Empty Net (31 page)

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Authors: Toni Aleo

BOOK: Empty Net
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Once he stopped rocking, he removed himself from her lips and quickly took her face in his hands, leading her up to her feet. He brought her lips to his, kissing her long and deep while pressing her body against the wall. After kissing for what seemed like hours, Audrey arched her body into him, wanting more. When she felt him getting hard again, she felt like screaming in delight. Reaching down, she moved her hand up and down him, making him groan against her
lips before biting down on her chin and looking deep into her eyes.

“I want you so fucking bad,” he murmured against her lips.

“Then take me,” she all but moaned even as his fingers dipped inside her wet core. Moving his lips to her ear, he ran his tongue along the lobe of her ear as he continued to dip his fingers inside her. Audrey’s eyes closed, her body shaking with the desire for release. She had never wanted a man so much in her life. She reached between them, took his cock in her hand and guided him inside her. Tate sank into her to the hilt as they both moaned with satisfaction. He filled her completely and as he moved in and out of her, he continued to flick her clit with the tip of his finger while giving her long kisses.

Parting to look at her, he asked, “You like that?”

“God, yes,” she moaned, letting her neck fall back. He moved his lips up her throat as he hooked her leg over his other arm, then pounded harder inside her. Audrey couldn’t breathe, she was in totally ecstasy. Moving his hand from her clit, he hooked her other leg over his other arm, holding her up with his arms behind her knees. He changed the pace, making long languid thrusts inside her. She couldn’t believe how great it felt. His lips were at the base of her throat, and she was convinced she was going to die of pleasure. When he stopped, she was about to protest, but Tate prevented speech with a long lusty kiss. He then used the wall to push her up so he could place her legs over his shoulders, her hot core inches from his lips.

“Tate,” she cried out, taking hold of the back of his head to balance herself.

“I got you, love,” he said against her wet lips. “Relax and enjoy.”

He took her into his mouth then, racking his teeth along her wet lips before moving his tongue inside her, running it around her taut clit. His beard tickled and teased, along with his skillful tongue, while his hands held her in place, not letting her move. Audrey shifted her hands
from the back of his head and up her sweaty body before reaching up and bracing against the ceiling as he continued to take her on a roller coaster of pleasure. She had no fear of falling because she knew he had her and would never let her fall.


When she came, she quivered against his mouth, screaming out his name in desperate abandonment. Turning his head, he took a small bite of her thigh before slowly lowering her down the wall and into his arms, capturing her mouth with hungry urgency. She could taste herself on his lips, and it only made her hotter as she hooked her leg around his, rubbing herself against him.

“Take me to bed, Tate,” she whispered against his lips as his hands explored her body, stopping at her breasts to slowly knead and tweak her nipples.

“I was actually on my way there,” he said against her lips, then took her hands in his and led her toward the bed. He walked her a little in front of him, and she watched as his eyes roamed her flush, pink, sweaty body. “You are the hottest woman ever, you know that?”

Audrey knew her face matched her body; he made her feel so unbelievably good, not only physically, but emotionally as well. Running her hand down the back of his biceps, she whispered, “When I’m with you I do.”

Tate smiled, wrapping her up in his arms from behind, dusting her shoulders with kisses as his length pressed hard against her butt. Closing her eyes, she reached up behind her, cupping her hands behind his neck as he ran his hands slowly down her body. Feeling every inch of her, he dropped his hands between her thighs, teasing her swollen slick lips with his rough thumbs. Her fingers tightened behind his neck as she gasped for breath, her body ready for another orgasm, but before he could give her one, he undid her fingers and moved her to the bed, where
he laid her down on her belly.

Kissing down her back, he came up behind her, bringing her hips up so she was at the perfect height for him to enter her. And he did, slowly, and it felt like forever until he was fully inside her. Nipping at her back, Tate started to move faster, his hands squeezing her hips as he let out quick spurts of hot breath along her already burning body.

“Oh, Tate,” Audrey gasped, her fingers gripping the sheets as her climax started to climb again.

“Come for me, love. Come hard, squeeze me,” Tate panted in her ear. He reached around her body, opening her lips with his two fingers before using his middle finger to flick her taut, begging clit. Within seconds she was shouting out, her body convulsing and squeezing him as he bit down on her neck. With one hand still gripping her hip, his other hand came up to the base of her neck. Taking her chin in the palm of his hand, he brought her face back to his lips, where he placed a soft kiss. With his eyes never leaving hers, he continued to give her slow, tantalizing thrusts. She had never felt so intensely wanted in her life, with their eyes locked and his body wrapped around hers.

When Tate came, he came hard, his whole body stiffening as he held her tight in his arms, his body still rocking slowly inside her. Not letting her go, he fell to the side, bringing her body closer to his as he covered them with a blanket. “I have to go soon, but I can take a quick nap.”

“Oh, sorry, I forgot that you had a game tonight,” she said quietly, turning in his arms so she could look at him. He smiled, taking her face in his hands to gently kiss her lips.

“Don’t be sorry, I’m glad you came,” he said, and then gave her a silly grin. “All three times.”

Audrey giggled. “Me too.” He smiled and kissed her again, and she nuzzled her nose into his neck. His arms tightened around her, holding her as close as he could while dusting kisses along her spent body. Closing her eyes, she felt his lips on her temple and then she was asleep.

