Escape to Paris With Love (7 page)

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Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee

BOOK: Escape to Paris With Love
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Chapter 13 Prissy

Thirty minutes later Prissy walked in and the air evacuated her chest the second she saw Teddy. Her brown eyes doubled in size as they met his. He was
looking as sweet as a double decker triple scoop of Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia. She fought hard to keep her mouth from popping open in anticipation of sucking his big dick.

“Oh my God, I'm in
troubled.” She groaned to herself as she contemplated running back out the door.

“Aunt Prissy, Aunt Prissy look who it is!” Paris ran to greet her. She was so excited
, if she was a puppy her tail would have been wagging a hundred times a minute.

“He came all the way from LA on a private jet.” Parisa added as she crawled in Teddy's lap.

Teddy picked her up with one arm as he rose to greet Prissy. Carrying Parisa along for the ride he walked over to her. Naturally Paris climbed in his other arm. He towered over Prissy like a giant grizzly bear. The hurt in his eyes was evident and Prissy knew she had gravely wounded her Teddy Bear.

“Hi Bear. It's good to see you.” She managed in a small voice as she stood on her tip toes to softly kiss his lips. Their eye
s met briefly before the kiss and she could see his eyes fill with tears.

Gently putting the girls down Teddy said, “Go to your mother Uncle Teddy needs to speak to Aunt Prissy alone.”

“Come with me girls.” EJ urged as she gathered the girls and head for her bedroom.

Teddy's eyes never once left Prissy's. He had so much he wanted to say to her but the second his eyes settled upon her everything he had to sa
y fused with his emotions and formed a giant lump in his throat that immediately choked the hell out of him. He moved closer to her and Prissy backed back. Teddy continued to close in on her until her back was against the door. He violated every rule of respecting someone’s personal space and he didn't give a damn!

He loomed so close to Prissy she could feel the warm
th of his body clashing with hers. She tried not to panic, but she couldn’t read him. He had every damn right to be pissed. They had agreed to see each other casually to satisfy their insatiable appetite and need for each other. However, at any point if one of them should become seriously involved with someone else they agreed to discuss it and weigh their options. Needless to say Teddy was floored when the twins informed him that Aunt Prissy was getting married.

“Bear I can explain.” Prissy mustered the courage to speak.

Teddy didn't say a word. He lifted her up by her waist to his eye level, pinning her back to the door. His hauntingly sexy eyes quickly scanned her like a high- tech, sophisticated Bullshit Detector and all types of alarms and lights went off the second she spoke.

“I wanted to tell you... I mean I was going to tell you...   I just didn't know how to... Okay! Okay! I was afraid! Alright!
I was afraid you'd...”

? Stop you! Is that what you were going to say?” He furiously snorted.

Teddy was pissed with the capital P-I-S-S-E-D, pissed.
“Who is he and how long have you even known this guy?” Prissy was silent. “I asked you a fucking question, Miss Priss... Answer me!”

Prissy could feel his words
resonate on her eyelashes. She knew once she answered it would be all downhill from there. She could come up with one strategy and one strategy only, deny, deny, deny and then if that failed flat out lie. “Bear that's not important.”

“Why isn't it? I thought we were working our way towards something.
At least I was, although I'm not sure what the hell you were doing. Sure there were some random fucks here and there but I was waiting for you. You told me two months ago that you weren't ready to get married. Now... All of a sudden you're engaged! So, I want to know who is this guy that can take Parisa Crown down and drag her independent ass to the altar in less than two damn months. So, answer me!”

“What do you want to know?” She asked as she quickly realized that her
asinine strategies would never work on Teddy Bear Davine.

“Who is he?”

“His name is Austin and he's a professional soccer player. He's actually pretty good. He plays...”

“I don't give a fuck!” Teddy quickly cut her off, annoyed. “How long have you been fucking him?”

“Five...” Prissy answered allowing her words to trail off as she turned her face from Teddy's glare.

