Enraptured (18 page)

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Authors: Shoshanna Evers

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Enraptured
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“Ah, yes, then I doubt he’ll miss it,” Jessica laughed.

They pulled up in front of her old apartment building, and she followed Roman up the dingy stairs. He opened the door to her old studio apartment.

It was empty, save for the futon and mini-fridge she’d left behind, and the empty shelves.

Why was he keeping her studio vacant? Perhaps he wanted to have a place to send her back to if he changed his mind.

She looked around with a feeling of dread. The thin walls and low ceiling seemed to close in on them. Whenever she was with Roman, he was surrounded by space, by luxury. And yet strangely, he didn’t seem so out of place in his black T-shirt and jeans, even if those jeans did cost hundreds of dollars.

“Strip,” he said, and she did.

Naked before him, she knelt on the cold wood floor and kissed his boot. He smiled down at her and pulled his shirt off, his muscles rippling.

He leaned over and pulled the thin futon mattress off the frame, then pointed to the wooden slats. “Lie down.”

The wood was uncomfortable, but she obeyed, the wooden slats pressing into her skin. Still, her nipples tightened with arousal as she watched him take off his boots, his belt, and finally his jeans.

His cock sprung out, fully erect, so hard it was nearly purple.

“I like this futon,” he said. “So many ways to tie you down.”

Roman walked naked over to his bag and pulled out a long ball of rough-hewn twine. It looked scratchy and raw, nothing like the silk cords and leather cuffs he usually bound her with.

He spent the next hour slowly binding her, the twine chafing her sensitive skin. Her hair was tied to the wooden slats. Her legs, lewdly spread and secured. Her breasts were painfully bound, encircled with the rope.

Roman bit her nipples lightly, teasing her. “I could do anything to you, and you can’t move,” he said.

“Yes, sir. I want you to do anything. Anything, sir.”

Roman ran his fingers down her underarms, and she squealed at the tickling sensation, but was unable to move away, even a millimeter.

“Oh my God, sir, please,” she begged, but he tickled her more. Not being able to get away from his fingers made her pussy so wet, even though she hated being tickled.

Finally he stopped, and brought his head down to the juncture of her thighs. She sighed with pleasure as he gave her a lazy swipe with his tongue, making tiny circles around her clit, but not touching it, not giving her the direct pressure she’d need to come.

“Will you really submit to anything, Jessica?”

“Yes, sir. Please.”

“I’m trained to do piercings. I’ve done it many times. I’ve even pierced a woman’s clitoral hood before.” He pinched her clit to emphasize the point, and she gasped. “Did you know that?”

Holy shit. She had heard a rumor about that, but hadn’t taken it seriously. Tons of people at WhipperSnapper had piercings. She’d never thought too much about the actual process of being pierced.

“I’m scared, sir,” she whimpered.

“Then say no.”

Oh God, she didn’t want to say no. Not to Roman.

“My body is yours, sir.”

He licked her pussy some more, as if rewarding her for giving him permission to stick a needle into her body. Was he really going to do it? How much would it hurt?

“I was hoping you’d say that,” Roman said. “I came prepared. I considered doing it at the club, as a public declaration of our relationship, but then I decided a more private venue was appropriate.”

He looked her up and down, touching her face, her nose, her lips, her tongue even. He played with her nipples, and lower . . . lower, to her labia, and her clit.

“The only question is, what part of my slave do I want to pierce?”

Roman stopped as if lost in thought, and went back to licking her pussy—soft, lingering kisses on her sensitive flesh. She was so terrified, but so turned on. What was going to happen? He had complete control over her, he could do anything and she was helpless to move.

Just the thought brought on the crest of an orgasm, and as if he sensed it, he immediately pulled back.

“No orgasms for my slave this weekend. None at all.”

Her body tensed with need. How would she go the weekend without release?

“And if I beg you, Master? Will you let me come then?”

Roman smiled and shook his head. “No. You’ll just have to trust my training methods.”

Jessica tried to nod but her rope-bound hair left her head immobilized against the wooden slats. Once again her helplessness overwhelmed her senses, and her pussy clenched with excitement.

Roman took his time laying out his tools next to her. She gasped when he took out a knife and held it over her breast. What was happening?

But he merely cut her breast bindings, letting the blood flow back into her aching breasts. She moaned as he massaged them, rolling her breasts in his hands, pulling her nipples until they stood straight out.

“I’m going to pierce your nipples, Jessica, with your consent. Afterward, you’ll need to clean them every day with antibacterial soap, and rinse them well. Don’t touch them without washing your hands first. And I won’t be putting my mouth on them until they heal. Do you understand?”

A sheen of perspiration covered her forehead. “Wait! Sir—will I still be able to . . . to breastfeed, in the future?”

Roman paused. “You want children?”

“Not right now, sir, while I’m in school—but yes. I’d love to have children someday.”

She bit the inside of her cheek, hoping that her revelation wouldn’t make him change his mind. Did he want children? Could he want children with her?

“I’d happily remain your slave forever, sir,” she whispered. “But not if I have to give up my chance at a family.”

“Getting your nipples pierced won’t affect your ability to breastfeed. You can simply take out the piercings when you get pregnant.”

Good. At least submitting to a piercing wouldn’t put that at risk. But he hadn’t told her if kids were something he’d consider.

“As your Dominant, my job is to keep you happy and content. Can we return to the baby discussion at a later time?” he asked softly.

