Ember Learns (The Seeker) (7 page)

Read Ember Learns (The Seeker) Online

Authors: Ditter Kellen

Tags: #Suspense, #Vampire, #Paranormal

BOOK: Ember Learns (The Seeker)
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“That was long ago, and it was meant as a compliment.”

“It doesn’t matter how long it’s been. Vampires are very possessive creatures. Just knowing another man put his hands on you makes me insane enough I want to kill him.”

“Okay, we won’t talk about that again. Besides, you’re the only man I want touching me.”

“Good, because you’re it for me.”

Her heart flipped with the knowledge that he thought of her as his. He definitely belonged to her, whether he knew it or not.

Ember glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost midnight, and she had yet to figure out how to get to the Miller place without Angel knowing. A thought suddenly occurred to her. “Do you eat at all?”

He lowered his arm and grinned. “Shall I demonstrate again?”

A laugh bubbled up. “Not that. I mean food. Real food.”

“Not at all.”

“Well, I still do. I’m going to run home, get some food, and take a shower. I’ll be back shortly.”

“I’ll come with you.” He moved to get up.

“Nonsense. I’ll be fine. I need an hour alone in the bathroom. You’re not a female. You wouldn’t understand.”

He looked uncomfortable. “Oh, well, I… Hurry back.”

Ember gave him a quick kiss on the tip of his nose and climbed out of bed. She dressed in her white shorts and tank top that she found wrinkled on the floor, and left through the sliding glass door. She felt guilty about deceiving him, but she knew he wouldn’t let her go any other way.

She entered her condo and hurried to the bathroom to fill the tub. She turned on the faucet full blast and quietly moved back to her bedroom to change clothes. With his Vampire hearing, Angel would be able to detect the water running. It would hopefully buy her enough time before he checked on her.

Her body ached all over as she dragged on a pair of black jeans and a T-shirt. She opted for sneakers instead of boots in case she’d be required to run.

Gathering her hair up into a ponytail, Ember took one quick look in the mirror and tiptoed to the bathroom to shut off the water.

It’s now or never
. With her heart pounding and stomach tight, Ember moved as silently as possible to the kitchen, grabbed her keys, and opened the front door. She stood there for a moment, listening, and then closed it quietly behind her.

She walked softly down the stairs to the parking lot and unlocked her SUV. The unknown loomed ahead as she climbed in and turned on the ignition.

* * * *

Ember checked her rearview mirror for the hundredth time as she traveled up Highway 17. She’d driven this road so many times in the past she knew it by memory. The Miller driveway was less than fifty yards ahead on the right. She pulled over on the side of the road, shut off her lights, and got out. She’d go in the rest of the way on foot.

A coyote howled somewhere in the distance, setting off a chain reaction of answering cries from a nearby pack. Ember rubbed her arms and kept moving, hoping they sounded closer than they actually were.

She was so scared her chest hurt, and her legs trembled so badly she found it hard to walk.

An owl hooted from a tree next to her, and she jumped. Nerves ran through every inch of her body.
Shit. Fuck. Damn. What am I doing?

Ember looked behind her. She should get back in her car and leave. She forced one foot in front of the other and kept moving.

The house came into view on the next bend. It seemed to rise up out of the trees like a living thing. The long windows of the attic made her think of eyes staring back at her through the dark. She was so afraid she nearly swallowed her tongue.

A small light flickered from a room on the ground floor. It had to be from a candle or a lantern, since the place was abandoned and wouldn’t have electricity. An old screen door hung haphazardly by a hinge as it swayed in the wind.

Hello, Amityville.

Ember stood there for what seemed like hours, waiting for some kind of movement inside. When nothing happened and no one jumped out and yelled boo, she crept forward.

The porch was a death trap with random places missing and old nails protruding. She climbed the concrete steps on rubber legs and lifted a foot to test her weight on the ancient wooden decking. When it didn’t cave under her, she carefully inched ahead and pulled the tattered screen door out of the way.

The rusty knob turned with some force, and the faded red door opened with a creak. Ember froze. Her pulse was beating in her ears so loudly she was sure the killer—or even the house for that matter—could hear it.

On high alert, she stepped over the threshold and studied her surroundings. There was a rocking chair to her right, moving a little as if someone had recently vacated it. Of course nothing would surprise her at this point. She half expected the house to demand she get out.

A whimper came from a room off to the left.
Oh God. Oh God. Oh God
. Ember wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans and turned in that direction.

She hesitated at the entrance.
What am I going to find in here?

With determination, she held her breath and carefully craned her neck just enough to see around the doorjamb.

“Hello, Ember.”

To Be Continued…

Loose Id Titles by Ditter Kellen


Ember Burns

Ember Learns

Co-written with Dawn Montgomery

Thunder and Roses

Ditter Kellen

I'm a 911 dispatcher turned romance author. I have been in love with romance for over twenty years. To say I'm addicted to reading is an understatement. My e-book reader is an extension of me and holds many of my fantasies and secrets. It's filled with dragons, shifters, vampires, ghosts, and many more jaw-dropping characters who keep me entertained on a daily basis. My love of paranormal and outrageous imagination have conspired together to bring me where I am today…sitting in front of my computer allowing them free rein. Writing is my passion, what I was born to do. I hope you will enjoy reading my stories as much as I love spinning them. I reside in Florida with my son and a guinea pig named Shadow. I adore French fries and my phone is permanently attached to my ear.

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