Endless Days (The Firsts) (16 page)

BOOK: Endless Days (The Firsts)
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Well, it was what they came for.  Leo didn’t like their being separated like this right away, but Cherise
didn’t object, so he accepted it.

Gunnar took them down some stairs, and then asked Leo to wait at the bottom in a nice alcove.  He watched Cherise follow Gunnar down a long wide hallway until they disappeared around a ninety degree turn.  The chair he sat
down on was so plush it nearly swallowed him.

The hallway was well lit, simulated daylight.  Gunnar smiled at her nicely as she followed just a pace behind him.  He glanced at her at one point and suddenly said, “He was very excited you were here.”

Cherise raised her eyebrows.  Was he?  She tried to give him a simple acknowledgement, but inside her stomach was doing flip-flops of joy. 
He was? 
Was it possible this would turn out well?  She couldn’t believe she was acting like a teenage girl, but it was true…she couldn’t wait to see him again.

As they approached a huge ornate black lacquered door at the end of the hallway, it opened and Kav stepped out.  God, how could she have forgotten so soon how gorgeous he was?
  He was smiling ear to ear.  It was charming and so apparent he really
happy she was here.  He looked tired, though.  As she came near, she didn’t know what to say, so she said nothing.   He didn’t take his eyes off her, but said to Gunnar, “Thank you.  Please see to it Leo is settled and tell him I’ll see him at breakfast.”

Gunnar left.  They stared at each other for a few more moments.

“I had convinced myself I must have dreamed you up,” he said.  Then he stepped forward and lifted her up into his arms, carried her into the cavernous room lit entirely with candles.

“The light still hurts my eyes,” he explained.  Cherise thought it was the perfect lighting for the enormous space.  It looked almost medieval in there.  His bed occupied the center of the room and was at least three times the width of any normal bed.

He saw her staring at it and grinned.

“I’m a big man.  And I need room to work.  Well, you’ll see.”

Cherise pushed herself out of his arms.  He let her go, but slowly, sliding her down against his body tightly.  She stepped back.

“You’re making assumptions, sir.  Maybe I’m here to heal you and that is all.”

He shrugged.  “Say whatever makes you happy.  I
why you’re here.  That’s why you were brought to my room.   You’re staying here.  With me.  In

Now she stared at him and tried to say something back to assert her opinion, but kept her mouth shut.  That was her opinion, too. 
Although, if he had someone in his life…she wouldn’t play second to her, or be his one night stand.

Looking around the room,
she pretended to be more interested in the architecture, and said, “Very nice.  Good local structure.  Of course, it’s no more than I expected.  You are a first vampire.  So…you have family, then?”

“No.  Not local.  The other firsts, I understand. 
But no one in this household.”

Her heart skipped a beat.  He wasn’t married.  Relief flooded her mind. 
Made her stumble.  She hoped he didn’t notice.

“So, you aren’t married.”

He shook his head.

“Well, that’s, um…  
Unusual.  Most of the time you handsome vampires have a wife or a harem or a long term lover.”

Her eyes met his and saw him hesitate, look away from her.

Her heart seized again.  She captured his eyes with her own.

“You do.  There
someone in your life.”  Cherise couldn’t breathe, and couldn’t stop the pressure behind her eyes. She fucking would
cry in front of him.

His expression changed and so did his emotions…she sensed
it.  Okay, no wife, but…someone.  She stepped back.

“Tell me.  There is
isn’t there?”

He hesitated again. 
Then moved towards her.  “There
someone.  Not now, not since you.  Cherise, I came here with no knowledge of my life before I was abducted. 
was a surprise.  But…she was with me before.”

Cherise’s muscles were locked, hard as stone.  “For how long?” she asked forcefully.


Her eyes bored into his. 
“For how long?”  she asked forcefully.

“A couple hundred years.”

She nodded stiffly.  There.  That was what she needed to know.  He was with someone.  Okay.

“You’re misunderstanding…”

“Look.  You weren’t with this woman for hundreds of years if you weren’t in love with her.  Once you get your memory back, you’ll know it.  I’m just the one who was there…a convenience.  It’s okay.  Better I know where I fit.  I’ll help you get this done…get your memory back.  And then I’ll go.  I came here to do that.  And to warn you that you’re still in danger.”

She turned away so he couldn’t see her face.  “Um, so, you’re not up to full strength yet…”

He grabbed her arms and tried to spin her toward him, but she pulled away.  He knew he was more powerful, could make her let him hold her, but he also knew it would piss her off more than anything else.

“Listen to me, honey…”

She turned on him suddenly, her hair flying wildly around her head, her eyes on fire.

“Don’t!  You don’t get to use ende
arments on me.  David, you have a life and someone you love here.  You’ll know that as soon as I use my skills to help you remember.  I don’t belong to you…I never did.  I never will.  Don’t make me leave.  If you persist in this, I can’t stay and help you.  And you need me.”

“That’s completely t
rue.  I do need you.  I don’t

The name cut like a knife. 
Katerine.  The one who had lain with him and been his love for much longer than she had even been alive.

“Well, you don’t know any better.  But you will.  Please have your man show me to my room.  If it is okay with you, I would like to begin tonight.  Get this done.  You need to be back
to your full first blood power as soon as possible.  I have discovered who did this to you and why.  I think they are already here.  I sensed someone at the local diner.  You’ll want to alert your security.  You are not safe yet.”

Now David’s jaw flexed.

“Alright.”  He paused.  “Who is responsible?”

“You will find out in your own memory.  It is safer for you that way.  So, I will wait upstairs since it is still daylight.  Get your sleep.”

Cherise turned to go, but felt his hands on her waist.  He’d moved up behind her, his breath against her neck as he leaned down and whispered to her.

