’re weird as hell.”

“You’re my little weirdo, so I’ll take it.”

After they were done showering—which seemed to take longer with two people sharing rather than saving water like Jackson always used as an excuse—they finished setting up the downstairs for the arrival of the Coopers.

New stay-at-home mom Jordan and Matt would be bringing appetizers and their daughter, Azalea. As were the rest of them, they were keeping the sex of their next baby a surprise. In a few months, when all the new mini Coopers arrived, it would be a huge party. Honor loved the fact that Jordan was keeping her witchcraft close to her heart and helping others. She’d even taken on a new apprentice so the family magic would never go away.

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