Earth (The Invasion Trilogy Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Earth (The Invasion Trilogy Book 1)
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“You saved my life?” He looks shocked, maybe even touched. For some reason
, I think there is more behind those feelings. It feels more powerful than gratitude.

“Me and Hank did, mostly Hank.” I nod towards the
cab of the truck where I see Hank driving and Lisa resting her head on his shoulder. No doubt she’s sleeping.

He nods, staring at Hank and Lisa for a moment before his eyes land back on me again.

Does this guy ever blink?

“Are you sure you’re okay? You were unconscious for a while back there.”

He looks down at himself and rubs his shoulder. The one I feared I’d injured when I tried to keep him from hitting the ground last night.

He moves his eyes over his front
. He lifts one leg and then the other, wincing when he tries to bend his left knee.

“Did you hurt your knee?” I ask, moving to stare at his legs and holding my hands over him
without touching.

“I’m not sure
. I think I might have.” He nods when I wait for his permission and then I lift his pant leg up over his knee to get a better view.

I wince for him when I see it
looks swollen and bruised. I lightly prod the swollen skin, but he pushes my arm away.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“Pain.” He winces at me, but does the opposite of what I expect. Instead of leaving it straight, he forces his knee to move, bending it before leaning forward, as if he’s going to crouch on it and put his weight over it.

“Wait, you need to keep off it.” I rest my hand over his shoulder and try to ease him back, forcing him to change so his leg is back to being straight out in front of him.

“I need… a cure? Medicine?” He sounds like he’s trying to find the right word.

“I don’t have any pain meds, but I might be able to strap it up. It’ll help a little. Just stay down.” I push lightly again on his shoulder, noticing the padded material underneath his t-shirt.

I move away once I see him settling back on the ground. I find a rag tucked against the side of the truck. We’ve got no proper supplies for him and there is no way any hospitals around here will be functioning. It just shows how fragile our situation is now. All it’ll take is one of us getting hurt or sick and we’re screwed.

I open up the greasy rag and find that it’s a ripped up t-shirt. It’s easy to tear
, which I do, into long, uneven strips until the whole shirt is ruined and in four separate pieces. I lean over his exposed knee, watching his calf muscle tense before my eyes. I again take note of how fit this stranger is. His whole leg is large with muscle; I know he must do some form of exercising, if not play an active sport.

“This might hurt a little
. I’m going to put pressure on it. How about you talk to me and try to distract yourself?”

He frowns at my words, but before I can reassure him that I won’t try to intentionally hurt him
, he asks me, “Talk about what?”

“Well, how about you tell me your name, where you’re from, how old you are,” I suggest, holding the end of one of the pieces of material just below his knee to keep it in place then wrapping it around his knee, working my way up.

“My name is Marduke,” he says, pausing as I tie the end of the first piece
then take out the next.

“That’s an unusual name
. Where are you from?”

“I’m from far away.” He twitches under my hands
, and I know he’s in a lot of pain.

“So you’re a tourist here, just visiting?”

“Yeah, you could say that.”

“And how old are you, Marduke?” I almost feel like rolling his name off my tongue
, too, except I remember how weird that was seeing him do that to my own name, so I don’t.

“I’m about twenty-years-old, give or take a year.”

I ignore his weird comment at the end, assuming it’s caused from a language barrier.

“You’re French, right?”

I look up and see him nodding, but his eyes are fixed on my hands over his knee. I’m almost finished so I take up the last strip and go back over his knee.

“How about you say something in French then?”

He looks into my eyes and blurts out words that sound a lot like French words, but I never took French, so for all I know, he just made it up. It sounded a little awkward, though, almost like how he sounds speaking English; a bit jolted, not quite speaking smoothly.

“All done.”
I lean back and glance over my handy work.

After seeing this injury many times throughout my basketball playing days, and even suffering similar injuries, I know how to strap
it up.

I feel the truck slowing down
, and soon, we come to a stop. We’re in the middle of nowhere, making me wonder why we’re stopping. I hope we haven’t run out of petrol.