“Look at me!” Teddy commanded. Prissy couldn't! She just couldn't bear the thought of looking him in the face and
telling him that she had been lying to him for so many years. “Miss Priss, look at me. How long have you been sleeping with Soccer Boy?”

“I said five okay!”

“I heard you! Five days, five months... What?”

Prissy swung her face around to face him. Who the fuck was he to question her after he fucked everybody in LA and practically married his precious Mye Queen. Suddenly adrenaline kicked in and she was no longer afraid. “Five years.”

“I fucking know she didn't just say five fucking years!” Teddy shook his head looked away and mumbled to himself.

“You heard what I said... I said five years! Okay! Now I answered your questions so put me the fuck down. Who the fuck do you think you are, anyway?” She snapped.

“I'M YOUR FUCKIN MAN!” He yelled in her face causing her to recoil. “THAT'S WHO THE FUCK I AM!”

Abruptly setting her feet on the floor Teddy spun Prissy around to face away from him. Reaching around to her front he grabbed her pussy and cupped it firmly in his hand as he snorted in her ear. “I am your fuckin man and this is my fuckin pussy! This is my fuckin clit and this is my fuckin pussy! You don't own shit! And you can't give my shit away!”

Prissy gasped as the heel of Teddy's hand roughly cruised up and down the front of her crouch rubbing her clit through her tight jeans. His other hand quickly grabbed her right breast and squeezed it hard as if he was trying to juice it like an orange or a lemon.  She panted as her body betrayed her and responded to his sensual hands.

“And these are my big ass titties! I own them! Not you me!” He said as he shoved his hands in the waistband of her pants and grabbed a giant hand full of bare ass. “And this Miss Priss as you know so well is my damn ass!”

Removing his hands from the back of her pants, he bent her over at the waist and kicked her legs apart. At this point Teddy was raging mad and raging hard. Squatting below her he pulled her back against his hard dick and grind against her as he rhythmically rolled his hips in a circular motion. Still giving her clit hell through the front of her pants he grabbed a breast and kneaded it like fine bread dough as he dry humped and hand fucked her right at the living room door.

Now if you recall, Prissy had barely finished her
sandwich before she came over.  What you don't know is that the sex dream that Prissy was having when Austin so deliciously woke her was about Teddy. It goes without saying that Prissy was pretty much as done as a Butterball Thanksgiving turkey at three pm. Her throbbing, cherry red clit was ripe and plump for the picker and Teddy's persistent, skilled hand was making easy work of it.

A primal groan strained from Prissy's throat begging for mercy. “Bear... Please...”

Teddy ignored it and increased his efforts to make her squirt her cream all over her pants. He knew that she was less than a millisecond and a breath away from creaming and screaming and he was not letting her go until she did.

Prissy was defenseless against Teddy. She had never, ever, ever been able to say no to a ride on the Teddy Bear. Her released rolled over her as quickly a Boeing jet barreling down the runway at takeoff. She was helpless to ward him off and helpless to run. Hell at this point she was
helpless to even say no. She could only pray that he would stop before he pulled out his Louisville Slugger dick and fucked her right in EJ's living room.

Unable to battle the monster of an orgasm that punched her repeatedly in her face Prissy quickly succumbed to her passion, screaming loudly into her hands like a frightened, lost little girl, abandoned in a creepy cemetery. Now by no means was the Teddy Bear immune to all of this hand play and bumping uglies. His dick had been on red alert the moment Prissy walked into the room. The same vicious monster attacked him that attacked Prissy and kicked him straight in the nut sack with a steel toed
cowboy boot, seconds later. Screaming into Prissy's long coal black hair through clenched teeth he lost his personal war and released hard into his boxer briefs.

Hugging her waist tight he clutched Prissy from behind as if he would never hold her again. She hugged his arms digging into the fabric of his expensive tailor made
sports coat as she panted for breath and tried to recover.

“Are you happy?” Teddy's sultry breath breathed as he spun her to face him.

