Euthara (27 page)

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Authors: Michael McClain

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Space Opera, #Adventure, #Military

BOOK: Euthara
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“Hrm,” Jon said. He looked up at Nefeit as she stood next to him.

She shook her head slight in a negative fashion as she spoke, “I would invite the respective Dukes aboard where you can speak to them in person.”

“I’ll do one better,” Jon said. He turned his full attention back to Mark. “I’ll meet with the Dukes just inside the perimeter where you are now. Make arrangements for my arrival and have their troops set up camp where they are until we get this settled.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea Jon,” Mark said. “Maybe we should do it a bit further away from the lines for your safety.”

“No, I’m not going to show them any fear,” Jon said. “We’ll do it there as soon as I get done here.”

Oojoung, Sam and the Duke stepped on to the bridge and started towards Jon. Sam broke into a run and grabbed Nefeit giving her a hug. Nefeit was a bit taken aback as it was unexpected. Jon let a smile creep up on his face as Sam’s acceptance of the people around her often astounded him.

“I missed you momma Nefeit,” Sam said.

Nefeit was speechless and blinked a couple times as she returned the hug and peered at Jon.

“I don’t know, Jon,” Mark said.

“Just do it, please?” Jon said.

“As you wish,” Mark said. “Just do me a favor and make sure your wearing your powered armor.”

“Of course,” Jon said. “I’m not a complete moron.”

“Make sure it’s powered on …” Mark said.

“Bah, I hate the hum,” Jon said. “I’ll turn it on just before the meeting.”

“No, you’ll have it on from the moment you leave Atlantis,” Mark said. “Or this is one order I will refuse and I’ll set the meeting up to be three steps from the edge of the water where
is moored.”

“Are you giving me an order?” Jon said.

“Of course I am,” Mark said as a large grin spread across his face. “I’m you’re security slash military leader after all.”

Jon laughed as he nodded and said, “You win, I’ll be a good boy.”

“Thanks, Jon,” Mark said.

“No, thank you for caring bud,” Jon said.

“Ok, I’ll let you get back to work as I get this set up for your arrival,” Mark said.

“Be careful yourself, I’ll contact you later and give you a status update,” Jon said.

Mark's face faded out as Sam jumped into Jon's lap and said, “It’s good to be back on Atlantis. I missed her a lot daddy.”

“I think she missed you too,” Jon said.

“Of course I missed you, Sam,” Atlantis said.

“So, how has the Duke been acting?” Jon said.

Sam frowned as she spoke, “He’s been good.”

Jon laughed as Sam frowned. “And that is such a bad thing?” Jon said.

Sam nodded as she spoke, “Oojoung and I have more fun when he’s bad.”

“That is probably the reason he’s been behaving,” Jon said. “However, you do know he’s not a bad man really, right?”

“He took Aunt Terri,” Sam said. “That makes him bad in my book.”

“Well, yes and no,” Jon said. “He’s following orders from his superiors and no matter how misguided those orders are he’s doing his duty. I don’t like what he has done any more than you do. But, it’s an important lesson for you to learn. Sometimes the little people get caught in the middle and end up suffering. So, try to be a bit nicer to him. Now, go stand beside Nefeit, I have to talk to Oojoung and the Duke.”

Sam gave Jon a quick hug and then went over to stand next to Nefeit. When she got there she took Nefeit’s hand in hers and flashed Nefeit a smile. Nefeit reached over with her other hand and ruffled Sam’s hair as she returned the smile.

Oojoung and the Duke stopped short of Jon. The Duke looked about the ship taking in everything he could. It was clear he’s never seen anything as advanced as the

“Impressed?” Jon said.

“A bit,” Andara said. “I was surprised when she landed that’s for sure.”

“I’m sure a lot of people were,” Jon said. “Even some of my own crew were a bit shocked.”

“I’m sure you didn’t bring me all this way to show me your pretty toys,” Andara said.

“No, I’m giving you restricted access to communications with the King and you’ll be his representative at the Council meeting in two hours,” Jon said.

“Council meeting?” Andara said.

“The Ga’sahde Treaty Council is meeting in two hours to decide if the treaty is still intact or not,” Jon said. “You’ll have a say for the King at the meeting. I suggest you use those two hours to contact the King and get everything straight.”

“Of course,” Andara said a smile spread across his face.

