Druid Temptation (A Druid Quest Novel Book 2) (27 page)

BOOK: Druid Temptation (A Druid Quest Novel Book 2)
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* * *

iana shut
the door behind her, observing the room as if she’d never seen it before. Moving mechanically, she pulled her traveling bag from under the bed, placing it beside the still-sleeping Jack. She was grateful she could feel nothing. It made it easier to do what had to be done without having to deal with the devastating loss.

She stared down at Jack, and that emotional shell cracked.

He’d grown attached to Emilie, and the girl would need a friend after Diana left.

Then the pain came, an avalanche that smashed into her chest and made breathing difficult. She was leaning weakly against the wall when a knock sounded on the door.

She closed her eyes, focused on trying to get air in her lungs and her composure back. When the knock came again, Diana straightened, took a deep breath. “Enter.”

When Gabriel opened the door, the first thing he saw was the satchel on the bed. He firmly shut the door behind him, then crossed his arms, not giving a damn that he stood blocking the exit. “Going somewhere?”

“I’m going to make sure this never happens again.” Diana lifted her stubborn chin.

The words stung, but he gained courage from seeing that tiny spark of rebellion back. Gabriel dropped his arms and stalked forward, hoping to rattle her from behind that icy shield where she hid. “By yourself?”

“It’s me he wants. With me gone, he shouldn’t bother you anymore.” Diana twisted to keep Gabriel in view, unable to get enough of the sight of him…one last time. “You and Emilie will be safe.”

“Leaving you in the same situation as before…vulnerable to his
mercies.” His hand crept up, cupping her jaw. “You married me for protection.”

Diana tried to turn her face away, couldn’t bear to have him touch her for fear that her will would crumble, but he refused to let her go.

“I’ve never once doubted your abilities. It’s about time you start believing in mine.” Gabriel pressed closer, forcing his body in contact with hers in a way that made her breath catch. “What about your promise to give us a second chance?”

His words shattered her composure, and she shoved at his chest. The bastard didn’t even have the grace to budge. “You broke that promise first when you walked out that door. You said we would be a family, then you took that away.”

“Never.” Gabriel grabbed her hand and dragged her closer, engulfing her in his arms. “I belong to you. Now and forever. Leaving won’t change that.”

Diana trembled, his words eroding her resolve to do the right thing and leave. The heat emanating from him seduced her closer. She had been so cold for so long…until she met him. Only he warmed her soul. She should remain firm—leaving would keep them safe—but when his lips touched hers, a whispered caress, all thought of leaving evaporated like mist.

His hand rose, cupping her chin, lifting her face for his gentle assault. Unable to resist the once-in-a-lifetime temptation, Diana kissed him back.

Gabriel crushed her close, his kiss setting her on fire as his mouth ravished hers. His control snapped. His hands slid lower, and he grabbed her hips, pressing his cock against her in a blatant demand for more. Diana groaned at the proof of his desire. She pulled back to see Gabriel’s dark blue eyes focused on her, as if studying what drove her crazy.

“Do that again.”

A groan started low in his chest, a rumbling sound felt more then heard as he bent his head and kissed her as if he never wanted to let her go.

Diana let her eyes close and enjoyed the sensations, but it still wasn’t enough.

She needed more.

She grabbed the back of his neck and dragged him closer, nipping at his lips. Gabriel jerked in surprise, then growled. “Again.”

Pleasure spread through her at his demand, and she did as instructed, starting at his neck and working her way toward his mouth.

Gabriel took control, fisting his hands in her skirt, slowly drawing it up. When his warm hand skimmed along her thigh, Diana gasped, his heated touch burning through her buckskin breeches. He took full advantage, his lips trailing lower until he nipped her neck, his questing fingers trailing higher, and Diana tipped her head back, granting him further access. It seemed to be all the approval he needed. He lifted her off her feet and wrapped her legs around his waist. Diana groaned at the intimate feel of him pressed against where she needed him most.

He rocked against her, making her body tingle from head to toe, and Diana tightened her legs, wanting him closer. Wanted him inside her. Her eyes slid shut, and the room spun when Gabriel lowered them until the soft bed was pressed against her back.

Jack huffed a sigh before slinking off the bed.

Then she and Gabriel were alone.

Gabriel loosened his hold and leaned away. A bit uncertain why he halted his intoxicating kisses, she reluctantly opened her eyes and found him studying her. She reached up, unable to resist tracing her fingers over his ruggedly handsome face, and then sweeping her thumb across his bottom lip.

He caught her finger between his teeth, then kissed the injured digit, the heat in his eyes scorching. “Tell me to stay.”

