Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us (20 page)

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Authors: Jessica Frost

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us
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Nodding, the doctor continued, “Yes, patients find this the hardest

part of the treatment.”

Jake couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Really? I would have figured

it would be the most pleasurable.”

The doctor smiled at his joke. “Yes, I’m sure it is. But humans

find it difficult adapting to their increased sexual desires. It can at

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


times be quite painful having their bodies flooded with increased

levels of sexual hormones that come with being a werewolf.

Gradually, though, the body adapts to the new higher levels and the

pain subsides.”

“Do all patients experience pain?” Sam inquired.

“No, if they sate their desires as they augment accordingly, then

there is no pain at all, only pleasure.”

Jake liked the sound of that. “When will our sexual urges begin to

rise?” he asked, but he already knew the answer to that.

“You must already be feeling them, aren’t you, Mr. Reynolds?”

Yeah, his cock was harder than a rock, and from the feel of it in

between his legs, he guessed it had gotten bigger, too. At least an

inch. “Yes, doctor, I’ve started to feel my urges intensify.” He smiled

while staring at Triala. If Dr. Fenelle wasn’t in the room right now, he

would have taken her in his arms to kiss her passionately and ask her

to make love to him and Sam.

The doctor observed him, then Triala, and a thin smile crept onto

her face. She obviously picked up Jake’s vibes.

She put her hands in her pockets. “I’ll come back in a few hours to

check on you both.” Looking at Triala, she added, “If you need

anything, just page a nurse at the desk.”

“Yes, doctor, I will.” Triala nodded, following the doctor to the

door and locking it once she exited.

Locking doors
. He liked The Haven’s perks.

She came to sit back on his bed, and looking first at him, then at

Sam, she apologized once more. “I’m so sorry for what I did to you,

and I know you probably don’t want anything to do with me anymore,

but I’d like to help you both through this week’s transition treatment.

I’ll do anything you want. Unless you prefer I go away now, and then

you’ll never see me again. I’ll have them send in others who will help

you with your increasing sexual urges.”

Jake did a double take. “What? They have people actually

volunteering to do this sort of thing?”


Jessica Frost

“Not people. Werewolves. And yes, when patients have no one to

help them through it, there are volunteers who will.” With big, puppy

dog, hurt eyes, she asked, “Is that what you want, Jake? Do you want

another female werewolf to help you?”

He shook his head. “No! That is ridiculous, Triala.”

Sam backed him up. “Yeah, why would that crazy idea even cross

your mind?”

Her eyes sparkled with their words. Yeah, the feisty, strong,

assertive Triala they loved was starting to come back. “So that means

you’ll want me to help you through the sexual transition?”

Jake had to laugh. “Hell, yes! You and only you. I know Sam

feels the same way as I do. We are madly and deeply in love with

you, baby. And you turning us into werewolves doesn’t change how

we feel about you. Yes, it’s a huge shocker, and it’ll take time for us

to get used to the new lives we will have to lead, but knowing you

will be in it with us from here on in is all we need to get through this


Her eyes widened. “So that means you forgive me?”

Sam huffed. “Will you stop asking for forgiveness! There is

nothing to forgive! You saved our lives. If anything, we are grateful

and indebted to you.”

Jake chuckled at his wording. “Indebted?”

He shrugged. “You know I’m not good with words, partner. But

you both know what I mean.”

Looking at Triala, Jake could see tears filming her eyes. This

time, they were tears of joy, from the smile on her face. “I love you

both. I never thought I’d fall in love with humans, but I did, and I am

the luckiest woman alive.”

Joking to dissipate the remnants of tension that may have lingered

in the far corners of the room, Jake said, “Well, technically, since we

are turning into werewolves now, that statement of not falling in love

with humans still holds.”

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


Laughing, she lifted her hand to slap his arm. He stopped her

movement by gently bringing it up to his lips. As he kissed each

finger, he stared into her bewitching green eyes and lifted his brow for


“So, my little sweet, sexy werewolf, how about we get started on

satiating our sexual urges? I know I’m dying to make love to you.”

“Yeah, that goes double for me.”

Wasting no time, Sam threw his covers off and, with his hospital

gown half open, walked over to Jake’s bed. Bending down, he

wrapped his hand behind her neck and dipped in to kiss her. His

motions were slow and stiff. He obviously felt some pain in his joints,

as did Jake.

The effects of their rising sexual desires began to show. It was

time for some action of the lovemaking kind, and pronto!

* * * *

All had been forgiven, and they proclaimed their deep love for

her. She wanted to pinch herself just to see if indeed it wasn’t a dream

and it did happen. But she didn’t need to do that to know the truth.

Her rising desires when Sam’s hot, swollen lips made contact with

hers told her everything. This was real, and she wanted Jake and Sam

to make love to her.

For years she had heard stories about The Haven and how intense

the sexual treatment was for patients, but now she’d actually be a part

of it. Some werewolves had complained that the werewolves-to-be’s

unrelenting demands edged them close to death’s door, and only when

the full moon had come and gone, sometimes even days after that, did

their urges settle and all participants could rest.

The thought of having hard, fast, intense sex for hours, or even

days, with her men didn’t overwhelm her in the least. The love she

had for them, coupled with their crazy, magnetic, sexual attraction for


Jessica Frost

one another, made her pretty sure she could follow their leads and

satisfy all their needs, including her own.

