Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story) (6 page)

Read Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story) Online

Authors: LK Collins

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story)
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“Jesus. I’m sorry, Abel. Where is he now?”

“They took him back for a CT scan.”

“Have you called his parents?” I ask.

“No, I just got the number from the station when you walked up. What do I say to them?”

“I wouldn’t call yet and jump ahead of yourself, okay? Let’s see exactly what is going on and then call. We need all of the details. I know Troy’s relationship with his dad is strained and I don’t want to make it worse. If he finds this out and Troy doesn’t want him to know, it could make things awkward.”

“Hey,” Cara interrupts us. “I just got an update. He’s being brought back down. They said everything looks normal minus a few cracked ribs and a concussion. The attending said it appears the way Troy fell limited his injuries, which is a good thing. Any other way and it might have been much worse.”

“Oh thank God,” I say.

Abel inhales sharply as Troy is wheeled by us. His eyes are closed and you can see the exhaustion on his face. Before I can watch him any longer, he is gone and in a room. “Go ahead,” I tell Abel.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, just be nice to him. I’m sure he had good intentions.”

“I’ll try.”

“Abel,” Cara snaps.

He nods his head and walks away. “Are you okay?” she asks.

“Yeah. I was just so worried. I’m glad he’s going to be okay. Thank you for calling me.”

“Of course. I care about you both, but I think you need to be honest with him and end things with David.”

“I am ending things with David tonight. We have plans to see each other.”

“Good girl,” she says. Another nurse comes up behind her and starts asking questions about a patient. She tilts her head and mouths
to me as they walk off. I keep my post at the nurses’ station, as there’s no seating back here. Checking my phone, I notice a text from Alexa.
I think you have good news coming your way.

I hope so.
Is my response. I’m going to need a little luck, not only to land this job, but also to handle David. I don’t know how he is going to take the news I have to give him, but I guess I’ll find out.

Abel emerges another ten minutes later. “He wants to see you.”

I nod my head and walk towards his room, stopping at his door to calm my nerves. Quietly, I enter and Troy is as he was earlier, resting with his eyes closed. I smile to myself, absorbing his perfection, and stand next to his bed. He doesn’t move and I wonder how he went from telling Abel he wanted to see me to this? Grabbing his hand I wrap my tiny one around his and watch his breathing. “Troy,” I softly whisper.

Moving my hand in his I begin to tickle the inside of his palm and a smile spreads across his face. I keep doing it and his smile gets bigger. “You better not be faking it,” I say.

He shakes his head and I smack his arm. Squeezing his eyes tightly he grunts in pain and rolls to the side. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” My hands move manically wanting to calm him, but at the same time I’m afraid to touch him.

Finally, he opens his eyes and looks at me. “I take back everything I ever said about you being small, because that hurt like hell.”

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

“It’s okay. I probably deserved it considering I was messing with you.”

“So you were awake?”


“Why were you pretending then?”

“I was hoping you would have been so worried that you would’ve kissed me. Instead you find the one spot I’m ticklish and use it against me.”

“Fine, close your eyes,” I tell him.

He smiles like a Cheshire cat and complies. Staring at his soft lips as his smile softens I’m extremely tempted, but I won’t touch his lips until I end things with David. So instead I gingerly kiss his cheek and he looks at me.

“That’s all I get?”


“You’re cruel, woman.”

“Well, you should’ve listened to Abel when he ordered you out of the building. I mean, really, Troy, what were you thinking?”

“I swear I heard a kid. Last time I didn’t evacuate it was for the same reason, only it was too late and the kid died. I can’t leave someone in a fire, Bridge. I can’t.”

“That’s brave of you, but what if neither of you make it out? You have to think about that. Imagine what that would do to your family and Abel. You didn’t see him; he was a wreck when I got here. Please don’t do that again, okay?”

He nods his head and I take a seat in the chair next to his bed. We spend the next few hours visiting and he decides he doesn’t want his family to know. I’m so glad I spoke up; my gut was telling me to not let Abel call them. As much as I want to stay all day with him, I can’t. I have plans with David – I need to end things. If Troy and I are going to have a chance at a future, then I need to do this first.

We agreed to meet at a local sushi restaurant. It’s bright and they have large booths. I figure the break up will be less conspicuous in a place like this. As I sit here and sip on my water, my stomach is a jumbled mess of knots.

Checking the clock, it’s quarter after seven, and David’s fifteen minutes late. I shoot him a text asking where he is. The waiter stops back by. “Ma’am, would you like any edamame while you wait?”

“No, thanks, he’ll be here any minute.”

My phone vibrates as the waiter walks off.
, I think to myself. I check the message, but it’s not David. It’s from Troy.
I don’t think I can eat this food.

Uhhh, I bet. I’m sorry. What did they serve for dinner?

Salisbury steak, at least that’s what they said it was.

Hey, look at the bigger picture. At least you’re going home tomorrow.

That’s true. What are you doing?

Fuck. I don’t want to lie to him. I decide not to respond rather than lie. Checking the clock again, it’s twenty after seven. I call David in a last-ditch attempt – I’m not going to sit here all night. The phone rings and rings, but he doesn’t answer. I leave a message. “Hey, it’s me. I’m not sure where you are, or if you’re coming, but I’ve been here for almost thirty minutes. I’m going home. At this point don’t bother calling me.”

Hanging up, I actually feel good that he hasn’t shown up. As much as I know I need to end things with him in person, I also know him bailing makes doing that so much easier. Walking to my car, I text Troy back.
Bringing you dinner, what do you want?