Diana tightened her legs around his waist, then gripped his jacket and peeled it down his arms. While he struggled to free himself, Diana attacked his shirt. Gabriel growled in frustration, then grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled them both over his head.

She laughed at his enthusiasm, then lost her breath as she studied the wide expanse of his chest, the corded muscle stealing her focus, and she traced the smattering of dark hair at the center. Her fingers itched to explore every inch of him, and her heart skipped with joy to realize that she no longer had to hold back.

Arching upward, Diana kissed the center of his chest, right over his heart.

He pushed her back down, fumbling to remove her breeches. Diana reached down to help, but only ended up tangling their fingers. “Let me up.”

He jumped as if startled, then, much to her consternation, he began to reach for his shirt. It only dawned on her that his first wife must have treated him worse than a prostitute. Diana launched to her feet when he began to back away, and she quickly caught his hand.

Ignoring the way he stared at her in confusion, Diana tugged the shirt from his grip and tossed it to the floor, then went back to touching all that warm skin.

Muscles bunched under her seeking fingers, but it just wasn’t enough.

She wanted more.

Taking him unaware, she pushed at his shoulders, gratified when he obediently fell back on the bed. He grunted in surprise, then froze when she started to loosen her clothing, his blue eyes deepening with desire.

The gown fell away, leaving her dressed in her boots, breeches and a chemise. His eyes locked on her hands as she slowly began to pull on the strings of her pants. He lay so still, she wondered if he was even breathing. She bent and worked on the laces of her boots next.

Glancing over her shoulders, she saw his clenched fist, his eyes focused hungrily on her bottom. With a little hop, she twisted off one boot, letting it fall to the floor. She bent and struggled with the other boot and pulled it off as well, wiggling when it stuck on her heel. Just when it slipped free, Gabriel emit a tortured groan. Glancing up, she saw his focus had dropped to her chest.

He licked his lips, his gaze hungry, and her breasts tingled at the attention. Straightening slowly, she allowed the strap of her chemise to slide down her shoulder a bit. Diana slipped her hands into her pants, then slowly dragged them down her legs before kicking them free.

When she straightened, wearing only her chemise, Gabriel’s attention was riveted on her every move. He sat on the bed, fists clenched tightly on his knees. Diana sauntered closer until she stood inches from him, her chest right in front of his face.

Then she grabbed the last remaining item she wore, and slid the fabric higher. When it reached her waist, she lifted her arms and pulled the chemise over her head in one move.

She let it flutter to the floor, then untwisted her hair from the knot holding it up.

When her hair tumbled down around her shoulders, it was all the incentive he needed.

Gabriel reached out and dragged her closer, his mouth closing over her breast. A groan tore from her, her legs weakening at the delicious way he controlled her body. She gripped his hair and urged him to take more.

As soon as he started to suckled, her knees threatened to buckle. She shoved at his shoulders until he released her breast and fell back onto the bed, and she quickly climbed after him, settling on his lap when he ran a hand up her back and pulled her forward to continue working his magic.

Unable to remain still, she rocked against him, groaning at the feel of him between her thighs. Gabriel growled, then wrapped his arms around her and twisted until she was pinned beneath him.

He looked down at her with such wonder that her throat ached. She couldn’t stop touching. When she ran her nails across his chest, he sucked in a startled breath, his body arching, pushing himself more firmly against her hips. She moaned as heat surged through her. Desperate to feel that pleasure again, Diana dug her nails into his back and urged him to do it again. “Gabriel, please.”

Instead of obeying, he pulled away, and her eyes shot open in panic. Gabriel lifted her hand, turning it one way then another. “Gabriel?”

“We have all night. What’s your rush?” He ran his finger down the center of her palm, making her shudder, then lifted it to his mouth. Pleasure shivered through her again when his teeth scraped over her palm, and she fell back onto the bed, enjoying the attention, allowing him to do what he wanted. His lips trailed up her arm, leaving not a spot untouched. He followed the line of her shoulder, then drifted down her chest to her abdomen.

Diana couldn’t catch her breath as she sat balanced on a precipice, writhing on the bed, not sure how much more she could take. Her breath caught when he dragged his mouth down her stomach, trailing kisses lower and lower, until she couldn’t think. She grabbed his hair and dragged him back up her body. “Enough. Are you trying to drive me insane?”

“You’ve had that effect on me the first time I laid eyes on you.” That sexy smile sent her stomach fluttering. “Turnabout is fair play.”

Before she could think of a reply, he spread her thighs and lowered his head.