“What?” She managed as she melted in his eyes.

“Does he make you happy?” Prissy tried to look away from him, but Teddy turned her face back to him. Cradling her
chin delicately with his fingertips he softly asked. “Priss tell me the truth. It's okay I'm through being mad. Are you happy with him?”

“Yes... He does. He's good for me. He's there for me, whenever I need him.” She reluctantly admitted.

Teddy closed his eyes briefly and nodded okay as he processed what Prissy just said. “Alright. Well... I love you Priss... You know that right?”

Prissy wiped the corners of her eyes and slowly nodded yes. “I know how you feel about me Bear. I've always known.”

“Then you know that I won't stand in your way then. If you are happy then I am happy. Congratulations! I hope you two will have a good life together.”

“You don't mean that, Bear.”

“Yeah, yes I do. Priss, I'll do anything just to see you happy... Even if it means stepping aside so you can marry this guy.”

Prissy did not respond. Her tear filled eyes searched Teddy's handsome face for the torch she knew that he would always carry for her. He had carried it since they were eleven years old. She found that it was still lit and the flame burned stronger and brighter than ever before. She burst into tears before flinging her arms around his neck and covering his mouth with a blazing kiss.

Her tongue danced with his as he swept her in his arms with one hand around her chiseled waist and another clenching a fist full of her curly hair. They kissed for what seemed like a minute past forever. Realizing that he would never get his fill of this stunningly beautiful woman, Teddy released her.

“Go home to him. I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend here with EJ and the girls. I want to spend some time with my nieces. I'll fly back to LA Monday morning. Alright?”

“Okay, I'll try to slip back tonight...”

Teddy put his index fingers to her lips to silence her. “No... No you won't.
That’s not what I want from you. If you love him and you're happy then I want you to see this thing through. You can't do that if you're sneaking behind his back with me. Priss don't try to come back to my bed, because I'm not going to invite you in. That part of our relationship is over.”

“Don't you want to be with
me?” She asked confused.

Teddy sighed deeply. “If you're asking if I want to sleep with you then the answer is yes. But Priss this isn't about that. I don't want or need any pussy. I can get pussy all day everyday where ever I go. You and I have never been strictly about dick or pussy. The on again off again relationship between Teddy and Miss Priss has always been about one thing and
that’s love, unconditional love. That's why we continue to seek out each other, not for dick and certainly not for pussy, but for love. The second we no longer need that to fulfill our souls with delight then we'll be able to move on to love others. You owe it to yourself to see if you've reach that point. And I swear to God, I'm not going to stand in your way and stop you by clouding your judgment with some dick.”

Prissy half heartily snickered. “But isn't that what you just did?”

Teddy chuckled. “Yes! Yes it was! It was desperate and shameless and I'm not proud of it, but I'm not one hundred percent ready to let you go, you know that. But! But... I refuse to do it again. If this doesn't work out I'll welcome you back with open arms, but until then I think we should keep the sex out of our relationship. It's time we found a way to just be friends. Okay?”

Prissy looked away and nodded yes. She knew Teddy was right. She had to give her engagement to Austin a fair chance. She knew that this was a big step for Teddy and a
pivotal point in their long standing relationship. Never once had he conceded her to another man without a fucking fight. If Teddy was willing to give it a try then she would commit to doing the same.

“Okay. Well, I guess I'll send you a save the date card when we decide on a wedding date.”

“You just have to rub my nose in that stinky ass bullshit, don't you?” He chuckled.

“Yeah, you know me. It's either pleasure or pain when it comes to you.” She giggled. “And God knows we've had our share of both.”

Teddy laughed. “You got that right. Okay... Well send me an announcement and I'll put it on my calendar. I wouldn't miss this wedding for nothing in the world.” Kissing her gently on her forehead he excused himself. Grabbing his overnight bag he said. “Alright, well I'm going to go take a shower. I'm starting to feel a little sticky and icky.”

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