Dual Abduction (18 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Dual Abduction
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“I’ve missed touching you, my sweet barbarian. Missed your cries of pleasure. Missed the feel of your silky skin.”

Oh how she’d missed it too. She found herself spun again into the circle of Brax’s arms, his mouth hard on hers now, taking what she offered and demanding more. She groaned before his passion, then trembled as Xarn slid his arms around her, his big hand cupping her sex through the silky fabric of her skirt.

He nuzzled her ear lobe as he breathed. “Sexy barbarian, teasing us. You are so perfect for us, Louisa. Strong, beautiful and spirited. As our mate, we will worship those qualities, like we worship your body.”

Again they whirled her, taking turns sharing her kisses until her lips were swollen with passion and her body on fire from their arousing touch. And yet, they still all wore their clothes.

She wanted the skin to skin feel, the burning fire only they could ignite. She tugged at a shirt, and enveloped in soft masculine chuckles, she got her wish, clothes dropping to the floor to bare the purple skin she’d come to love so much. The filmy fabric she wore fluttered down as two pairs of hands made quick work of it. Naked, she moaned aloud when they pressed themselves against her, the heat of their skin so decadent against her own.

A hand skimmed its way down her body to the space between her thighs, thick fingers sliding through her dampness. She clutched at Brax’s shoulders as a second set of fingers joined them in toying with her, teasing her wet folds and dancing across her clit.

“Give it to me,” she begged, so aroused at this point she didn’t think she could bear any more sensual torture.

“Give you what?” Brax replied before sucking at her lower lip.

“Fuck me.” Crude, but so true. She only partially got what she wanted, Xarn thrusting two fingers into her channel while Brax stroked her clit faster, coiling her pleasure into a tight ball that wanted desperately to explode.

“Tell us what you want,” Xarn said, his tone low and husky.

“Tell us what you need.”

“I need you both,” she panted, her hips jerking in time to the pumping fingers. “I need you inside me filling me up. I need you touching me. Loving me.”

“And what will you give us?” The strokes slowed down and she wanted to scream in frustration.

“I’ll be your mate.”


“I’ll love you forever—now make me come!”

In a heartbeat, she found herself bent over, legs spread and pussy exposed. A hard cock thrust into her, and she cried out at the fullness, the sweet stretching sensation. In and out it plowed, fueling her pleasure, tightening her channel. Then it disappeared.

She cried out in frustration, only to gasp as a new cock took its place.

Oh my god, they’re tag teaming.
What once she would have found shocking, instead made her hotter, more aroused. Enough that she came.

She screamed as she orgasmed. “I fucking love you both!” Or it was what she meant to say, though it might have emerged somewhat garbled given her breathlessness. They understood enough it seemed, because the cock inside her jerked, spilling its hot cream into her trembling channel. The spent shaft no sooner withdrew than a hard dick took its place, and God help her, she felt a second climax building. As he pumped her, faster and faster, she could only gasp and brace her hands on the wall. Screw talking—she could barely breath.

And when a body dropped to the floor beneath her and a tongue began to flick her clit…

Oh, she definitely saw stars that time, maybe a supernova, and she discovered there was a heaven.

She eventually came to, draped across a pair of purple laps. Flushed, a little sweaty, but so damned happy it almost hurt. Hands still stroked her skin, light comforting caresses that made her feel warm, and loved.

Peeking at their faces, she smiled at the soft looks on their faces.

“Still need some convincing about the benefits of being our mate?”


“Are you sure?” Xarn asked with a waggle of his brows. “We don’t mind.”

Judging by the stirring under her, no, they didn’t.

She laughed. “Later. First, shouldn’t we get dressed and out of the elevator before the cops come to arrest us for indecent exposure.”

“Too late,” Brax said with a cheerful mien.

“But don’t worry,” Xarn said. “This isn’t the first time we’ve gotten kicked off a planet.”

“We are after all the Dual Terrors.”

“And what does that make me?” she asked.






Several galactic cycles later…

Mated life agreed with Louisa, when they weren’t running from the law, she thought with a smile. To her hunks credit, while they didn’t invite trouble, it had no problem finding them. It made life interesting to say the least.

To her surprise, she didn’t miss earth at all, and while she did sometimes miss the lively antics of her girls, Brax and Xarn more than made up for it. Besides, she was getting regular updates on her girls progress

and mishaps. They were flourishing under their new teacher, and it filled her with joy to see them looking forward to the future.

To her delight, her men outfitted the spaceship, which they spent a lot of time on, with a toilet more like she was used to back home instead of the one that liked to molest her for body waste. They’d also hired an architect to design a house for them. Xarn’s cousin, Tren, had graciously--after Megan harangued him--allowed them to build on his privately owned planet, on the other side thank goodness. Very few people possessed the fortitude to hang around for long at the home of the most renown mercenary, even the mercenary himself.

The reason? One itty, bitty baby, with the lungs of a giant.

Speaking of whom…Louisa winced at the continued screeching easily heard even though the child resided upstairs behind a thick door in the nursery of Megan’s home.
They really need to start handing out ear plugs at the door.

Despite her status of school teacher, Louisa possessed no knowledge of babies other than they pooped, slept and ate a lot. She also added screamed like a champion to that list. Poor Megan was at her wits end and Tren, well past that point. Her own mates took to scouring the markets when they travelled, looking for something to soothe the cranky beast, but short of the few moments the babe slept or ate, pure auditory hell existed.

Tren entered the living room, his eyes bloodshot and his hair standing on end. Brax and Xarn followed him, the perpetual wince on their miens making her bite her cheek to prevent a chuckle.

“How much longer can the babe scream?” Tren asked. “He’s been doing it since birth. This can’t be natural.”