Diana sucked in a harsh breath when his mouth and tongue caressed her intimately. Pleasure became almost unbearable as he pushed her higher and higher. Diana arched, offering herself to him fully. When the tension finally broke, she cried out as wave after wave of pure bliss took hold of her, and she could do nothing but let Gabriel do as he pleased.

As the pleasure faded, Gabriel kissed his way back up her body, a satisfied smile lurking in his eyes. Gabriel rolled to the side and yanked off his pants. When he settled back next to her, his warm skin sent a shiver through her.

Diana groaned, not sure she would be able to handle any more pleasure. Yet when he cupped her breast and began the torture all over again, she was shocked to discover her body craved more. She twisted to her side and faced him, not willing to be passive. She wanted to touch him, show him the same wonder he had shown her. She reached up and traced his lips with her finger, then kissed him the way she’d been dreaming about since the day they shared their first dance.

His hand ran down her back, and she shivered in reaction. As his palm rested on her thigh, Diana slid her leg over his hip.

Her breath caught at the feel of him pressed against her, and her body remembered the pleasure and arched into him, craving more. He gave a grunt as if she’d struck him and looked down at her with his heart in his eyes. His hands tightened on her hip. Without taking his eyes from hers, he surged into her.

She sucked in a startled breath at the unexpected pain. Diana wiggled to make herself more comfortable, and heard his guttural moan. His hand tightened on her hips, stilling her movements, and Diana froze.

She felt him flex inside her, and she shuddered from head to toe as she once again began to hunger for release. Eyes closed, she concentrated moving her hips in concert with his, her muscles beginning to tremble when that familiar pleasure began to build again. He felt like warm stone in her arms, and she couldn’t keep from running her hands over the delicious muscles. Opening her eyes, she encountered his blue gaze focused on her. Under his intense regard, she began to spin out of control, body and soul.

With her head thrown back, she heard him growl and felt him nip at her neck. Pleasure spread through her, his arms tightened, and he rolled until she was sprawled over him. Her entire body clenched again in a wave of release as he gave one last thrust and whispered her name reverently.

He lazily traced his fingers up and down her spine, lulling her into sleep, and Diana drifted off with her hand resting possessively over his heart.

She’d given him the chance to run, and he had refused.

Diana was done pretending that she wasn’t desperately in love with him.

Now she just had to find a way to get them all out of this alive.

Chapter 23

abriel woke feeling more relaxed then
he had in years and stretched, then froze when his arm came into contact with a warm body.


Memories of last night flooded him, and his cock rose to the challenge, ready to take advantage of her sleeping form and begin again. After so many years of celibacy, he feared he was woefully out of practice and needed to make up for lost time. Moving slowly so he wouldn’t wake her, Gabriel turned on his side and let his eyes wander over his warrior woman while she slept.

Then nearly swallowed his tongue to find her completely naked, the blanket only covering a portion of her legs. He studied her curves with great interest, grabbing the blankets to keep from putting his hands over all that glorious skin and waking her with his lovemaking.

His smile faded when he thought of how close he’d come to losing her last night.

Of what might never have been.

Gabriel carefully slipped out of bed, determined to visit Rand and Tallie and speak with Samuel. If everything went according to plan, Williams would be out of their life forever by this time tomorrow.

But as he stood next to the bed, he was unable to tear himself away from her slumbering loveliness. Very gently, so as not to wake her, he pulled up the blankets to hide temptation, then quickly dressed. He avoided looking at Diana so he wouldn’t succumb to the urge to simply strip and slip back into bed to wake her properly.

With one last glance over his shoulder at Diana’s sleeping form, Gabriel closed the door behind him.

And almost tripped over Jack, who sat waiting outside the room.

Gabriel met the dog’s judgmental stare, and he felt the heat flood his face. Unnerved by the too-perceptive eyes, Gabriel drew himself up to his full height. “She is my wife. I did nothing wrong.”

Jack just blinked and pawed the door like a normal animal, and Gabriel wondered if he’d imagined the whole thing. Feeling foolish, he twisted the knob.

Jack charged forward, throwing the door wide. It slammed against the wall with a resounding thud and Gabriel winced. He caught it before it could slam into his face, and watched helplessly as Jack launched himself at the bed.

The sight of Diana’s head peeking out from the covers nailed him to the spot.

A slow, sensuous smile spread across her face. She rose to her feet, haphazardly wrapping the sheet around her and padded toward him. The subtle sway of her hips entranced him. When she came within arm’s reach, she placed her hand on his shoulder, reached up and kissed him.

Gabriel could not resist. Of their own violation, his arms encircled her and pulled her closer, and he deepened the kiss. He nearly groaned when she pulled away.

