Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story) (9 page)

Read Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story) Online

Authors: LK Collins

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story)
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The tears won’t stop. I’m completely dumbfounded.
What the fuck just happened?
I can’t pinpoint where it went wrong. I mean, I know I made a mistake. But why in the world would he agree to see me and kiss me like he did, if it was just going to be like this?

At this point, I’m unsure where to go. Part of me feels like going home and curling up in a ball where I can sulk in my sorrows ‘til Monday when I start work. The other logical part is telling me to go to my sister’s. Maybe she can help me find my way out of this rabbit hole I’ve fallen down.

It’s not long before my reason makes the right decision and I’m shutting my car off in front of Alexa and Vincent’s sprawling, gorgeous home. When I walk in, I immediately spot them on the couch in the front room. Lex is in Vincent’s arms and they are both laughing.

“Hey, guys,” I say in a somber tone and flop down on the love seat.

“Didn’t go so well?” Vincent asks.

I shake my head and the tears that just stopped, show up again. Dammit, perfect timing.

“I’m sorry, honey,” Alexa says. “Do you want to talk about it?”

I swallow and push away my wounded ego the best I can. “I don’t know what to say, besides he’s the best fucking kisser in the world and he’s not gonna forgive me. I fucked up too badly. I shouldn’t have lied.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down,” Vincent interjects. “He kissed you?”

“Yeah. Well, I kissed him.”

“But he kissed you back?”

“Yeah, and I was dumb enough to believe he’d forgiven me.”

Alexa looks at me with concern in her eyes and says, “Jesus, Bridge. I’m so sorry.”

“Lex, don’t be sorry,” Vincent says. “Coming from a guy, if he kissed you then he’s into you. He needs to make his point. We might act tough, but we’re sensitive creatures. Don’t give up on him. I promise he won’t be able to stay away from you for long.”

I think about Vincent’s words and hope to God that he’s right. “Baby, not every guy is like you.” Alexa says, leaving a soft kiss on his neck.

He brushes the hair out of her face and says, “I know, but I promise I’m right on this. We can even call my douche of a brother and I guarantee he’ll agree.”

“No,” I blurt out. “Don’t do that. Abel is Troy’s boss and I don’t want to be spreading his business, even if it’s to your brother.”

“Fine. But I know I’m not wrong on this one, and remember, ladies, I’ve never lost a case.”

I decide to go home. I mean, I am a grown woman after all, and Cara lives here, well, most of the time she does. Vincent and Lex follow me and check the place out with me to be sure. I don’t think David’s going to show up here or do anything. He acted in the heat of the moment and he’ll get over it.

Plus, I can’t live scared of him forever. I mean, he would never actually hurt me. All he wants is to get back together, so it’s more of an annoyance than anything – right? I decide that a bath will relax my mind. I’ve felt on edge since leaving Troy’s and I need to calm down. I turn the water on and leave the room to add a little soft, relaxing music. My brain needs it and I know it. Flipping through the stations of the TV, I decide on the soundscapes channel. The cool ocean waves crash through the speakers as I undress.

When I return to the steamed-filled bathroom, I slide into the hot water. It burns my skin and is so refreshing. I’ve always loved the sting of a hot bath. Closing my eyes, I can feel Troy’s lips on mine. The passion he showed me was not something you do with someone you’re letting go of. Vincent’s words make sense. He had to be proving a point. I pray that he is.

Keeping my eyes shut, I take even breaths to clear my mind, focusing on thinking of nothing. I soak for a while longer and then decide to wash myself. Finally I feel tired enough to sleep and drag myself to my bed. As I climb in, I leave the music on and check my phone. There’s a missed text from Cara.
Would you mind if I crashed at Abel’s? I’m exhausted and just want to sleep.

Of course not, get some rest. Call me tomorrow.

Before I close my eyes for the night, I text Troy. I’m not going to give up on him. I stare at the blank screen, thinking of what to say. He knows I’m sorry; I don’t want to repeat myself and start to sound like a broken record. So I simply decide on –
I miss you.