“You may think you know me.  You’re wrong.  But I guess I’ll just have to prove it to you in time.”

Cherise pulled away and walked slowly from him, shutting the big door behind her with her mind.  Her telekinetic ability was strongest when she was emotionally charged.  Right now, she thought she could lift this house off its foundation.  She needed to go calm down.  At least now, she knew the truth of where she stood in his life.  Things were settled.  He would know soon how much he loved his…   As she approached the stairs, she felt moisture on her cheek.  Her eyes betrayed her.  But the name…that name…Katerine.  She knew she’d hate her.



What a fuck up!  He couldn’t sleep.  She’d called him David…had already disconnected herself from him.  Had she really bonded with hi
m?  If she had, wouldn’t she fight for him, no matter what?  He wanted her, only her.  Katerine was gorgeous, and funny, amazing.  But he didn’t want her.  Just in the few days since he’d been here, they had already developed a friendly relationship.  She understood he was lost…he did not even know himself.   She was supportive, and told him she was just thrilled that he was alive and finally home.  He liked her a lot, almost from the first moment.  Could Cherise be right?  Would he suddenly find he was deeply in love with Katerine and no longer wanted Cherise?  He didn’t believe it.  Whether he had his previous memories or not, he knew how he felt.  He truly didn’t think that would change.  So, they needed to do the mind merge and let her bring back his memories so he could convince her of the truth.

He used his
mobile to contact Gunnar and let him know there was the potential for an assault.  He’d found out he had two friends living here in addition to Katerine who were vampire.  Katherine was first blood.  And a staff of highly trained humans for daytime protection of his stronghold, about twenty strong.  He hoped that would be enough.  He advised Gunnar to let the vampires know the potential threat, then laid back down.  Peeling off the pants and shirt he’d thrown on to meet Cherise, he

back in bed and finally fell into a fitful sleep.




Cherise looked around the beautiful room Gunnar took her to.  He’d been surprised that neither she nor Leo had much luggage.

“We’re only here briefly,” she said
, sharper than she intended to.  He was gracious, though, and came back twenty minutes later with a pitcher of ice cold water, and some Swiss milk chocolates in a lovely crystal bowl.

She felt awful about her hostile attitude and knew that in order for her to help
David, she had to balance her own internal issues.  The room had a full glass sliding door that led out to a wide balcony overlooking a shining blue lake.  The sun twinkled off the moving surface of the water.  It was perfect for the meditation required for Cherise to find her peace.  She pulled a soft plush rug over to the door and sat cross legged and relaxed.  The view was so lovely, it took her a while to focus on her task, but when she did, she stayed in sync with her empathic gift.  The sky darkened and she was still seated as the sun slipped away.  A knock at her door roused her, so she carefully unfurled her stiff body and called out.  “Come in, please.”

The door opened silently and an angel came through.  Cherise had expected Leo or Gunnar, so when she looked up and saw the blonde vision, she felt disoriented.  It had to be her. 
The woman in Kav…no, David’s life.  Well, she was certainly beautiful.  Cherise thought she might go as far as to say she had never seen another woman who surpassed her.  Long light blonde hair in spiral curls, tugged into a loose bun with long tendrils, a sleek perfect body in a tight dress with full breasts and perfectly toned legs.

David’s Katerine smiled and came forward with grace, her pale blue chiffon dress sliding against those long legs.  “Oh, I couldn’t wait to meet you. 
The woman who saved David.  Who brought him back enough so he could find his way home.  Oh, thank you, my dear, thank you!”

She swept in and grabbed Cherise in a tight hug.  And she smelled like jasmine and vanilla.  Cherise wanted to hate her so much.  But how could she?  The woman had her arms around her and Cherise could feel her.  Katerine’s aura was softly lit in pale shades with shimmers of bright flickers, like silver glitter when hit by light.  She was a gentle soul, with depths beyond that of anyone Cherise had ever known.  An empath lived to meet such a pure soul.  She could never hate her.
  And she was a first blood, like David.  They belonged.

Katerine pulled back and grabbed Cherise’s hands gently, then pulled her over to the edge of the huge bed.

“Have a seat.  We must talk.  I have never met an empath.  I’ve been in the America’s too long.  And then here with David for the past two hundred and fifty years.  We travel, but I have never had the opportunity to meet an empath.”   She paused and stared into Cherise’s eyes.  “I feel it.  Your power.  It’s strong.  More than other empath’s, perhaps?  You carry within you so many stories.  You’ve touched so many souls.  Ah, you are truly special, Cherise.”

“So, he told you about me?”

“Not much.  In that way, he is exactly like his old self.  He’s always been a quiet man.  He doesn’t over share.  But…he’s changed.  He seems more open than he used to be.  I don’t know yet.  It doesn’t matter.  I love him so much and I’m so grateful you brought him back to me.  We must have a feast tonight to celebrate.”

All Cherise heard was how much she loved him.  It ripped her heart into pieces.  Well, any tiny shred of hope she had was gone.  He was well mated, and even Cherise herself admitted he couldn’t have a finer
match.  She looked up to see Katerine staring at her again.

“You are sad. 
Terribly.  What hurts you so?”

Well, it was disconcerting to have someone who could read
.   Cherise shook her head and tried to smile.  “It is the life of an empath.  We don’t get the luxury of being alone in our heads.  I’m fine.  Um.  I am very happy to meet you, too, Katerine.  David has told me about you.”

Katerine laughed.  Yeah, it figured.  It was a lovely tinkling laugh, not a great big snorting one.

“Well, it couldn’t have been much.  He doesn’t remember shit about me, right?  We can sense each other’s life force, but after he disappeared, I couldn’t find him.”

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