That should have been enough. She should have been able to accept “later” as an answer. It was better than “no,” after all. But she needed to know. Did he ever imagine a world where he had a family?

The question danced on the tip of her tongue, ready to be asked. And yet she swallowed it down. For now, she’d enjoy being in Roman’s care.

With a gentleness in his careful fingers, he swabbed her erect left nipple with an alcohol wipe, and opened a sterile package containing what looked like scissors—no, wait—forceps. Slotted forceps with holes at the end.

The cold metal gripped her nipple tightly, and Jessica moaned. It felt like a nipple clamp.

“Take a deep breath, Jessica,” he whispered, and she shut her eyes, squeezing them tight against the burning pain as a needle passed through her tender peak.

“Oh my God, oh my God,” she gasped, and the clamps seemed to tighten, more pressure, and then . . . release.

“All done.” Roman caressed her face and she opened her eyes. “There’s a stainless steel barbell through your nipple now, and it looks beautiful.”

She desperately wanted to look, to see what he’d done, but all she could do was wait until he untied her.

“I’m going to pierce your other nipple, and then I’m going to fuck you harder than I’ve fucked you before.”

Her breast ached, the tip burning, but her clit was so swollen and needy. If only he’d let her come . . .

“Please, sir, please make me come,” she whispered. The pain had her on edge, needy, ready for pleasure the way he’d trained her body to respond.

“If all I give you is pain, do you still want to be mine?” he asked, brushing his lips against hers. “I’ve told you I’m a sadist. You need to learn what that really means.”

“I’m yours, Roman. Please. I’m yours.”

“And you’ll take what I give you.”


Roman smiled and kissed her deeper, being careful to keep his weight off of her freshly pierced nipple. “Good girl.”

He wiped her other nipple with alcohol, pulled it up with the forceps, then clamped them so tightly she cried out.

“You’re making me so hard, Jessica. You’re everything I’ve dreamed of, everything I fantasize about. Right now. You, tied up, nowhere to go. Unable to move.”

He slid the needle through her nipple, ripping a scream from her throat. She couldn’t see it, but fuck oh fuck she could feel it.

oman was so hard he could come at any moment, just from doing this to her, sharing this intense experience.

When he finished situating the second piercing, he set the equipment aside and straddled her. Every instinct in his body told him to play with those gleaming silver bars in her nipples, but he knew he had to show restraint until they’d healed.

“Are you ready for me?” he asked, and before she could answer, he plunged his cock into her, her wet cunt tightening around him, drawing him in even deeper.

“Oh God, Roman, fuck me, yes, please,” she cried, and he pounded into her again, sliding his cock over her swollen clit.

“Don’t you dare come, slave,” he growled, but he didn’t stop, didn’t stop the fast grinding of his hips against hers, the rough thrusting inside of her.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she gasped, and her pussy spasmed around his length, her muscles quaking with her climax.

Her orgasm, despite the fact that she’d broken the rules, pulled his orgasm from him, and he came hard.

When his breathing slowed, he took the knife, and slowly, methodically, cut all of her bindings.

“May I look at my piercings?” she asked, sitting up slowly.

“Go ahead.” Roman watched her as she walked to the bathroom and stared into the mirror with wide eyes.

“That’s really . . . sexy, somehow,” Jessica said.

“It is.” He came up behind her, naked, and reached his hand between her legs, pinching her clit. “I told you no orgasms.”

“I’m sorry, sir, I couldn’t help it, you turn me on so much.”

“You need to learn to help it. Control yourself, for me. It’s part of your submission.”

Jessica turned to him, looking up with her beautiful, sweet eyes, her honey-wheat hair mussed. “It’s strange, but when you tell me I’m not allowed to come, it makes me even more turned on. I don’t know why.”

Roman laughed. “Because it’s how you’re wired. I’m wired that way too. We’re like yin and yang. We fit.”

“Thank you for my nipple piercings. I’ll take good care of them, keep them clean and everything.”

“You’re welcome. And when you’re ready for a child, you let me know.”

“Don’t worry, it wouldn’t be for another five or even ten years, I suppose. But . . . do you want a child, Roman? A family?”

Did he? It had always seemed like something others would have, not him. A wife to love, children to call him Daddy, a family to care for and protect. Other men had that, not him.

But with Jessica, was it possible?

“Perhaps,” he said, “that’s something I can begin to think about. It’s a new idea for me.”

“Does it bother you that I’m asking you about this, now, so early in our relationship?”

He thought about that. “No. You and I are similar in that way as well. We like to plan ahead. And neither of us wants to waste time in a relationship doomed to fail. It makes sense that you’d want to know rather soon if we’re on the same page regarding a family. Five to ten years is far enough away not to induce panic in me, at least.”

“I’m excited for you to meet my parents,” she said, smiling. “I love them so much, even if they don’t get this whole thing. Us. You.”

“They didn’t like me over the phone,” Roman said. “I can only imagine how they’ll feel when they meet me.”

“It’ll be fine.” But she sounded unsure herself.

he next morning, Roman drove them to the Target in Spanish Harlem. He’d never been in a Target before. Or a Walmart.

The aisles gleamed like in a supermarket. In fact, clothing was set up on rails for display in a similar fashion.

“Let’s be quick,” he said, and took some large cotton T-shirts, rugged cargo pants, and hiking boots off the shelves. He grabbed a cheap Timex watch and threw that in the cart too. No need to wear his own timepiece in the woods.

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