He doesn’t respond and I hold out hope that he’s busy. It takes everything I have to keep my eyes open. Soon the blackness soothes away my fears and takes me back to this morning…

…Rocking my hips against his, I’m rewarded with his erection – it’s hard and hot underneath me. Suddenly he
hoists himself off of the couch and engulfs me in his arms. Brushing my bangs out of my eyes, he asks, “Come to bed with me?”

I nod my head at him and he grabs my hand walking us out of his living room. I follow as he leads us upstairs, driving me absolutely mad watching his ass as we move. His thin pants barely hang on his hips and I want to just pull them down. Troy walks with purpose and doesn’t hesitate. His confidence lets me know we made the right decision.

Entering his room, he says, “I have one rule. No shirts allowed in my bed.”

Looking at him, his expression is serious. I swallow hard and grab the hem of my grey t-shirt, pulling it above my head. Troy’s eyes never leave mine and I love how he respects me. “After you.”

I climb in, and he’s right behind me. Right away we get comfy and lay facing each other. Then I say, “You have really silly rules.”

“It’s not really a rule, just a way I could get your shirt off.”

“You could always do it without asking.”


“Yeah. I trust you.”

“Then you won’t mind if I do this?” he asks, removing the covers and scooting down, placing his lips on my neck, then my chest, each breast, and nipple. God, I wish I didn’t have a bra on. He moves further, kissing my stomach and ribs, stopping along my right side, staring at the script tattoo that falls down my body. “So sexy,” he murmurs. Moving to my left side he kisses another tattoo. As his mouth grazes the top of my shorts, he pulls them down a little bit. Not exposing me but allowing himself more access to my skin and the spot of an additional tattoo. This one is a heart with two angel wings.

“Fuck, Bridge. You’re killing me. These are so hot.”

“Mm-hm.” I can’t get out any words. I’m lost in the pleasure of his lips.

“Do you have more?”


“Where?” he demands suddenly.

I roll over moving my hair to one shoulder. As I lay down, Troy presses his long body along mine and then his lips touch my back as he unhooks my bra. He sits up studying my art. My back piece is by far my biggest tattoo and the newest one I’ve been working on since I lost my mom. It represents everyone I’ve ever loved and lost. It’s the one thing I can always count on to never leave me. I’ve lost a lot of people in my life and this wraps them all together. This one is of a seated fairy, surrounded by tons of sparrows and the wind from their wings swirling about. The large birds each represent a person. I’m the fairy seated in the midst of it all. Most of my tattoos are black and grey, minus the one I got with Lex, of an orchid with half of a butterfly perched on it.

After Troy drenches my back with his kisses he lies down next to me tickling my skin and is mere inches from my face. “Thank you for that,” he says placing a gentle kiss on my forehead and covers us back up…

I wake to a loud bang, instantly jolting upright. Clutching the covers to me, I glance around my room. It’s dark and quiet. I don’t hear anything except for the noise from the birds chirping in the rainforest on my TV. It must have been the music on the TV that woke me. I turn it off and lay back down. Checking my phone, I smile as Troy did indeed text me back. I stare at the words for a few minutes, trying to make sense of what he said.
I miss you too.
Am I still dreaming? There is no way he meant to send that to me, did he?

Another loud bang shakes me and I panic.
What the fuck?
The noise almost sounds like it’s coming from the roof. My hands begin to tremble and I don’t know what to do. The moment I hear the noise again, I dial Troy’s number. I’m huddled on the top of my bed, shaking. It rings and I pray he will answer.

“Hey,” he answers in a cool, crisp tone.

“Troy,” I whisper and there’s a crackle in my voice. “I…I…” I can’t get the words out.

“Bridge, what’s wrong?”

“I…I don’t know.”

“Talk to me, Bridgette. What’s wrong?”

