Escape to Paris With Love (10 page)

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Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee

BOOK: Escape to Paris With Love
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Chapter 18

“How’s your salad?” EJ nonchalantly asked Prissy as they shared a quick lunch before a business meeting.

“It’s okay for grass, I guess.” Prissy responded as she quickly looked over the proposed agenda for their meeting.

“Good... Matias is pressuring me for sex.” EJ blurted.

Prissy looked up from her food and looked at EJ as if she had two heads, three breasts and a dick clued to each forehead. “What did you just say?”

“I said Matias is pressuring me for sex.”

“More sex or better sex?”

“Just sex in general.”

“I don’t get it. What are you talking about?” Prissy asked as she wiped her mouth with her linen napkin and took a sip of her lemonade. “You are having sex right?”

“Not exactly…” EJ responded in a small voice.

“Are you fucking serious? EJ… What the fuck?”

“I’m not ready for that, Prissy.”

“Oh my God! This isn’t high school! You’re a grown damn woman with not one, but two kids. What the hell is there to get ready for? Spread your damn legs and give that man some pussy!”

“It’s not that easy for me! I have to want to and I don’t. I like him… But I don’t want to sleep with him. Well at least not yet!”

“Seriously EJ, do have any inkling how damn fine that man is? You can wash your damn on those abs. Don’t even get me started on that sexy mouth of his… OMG! What the hell is wrong with you?”

“I didn’t say he wasn’t fine. I’m just not interested in having sex with him right now.”

“But EJ, you’ve been dating exclusively for damn near four months now. What the fuck?”

“I’m not like you Prissy.”

“What does that mean? What, you don’t like sex?”

“No! I mean yeah I loved sex when I was having it with Paul, but now it’s like… I don’t know. I’m just not into it.”

“Have you even had a lick of dick since Paul?” Prissy asked completely confused.

“I stopped having those feelings once I had the girls. And if and when I get them I just take care of them with my vibrator.”

“I don’t understand. Why are you even dating if you don’t want sex?”

“Because you made me! Did you forget that part!”

“So, you haven’t had sex since Paul? Is that what you’re telling me?”

“Of course I’ve had sex since Paul! Just not with a man.”

“So, you had sex with a woman?”

“Hell no! You know better than that!”

“Okay so have you had sex with anybody or anything with a damn pulse since Paul?”

“No! I just told you that I have a vibrator.”

“Oh my God! You lady are unbelievable. How do you do it? I would have fucked Matias ass silly by now.”

“I know! That’s why I said I’m not like you! I have to be in love to have sex.”

“EJ, sweetheart, honey lamb sex doesn’t have a damn thing to do with love. You’re right! I have no problem fucking someone I’m not in love with, because sex is a physical need. Unlike love which is an emotional or psychological need, I’m not certain which one.”

“Either way… I don’t feel that way for Mathias and he’s pressuring me to sleep with him. So, what should I do?”

“I already told you. Spread your legs and fuck him! Why are you acting like you’re in junior high and shit? At least give it a try to see if you like it!”

“I don’t even know why I came to you with this problem. It’s not like you’d ever understand.” EJ mumbled beneath her breath as she stabbed her salad with her fork in frustration.

“Okay! Okay! I’m sorry. Look if you’re not attracted to him then just stop seeing him. If he wants sex and you don’t then there’s no need to continue the relationship. Call it off, that’s all you have to do.”

“I can’t!”

“Why can’t you?”

“I tried and he just keeps showing up. I told him that I wasn’t ready to date or to have sex and he just keeps calling and coming around. He
’s like a damn bad penny. Everywhere I look, there he is.”

“Maybe he’s in love with you.”

“Maybe he is or maybe he just wants to fuck me before he leaves me!”

“You’re really fucked up about this.” Prissy commented. “He’s not trying to force himself on you is he? EJ was silent. “Is he? Tell me EJ!” EJ still didn’t speak. “Ok! Tell me right now, what the fuck happened. Cause if he hurt you then I’m going to pay some thugs to shove his soccer ball straight up his ass!” Prissy hissed realizing that their conversation was getting a little too loud.