“Good morning, handsome.” Desire pooled in his gut at the low purr of her voice. He wanted to forget about Williams and take her back to bed.

He stiffened his resolve. Removing the threat was more urgent. There would be more time for him to explore the passion between them later.

Gabriel cleared his throat. “I was just going up to speak with Ashmore.”

“Let me get dressed, and I will go with you.”

Dammit all to hell.

The last thing he wanted was for Diana to become any more involved. She’d been through enough.

He opened his mouth to make up some excuse when he saw the vivid blue lines along her back, curling and swirling in an intricate pattern like vines. He lifted his hand and traced the outline with one finger, marveling at the silky-smooth feel of her skin. “They’re beautiful. When we first met, I feared to lose you to something I could not control. I lost my first wife that way. I can’t go through it again.” He pulled his hand away, protectively lifting the sheet to cover the dip in her spine.

Diana glanced at him over her shoulder. “My powers have always been a blessing and the bane of my existence. The more I tried to hide from my heritage, the more out of control my powers became. My abilities are different when I’m around you. Something about you keeps them calm and helps me focus. I think we were brought together for a reason. I think we were meant to save each other.”

Aching to hold her close, Gabriel began to reach for her when she spoke.

“So maybe you’d like to tell me why you were sneaking out of my room to go confront Williams by yourself.”

He gave a guilty start, then wanted to curse. “What gave me away?”

Diana rolled her eyes. “Because that’s what I would do if our roles were reversed.”

The thought of her going off on her own chilled him to the bone. “Diana—”

“Why don’t you gather Ashmore and Rand, and I’ll join you shortly so we can
go over the plan together and you won’t have to repeat it to me later?”

Gabriel understood an order when he heard one, and backed out the door before she decided to change her mind and be angry at him.

Gabriel and Ashmore were sitting in the study when Rand and Tallie entered. Rand nodded his head toward his wife. “She refused to be left behind.”

She gave him a scathing look in reply. “Of course not.” She seated herself next to Gabriel. “What’s happening? We rushed over as soon as we received your note.”

Gabriel sighed in acceptance of the inevitability of the women being involved. When he opened his mouth to speak, Diana entered the room, then halted on the threshold. He immediately stood. “What’s wrong?”

She shook her head and took her seat as far away from him as possible, then calmly took a sip of her tea. Gabriel frowned, unable to get over the notion that he’d done something wrong.

Rand cleared his throat, stood and pulled Tallie to her feet. “My dear, you should sit next to me.”

It took Gabriel precious seconds to realize what emotion he saw on Diana’s face.


He was thunderstruck by the notion, secretly thrilled by what it revealed.

It meant she cared.

“Rand, you’re being a goose.”

Instead of arguing, Rand wrapped an arm around her waist. “You must admit, it looked mighty peculiar that Gabriel is at our house at all hours, comes home smelling of your perfume. What would a new wife think?” Rand kissed her cheek to take the sting out of his words.

Tallie sputtered, her face turning red. “Don’t be ridiculous!”

Rand laughed and pulled her close. “You’re lucky to have such an understanding husband, but think if the roles were reversed. What if I had a woman friend I always visited and touched when we first married?”

She answered immediately. “I would kill her and torture you.”

Tallie covered her mouth with her hand and paled, then immediately shot to her feet, putting more distance between Gabriel and herself. “Oh, no. There is nothing of the sort happening.”

Tallie shot Diana a horrified look. “I apologize.”

Rand sat and tugged Tallie down next to him, clearly amused by the whole situation.

Diana shook her head. “It’s my own foolishness. You’ve done nothing wrong. I didn’t grow up surrounded by friends such as you. The notion is…nice.”

Tallie relaxed, and a private understanding passed between the women. Gabriel wanted to pull Diana aside right then and talk to her, explore this new revelation, but curbed the urge. Now was not the time.

Gabriel pulled a crumpled missive from his pocket and handed it over to Ashmore. “I received this last night.”

Gabriel poured his own cup of coffee while Ashmore read the page. At his curse, Gabriel carefully set down his cup, angered all over again at the gall of the man. “If you’re still willing to help, I need a favor. I want you to take this note to your uncle. Explain as little as you can, because I don’t want Williams to get spooked and take off, but make sure they know what he’s capable of. Williams has become obsessed with possessing Diana. I should have recognized it sooner. He’s never going to give her up willingly. We’re just going to have to make him.”

Ashmore smiled grimly and stood. “You have my word. When I am done, Williams will lose any favor he had with her. Uncle will cut her off if she doesn’t obey. Without her patronage, he won’t get far.”

