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Authors: Toby A. H. Wilkinson

Tags: #Social Science, #Archaeology

Early Dynastic Egypt (82 page)

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Abu Umuri 161
Abusir 76, 80, 81, 359, 360–1
Abusir el-Meleq 176 Abydos:
Cemetery B 53, 55, 234;
Cemetery U 31–2, 40, 48, 57, 188, 227
(see also
tomb U-j);
excavations at 3–5, 19–20, 22–3, 25–6, 338;
region 323, 352–5,
temple 288, 304, 306, 313–15, 355
(see also
votive offerings); town 40, 338–9, 355;
see also
Deir Sitt Damiana; funerary enclosures; Shunet ez-Zebib;
Umm el-Qaab Abydos south 104,
accession and coronation, ceremonies connected with 68, 209–10 Adaïma 266, 349
Anedjib administration 62, 109–49, 343;
of the economy 116–33
(see also
of foreign conquests 143–4, 152, 154, 157, 166;
origins of 111–13;
of peripheral regions 135, 143, 149;
priorities of 113–14;
of the provinces 135, 139–42;
of royal foundations 122–3, 140; source material for 110–11; structure of
Afridar 152
Aha, King 57, 66, 70–1, 202;
and administration 125;
and cult practices 266, 280, 281, 301–2;
and developments in mortuary architecture 224, 238; inscribed objects of 314, 318, 337;
and Menes 68;
Naqada label of 203, 292, 297;
and relations with the Near East 153, 159, 161, 164;
and relations with Nubia 179, 180, 223;
royal visits 221, 222, 281, 291, 317, 320;
tomb complex of 3, 70, 233, 234–5
Ai 159
Akhetaa (official) 102–3, 110, 132, 133, 136
Akhmim 296
Amélineau, B.C. 4–5, 281
Amka (official) 73, 121, 146
Amuq 158
Anedjib, King 78–9, 212, 239;
and administration 121, 124, 127, 130;
and foreign relations 153, 155, 161, 164;
names and titles of 203, 206;
and royal iconography 188, 275,
tomb of 78, 233, 236–7, 257
annals (Cairo fragment)
; census114;
of Den 76, 77, 216, 275, 281, 284, 289, 294, 298, 305, 325;
Djebaut shrine 318–19;
of Djer 71, 297;
fashioning of divine images 268, 287, 291, 294; ‘following of Horus’ 142;
as an historical source 50, 64–6; and Huni104;
of Khasekhemwy 93, 94, 275;
Nile levels 83;
of Ninetjer 85, 292, 295;
royal titulary 200, 207; reconstruction and study of 16; religious festivals 300, 301;
royal rituals 205, 210, 211, 279;
of Semerkhet 79, 281, 291, 296;
as a source for early kingship 218–23 Anti (deity) 198, 279–80, 315
Anubis (deity) 148, 262, 263, 280–1, 297
Apis (deity) 77, 85, 281, 300 appearance of the king 209–12 Armant:
in the Predynastic period 30;
rock-cut inscriptions near 56, 84, 173, 174;
shrine 306, 312, 314;
town 328, 336
Ash (deity) 99, 117, 189,
Asyut 297
‘Athothis’, King 67, 235


‘Ba’, King 82
Badari 83;
as cult centre of Anti 279–80; region 356–7;
shrine 306, 315
Badarian 29, 30, 34, 170, 333, 352
badges of status 29–30
Bastet (deity)
264, 282, 340
Bat (deity) 15, 262, 263, 282–3, 291;
see also
Hathor Behdet 287
Beit Khallaf: excavations at 5;
seal impressions from 90, 95, 101, 102, 128, 132, 139, 140, 198, 208, 298;
Third Dynasty mastabas
, 97, 324, 355
Beni Amir 24
Berenice 169
Bir Abbad 169 bread and beer 153;
see also
secondary products Brink, E.van den 22
Bubastis 41–2, 282, 325, 340
Buhen 180–1, 288
bull’s tail 190–1
Busiris nome 140 Buto:
bull cult at 281, 317–
as cult centre of Wadjet 200, 203, 222, 297;
Early Dynastic building 317, 342;
( b wt)
shrine 69, 221, 306, 317–20,
excavations at
–1, 317, 328, 342;
pottery from excavations at 35, 69, 86, 342;
as Predynastic centre 46, 49–50, 325, 340, 363;
and royal estates 123, 124, 364;
royal visits to 72, 221, 284
Byblos 92, 160, 162–3