“Okay, he didn’t really force himself on me per say…”

“Then what the hell did he do, per say?” Prissy asked now

masturbated in front of me.” EJ confessed.

“He what?”

“In his defense we were kissing and I wasn’t really into it but I allowed it. So he started to get hard and he kept trying to put my hand on his dick and I kept pulling it away. Finally he got frustrated, snorted something out in Spanish… Then pulled his dick out and just started whacking off in front of me!”

“Where were you?”

“In my living room one night after a dinner date.”

“Where were the girls?” Prissy asked to see just how mad she was going to be.

“The girls were with you at your house.”

“What did you do? I mean did you just let him finish or what?”

“Honestly, I didn’t know what to do. It seemed like it went on forever. He frightened me. I didn’t know what he was going to do when he was done and we were there all alone. So I ran to the kitchen got a knife and a pitcher of ice water.”

“Okay… and then what happened.”

“I threw the ice water in his lap and threatened to cut his fucking dick off if he didn’t get out of my fucking house immediately.”

“So what did he do?”

“What do you mean what did he do. He zipped up his wet pants, grabbed his jacket and got the fuck out of my house! I wasn’t playing with his nasty ass!”

Prissy eyed EJ for what seemed like an eternity and then abruptly burst into laughter. “OMG! Wait until I tell Austin
this shit.”

“It’s not funny, Prissy! Why are you laughing? I was afraid?”

“I bet you were! Afraid of what he was going to do with that big dick after he got it good and damn hard! Oh my God this is funny as hell!” Prissy laughed.

EJ rolled her eyes. “Again! I don’t even know why I waist my breath. You probably would have jumped right on it when he pulled it out!”

“Oh you know me so well! If I wasn’t engaged I would fuck the damn wheels off of Mr. Arturo with his sexy ass self.”

“Well, maybe you should! Cause I don’t want to and if he keeps stalking me I’m going get a restraining order out on his perverted,
nasty, fucking ass!” She snapped.

“Ok! Ok! Calm down! The man is just horny as hell that’s all! I’m sure he’s just calling you to apologize. If you want me to have Austin to talk to him I will. He’s not trying to hurt you EJ. It’s been
quite a few months… The man just needs some pussy, that’s all.”

“Good, then he can get all the pussy he wants from somebody else. I’
m done! I told him I never want to see him. And if I do, I’m sticking my stiletto up his fuck crack! Believe that!”

Prissy watched the obviously still pissed EJ stab some lettuce and shove it in her mouth. Suppressing the urge to laugh she simply offered, “Ok. If it’s over it’s over. I’ll have Austin to ask him to leave you alone. If that’s what you really want.”

“That’s exactly what I want. Maybe my life can turn back to normal now that this dating bullshit is finally over.”

“Oh no! No! No! We have a damn deal. You might be done with Matias, but you are not finished dating. S
o, you might as well get ready. I be damned if I’m letting you off the hook while a ball and chain is being fitted for my neck! Oh Hells No!”

“No, Prissy! I did what you asked. It didn’t work.”

“You dated one damn guy! Now find another one, because this ain’t over! There’s got to be a guy somewhere out there that can get that dry Sahara you call a pussy wet.”

“You are so damn nasty!” EJ snickered. “You make me sick with your scandalous
, trick ass self.”

“What the hell ever. Damn I want a sandwich.”

“Order one, we still have some time.”

“I don’t want a damn sandwich from here. I want to go home and get my baby to make me a sandwich.” She snickered.

“Just like I said, Nast Tee! EJ giggled. “Finish eating so we can go to this meeting. You can get a sandwich when you get home.”

“You know I will!” She laughed.

Chapter 19 Matias

“Hello!” Matias said as he answered his cell.

“Hi Mr. Arturo. This is Candace from Dream Dates. Your date is at the door.”

“Wow, that was quick.”

“Yes sir. We pride ourselves on being prompt. Enjoy your night sir!”

