Enticing Their Mate (13 page)

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Authors: Vella Day

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Military, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Paranormal Menage (MFM), #Paranormal Werewolf Romance, #Paranormal Erotica

BOOK: Enticing Their Mate
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Sarah still hadn’t decided what she wanted to do about both of her men, but she didn’t need Amy making trouble with Riley by telling him lies.

Wait a minute
. Had she just decided that she wanted to be with both of them? Hell if she knew. Right now, she needed to get a grip and deal with other things first—like helping to save these women.

Pretending nothing had happened, she strode toward Amy. “How’s Nancy today?”

“She seems a little perkier, but I’m having a hard time getting her to eat.”

Sarah knelt down next to them, her heart heavy at Nancy’s labored breathing. “I’ll see what I can do. I bet you’re exhausted, so go ahead and clock out.”

Instead of a nod of gratitude, Amy grabbed her arm hard. “Just so you know, roomie, I’ll be watching you.”

To see if I come onto Russ?
Before Sarah could respond, Amy stood and stomped off. Okay, that wasn’t good. After waiting a beat to make sure she wouldn’t return with Russ in tow, Sarah turned her attention back to her patient. The antibiotics were in the storage closet—next to where Russ and Connolly were having what looked like a strained conversation. It would be best if she checked on the girls and then chanced retrieving the needed drugs once Russ wasn’t around.

It took Sarah a good hour to examine each of the ten girls, taking their vitals, checking for bedsores, and asking them to describe any symptoms they had. Just as she was about to see if the hallway was clear of Russ, Riley stepped into the room.

“Sarah, may I speak with you in private?”

“Sure.” Her heart tripped at his serious tone.

Once she stepped into the hallway, she glanced around for any other guards but only spotted Skip Jackson. Of all the shifters, he looked the weakest of the lot. Cameras were aimed at the doorway, so Riley motioned they walk down the hallway.

“We have a development,” he said, his tone curt.

She didn’t like the way he emphasized that last word. “What kind of development?”

“Connolly just received a call from Statler. Apparently, the buyer’s representative is coming here to check out the women to see if they are acceptable for purchase.”

She clutched her stomach. For days, she’d anticipated there’d come a time when the women would be sold. “I doubt he’ll find them to his liking. Nancy is barely hanging on, and a few of the other girls are rather weak. Statler hasn’t let us exercise them or let them see a doctor.”

“You have to do your best.”

“I plan to. When is this buyer coming?”

“He didn’t say, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he showed up later today.”

That wasn’t enough time to do much but failing to have the women ready might result in Statler blaming her. “I’ll need to clean them up—as in buy them some new clothes and makeup.”

Riley’s lips pressed together. “I’ll see what I can do about procuring funds.”

When he turned and walked off, Sarah wanted to throw something at him. What was wrong with that man? Sure, they didn’t need to be hugging and kissing in public, but a smile would have gone a long way to cut through the anxiety of what she was about to do.

Even if Statler denied her request, the women would enjoy a shower. Needing someone to stand guard, she went in search of Skip, but he wasn’t in the warehouse any longer. Near the front entrance, she ran into Connolly who was stomping around like a bee who’d been swatted at a few times.

“I need some help,” she said in a calm tone so as not to piss him off any more.

As if she’d offered the bee some honey, the crease between his brows softened. “What can I do for you?”

She explained about how she wanted to bathe the women before the buyer’s assistant arrived. “None of them seem strong enough to fight me, but I don’t want one to get away after I release her from her bonds.”

“I’ll be happy to stand watch. If I’m called away, I’ll tell Riley to help you. I just sent Skip outside to check on something or I’d ask him.”

“Is Russ gone?”

“Yes, he’s left for the day.” His lips firmed. “I’m sorry about what happened. Just so you know, I fired his ass for the stunt he pulled, but he managed to convince Statler to have his job reinstated. My hands are tied.”