I pull out of the neighborhood and my phone rings. Anticipating it’s Troy, I answer in a chipper tone. He was released yesterday from the hospital with a clean bill of health minus his ribs and ordered a few days of bed rest. He promised Abel from now on he’d always listen to evacuation orders. We have lunch plans today since he’s bored and bumming at home. To my surprise, when I answer, it’s Lex, and I’m a bit thrown off because she’s whispering. “Hey, I can’t talk long, but keep an eye on your phone, I think you’re going to be getting the call today.”

“Okay, that’s good news, right?”

“Mmm-hmm. I’ll have those documents couriered over to the courthouse right away, Susanna. Thanks for calling and letting me know they were missing. Bye.” And she hangs up.
Damn it.
One of the guys must have walked up on her. Oh God, please let it be good news. I park in front of Chipotle and run in to grab our lunch order, since Troy was nice enough to place the order online so I don’t have to wait. I’m thankful because this place is slammed. Bypassing the line, I walk around to the check out and am greeted by an Abel look alike.
Who knew he had a twin.
“How can I help ya?”

“I’m picking up a to-go order.”

“Sure, what’s the name?”

“It should be under Bridgette.”

He scrolls through the computer and then looks at the orders on the back of the line. Coming back over to me, he shakes his head saying, “Sorry, but I don’t have an order under that name.”

“What about Troy?”

He looks again. “Ah ha. Troy and Bridge?”

I smile. “Yeah, that’s us.”

“Cool, here you go. It’s all paid for.”

“What? How?”

“It was done online. I’m sorry, we’re kinda getting backed up.”

I turn to see a couple scowling at me. Taking our food, I stop and grab a few utensils and then head out. That fucker said I could buy him lunch. Now I know why he wanted to place the order online. He wasn’t trying to be nice – he wanted to pay. Sitting in my car, I contemplate what to text him, then my fingers move of their own accord.
What happened to ME buying YOU lunch?

Oh good, you got the food. You didn’t really think I would let you do that, did you? What kind of guy do you think I am?

I ignore his text and drive to his house. It’s not a long trip; he lives between the fire station and my house. Pulling down his street, it’s an older neighborhood. A lot of the homes have been remodeled while others are still run down. Parking on the street in front of his, I see it’s cute. I would say it’s just what I imagined. It’s two stories, constructed of dark red brick, with a long walkway leading up to the front porch. I love the porch – it’s long with a built-in swing. Earlier, Troy told me to just come in, so he wouldn’t have to get up.

Suddenly, I’m nervous and questioning even doing this. I mean, what am I thinking? Then I remind myself that David is the one who was a no-show on me and I haven’t heard from him since. In my mind, he and I are done. Over. I take a deep breath – it’s too late now…I’m already here. Closing my eyes, I search for the strength to be honest with Troy. I need to tell him about David, and I pray that he understands. Troy interrupts my thoughts by opening the door. Standing before him, I melt again. He’s too hot for his own good.

“Are you okay?” he asks, smiling so big a dimple I’ve never noticed, is exposed.

“Yeah, of course. Why are you up?”

“I used the bathroom and saw your car, so I thought I would come see you. Come in,” he says gesturing me inside.

When I walk inside, I immediately notice the floors are a dark wood, and the walls are all neutrals. His home has definitely been remodeled. It’s a little bit bland, but it’s nice. “Where do you want to eat?” I ask.

“The living room, if that’s cool with you?”


I set the bag down, and we sit next to each other. Troy takes his time sitting down and I feel bad for him. I can tell he’s still sore. “Thanks for coming over,” he says.

“Of course. How are you feeling?”

“Sore. Really sore and I can’t sleep for shit.”

“That sucks,” I say taking our food out of the bag. “Can the doctors give you anything for the pain and to sleep?”

“They have, but I really hate taking that shit. I’ll be good; I’m better now that you’re here.

“I’m happy to be here. Your place is really cute.”

“Thanks, it’s kinda growing on me.”

“What, you don’t like it?

“I don’t know, it’s a little plain.”

“All you need to do is decorate a little. Some accessories would do wonders here; add a few rugs, pillows, and pictures.”

“Bridge, don’t forget I’m a guy.”

“Trust me, I haven’t. Just go to Pier One.”

“I have a better idea – why don’t you come with me?”

“Fine, as soon as you’re feeling better.”

“Deal,” he says.

Swallowing hard I take a sip of my tea and say, “Listen, I want to talk to you about something.”

“Shoot,” he responds with a mouthful of food.

Trying to think of where to start, I feel out of breath. I remind myself that I’m with Troy and he’ll understand. “You—” My phone rings interrupting me. Fishing it out of my purse, I see the number is blocked. This might be the firm. “Can I take this?” I ask.

“Of course.”

“Hello,” I answer nervously.

“Hey Bridgette, it’s Vincent. Sorry to bother you, do you have a quick second?”

I laugh, “Vincent, you’re never a bother. Of course, what’s going on?”

“I’m going to put you on speaker. I’m with Liam and C.J. and we have one more question to ask you, if that’s all right?”

“You can ask me anything.”

“Good answer.” I hear – I think – C.J. say.

“Bridgette, this is Liam. In order to work at this firm, I need you to tell me how
make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.”

I stifle the laugh, because these are potentially my three new bosses and simply give an answer. It might not make sense why he’s asking, but I assume that’s the point. “I don’t know about you guys, but I like to use honey-wheat bread. I take two slices out and spread the jelly first. I don’t have a preference on the kind; it really depends on my mood. Then spread the peanut butter. I like to do this last so it doesn’t mix in with my jelly. Then I slap it together, cut it in half diagonally, and voilà, you’ve got yourself a yummy PB&J.”

I look over at Troy as he’s smiling at me and I shrug my shoulders like this is a normal conversation.

“Well, that was spot on and to the point. Thank you for answering and not questioning our motives behind it. Congratulations, Bridgette. On behalf of all of us, I would like to officially welcome you to Smith, Brown, and Mileski. You got the job!” Liam says.

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