Lisa climbs out of the cab
, coming around, holding one of the plastic bags.

“You’re awake!”
She gives Marduke a small smile as she climbs into the back with the help of Hank. “We thought it might be time to eat, and Hank needs to have a break.”

I nod my head and take the offered bottle of water Lisa
holds out to me. I’m not really in the mood to eat, however I force myself to grab the roll off her and eat it. It might be the last bit of decent food we’ll ever get to eat.

After introducing Marduke to them and the short small talk that comes from his accent, we eat in silence.

I finish the water quickly, wishing I still had more. I watch Marduke grab hold of his own bottle. While at first he sips from it, he is soon guzzling it.

I don’t know why, but for some reason
, watching him drinking eagerly makes me feel uncomfortable. Not because of anything he’s doing, but because watching him gulp down the water, seeing the thirst on his face and watching his Adam’s apple bob up and down, is heating me up. I have no idea why. I’ve seen guys do this exact same thing many times at games and at training. Why the hell does Marduke having a drink make me react like this?

“We should keep moving
,” I state, and Hank winces when I do. “I can drive for a while,” I offer, not overly keen but knowing that Marduke is too injured and Lisa too terrified of driving. She hasn’t even gotten her license to drive back in New Zealand.

Hank nods
, looking completely exhausted, I wouldn’t be surprised if he fell asleep sitting up.

Lisa and I get back into the front
, and I’m able to start the pickup truck with no stalling.

I get a few minutes of blissful silence before Lisa breaks it.
“What’s his deal?”

I don’t really know. I’m not sure if Hank told you, but we saw him saving a little girl last night. He was so brave I couldn’t just leave him there to die. He didn’t deserve that, you know?”

“It doesn’t hurt that he has a sexy accent
, too, huh?” I watch a light shine in her eyes, a small smile playing on her lips. It’s the first I’ve seen since Hank got her to smile yesterday. “You know he’s also quite good looking. I do have a thing for chocolate, you know. Hot chocolate is my favourite, and he is incredibly hot, don’t you think?”

I want to roll my eyes and tell her she’s an idiot. I know she’s trying to get me to react to her words; maybe she wants me to take dibs on him.

Lisa loves the idea of me liking a guy. She’s always wanted to talk boys with me, but I’ve never been interested. Something stops me from shutting her down this time, though. This is the first time in a long time that she’s not worrying about the invasion; I don’t want that haunted look to return yet.

“He is hot
, I suppose…” I glance quickly in the rear-view mirror and see the boys outside. I don’t think either can hear us over the noisy engine and the winds they’re facing outside. “I think he must play a sport or go to the gym regularly. I bandaged up his leg and it was all muscle.”

You had your hands over his legs already?” Her eyebrow rises high and I see a glint in her eyes.


“And, what did you think?”

I don’t know what I thought. I hadn’t been thinking the way Lisa’s mind is going. I also know that just by talking about this, Lisa is going to think this is a huge deal. I’ve never spoken about a guy to her before, so she’s totally going to be reading into everything I say.

“It wasn’t completely unpleasant.” I try to be neutral, wanting Lisa to be distracted by this conversation while also not wanting her to think it’s okay for her to play matchmaker. Marduke might be incredibly good looking, and sure, there is something about him, I guess; but now is not the time for her mind games.

She squeals at my words
so loud I see the boys turn and look through the glass at us.

“Mattie, are you actually interested in

“Shut up!” I hiss, knowing the boys are absolutely trying to listen to us now.

“I’m not forgetting this,” she threatens. “You have never admitted to liking a boy before and this is officially on my bucket list. I want you to admit you like a boy to me.”

“Lisa!” I hiss
. “That’s not fair. I don’t know him at all, and you can’t manipulate me like that.”

She sighs heavily. “I’m sorry
. I just want you to be as happy as I am. I mean, I’m obviously terrified and hate the situation we’re in, but Hank and me…” She gets a dreamy smile over her lips. “I think I love him, Mattie. I think I’ve always loved him, more than just a friend.”