“I appreciate that you tried. I’ll be more careful next time.” She never expected Connolly to even care. She’d never met a Statler hire that did.

Connolly nodded.

“I need to get some supplies in the closet, but then I’ll be right back.”

After she located the antibiotics, along with shampoo and some spare bars of soap she’d insisted on taking when they left the clinic, she headed back toward the women. To her delight, Connolly had located a chair and had stationed himself in the hall between the two rooms.

She smiled. “Thank you.”

He nodded then returned to staring straight ahead. While she believed the women would appreciate the shower, for many of them, it would be a struggle. For Nancy, it was not even possible.

It was close to eleven a.m. by the time all but one of the women were clean. Their hospital gowns were soiled and needed to be tossed, but she didn’t have any spares for them to change into.

After jotting down their clothing sizes, she headed into the hallway to find Riley to see if he’d received permission for her purchases.

“Have you seen Riley?” she asked Connolly.

“He’s checking the perimeter with Skip. Are the girls okay?”

“Okay would be a stretch. I asked Riley to find out if I can buy the women some clothes and makeup for their inspection meeting.”

“I imagine Statler would give you the okay. Selling these women is his goal.”

Sick bastard. “I know.”

From the small break room, she grabbed her purse and headed out. Even if Statler wouldn’t pay for it, a tube of lipstick and some blush could go a long way to make a woman feel good again. Glancing around outside, she spotted Riley and Skip chatting. While he didn’t turn around, the straightening of his shoulders, coupled with his excellent sense of smell, convinced her he was aware she was there. When he finished chatting, she’d speak with him. Not wanting to intrude, she waited by her car.

A minute later, Skip nodded and moved away. Riley had to acknowledge her or look like a total jerk. He turned and came toward her.

“Statler gave the okay, though it took some convincing,” he said not sounding happy.

“I don’t understand why Statler balked. The better they look, the higher the price he can command.”

Riley winced. “Are you sure fixing them up is the best move?”

“Statler will have my head if I don’t deliver the girls in the best condition possible. I need him to believe I will always follow his instructions.”

Riley looked away then back at her. “You’re right. We probably stand a better chance of saving them if they’re in the buyer’s hands anyway.”

Glad not to have to defend her position, she slid into the driver’s side.

Riley rushed to the passenger side door and hopped in. “I’m coming with you.”

A laugh bubbled up. “Really? I don’t see you as someone interested in women’s fashion.”

“I’m not, but I overheard Russ and Amy arguing right before they left.”

Acid dripped in her stomach. “What did they say?”

Chapter Thirteen

iley was a confused mess. He wanted Sarah so badly he could taste it. The scent of her skin had permeated his brain, and he had to fight the beast within every minute of the day not to mate with her. Being near her and not touching her was pure torture, but he was well aware that the devastation to his heart when she left would either destroy him or throw him off his game so much, he’d die in battle.

He had to stay focused to see this job through to the end, and that meant keeping his distance. While the women he’d dated hadn’t been his mates, they’d all walked away, claiming they didn’t like how he put his job first. Well, hell. It wasn’t something he could change.

Sarah started the car. “So what were Amy and Russ fighting about, as if I can’t guess?”

Keeping the discussion from her wouldn’t be fair. “Russ said you came onto him.”

Her brows pinched. “He’s such a dick. Just so you know, Amy threatened me before she left, telling me to keep my hands off him.”

“What did you say?”

“Nothing. She left before I could think of a good comeback. Alienating her any more wouldn’t be smart.”

“I agree.”

They drove in silence for the next few minutes as she headed into town, his mind racing. On the outskirts of Lippett Falls a rather old and small department store appeared. “You think they’ll have what you want?”

“I hope so. The clothes don’t need to be fancy. If they were, it might tip off the buyer that we’re trying to cover up defective merchandise.”

“Smart.” Riley inhaled, unable to hold back his concern any more. “I don’t want you staying at your duplex anymore.”