“Thank you Candace. I’m sure I will.” Matias replied as he heard a knock at the door of the penthouse suite he rented for the

Dressed in jeans and a wife beater shirt he scrolled to the door. Opening it
he found a beautiful Asian woman dressed in a short black, form fitting halter dress. Quickly scanning her from head to toe, taking an extra second or too to drink in her beauty he instantly stiffened. It had been a month since he had some pussy and it was a month to damn long.

He had tried so damn hard to be a faithful companion for EJ, but his nature just wouldn’t allow it. He handled his own needs for the most part, but dating for over three damn months without pussy was a deal breaker for any damn man. Still Matias was determined to win her favor and eventually the keys to her panties. If that meant occasionally buying the companionship of an escort or two then so damn be it. What EJ didn’t know, couldn’t possibly piss her off. 

Sure she was still pissed about their little incident a week back, but she’ll eventually get over it. They always do. Send a woman enough flowers and candy and diamonds and they eventually do. At least that was what the cocky athletic wanted to believe. He liked EJ. She was different than most of the women he dated. EJ was
Wifey material and Matias knew it. He was in it for the long haul and willing to allow her to take her time to warm up and spread her thighs for him.

“Hi, I’m
May. Are you Mr. Arturo?”

“Hi, May. Yes, I am. Please come in.”

“Thank you.” She said as she entered.

“Can I take your coat.”

“Sure.” May said as she carefully surveyed the expensive penthouse suite and acclimated herself to her surroundings. “This is a very nice suite. Do you stay here alone?”

“Of course.” He assured her. “Look May, I’m a regular, faithful customer. You don’t have to worry about a thing. You are safe here with me.” 

“Thank you Mr. Arturo.” She smiled as she took her coat off and handed it to him.

“So, are you hungry or thirsty? I have some wine and I ordered some food.”

May eyed the extraordinarily handsome man. “No, thank you I’m okay. You seem tense Mr. Arturo, would you like me to help you relax.”

“Oh, I would love that May.” He grinned as May’s small hands playful ran along the bulge in his trousers.

“Do you mind if I get comfortable?”

Matias smiled as May started to untie the straps of her halter dress. “No not at all. Make yourself at home. Lust colored his gorgeous eyes as she slowly peeled her dress over her tiny cup full of titties breasts.

May sucked her finger seductively in her mouth before playfully squeezing and taunting her small nipples until they become hard.

“Oh those are very nice. Can I feel them
?” Matias asked as he watched May play with her small breast.

Mr. Arturo, you can do anything to them and to me that you want. I’m all yours for the entire night.”

Mathias raised an inquisitive brow
and laughed uneasy as he gently fondled May’s tiny breast. “Anything?”

“Absolutely anything.” May purred.

“I don’t know… May, I must warn you that I’m a freak you probably shouldn’t say that to me.”

“So am I. Like I said, Any damn thing.” May assured him again as she slowly unzipped his pants and freed his swollen manhood.

Matias groaned loudly as if he was a woman removing a 42DD woman removing her 36C, way too damn little bra after a long day at work. “Fuck… That feels good.”

May smiled as she worked her magic massage on Matias balls. She watched as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and then tried to focus again.
His breath hitched in his throat as he sighed deeply. May learned at a very young age that a woman who controls the balls controls the man. May literal had Matias by the balls and she wasn’t about to let him go until she was good and satisfied.

“Pull this dress off and taste this pussy you ordered.” She softly commanded.

Matias wasted no time. Dropping to one knee he peeled May’s dress over her straight hips and allowed it to drop around her ankles. Just as he suspected, May wasn’t wearing panties. A devious grin transformed his handsome face as he inspected her tiny hairless pussy, flicking the clit until it turned red and stiffened right before his eyes.

May whimpered as Matias thick, rough
, middle finger invade her tight pussy. Slipping it in and out a few times it soon became soaked with May’s cream. Pulling it quickly he did exactly what May told him to do. Popping it in his mouth he sucked her juices from his finger, savoring its taste as if it was sweet honey.

“Now, that’s some good damn pussy. “ He unconsciously murmured as he reintroduced the same finger into her pussy in search of a second helping. You’re familiar with role playing right May?”