“Something’s…” is the only coherent word I can get out.

“Dammit, you’re freaking me out.”

I hear the bang again and scream. I swear my bed just shook. “Shit, where are you?”

“Home,” I whisper.

“Stay on the phone with me. I’m on my way. Whatever you do, don’t hang up, okay?”

“Mmm-hmm,” I say and shake my head clutching my knees to my chest.

“Is Cara or Abel there?”


“I know you’re freaking out, but I need you to talk to me. Can you do that for me?”


I hear wind in the background and I know he’s on his way. “Where are you?”

“My room.”

“Why did you scream?”

“I…I keep hearing—” I stop talking when I hear voices outside. “Fuck. Someone’s outside, I can hear them.”

“Look out the window.”

“No, I don’t want them to see me.”

“Okay. Okay. Good point.”

“Please just get here.”

“I’m hurrying. Bridge, it’ll be okay. I’m almost there.”

I hear whoever it is outside shouting. “I think they’re leaving. I just heard tires screech.”

“What’s the gate code?”

“Four, two, seven, seven.”

“I don’t see anyone leaving the neighborhood.”

“There’s another exit, separate from the entrance.”

“Go to the front door. I’m almost there.”

I scramble out of bed. Knowing Troy is close gives me the courage to look out the kitchen window. I see him pull up and my heart settles a little. “Stay inside. Someone was definitely here. They egged the shit out of your house. I’m gonna walk around and make sure they’re gone.”


He’s quiet for a minute and I stay by the front door. “Let me in.”

As quickly as I can, I unlock the door. He slides in relocking it, and instinctively I drop my phone clinging to him. He shrouds his warm arms around my shivering body. It must be the adrenaline that has me so worked up. “Shhh, it’s all right. I got you.”

I nod my head, trying to absorb his words.

“Come on, let’s sit down.”

We walk to the couch and sit. He still has his arm around me and I nestle in his warmth, feeling safe. “Thank you for coming over,” I murmur.

“Of course. Bridge, who do you think did this?”

I nod my head, feeling sick imagining David stooping to such a low, childish level. “The only person I can think of is David.”

“Are you kidding me?”

I shake my head. “There’s no one else that would do something like this.”

“Bridge, I think he’s a bigger problem than you imagined. There are M80 shells all over outside. That’s the noise you kept hearing.”

“Are you serious?”

“I wish I wasn’t. I hope he and some friends just thought it would be funny to scare you. But those things are loud and they’re not shit to fuck with. What if one of those caught fire to your grass or something? I’m sure they were just lighting them and then tossing ‘em, but still…” He trails off and I can’t believe David would do something like that because I broke up with him.

I’m stricken with disbelief. “Who does something like that?”

“Someone that’s fucked up.”

“I know he didn’t take the break-up well, but seriously? I kept telling myself he would get over it. God was I wrong.”

“What the fuck did he do?” he asks in anger.

“It’s hard to explain. He just wouldn’t accept the fact that it was over.” Troy traces his fingers over my arm making it hard for me to concentrate.

“What did he do, Bridge?” He says my name like silk, letting it roll off of his tongue and I’m pissed we’re talking about David. Troy’s finally here, at my house, and we have to waste it discussing some piece of shit.

“He pleaded with me. He said he would change. I kept telling him that’s not what I wanted, that’s what he wanted. Then he accused me of being with you.”

“What did you tell him?

“The truth. You and I aren’t together, although it was none of his business. He told me he and I belong together. Then he pinned me down, holding my face and hands while he kissed me aggressively. I tried to fight him off, but I couldn’t. Before he walked away, he said we’re not finished.”

“What the fuck – who does he think he is? Did he not hear you clearly? He held you against your will and fucking kissed you?”

I nod my head a little uncertain of Troy’s tone. I’ve never seen him this worked up before. Tears fill my eyes and I search for the strength to speak – but it’s lost.

“Give me your phone. I wanna call the asshole.”

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