“Oh, any other talk that pertains to anything you have seen here or at the compound will end the transmission abruptly and there will be no further communications allowed,” Jon said as he returned the smile. The Duke’s smile disappeared faster than smoke in a stiff breeze. “That’s what I thought you’d think.”

“You do realize this has only started,” Andara said.

“Yes I do,” Jon said. Jon motioned to a couple Marines standing behind him. “These Marines will show you to your quarters. Don’t try to leave as they have orders to tie you up and toss you in a closet if you try anything funny. By the way, Duke Andara, I don’t think you’re a bad man. I think you’re misguided and can’t see what’s right in front of you. I hope you come to realize the truth and someday we can work together instead of against each other.”

Andara turned and fell into step between the guards as they adjusted his transport harness and did a last check on the straps. Andara stopped and turned back towards Jon and said, “I think you’re the one with clouded judgment. I think you’re being lead around and told half truths.”

“We’ll see,” Jon said. “Good day Andara, contact me if you need anything.”

As soon as Andara disappeared down the transport tube Jon turned his attention to Oojoung. “Oojoung I have a special mission for you,” Jon said.

“Oojoung listening,” Oojoung said.

“It’s a very important mission, one you can’t fail Oojoung,” Jon said.

Oojoung tried to look hurt and was mildly successful as he scoffed an said, “Oojoung won’t fail.”

“Good, because I want you to get my sister and bring her back here,” Jon said. Stunned silence filled the bridge as several heads turned and looked in their direction.

“Oojoung get Terri Princess?” Oojoung said as a grin spread on his face.

“Yes, Oojoung get Terri,” Jon said as he handed him a small chip. “This chip has her location.”

“Oojoung knows where Terri Princess is,” Oojoung said. But he took the small chip anyway.

“Good then get going,” Jon said. “I need her back here in two hours.”

“Oojoung have Terri Princess back here in one hour,” Oojoung said as he bounded for the transport tube and disappeared.

Nefeit stepped forward and said, “You think that’s wise sending him alone?”

“I’m not worried about Oojoung,” Jon said. “I’m more worried about the Eutharans in the Detention Center. They’re in for a rude surprise when he gets there.”

“One person against those odds,” Nefeit said.

Jon looked at Nefeit’s worried face and said three words, “He loves her.”

Surprise registered on Nefeit’s face as the words sunk in. “Oh,” she said. She knew what a Buranis was capable of, and she knew Oojoung was black ops trained. Then it all clicked into place as her eyes widened. “They’re in trouble.”

Jon just nodded.

Fifteen minutes later outside the Detention Center.

Oojoung’s POV

Oojoung covered the low gee thruster pack with branches and leaves. He ran a last check over his gear as he turned his stealth field on and started approaching the upper entry point for the underground detention center.

From what they knew, the detention center had about ten underground levels and Terri could be on any one of them. Two guards stood silently at the only entrance. They were dressed in full battle armor and were well armed. Oojoung took off at astonishing speed towards the two guards.

The guards didn’t see what was coming until just before Oojoung hit them. Oojoung dropped his cloak as he did a cartwheel that turned into a back flip, each heel catching a different guard on the chin, snapping their head back. Both guards slammed into the wall behind them. One of them slumped to the ground motionless as the other shook his head.

The impact launched Oojoung back the way he came and he used the momentum to do a small flip, landing in a crouch with his fist in the ground and other hand on his leg. He watched the still standing guard shake his head to clear it and tensed to strike. The guard reached up towards a panel by the doors. Oojoung covered the short distance between them in the blink of an eye and grabbed the guard by the extended arm. The powered suits motors whined at the force Oojoung applied as he pulled the arm slowly away from the panel. The guard’s eyes widened as he watched the small Buranis overpower the suit.

“Impossible,” the Guard gasped.

Oojoung flashed him a toothy grin as he suddenly twisted the armored arm and a satisfying crack filled the air. The guard screamed in pain as his arm broke and Oojoung tossed him away from the door. Oojoung turned to face the guard he’d just tossed as he pulled a short bladed weapon that hummed to life and extended to about a foot in length.