“I know you do, and I know he feels that way about you. It’s been obvious to me for about a year
,” I point out.

“I regret that we didn’t say something sooner. I always thought… I just assumed we’d have forever, you know? I wish we hadn’t waited. Just don’t think too much
, Mattie. I know you will try to talk yourself out of this, but just don’t. Okay?”

I try to take in her words,
yet I can’t. Not really. I don’t know Marduke at all. She has known Hank for almost a year, there is a big difference here.

,” I make the promise, not wanting to disappoint her.

We drive in mostly silence for a few more hours,
giving Hank a break until he knocks on the window and says he’ll take over again. We haven’t crossed the same boarder point again, so I assume we’re not driving a direct way back into America.

I hop out of the truck and move around to the passenger side, assuming Lisa will want to be next to Hank, but she locks the door and points back at Marduke.

I roll my eyes and keep moving, getting into the back with him.

I think for as long as we keep surviving, Lisa is going to try to make me fall in love with Marduke, which is so ridiculous.

I sit next to him, resting my head against the cab and close my eyes, wondering what today will have in store for us. I hope it doesn’t include those awful machines.

Of course
, people rarely get what they want.




Chapter 6



I can’t take my eyes off her. She’s even more beautiful up close, but there is something more to it. I feel drawn to her; my eyes don’t want to look away, watering as I refuse to even blink. I’m sure social edict says that I shouldn’t stare like this. Not once since this vehicle began moving again has she glanced at me, but I can read signs of discomfort in her. Her shoulders are tense, her arms crossed over her stomach, and while she isn’t looking at me, her eyes are narrowed and unfocused.

I can’t look away. I’ve thought she is beautiful at the park, but she appears different now. Before, I’ve seen her angry and confident. Right now, I’m seeing more to her. She’s showing me her strength, her resolve and how brave she is. She’s saved my life when she didn’t even know me. Now, I see something else, too. I see vulnerably in her eyes as well as a fear that reaches out to me and makes me want to protect her and keep her safe.

I know without a doubt that we’re making the wrong
decision by invading this planet. They might have been slowly killing Earth, but that doesn’t make this attack justified. They don’t deserve to have their homes destroyed, their lives taken away from them, and their planet stolen from them.

My father and Ival are wrong
, and I have no idea how I’m meant to fix this. I don’t think I can anymore.

“Quit staring at me
; it’s weird,” Mattie snaps at me, her eyes finally landing on me. I see the anger back in full force.

“I’m sorry
. You are just so beautiful,” I admit, watching as what I think might be embarrassment redden her face.

, thank you. However, it’s making me uncomfortable. Please stop.” She goes back to watching the scenery passing while I force myself to do the same.

This planet has so much beauty in it, much prettier than Oden. The terrain is vast and different. You can easily visit other places and experience their differing landscape
s. We’ve never had a planet so versatile, and I know my father will be happy to own this one. It’s twice the size of the biggest planet we have, and there is more land here to inhabit. It will make a great asset to our home, but it’s not right.

We didn’t have the right to steal this planet, and that is
exactly what we’re doing. We’re stealing it.

, were you traveling alone?” Mattie breaks the silence, and I wonder if I’m allowed to look at her yet.

“I was with my brother.”

“Did you lose him when the invasion happened?” she asks, sympathy marring her voice.

I glance over at her, finding her staring at me this time.
“Yes. We were fighting and I left him,” I admit, wondering briefly where Ival is now. Has he gone back onto our spaceship, or has he stayed on Earth to search for me?

“I’m sorry
. That must be hard to not have been able to say goodbye. Maybe you’ll see him again.”

“I hope not.” I watch her face change from pity to curiosity.

“What were you fighting about?”

“We just had a disagreement. He always takes things too far
, though.” I decide admitting that he was trying to kill me wouldn’t be a wise comment. It’s not exactly common on my own planet, and I doubt it is here.

“I’m sorry that you were fighting. I have a sister
, and although we fought all the time, I’d give anything to see her again. I’d give anything just to know that her and my parents are okay.”

were not with them here?”