When Tate’s alarm went off, he reached for it, turning it off before he put his phone back down on the bedside table. Snuggling closer to Audrey, he smiled. He couldn’t believe that she had come back to him, and even though he wanted to question it, he couldn’t, not now at least. He had to get to the arena for the game that night. He also was wondering where Lucas was. They were rooming together this time, and he hadn’t been back in hours.

This was probably a good thing.

Glancing down at his beautiful bedmate, he dusted kisses along Audrey’s jaw, thinking just how gorgeous and peaceful she looked. She opened her eyes then, giving him a sleepy grin as she stretched her arms above her head. Moving a hand to her throat, he kissed her lips softly before pulling away and smiling.

“Good afternoon,” he said quietly. “I need to get to the arena, but I’d much rather stay in bed with you.”

“Mmm … don’t tease me with that possibility,” she said with a small smile. “Do you have to go now?”

“In a few.”

She nodded, snuggling closer to him. “What time is the game?”


“Awesome. I need to go shopping. I have no clothes; I got on the first plane I could get.”

Tate smiled, moving his nose against hers. “Why is that?”

Audrey smiled. “Because I didn’t want you to go all day thinking I didn’t want what you want. I do and I’m sorry for being stupid.” She paused, her smile dropping as she looked up into his eyes. “I am just so scared, and …” She paused again, but before Tate could say anything, went on. “You’re the only one who knows I can’t have kids.”

He moved his forehead to hers, kissing her nose before saying, “I’m not going to hurt you, Audrey. I can’t promise it, but I am going to try my hardest not to. I just want to be with you, enjoy you, and be that person you need. The kid thing, we’ll work that out when we need to, but right now let’s just be us. Be happy.”

She nodded. “You so don’t act like a twenty-one-year-old, you know that?”

Tate laughed. “I lived a crazy life through my teen years. I told you, I’m ready to be with that one person.”

Audrey didn’t smile as she said, “With some old chick who can’t give you kids?”

He shook his head. “No, with a beautiful, amazing, sweet-hearted woman, who any child would love.”

Audrey’s eyes pooled with tears and she smiled. “Man, I made the right choice for once, huh?”

Tate chuckled. “Sure did, love. I need to go, though.”

She nodded, before he kissed her nose and hopped out of bed.

After taking a quick shower and gathering his things, he found Audrey picking up the clothes that he’d had the pleasure of taking off her. She shot him a shy smile before wrapping her naked body up in his arms. “Good luck tonight,” she said, and pressed her lips to his.

“Thanks. I’ll meet you back here? Or do you want to go to dinner?”

Biting her lip, she said, “Why don’t we meet back here for dinner and maybe some dessert?”

Tate chuckled. “Might want to get us a room. Lucas won’t like us keeping him up all night.”

“Eck! Is this his room?” Audrey asked, a look of horror on her face as she held her clothes in the main spots Tate loved.

He laughed. “Yeah, I have no clue where he is either.”

“Eck! I need to get my own room! What time are you leaving tomorrow morning?”

Tate glanced at the clock and shook his head. “Love, we will talk about that after the game. I need to go. Text me your room number, okay?”

“Okay, good luck,” she said again, with a smile.

“Thanks love, ’bye.”

Tate sat in his goalie pads, strapping on his body vest as everyone else put on their own gear. Lucas sat beside him, lacing up his skates, while Erik sat on his other side, strapping up his own body vest. Everyone was quiet and in the zone, preparing for their game against the Ducks. Tate was hoping for another shutout. He was already up by four and another one would be great, and good for momentum for the rest of the road trip. Knowing that Audrey was going to be there, in the same seat she was last time, made the game that much more promising.

He felt like he was going to win, so that meant he would.

Standing, he jumped up and down, warming his body up. He was nice and loose, ready to play. He reached for his jersey and threw it over his head, fixing his pads as he pulled it down.
After doing a quick warm-up on ice, they all came back to the locker room to mentally prepare. He was worried when he didn’t see Audrey, but he knew she would be there when the game started.

After a short speech from Coach Bacter, the boys started for the hall where they would go out on the ice. Standing in his spot, each player walked by Tate, smacking him in the leg pad before walking down the hall. When everyone had gone, he followed behind his captain. Shea glanced back at him and nodded, Tate did the same, and then both men headed out on the ice.

Tate skated to the goal, his eyes on the seat behind him where Audrey would sit, but she wasn’t there. After moving across the goal line, scratching the ice with his skates for a better grip, he dropped to his knees and then rose back up quickly. Then the guys were lining up for the National Anthem. Standing straight himself, Tate paid tribute to the flags before dropping his head and asking for strength and confidence to do what he knew best. Leaning against the goal, he started to sing in his head as everyone came toward him, tapping his leg pad again and wishing him good luck. As always, he didn’t answer. He sang to himself. As he was finishing his song, he turned around again, and this time saw Audrey grinning at him, her lips moving. It took him only a second to realize that she was singing “We Are the Champions” while pointing to him. He couldn’t help but grin.

He was falling in love with her.

Well, that was quick, he thought, turning to watch the face-off.

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