“Um, yeah it is,” Louisa replied. “Or so I hear. How old is he now? Three months, four? You still got months to go, buddy.”

A groan left the poor father and he sank into a chair.

Louisa took pity on him. “What you and Megan need is a nanny.”

“That is what my mate said, but we’ve tried hiring caretakers for the child. The last two almost ate her and I had to kill them. Megan is exhausted though, and we must do something. I will not see her unable to tend my needs.”

She snorted. “Liar. You just want to get a night’s sleep.”

A mournful look crossed his face. “She won’t let me sleep on the ship. She claims since I am half responsible for the child, then I must endure every piercing shriek.”

Louisa winced as the treble changed in pitch.

“Bath time,” they all said. Automatically, they headed for the terrace where the screams, while still present, weren’t as strident.

No sooner did they step outside, than the crying abruptly stopped. Eyes wide, Tren raced back into the house, and Louisa followed, her mates right on her heels. When she proved too slow, they scooped her over a shoulder and pounded up the stairs.

The deathly quiet continued and she prayed Megan hadn’t killed the child. Or that something hadn’t eaten it.

Stumbling into the nursery, they all came to a shocked halt.

“Aunt Muna, what have you done?”

Xarn’s mother looked up from the baby who cooed at her, while Megan, collapsed in a chair, gave them two thumbs up.

“She’s like the baby whisperer,” Megan confided in a hushed voice. “I don’t know what she did, but Mren shut right up.”

“You’re hired,” Tren announced.

Muna laughed. “Delightful as your infant is, I must return home to my husbands. They are quite lost without me. Fear not though, help is on the way.”

“You’re sending your clone?” Megan asked hopefully.



“No. I’ve sent the wiliest warrior I know to fetch you a nanny.”

Purple faces all around peered at each other. “Since we’re all here, you must mean Jaro?”

A scoffing sound escaped her. “Of course not. Aylia would chain him to her bed before she’d let that one out to hunt. No, I mean you cousin Makl.”

“Little cousin Makl?” Xarn laughed. “A nursemaid is more likely to think he is the one in need of coddling.”

“You haven’t seen your cousin in years. He’s grown into quite the warrior.” At the bristling stance of the purple males, she smiled and added. “Not as good as you all of course, but now that you’ve got mates to care for, it’s best to leave these types of quests to unattached males.”

Brax snorted. “That’s not a quest. It’s an errand. How dangerous can it be to hire a nanny?”

“Not just any nanny,” his mother said with a feral grin that spelled trouble. “A human one who knows how to care for children.”

“Too easy,” Brax said.

“Wish I’d thought of it,” Tren said.

“Um, how is he going to find her?” Louisa asked. “Isn’t my planet off limits?”

The laughter told her more than words how ridiculous that question was in her current company.

Annoyed, she fixed her mates with a stare. “You better hope he’s successful, because in about eight months, dudes, you’re going to be in the same boat.” She patted her tummy, her grin a mile wide when her purple warriors suddenly needed the wall to keep themselves upright.

God, she loved her purple mates, and she thanked her lucky stars every day that an alien abduction led her to them. Oh, and sometimes she threw in a thank you to the minor god Murphy too, just because she knew it irritated her mates.

Life couldn’t get any better. And even more awesome according to her dual abductors, it was forever.




In the obsidian galaxy, far, far away…


Makl grumbled as he stalked through the marketplace. Sent on an errand indeed. Did his Aunt Muna not realize he had more important things to do than to fetch a nanny for his stupid cousin? What was so hard about placing an ad and conducting interviews until someone could be found to care for the spawn created by his egotistical cousin Tren and his barbarian female? Next thing he knew, they’d ask him to buy toys, or mind the child. How degrading.

Although, the idea of flouting the laws and brazenly going to the barbarian planet to steal a female did sound like fun. While his reputation as a fighter was building, he still had a ways to go before he came out from under the shadow of his numerous cousins.

Stalking past the marketplace, he headed toward his favorite brothel, determined to relieve his cock before undertaking the stupidly long voyage. He stopped dead though at the sight on stage.

It seemed the goddess of Karma was smiling his way because there, dressed in a floor length cloak, head bowed, hands clasped was a human, or so the announcer claimed as he extolled her many virtues which would make her fetch a hefty price.

Not that he planned to pay for her.

As the Galactic Avenger, he would take her from right under her new owner’s nose. And maybe laugh while he did it.

Little did he know, a bored deity was lurking, and with a giggle, did what he did best—frukx up the best laid plans and intentions.




The End


Stay tuned for the next Alien Abduction installment, coming late 2012/early 2013.


Author Biography


So you want to know a little about me? Well, I'm in my later thirties, married eleven years to a wonderful, supportive man—yes, he's a hunk—who gave me three beautiful, noisy children aged eleven, eight and six. I work as a webmistress and customer service rep from home, and in my spare time—of which there is tragically too little—I write, read, or Wii.

I was born in British Columbia, but being a military brat lived a little bit everywhere—Quebec, New Brunswick, Labrador, Virginia (USA), and finally Ontario. My family and I recently relocated to the Ottawa area to be closer to family and now that we’re here, I’m sure they’ll be putting the ‘For Sale’ sign up on their lawns soon lol.

Wow, was that ever boring! Now for the fun stuff.

I'm writing romance the way I like it—hot with a touch of humor and spice. I tend to have a lot of sexual tension in my tales as I think all torrid love affairs start with a tingle in our tummies. My heroes are very male; you could even say borderline chest thumping at times, but they all have one thing in common; an everlasting love and devotion to their woman.


Visit me on the Web for news on current and upcoming releases at




Thanks for reading.


More Books by Eve Langlais



Published by Amira Press:

Alien Mate

Alien Mate 2

Alien Mate 3

Broomstick Breakdown

Dating Cupid

Taming Her Wolf

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