“No, they’re home in Australia. I haven’t seen them since Christmas when I went home for a couple of weeks. How long have you been traveling for?”

“About five months.” I try to add it up, thinking it might be six now.

“Are you homesick yet?”

I don’t have to answer that because the vehicle stops, which I’m glad for because I honestly have no idea. I miss my life before all this complication, before Ival decided he wanted to kill me. However, I can’t regret coming here. I definitely don’t regret having the chance to meet Mattie. There is something about her, though I’m not sure what. I doubt I’ll ever know, but I don’t feel ready to leave her just yet.

With the
vehicle stopped, Mattie immediately goes on high alert, her shoulders tense and her eyes scanning our surroundings.

We appear to be on a main street, but none like I’ve seen in Oregon or Vancouver
, which are the only two cities I’ve been to. None I’ve seen on TV, either. The documentaries I’ve watched tended to either have nothing to do with buildings or areas, or were focused more on the major cities.

This street has five one-story buildings along it, all sun damaged and old fashioned. There are a few cars scattered about, two turned over. I see a bloodied arm lying idly next to
a crushed side window, the rest of the body not attached. I notice more blood spilled against a wall, a body fallen below the spatter. That is all. I doubt there were many people who lived around here. Now only two bodies remain. I wince, imagining the horror these people saw.

There is stillness in the air that tells me we’re alone—people
have either fled, or were taken by the hinema—as I carefully step off the back of the truck, leaning only on my good leg. I slowly put pressure on my knee, feeling the tightness of the strap Mattie has wrapped around me. While it’s painful, I know I can at least limp forward.

Hank climbs out of the cab up front
, and the girl, who’s introduced herself as Lisa, quickly follows. I turn to give Mattie my hand to help her down, but she either doesn’t notice or ignores it. She jumps down beside me and steps around me.

I again look at the empty street, wondering what we’re doing here
at the same time Mattie asks Hank what I’m thinking. “Supplies,” Hank answers. “We need clothing and food. Also, there is a bar here; I could use a drink.”

“But we don’t have any money…” Lisa innocently
starts to say. She sounds scared. I notice Hank is blocking the view of the fallen humans, shielding her from the sight, protecting her.

I want to do the same for Mattie; I want to protect her
, too. I look back at her, but her gaze is already taking in the wreckage. I watch the horror and fear cross her face and settle in her eyes, but immediately, she stares at Lisa, and I see a resolve.

“Good idea
, Hank. Lisa has been desperate to take me shopping.” She smiles at Lisa who snorts at her comment.

“I meant somewhere half decent; I doubt there will be anything in this tiny place.” She nods at the small building with clothing in the windows.

“Right now, I’ll be happy with some new underwear. Come on.” Mattie holds out her hand as Hank walks Lisa towards Mattie until Mattie takes over the same space, still protecting Lisa from the view. I have no doubt Lisa has realised the hinema have been through here since she has to have seen the upturned cars as we pulled up, but I have a feeling, if she’d seen the bodies, she wouldn’t be holding it together like she is now.

They disappear into the store
as I try to hobble after them. Hank steps up beside me and easily moves my arm over his shoulder, not at all uncomfortable about being near me. If he knew I was an alien, I wonder how comfortable he’d feel then.

“Help me move the bodies so Lisa doesn’t see them when they come out of that store
?” he asks, leading us over to the wrecked car first.

“I noticed you shielding her from this, same with Mattie.”

Hank removes my arm from his shoulder. I stand still, watching as he crouches down to stare at the bloodied arm. He holds his hand over his mouth for a moment, and I’m almost positive he’s changed colour.

“Is there a problem?”

“I’m not sure I can do this…” He briefly glances back at the store front, the one where the girls have disappeared into.

I know what he’s referring to, however I’m unsure why he’s so torn about it. A life has been lost, yes, but that soul is gone. There is no awareness in the body any longer.

I limp forward until I’m next to Hank and lean my side against the tyre to balance myself. Then I kick the arm back into the smashed window and out of sight.

“Dude, what the hell!”
Hank hisses, looking pained.

