Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us (13 page)

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Authors: Jessica Frost

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us
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agreed to something through the look they exchanged. Jake opened

the curtain about a foot and stretched to get two washcloths and hand

soap on the counter right next to the shower.


Jessica Frost

Reclosing the curtain, he said, “Just relax, baby, and we will wash


She liked the sound of that. Without saying a word, she just stared

into his eyes as he lathered the washcloth and then handed the soap to

Sam. The sweet rose smell of the pink soap bar spread through the

misty air. He started at her shoulders, working his way down her

arms. The soft, soapy cloth felt like light caresses against her skin, so


Once he finished there, he worked the washcloth back up and over

her neck and abdomen. Right before he brought the cloth to her

breast, he gave her a teasing look, which excited her so much her

juices of arousal leaked from her pussy.

He made a figure eight around the outside of each breast and

worked his way to her nipples just as Sam washed and massaged her

ass cheeks from behind. The combined ministrations made her gasp,

and her clit and cunt throbbed. Her desires mounted as Jake rubbed

the washcloth against each nipple and then flicked it and rubbed it

between his index finger and thumb.

Sam slid the washcloth between her legs, working it back and

forth, rubbing her pussy lips and clit. He removed the cloth and

worked his index finger around her clit and into her pussy, making his

finger dance inside her, touching and exciting her G-spot. She gasped

and spasmed with a tiny climax. A shiver of desire shot from her cunt

to her breasts, then back down again.

Jake moved to the side, which allowed the water to rinse her skin.

He stared at her breasts, licking his lips. She knew what would come

next, and she welcomed it with heated anticipation.

He bent down, cupped her right breast, and brought his mouth

down upon her nipple to suckle it. Orgasmic needles of pleasure

traveled through her nipple, her breast, and again headed to the center

of her pussy.

She threw her head back, relishing his ministrations. When Sam

finished rinsing her backside, he pushed her legs wider and slid his

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


cock back and forth on her cunt and outside of her asshole while he

kissed her shoulder, making goose bumps spread on her body.

After he repeated his movement several times and heightened her

arousal with each stroke of his cock, she couldn’t take it any longer,

and instinctively, she pushed her pelvis back when his cock was at her

cunt, wanting him to go inside her.

He moaned while Jake handed him a condom he took from the

counter beside the bath, and he sheathed his cock, as did Jake with

another. Triala just stared at them, biting her lips while her body

raged with mounting desires.

Once ready, Sam returned to where they left off, sliding his cock

an inch slowly into her asshole, came out, and slipped it in a little

deeper. Thanks to the warm water pouring over their bodies, it acted

like a lubricant, so his movements were smooth.

Jake followed his partner’s actions by bringing his cock to her clit

and sliding it up to her pussy lips. With his second movement, back

and forth, he slipped completely into her while Sam continued to push

in and pull out of her asshole, inching his way closer to complete


Jake rubbed and squeezed her breasts while Sam kissed her neck.

She turned her head to the side so Sam could kiss her lips, which he

did, pushing open her mouth and sliding his probing tongue in.

Once both men were deep inside her, they each slid out at

different times, making the shock waves of pleasure flow through her

like a raging river overflowing. She took each wave of arousal in and

gave just as much as she pushed her pelvis back and forth.

Their rhythmic lovemaking movements had them panting as the

warm water pounding on their bodies with a steady flow energized

them and washed away the sweat that formed on their damp skin.

Every second they thrust and moved back brought her that much

closer to her peak. Her heart drummed in her chest. She could feel its

beat in her throat and ears, too.


Jessica Frost

When Jake gently tugged at her nipples as Sam bit her lower lip

while thrusting into her, her climax started from deep in her in a slow

progress and hit her full throttle when Jake pushed the head of his

cock deep inside her. Her body trembled from within. The climax

spread to her pussy lips and clit, making them spasm several times.

Jake moaned, holding her tighter, and came inside her. Sam

continued his movements for a bit longer, still kissing her, until he,

too, climaxed. They held each other tenderly and lovingly for a few

minutes after that while the water continued to flow over them. She

listened to their quickened heartbeats slow down and absorbed the

calming effect.

The water started to get colder, but Triala didn’t mind it at all. It

cooled her heated body, mellowing her out.

When the temperature got too cold, though, Jake shut the water.

Sam grabbed a bath towel and began to dry her skin. She giggled at

his awkward movements. “I can do that by myself, you know.”

“But I like doing it.” He laughed, and staring at her breasts, he

rubbed the soft towel over them.

“Umm, I bet you do,” Jake added, smiling as he quickly dried

himself off. O nce finished, he stepped out of the bathtub, but not

before kissing her once more.

Lifting her brow, she asked in curiosity, “What’s the hurry?”

“To get us something to eat. I don’t know about you, but after our

lovemaking last night and this morning, I am starving.” He smiled.

Food. Her stomach growled at the thought. She hadn’t eaten

anything since late yesterday afternoon.

“Hmm, now that sounds good,” she replied.

Sam finished drying her feet and handed her the towel, which she

wrapped around her torso. “What do you want, baby?”

“How about we go to a restaurant to eat?” She looked at him

while he took another towel for himself.

“We could, but then we wouldn’t be able to go over our plan for

tonight. We can’t risk any eavesdroppers homing in on what we say.”

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


His words brought back her last vision and her need to talk to

Thorak this morning.