Cairo fragment
annals cedar 154, 160–1
cenotaph 11, 17, 259–60
census 113, 114
child burials as an index of social complexity 22, 30–1 Clarke, S. 7
Palestine, colonisation of conceptions of god 261–5 copper:
grave goods 30, 158, 182, 280;
mines 171–2;
objects from royal tombs 72, 74, 81, 188;
statues 7, 94, 275
Coptos 5, 164, 268, 290, 310, 313, 351–2
accession and coronation court, activities of the 133–9
craft specialisation 34–6, 324
‘Crocodile’, King 57


Dahshur 3, 99, 254, 255, 278
Dakhla Oasis 164, 174–5
decorated ware 33–5
Deir Sitt Damiana 80, 238, 239
Delta, geography and settlement 339–40, 362–5
Den, King 74, 75–8, 281, 284–5, 294;
and administration 121, 123, 124, 125, 130, 131, 141, 142, 146;
and foreign relations 155, 157, 158, 159, 223;
and the goddess Mafdet 288, 289;
iconography of
, 191, 192, 196, 274–5;
names and titles of 205, 206, 207;
and religious cults 297–8, 300; and religious festivals 300–1;
royal activities 211, 212, 214, 216, 221, 305, 325;
tomb of 19, 75, 233, 236, 237, 245, 256, 257
Dendera 337–8, 351 Deshret
red crown Dewen
divine images 222, 267–
Djer, King 71–3, 74, 341;
and administration 121, 146; and cult practices 266;
and developments in mortuary architecture 238, 247, 256;
and foreign relations 158, 159, 164, 165;
iconography of 190, 275;
names and titles of 202, 208;
and religious cults 281, 297, 298, 319, 320;
royal activities 211, 221, 284;
at Saqqara 252;
subsidiary burials surrounding tomb of 288, 291, 295;
tomb of 72, 233, 235, 245;
see also
funerary enclosures Djet festival
Djet, King 73–4, 196, 203, 291;
and administration 121, 123, 133, 140, 146;
and foreign relations 153, 154, 165, 169;
ivory comb of 74, 184, 189, 196, 274, 203, 293;
and religious cults 296, 297;
tomb of 19–20, 73, 233, 235–6, 245;
see also
funerary enclosures Djoser, King 95–6, 251–2, 285;
see also
Netjerikhet domains 101, 118–23,
administration of 122–3, 142
double crown 50, 73, 75, 196, 211
‘Dynasty 0’ 53–4, 61, 68;
burials dating to 15, 19, 362;
contacts with Palestine during 151, 152;
rock-cut inscriptions of 173, 177
‘Dynasty 00’ 52


Early Dynastic period, definition 60–1 eastern desert 38, 70, 167–8, 169–73, 206;
rock-cut inscriptions 62, 69
Edfu 73, 104, 335, 347
el-Amra 30, 355
el-Beda 44, 54, 165
Elephantine 176;
and the early state 118, 141, 180, 278–9, 329, 344, 346;
excavations at 18, 23–4;
region 345–6;
Satet shrine 72, 270–1, 272, 293, 303–4, 306–8;
seal-impressions from 90, 91, 97, 99,
town 327, 328–30;
see also
Huni, small step pyramids of el-Etmania 325, 356
as cult centre of Nekhbet 200, 203, 262, 292;
temple 93, 308–9, 311;
town 331–3,
, 350
el-Kula 104,
el-Mamariya 349–50
el-Omari 28, 187
el-Qara 350
Emery, W.B. 11–12, 15–16, 259
En Besor 24, 71, 77, 78, 143, 151, 152–4, 155, 157, 180
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