“Didn’t you want to get rid of this so Lisa couldn’t see it?”

“Well, yeah, but that was incredibly… I mean, you just… that was a person. You don’t just kick body parts away. That person deserves some respect, you know?”

He stares at me like I should understand him, and part of me sort of does. Humans are incredibly sentimental.
At the same time, it was just an arm. An arm of a dead person who is no longer alive. He was clearly struggling with touching it, and I can hardly crouch down and carefully move it with my knee injured.

“I’m sorry.”

He sighs, again looking over at the store as he stands up. “No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap. I just… I’m not used to seeing death like this. My grandpa passed away when I was twelve, and they had an open casket and that freaked me out. But this, this is worse. My grandpa was old and died peacefully in his sleep. There is nothing peaceful about a severed arm in the street.”

“I have also never seen death like this.” I look again at the blood spattered
wall with the man lifeless under it. We’ve never taken on a planet with a species that have humanity, which are so closely similar to our own. Seeing these people murdered is like looking at my own kind being slaughtered. I’m angry for these humans. I’m angry for what Mattie is going through because she has somehow unwittingly managed to make me care about her. I wish this wasn’t happening, however I’m now powerless to stop it. I’m also destined to become just a lifeless body if Ival gets his way, and he always does.

Hank slowly approaches the other body that is in view of us. “I think I can just pretend this guy is sleeping one off.
I’ve seen a lot of unconscious guys at the parties I’ve been to.” Hank winces as he takes hold of the man’s arms and drags him around the side of the building.

I follow them slowly, my knee protesting every time I put any weight on it. When I turn the corner
, I see Hank leaning over the fallen man, holding his hand to his face and closing the man’s eyes. He stays there for a least a few minutes before he stands and walks away.

“Let’s get a drink
; I need one.” Hank eyes the sky carefully and then grabs a hold of my arm, helping me move towards the bar. He pauses our walking to place an upturned table over the splatter of blood before he continues on with me.

The bar is empty
, of course. There are fallen stools and spilled drinks over the tables and floor. The lights aren’t working and there appears to be no power. The large windows allow enough light shining through so that this isn’t a problem, though.

“I feel like we’re the only ones left, like those bastards have killed everyone but us. This can’t be real. Please let this be a nightmare I’ll wake up from
,” Hank mutters to himself, reaching over the bar and grabbing two small glasses along with a bottle filled with an amber liquid.

He pours out two glasses, moving one in front of me
, and then with his own, he shoots it back quickly, making a strange face before he swallows it all and pours another shot.

“What you said before, about me and Mattie shielding Lisa,”
He eyes me carefully, pouring himself another shot, but not taking it. “She means a lot to me. They both do. Mattie and Lisa are best friends. They’re my best friends, but Lisa is… she’s special. I love her. I have for almost an entire fucking year, and I’ve been too gutless to admit it.”

grab the glass in front of me, eyeing the liquid while listening intently to Hank. I’m not sure what he’s trying to say to me, but he sounds deadly serious.

“She’s messed up from this. We all are, but Mattie and I have been able to bury that shit deep down inside us. Sure
, in the long run I bet we’ll be more messed up, but we don’t have any guarantees we’ll live to see a long run. Lisa isn’t coping with this situation at all, but we need her. She’s like the glue to us. Mattie and I need for her to be okay, and she needs to be protected from certain things to make sure she is okay. You get me?”

“Not really
,” I say honestly, finally taking a sip of the drink and nearly spitting it back out. It tastes disgusting and it causes an unnatural heat to work its way down my throat and into my insides. I have no doubt in my mind that this substance is poison. I eye Hank suspiciously. Is he trying to kill me? If so, then why did he just take three mouthfuls of the stuff?

“I just want you to know that we all need each other, and while we might have only just met, I’m relying on you to keep those girls safe.”

He wants me to help him protect Mattie and Lisa. That I can try to do.

“Yes, I promise
,” I assure him just as the girls walk through the open doors of the bar. My eyes are immediately drawn to Mattie as she glances around at her surroundings.

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