Her face must have shown her worry because Sam asked, “What’s

wrong, baby?”

Did she dare tell him and Jake about the vision? Them being

humans and not Voyeurs, would they even believe her or comprehend

it all? They were her partners and now lovers, so yes, they had a right

to know.

Jake walked back into the bathroom. “Have you two made up

your minds what you’d like me to bring you?”

Triala looked at him, then at Sam, and said, “Before you go, we

need to talk.”


Jessica Frost

Chapter 17

Rotan rubbed his hands together as he waited for the others to

enter the empty, desolate lobby of the abandoned building. He had

called this emergency meeting of the Rogue comitia earlier today and

had warned everyone to make sure they weren’t followed.

He’d arrived twenty minutes earlier, going over what he’d say

when the others got there. As far as he knew, this was the third

meeting the top Rogues had ever had together. Usually, they all got

their directives from Zortal, who got his orders from the Rogue

leader, Maershia. O nly Zortal had direct contact with Maershia. No

other head Rogue was permitted to communicate with her. It was part

of the strict security and secrecy of their clan.

Rotan knew he’d get an earful about the risky gathering when the

others got there. After all, having all the Rogue heads situated in one

area at one given time was a big peril, but given the circumstances

and the news he had to deliver, he was sure they’d quickly forget their

disapproval of the summoning.

As he walked over the crumbling, marble- floored lobby, hearing

his footsteps echo around him, the side door opened with an ear-

piercing creak. Oscar and Norman walked in silence, staring at him. A

minute after that, Santar and Jonathan came in by the other side door.

And then finally Zortal and Creena entered through the back entry.

Once they all stood quietly beside him, looking at him with

serious, long faces, the words he had planned to tell them suddenly

slipped his mind.

After a few seconds’ time, all that came to him to say in greeting

was a lame, “You may be wondering why I called this meeting.”

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


He regretted uttering the sentence the moment he completed it.

“Yeah, the thought crossed our minds,” Oscar replied with a

sarcastic chuckle.

Rotan covered his mouth with his hand as he tried to

assemble the premeditated words that had scattered about in his hyper

brain. But when his efforts became unproductive, he rolled back and

forth on the heels of his shoes.

Taking a deep breath, he decided to just blurt everything out.

Things couldn’t get worse than this.

Gazing at each head Rogue, he began, “Last night something very

weird happened to me. When I was killing a human on our death list

in an abandoned alleyway, I experienced something I can’t quite

explain.” He continued to observe each of their unreadable eyes.

“What?” Santar asked.

“I sensed someone was watching me.” Rotan squinted.

“Someone? A human, you mean?” another member added.

“Yes, another human was there. He’d been hiding when he

witnessed the killing, but I got to him before he could escape to tell


He tapped his fingers together. For what reason, he didn’t know,

maybe just to calm his rising nerves. The others’ irritated stares had

thrown him off for a second. They obviously all thought he was

wasting their time.

“That’s not why I called this meeting,” he said in his defense as

their stares turned intense.

“Why did you call the meeting then?” Creena asked.

“Because I sensed someone else was there watching me.”

“Then why didn’t you get rid of that person, too?” Norman


It didn’t surprise Rotan that Norman finally piped in with his

sarcasm. He wondered what took him so long to begin with.

Norman never failed to give Rotan a low blow whenever possible.

They had been rivals ever since they came into the Rogue order. No


Jessica Frost

matter how hard Rotan worked to stay as far away from the annoying,

belligerent pain in the ass, something always brought them together to

clash. Just like this meeting did.

Frowning, he replied, “Well, if I could have seen the person,

obviously I would have killed them off. But instead I only sensed

them. I could even smell their scent.”

“What do you mean exactly, Rotan?” Zortal asked, now

portraying a concerned expression.

Finally, someone was beginning to see the imperativeness of their


“I smelled their scent, and it was definitely a werewolf’s scent. I

think maybe even a female.”

“But you couldn’t see the person?” Jonathan questioned.

“No. No one was there. And the funny feeling I had that someone

was watching me didn’t last long, a few seconds. Then it disappeared,

along with the scent.”

“Then how do you know for sure you were being watched?

Maybe it was all in your head and no one was there,” Norman said

with his arms crossed and his lips twisted in a sly smirk.

“No, it wasn’t just in my head,” Rotan said in a raised tone. “A

werewolf was spying on me. I know it.”

Zortal replied before Norman could aggravate him further, “Yes, I

think it’s possible another werewolf was actually there.”

“What?” Norman’s eyes opened wide with disbelief.

Zortal briefly looked at him and returned his attention back to

Rotan. “I’ve heard of other werewolves who sensed the very same

thing you did, Rotan. This was many, many years ago, though.”

“Did they ever figure out who it was?” Rotan asked curiously.

“No, not definitely, but some believed it was the spirit of a

werewolf that paid them a visit then.”

“A spirit of a werewolf? You mean a dead werewolf’s spirit?”

“Perhaps, or maybe a live werewolf,” Zortal said with a distant


Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us


“Do we need to worry, Zortal?” Rotan asked.

“I don’t know if what you said poses any threat to us, but we must

tell Maershia as soon as possible. She will tell us what to do next.”

Zortal gazed at everyone and then again at Rotan. “Is there anything

else you wanted to discuss here?”

Rotan raised his hands in the air. “No, no. That was it.”

Zortal nodded. “Okay, then we can declare this meeting

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