Escape to Paris With Love

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Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee

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Escape to Paris With Love

A Novel by Brenda Stokes Lee


Escape to Paris With Love

By Brenda Stokes Lee

Published by Daddy’s Girl Publishing House

Baltimore, Maryland 21061

Copyright © Daddy’s Girl Publishing House and Author 2012

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Publisher’s Note

This is completely a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, personalities, scenarios, situations and incidents that occur within this work are products of the author’s vivid imagination, or are used fictitiously.  Any resemblance, similarity, or likeness to actual persons, living or dead, groups, business establishments, organizations, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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To those of you who are aware of the difficulties of writing, proofing and editing a novel, the author deems it unnecessary to make any excuse or apology for the imperfections which may occasionally be found in this work of fiction.  Her objective has been to be entertaining; if that has been accomplished in any form or in any degree, she will be amply rewarded for her labor. She relies upon the generous liberality of her readers to forgive and overlook the errors which may have been overlooked in her endeavors to please and entertain them. Daddy’s Girl Publishing House


Escape to Paris With Love
is dedicated to my faithful 3F’s aka my family, friends and fans who continue to encourage, support and inspire me to keep writing. I love you all. This particular title was inspired by
3RW Book Club
BRAB Book Club
and some very special ladies who gave of their time, talent and creative energy to bring this book into existence. Finally, special thanks go out to my partners in crime. This book would never have seen the light of day without your input, encouragement and support. Thanks Ladies you are an intricate part of my success. I enjoy what I do, because of you, Anya Alsobrook, Sharon Alsobrook LaGrange, Cassandra Baker- Durham, Sharon Blount, Shaquaila Burkett, Susan Dennis, Tori Dorsett, Kisha Gaston, Deloris Heart, Destiny Jackson, Dena Lee, Winifred G. Lee, Ebony Lofton, Amber Nicole Nickens, Ashanti Pryor, Cara Parker, Tamika Smith, Eleanor Stewart, Denise Stokes, Deedra Vincent,
Lillian Wells, Kimberly Williams, and Reshemah Wright.

Chapter 1

EJ moaned as his persistent mouth suckled her full breast. His lips enclosed around her taunt nipples and nibbled gently giving her such delightful pleasure that it caused her back to arch. His strong hands roamed freely and willfully all over her young toned body as if he owned it. Well, actually for all practical purposes he did. She always belonged to him and only him. EJ realized that she wanted to give herself to this delicious man from the day their eyes first met. The moment was majestic and though she was only eight years old she instinctively knew that she would always be his.

Paul's slender fingers crawled along her back until they reached her naked, round ass, pausing briefly to give it a playful squeeze. It was firm and molded to the contour of his hands. EJ gasped as he gave it a playful smack for good measure.

Her eyes met his and she instantly lost herself in the hazel haze of his gaze. He was the most handsome man that God had ever adorned with a dick. She loved him and nothing or no one would ever change that. "I love you. You know that right?" She offered.

He smiled a smile brighter than any magnificent sunrise she had ever witnessed. "I love you more!" He declared as he playfully sucked her lower lip in his smoldering hot mouth. "Marry me!"

EJ's eyes instantly doubled in size. "What? What did you say?"

"I said marry me! I love you and you obviously worship me." He chuckled. "Marry me. Let's turn this city, this country, hell this world upside down. We'll build a great life, raise some beautiful kids, grow old and die in each other’s arms after making love. Marry me!"

Tears rolled smoothly down EJ's face. She had never wanted much more than to be his wife. Her eyes closed briefly as she savored the moment and enjoyed the way the words, 'Marry me!' from the mouth of this incredible man made her feel.

"Say yes, you'll marry me, Escape Jones, and make me the happiest man that has ever lived."

"Can I ask you just one question?" She asked as she carefully wiped the lone turn that cruised easily down his chiseled jawline.

He nodded. "Of course... Ask me anything."

"What took you so long to ask me?"

"That's a good question." He chuckled as tears burst from his eyes like a damaged dam. "I was an idiot! I didn't know what I had until it was too damn late. I was too busy living everybody else’s life except my own. But one day I woke up and realized that I'm not living unless I'm in your arms. Marry me, EJ! Just take a leap of faith and leap in my open arms and say that you'll marry me."

Without reservation or hesitation EJ jumped into his open arms and smothered his mouth with hers. Their tongues danced an old familiar Venetians Waltz as she climbed on top of him and straddled his nude frame. Her eyes met his briefly as she simply nodded yes.

“Yes? Is that a yes?” He gleefully inquired.

A slow grin spread across her lovely face like sunshine after a summer's rain. “No! No, it is not! That’s a hell yeah!” She giggled as she nodded her head, yes repeatedly like a broken Bobble Doll.