Rand came to attention, uncrossing his legs and sitting forward, a gleam of excitement in his eyes. “What would you have of me?”

“I want you to watch over Emilie for me, and take Jack with you to help. I think this house has become too dangerous, and I need to know she will be safe.”

“It would be our honor.” The men stood and shook hands, and Tallie came over to touch Diana’s arm.

“We’ll take good care of her.”

Diana smiled. “I have no doubt.”

As they said their goodbyes, Gabriel noticed that Jack was up to his old antics. A muzzle appeared at the edge of his desk, the beast rooting around until he found what he wanted. Those large teeth of his snagged the paper, and he watched it slip under his desk.

He peered over the edge, curious what the dog wanted with it, and saw him practically tiptoe across the floor, as if Gabriel wasn’t watching the whole thing, before depositing the paper at Diana’s feet. “Why does he keep giving you my paper?”

The dog was clever.

One time was a lark, but every morning since they’d arrived, the dog has been trying to steal his paper.

Diana touched the animal’s massive head and retrieved the paper. “When I first rescued him, I read the paper every morning. It became sort of a ritual.”

He nodded, sensing there was more to the story. “What are you looking for?”

“Clues of my family.” Her softly spoken words held a wealth of grief and hope, and Gabriel’s heart twisted. Reaching out, he pried her fingers from the ink-stained pages, holding her hands in a tight grip.

“I promise as soon as this matter is settled with Williams, we can search…”

He broke off when Diana jerked her hand away from him and shook her head. “What’s wrong? I thought—”

Tears glazed her eyes. “It’s too dangerous. We’re being hunted. To search for them would most likely result in their deaths.” A single tear slipped down her cheek, and Gabriel brushed it away with his thumb. Her pain brought him to his knees, and he hated feeling helplessness. He lifted her chin.

“Then we will find a way that keeps them safe.” He pressed his forehead against hers. “It may take longer, but we will find them.”


“Discreetly. It’s not impossible.” Wanting to offer her comfort, he brushed her lips with his. “I promise.”

* * *

abriel hugged his daughter close
. Diana could tell he didn’t want to let her go, not after nearly losing her. With one last squeeze that had Emilie squirming, Gabriel pulled away and kissed the crown of her head.

“Be good for Rand and Tallie.” His voice sounded gruff as he ruffled her hair.

Emilie twirled on her toes at the prospect of a grand adventure. “Can Jack come to the party, too?”

Diana knelt and nodded solemnly. “You have to take good care of him. Remember, you cannot let him out of your sight, otherwise, he will get worried.” Jack leaned heavily against her, hanging his head pitifully. Reaching out with one hand, Diana touched Emilie’s shoulder. “Take good care of him for me.”

Emilie nodded enthusiastically, her eagerness shining brightly in her big brown eyes. “I promise.” Little fingers crossed her heart. Bounding forward, Emilie wrapped her arms around Diana’s neck, and her whispered words carried clearly in the hall. “And you can take care of my daddy while I am gone. He gets lonely without me.”

Diana swallowed the lump in her throat before she met Gabriel’s stare.

Rand and Tallie laughed, catching Emilie close. “Come, monster, it’s time to go adventuring.”

Diana stayed kneeling, watching Emilie skip away, holding hands with both adults as she led them out the door, Jack following dutifully behind Emilie. After the door shut behind them, Gabriel’s hand clamped down on her shoulder.

“She will be safer with them.”

Was he trying to convince her or himself? Rising, Diana took a deep breath and faced her husband. “How shall we begin?”

“We wait for Ashmore.” Gabriel headed back toward the study.

Diana followed slowly and found him by the window. She didn’t know if he was watching Emilie climb into the carriage or searching for Ashmore’s return. Diana poured a brandy in a large snifter, warming it in her hands before handing it to Gabriel.

“Here. Drink.” Gabriel nodded, absently accepting the snifter with a quicksilver smile before turning to face the window again.

Diana shivered at the open affection in his eyes. Every day they were together, he became less rigid in his rituals. Brushing at her bangs, Diana debated the wisdom of their grand scheme. Setting a trap was one thing, but following through without faltering was something else. She didn’t doubt Gabriel’s resolve, but she’d lost faith that everything would work itself out a long time ago.

Ashmore entered the room some twenty minutes later. At his grim expression, she poured him a brandy, and he accepted the snifter with a wan smile. “It’s settled. We have our deal with the devil. We have received an invitation to be at my uncle’s later today for morning calls.”

BOOK: Druid Temptation (A Druid Quest Novel Book 2)
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