“Yes… Yes, Mr. Arturo. I’m very familiar with role playing. Who would you like May to be?”

“Tonight you’re not May… Tonight Mr. Arturo wants May to be EJ. Can
you do that for me… I mean do you mind if I call you EJ tonight?”

May groaned as Matias finger play stroked her passion
. Without warning Matias’ mouth swooped down and claimed one of May’s tiny breast. He sucked the entire breast in his mouth, teasing her nipple with his tongue before popping it out. “No May don’t mind. Tonight May will be EJ. Mr. Arturo, can I please just ask who EJ is?  I just need to know so I can play my role better?”

Matias, busy with suckling her breath and fingering her pussy callously replied, “EJ’s my

“Oh… Okay why EJ no here? Is EJ dead?”

“No May… EJ is not dead. She’s just upset with Mr. Arturo. We broke up earlier this week. I just miss her so much. You understand right?”

“Mr. Arturo, you no mad at EJ, right? You no hurt EJ, right?”

“No… I’m not mad at EJ. I just want to make love to EJ. I’d never hurt EJ or you for that matter. I just want you to be my girl so I can pretend to make love to her. Okay?” Matias pleaded as his expressive eyes locked on May’s. “I promise no rough stuff. I’m a freak, but I’m not into that kink. I’m not going to hurt you. Okay? I told you that you can trust me. I just need you to be EJ. Okay? Will you do that for me?”

“Yes, no problem.” May agreed in a soft, small voice. 

“Thank you May.” Matias groaned as he continued to slow stroke her wet pussy with his now slick finger.

Consumed with need and enveloped in a sensual haze of pleasure May asked, “Who’s May?”

A big sexy grin slid with ease across Matias face. “That’s my girl. Now let me taste this pussy.”

Standing to his feet he lifted May’s tiny frame from the floor and lifted her until she was on his shoulder straddling his face. Burying his head between May’s thin thighs he devoured her as if she was the last slice of pie on the planet. May fought the urge to scream. Grabbing two handfuls of Matias’ thick curly black hair she held on tight as she grind her wet pussy on his greedy tongue.

Mumbling incoherently as he licked her Matias enjoyed the hell out of his trip to Pussyville. Grasping May by her flat ass he continued to lick and suck her until she exploded with her first of many orgasms to come. A cold shiver shot up her spine as it unexpectedly overtook her and rocked her sensual core.

“Shit! Eat that fucking pussy!” She screamed as her massive release tore her apart.

“You like that shit! Don’t you EJ?”

“Fuck yeah! May, I mean EJ loves it!” May managed as the tip of Matias’ warm tongue swirled around her swollen clit before it licked the come which dripped from her slit. Numb with pleasure her head swirled in circles as a second wave of pleasure immediately consumed her and slapped her silly with sensual delight. “F-U-C-K! I’m coming again!
” May screamed out loud and uninhibited. “Ah fucking eat that fucking pussy! You pussy eating mother fucker!”

Matias grinned as he gnawed on May’s cli
t like it was a wad of day old taffy. “Feels good doesn’t it? Now you’re ready to fuck!”

May’s eyes widen in surprise as Matias unseated her from his face, tossed her over his shoulders and carried her to the bedroom suite caveman style. Now, May wasn’t really sure who EJ was or were she was, but May quickly concluded that EJ was one lucky Bitch! Matias continued
to fuck May silly for the next several hours. When he was done every hole she had had been properly fucked at least twice.

The next morning May left Matias’ penthouse suite with a wad of cash as a tip. The college student, posing as a Chinese immigrant who could barely speak French let alone English, earned every dollar of her money that night. She left
completely satisfied but sore as hell.

Immediately upon locking up after her Matias called EJ. She didn’t answer so he left her a message. “EJ it’s Matias. Baby I was up all night thinking about you. Please call me back. Let’s get pass this. I’m sorry. I just wanted you so damn bad. Please forgive me. EJ, I’m in love with you. Can we please just start again? Please?”

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