When Sam bit her lip, tugging it in play while his hand slipped

into her low-cut dress to cup her left breast, she knew, hell yes, she

could do this, and with gusto, too. She’d savor every second and

every minute of this incredible experience. By the end of the

treatment, she knew their bond would be stronger than ever and

nothing could separate them again.

Wrapping her arms around Sam’s neck, she tugged him closer.

Her tongue pushed open his lips to slip into his mouth. God, his lips

felt like ice, but the inside of his mouth like fire. She figured it was an

effect of the change happening in him. Shivers of pleasure formed on

her body, spreading to her limbs and straight down to her pussy.

Wetness seeped out of her, instantly absorbing in her cotton, blue

G-string under her dress.

Sam slipped his hand out of her blouse and began to push the

elastic band at the top of her dress down her shoulders until it came to

her elbows. Her breasts lay exposed and hungry for attention.

The dress was the trampy one she bought the day before to wear

for their undercover operation. She hadn’t worn a bra underneath it on

purpose to add to her character. Since they brought her to The Haven

to treat her poisoning, she never got a chance to go home for a change

of clothes, and now she was thankful. It made for easy undressing,

plus her nipples remained pert thanks to the friction from the material.

She slipped her arms out of the dress while staring up at Sam. He

stood straight and, grabbing her hands, guided her up to a standing

position, then pulled the rest of the dress off of her, leaving her only

in her cold, damp G-string. Cool air caressed her skin, and goose

bumps formed, making the hairs stand on end, vibrating as if they

danced with the coolness of the room in pleasure.

Jake had gotten out of his bed when Sam began to unclothe her

and came to her side. He bent forward to rub her back while he pulled

her hair to the left to nibble her ear and kiss her neck.

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


She dipped her head forward to give him more room and allow

her desires to augment. She could see her erect nipples swell even

more, poking the air. Her body kept screaming in her mind that her

breasts needed fondling.

When Sam took off his hospital gown and his huge cock poked

right at her pelvis, she realized that, too, needed stroking.

She smiled when she wrapped her hand around its thickness.

“Umm, it has gotten even bigger.”

He pushed it forward into her hand as he brought his face closer to

hers. It throbbed in her grip. Staring at her lips, he said in a soft voice,

“It’s showing my love for you, baby.”

He kissed her, bringing his hands up, cupping and caressing her

breasts. Goose bumps formed on her chest and stomach from his

fingers’ cool touch. Oh, these hot and cold sensations made her

tremble with want, the perfect aphrodisiacs. She lifted her breasts so

he had an easy time fondling her boobs and nipples while she went to

work on his big, wet cock.

She stroked him slowly at first in a simple back-and- forth motion.

The ridges beneath his skin passed under her touch, and she imagined

how they would feel inside her. How he would feel inside her. More

arousing juices dampened her underwear. She spread her legs,

allowing cool air to dry the moisture somewhat.

Jake continued to kiss her neck, shoulders, and ears while he

massaged her back downward until he reached her ass. His

movements became deeper and longer as he rubbed her ass cheeks

outward, allowing her cunt to open wider, embracing the cool air. She

moaned from the friction on her clit rubbing against her lips and skin,

and she increased her hand movement on Sam’s cock. Her strokes

went from moving back and forth on the shaft to concentrating on the

tip. Pre-cum coated her fingers, and she made circular motions on the

circumcised tip.

Sam moaned in pleasure, pushing his cock closer to her pelvis. He

brought his thumb and index finger to the tips of her nipples and did


Jessica Frost

to her something similar to what she did to him. He rubbed the tip of

each breast, making her nipples pert and taut. He pulled on them

gently then made circular patterns around each areola.

Meanwhile Jake tugged at the thin string of her panties until it

gently snapped and fell to the ground. He slipped his right hand to her

clit, rubbing it in circles and then slipping his finger into her wet

pussy and coming back out to play with her nub.

She shook with pleasure when Sam tugged her nipples while

gently squeezing them. Jake slipped two fingers deep into her pussy,

rubbing her in an in-and-out, side-to-side motion. She quivered. Her

G-spot started to throb. The climax traveled downward and outward,

hitting her clit and making it pulsate, and then it surged up to her

breasts as her nipples tightened with Sam’s ministrations and then

became sensitive after her whole body reached its climax.

She took a deep breath to regain her strength that temporarily left

her with her peak. She had never let go of Sam’s cock and continued

to fondle him. Jake hadn’t stopped, either. His fingers still played

with her cunt while his other hand massaged and squeezed her ass

cheeks. His tongue sliding down her neck had her on the brink of

feeling ticklish, but not yet. It hovered between ticklish and ecstasy.

When Sam jerked and his moan deepened, she realized that they

unselfishly gave her pleasure, and they must be suffering in pain since

they hadn’t yet released the rising sexual tensions building and may

be boiling within their changing bodies.

“Make love to me, boys,” she whispered as she let go of Sam’s

cock and cupped his face to kiss him. Then she turned her head so

Jake could kiss her, as well.

“We’ll be gentle,” Jake said.

She was touched at his thoughtfulness. From the look in his eyes,

she surmised his body probably ached as his sexual hormones went

haywire in his new adapting body, and here he was thinking of not

hurting her.

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


She had struck a gold mine with Sam and Jake. No other men had

ever treated her as sweetly, kindly, or lovingly as they did.

Jake sat on the bed and guided her backward so she could sit on

his cock. He held her, helping her to keep her balance as he slowly

entered her asshole. He slipped his cock’s head gently, slowly, into

her hole an inch and then came out.

She could feel the walls of her asshole stretch with his thickness.

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