She tightened her fists on the wheel. “You in charge of me now? Last I heard, you’d given up that right to Jay when you walked out of my bedroom after making me a very happy woman.”

Her words were like swords slicing through his gut. Fuck. He stabbed a hand through his hair. “It’s not safe there.”

She glanced over at him. He’d expected her to be angry, but she seemed more fed up than anything. “That may be, but you asking if I’m willing to stay someplace else instead of demanding it would have gone a long way to me agreeing. I’m a believer in equality in a relationship.”

“You see? I suck at saying the right thing. How about you stay at the motel with Jay and I’ll find someplace else to crash?”

She glanced at him. “Really? That’s your solution? I know you had a rough childhood and for that I’m sorry, but I had no idea your self-esteem was so low when it came to women.”

“There’s nothing wrong with my self-esteem. So what do you say to moving?”

She pulled into a parking spot, cut the engine, and faced him. “I’ll move in on one condition.”

He could adapt. “What?”

“All three of us stay in the motel room. Together.”

He’d met stubborn women before, but Sarah was the most strong-willed of them all. It made sense, though, since she was an FBI operative.


The moment that word left his mouth, he realized he might be subjecting himself to sleepless nights and emotional torture.

*     *     *

Fearing Nancy might need care, Sarah couldn’t afford to spend too much time shopping, but knowing that Riley was fighting to keep his distance ignited the devil in her. Teasing him would be fun. Always having to be on alert had made her grow restless, and letting down her guard for a few minutes would help.

“You ever consider leaving the Bureau?” she asked as she slipped out of the car.

“Not really.” Riley waited for her to come toward him then placed a hand on her back as he led her to the store, his gaze constantly searching the area.

“Why not?”

He glanced down at her. “What would I do? The Bureau is all I know. They’re like family to me.”

Her heart hurt for him. “You could work for the Pack.”

“The General hasn’t asked me.”

The man had a way of answering without addressing the question directly. “If you were asked, would you do it?”

He held open the door to the store. “Why do you ask? Are you thinking of joining the General’s team?”

She huffed out a laugh. “If case you forgot, I’m human,” she whispered.

“Mackenzie is only half werewolf. I bet the General would love to have a human operative. You could go places his men might not be allowed.”

She hadn’t thought of it that way. “Like the Trojan Horse?”

He smiled and her stupid body reacted. “Exactly.”

Discussing shifters and operatives was not a good idea in a store situated near Statler’s warehouse. No telling where he had ears.

“Where to?” Riley asked.

“How about grabbing us a cart?” He located one and returned, looking deliciously domestic but a bit uncomfortable. “If you want to sit in the car, I can do this myself.”

His eyes widened as if he couldn’t believe she’d read his mind. “I’m good.” It came out forced. Poor Riley.

When she ran a hand down his arm, he stiffened then groaned as if her touch altered something inside him. This little shopping spree was going to be a delicious diversion.

Sarah led him to the women’s department where she gathered several flowing skirts, with the tag that said One Size Fits All. Too many of the women were emaciated, and the fullness of the material would hide some of their thinness. She then stocked up on tops, camisoles to act as bras, and sweaters as the women often complained of being cold. “Now for lingerie.”

Riley cleared his throat and glanced off to the side. “I think I’ll check out the men’s department. I could use some things.”

“Sure.” Sarah worked hard not to smile.

“I’ll pay for all of this and Statler will reimburse me,” he said.

That worked for her. “I won’t be long.”

She picked up some socks for when the women weren’t being paraded in front of the buyer and then tossed in underwear. Since she was moving in with the men, it wouldn’t hurt to add a few pairs of sexy panties for herself. She had planned on holding them up for Riley to judge, but from the way his scruff had thickened and his eyes had lightened, he was fighting not to shift. Hopefully, his change wasn’t anger-driven but rather one of a sexual nature. She felt sorry for him. He had no idea how much she would enjoy tormenting the poor man.

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