A sea of passion opened between them as he swept her into his arms and sought her tongue again with his hungry mouth. His kiss was ferocious, heated and sucked the air from her lungs as his hands definitively reclaimed rightful ownership of her body. They were as hot as smoldering steel as they reached between them and located EJ’s hot box. His long slender fingers methodically strummed a sweet tune on her clit as his tongue continued to dance circles around hers in an enchanted mating dance that could only be described as magical.

EJ melt into his embrace and allowed him to totally seduce and enchant her with his princely charm and undeniable refined swag.  He was as charismatic as he was handsome. He loved kissing
her and then watching her melt like caramel over a hot caramel sundae. She was exquisite and finally she was officially his and his alone.

He marveled as her steel blue eyes turned navy with lust. She struggled to stay sane as his needy and greedy mouth sampled her hard nipples in his hot mouth. Releasing them abruptly he sent an exploratory tongue to taste and tease the other breast, sampling its nectar.

A tiny whimper escaped her succulent lips as she felt two long fingers delicately glide into her wet pussy. Her beautiful, naked body flinched and trembled with desire as hot passion and need surged through her body like an out of control commuter train. She wrestled against an impending orgasm which threatened to render her incoherent.

“Oh God… That feels so… It feels… Oh God…” She tried to say as her released swelled in her loins and resonated throughout her body like a raging brush fire.

He sensed that she was close to exploding yet he instinctively knew that she was fighting it with everything she could summon to her aid. Quickly flipping her to her back he gained the top advantage and used it to disarm all of her defenses. Moving faster than a cheetah he grabbed her knees and spread her legs into a wishbone. She knew what was next but was helpless to stop it.

Without warning he buried his face in her hot pie and devoured her like grandma’s homemade peach cobbler. EJs back formed a perfect arch as Paul's mouth latched on to her swollen clit. Sucking it in his mouth like a pump, ripe grape he instantly hit her launch button. Popping it out with a loud smacking sound, he licked it hard three times with his moist, hot tongue before slurping it back into his mouth.

Unable to maintain her reserve and control EJ grabbed the back of his head and grind her pussy against his hungry mouth.  He grinned as he went into Godzilla mode and declared an all-out war on Pussyville. Wrecking shit like a rampaging bull in a China warehouse he stormed it quickly, smashed all the buildings and ate up all of the occupants. 

Suddenly EJs ears were assaulted by the blood curdling screams of a frightened little girl. It took a moment before she recognized that voice as her own. Screaming, uninhibited her body quaked as a Tantric orgasm slapped her trembling body against the rocky shores of Pleasure island. Seconds later, EJ was snatched from her body and forced to witness the savage assault on Pussyville as Paul continued to gobble it up like a deranged, ravenous beast.

Virtually helpless, as all of her strength was siphoned to feed her epic orgasm, she was defenseless. She could do absolutely nothing but twitch as he lapped her wet pussy like a greedy cat licking a saucer of sweet, warm cream. EJ was at his mercy and could do nothing except let him have his fill. Seconds later her body stiffened and convulsed violently as it succumbed to her second earth shattering, monstrous relief.

Moments later his appetite was sate and he crawled on his knees in between her legs. Lifting her ass high in the air he positioned it to receive his engorged ten inch python. Their eyes met briefly. “Are you okay?”

“Yes!” She breathed preparing herself for what was to come next.

He nodded as he slammed his hardness balls deep into her wetness.

“Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!” She screamed as he rolled his hips causing his dick to swirl and fill her pussy completely.

Grasping her ass cheeks he preceded to straight up Gorilla Fuck her. Slamming that Godzilla dick into her he finished demolishing Pussyville. Pulling her forward as he slammed into her Paul made sure she felt every damn inch of his rock hard, throbbing dick.  Entering the zone, he did not stop or slow down until it was completely destroyed.

EJ screamed for mercy and clemency for Pussyville, but sadly there was no leniency afforded today. Paul was on a mission and he was determined to lay the foundation of a proper Ninja Fuck come hell or high water.

Without fair warning he soon found himself wrestling a monstrous release of his own. His climax swarmed over him as quick as a pack of African killer bees as EJ's wet, swollen pussy clamped down hard on his hard ramrod. Primitive grunts, groans, hisses and curses filled the room as Paul came as hard as an erect dick encased in a giant diamond.

Screaming loudly like a cat with its tail slammed in the backdoor he was quickly consumed with pleasure and immediately succumbed to its aftermath. His body stiffened and seized violently as he released his hot sticky- icky in EJ, flooding her womb with his seed. The sensation was delectable and he briefly lost consciousness as he continued to violently squirt his load.

EJ held him tightly and gently stroked his back as an invisible current of electricity coursed through his body and caused
his muscles to involuntarily twitch. Minutes later Paul regained his senses and held his new fiancé in his masculine arms. He smiled as they sunbathed in the afterglow of their love encounter.     

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