Without a second thought or looking back Oojoung swung the short sword catching the guard that was slumped against the wall just under his helmet. Blood sprayed on to the walls from the wound as the guard died without waking. The other guard had managed to get to his feet and attempted to bring his rifle to bear on Oojoung with his good arm finally supporting the weapon with his broken arm. Oojoung reached up and pushed a furry finger across his lips as he made a shhhing sound. Then just as fast, he seemed to glide across the distance, his short sword slicing the weapon in half and cutting through the guard’s armored arm. Both pieces fell to the ground as the guard grabbed his arm where it had been cut away as he fell to his knees. Oojoung knelt in front of the downed guard and snapped his sword, folding it up and putting it away in a flash of movement.

Oojoung reached up and grabbed the guard’s helmet and tilted it up so he could look into the guard’s eyes. The guard’s eyes did nothing to hide the fear that coursed through his body. “What are you?” the Guard managed to get out.

“Death,” Oojoung said as he snapped the helmet forward and severed the guards spine at the base of his neck. Oojoung’s eyes showed no remorse, no pity for the men he just killed in combat, if you could call it that. They had something he wanted and nothing on Euthara would stop him from reaching his goal.

Oojoung reached down and unclasped a small card from the guard’s belt, tossing it in the air and catching it as he stood up and made his way to the doors. He engaged his cloaking device as he slid the card over the only panel on the wall. The door groaned and slid open and Oojoung slipped unseen into the dimly lit corridor as the door closed behind him.

Oojoung knew it wouldn’t be long before they realized the guards outside were missing so he picked up his pace. He found a dark corner and disengaged his cloak and flipped open a small panel on one of his wrist bands. The unit scanned the surrounding area to get an idea of how it was built. It showed most of the power conduits and cables ran to a small room at the end of this corridor and that was where he would start.

Oojoung turned his cloak back on and stepped out of the dark corner and ran right into a solo guard. The guard’s expression was one of surprise as he bounced off what seemed to be an invisible wall. Oojoung reaction was immediate as he slammed his open palm into the center of the guard’s chest. The force of the blow sent the guard flying backward and it was low enough to flip the guard face first into the floor. The guard’s head smacked into the ground hard enough to stun him momentarily and Oojoung slammed his knee into the back of the guard’s neck before he could recover. The last thing the guard heard was his neck snap as Oojoung twisted his knee and put his full weight into his knee.

Oojoung dragged the dead guard into the dark corner and continued down the corridor until he spotted the small room. The door was open and there were two guards sitting facing a wall of vidscreens. Oojoung shook his head at the lax security that would be their down fall and assist him on his assignment. Oojoung walked up to the door and stepped inside as he slammed the door shut and turned his cloak off.

Both guards spun around and neither were wearing armor and both were unarmed. Their eyes widened in surprise as Oojoung took a step towards them and said, “We can do this the easy way or…” Oojoung gave them both a toothy grin. “The hard way. Your choice.”

“Who are you?” one of the guards asked.

Oojoung ignored him as he spoke, “I only want one thing. You point me to what I want I let you live. You don’t and I’ll beat it out of you, again the choice is yours.”

The guard who hadn’t spoken slid his hand under the desk as if reaching for something.

“If that’s a weapon that would be a bad idea,” Oojoung said.

The guard’s hand kept moving as he searched for his target.

“If it’s an alarm you both will be dead before anyone gets here,” Oojoung said. “then since I’ll have little time to get the information I want that death will be very violent and painful.”

The guard’s hand slipped back out from under the desk and he raised them both into the air.

“Good choice,” Oojoung said. “Now, where is Princess Terri Hunter-Cl’oth.”

Both guards exchanged looks and then looked back at Oojoung, both of them silent as they stared at Oojoung.

Oojoung sighed and crossed the distance to the nearest guard. “Hard way it is,” Oojoung said. He reached up with one hand and grabbed the guard’s collar bone and snapped it as if it was a twig.

The guard howled in pain as the bones snapped. Oojoung kept his grip on the man as he picked him up from his chair and grabbed his other shoulder.

“Where is she?” Oojoung said. His voice dripped with menace as he growled behind the words.

The other guard jumped up at Oojoung. That was his first mistake, his second was he actually landed a punch to Oojoung's chin which fractured two of his knuckles and made him cry out in pain. Oojoung looked at the guard non-phased and kicked him square in the chest sending him flying across the room and slamming into a wall. The guard slumped to the floor unconscious; his cries quieted for now.

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