Euthara (30 page)

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Authors: Michael McClain

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Space Opera, #Adventure, #Military

BOOK: Euthara
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“You know now that you mention it work seems to pile up when you’re not here,” Bill said.

“That’s because I don’t let everything pile up on you and I delegate to the other officers to relieve the stress on you,” Kelly said.

“I knew there was a reason I was with you,” Bill said.

“I thought it was because I was sexy,” Kelly said.

“Well that’s a plus,” Bill said. “I had to compete with a lot of guys for your attention.”

“Liar, I wasn’t being pursued and I only had eyes for you,” Kelly said as she giggled.

“Hey, it’s my story and I’m sticking to it,” Bill said.

“You still think I’m sexy?” Kelly said as her hands rubbed her bulging belly.

“I think you’re three times as sexy,” Bill said.

“Oh, right answer,” Kelly said.

“I try,” Bill said. “Kelly when you get back here I was thinking we’d get married.”

Kelly just stared at Bill and blinked.

“I should have waited to ask until you were here,” Bill said as he let out a groan.

“No, it’s ok, you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you to say that,” Kelly said.

“Really, you’ll marry me?” Bill said.

“Of course you dope,” Kelly said as she smiled. “On one condition.”

“What condition?” Bill said.

“That Jon performs the ceremony,” Kelly said.

“Right, as if that would ever happen,” Bill said.

“I want him to do it, he’s the main reason we got together,” Kelly said. “We owe it to him to make him marry us. It will be history for the ADF and he has to be a part of it.”

“Why not just appoint him as a god parent to the kids too,” Bill said. “Then while we’re at it we can ask him to stand on his head in a corner while doing the ceremony.”

“Oh, that’s a great idea,” Kelly said as her face brightened.

“What, Jon standing on his head in a corner?” Bill said with a quizzical look on his face.

“No silly, Jon, Deatra and Nefeit as god parents,” Kelly said.

“Oh, yeah I guess, I was trying to be silly,” Bill said. “I don’t know how well he will take the news of him being a god parent but I can’t see him objecting too hard. I’ll work on him to get him to do the ceremony give me a few days and I’ll have everything set up.”

“Sir, sorry to interrupt but we’ve detected incoming ships,” Elisa said.

“I’ll be right there,” Bill said as he stood up. He looked at Kelly one last time. “Sorry hon we have to cut it short. Will you be ok?”

“Of course, go take care of your emergency and then call me back when you get time so we can finish the plans,” Kelly said. “Just be careful hon.”

“Always,” Bill said.

Bill jogged to the door and stepped through it and as it shut Kelly said, “I love you more than you’ll ever know.” The hologram faded as a tear fell from Kelly’s cheek.

“Status report,” Bill said as he stepped on to the bridge.

“Hope Station reports they’re Invaru class ships commanded by Admiral Breq,” the Com officer said. “They’re all heavily damaged and we’ve been ordered to assist them.”

“Alright, Condition Red,” Bill said as he took his seat. “Bring the fold engine online and plot a jump to their location.”

“Sir, the fold engines haven’t been tested,” an Engineering officer said.

“How long will it take us to reach them by the hyperspace engines?” Bill said.

“Two hours and thirteen minutes best speed,” the Conn officer reported.

“And folding?” Bill said.

“Seconds,” the Conn officer said.

“Recall all fighters and prepare to fold,” Bill said. “This is a good a time as any to test the drives out.”

“Sir, again the engines haven’t been tested yet. I don’t know what will happen if we use them,” the Engineering officer said.

“Noted,” Bill said. “However, I’m not going to sit here while people are dying on those ships. The fold engines have been installed and are warmed up. We’re going to use them.”

“All fighters are recovered,” another of the Com officers reported.

“Course plotted,” the Conn officer said. “Fold engines standing by for your orders.”

“All boards are green Sir,” another Engineering officer said.

“Execute fold,” Bill said.

Nothing happened for a second then the slight tingling and a sharp tug of folding was felt by everyone on the crew. The
Earth’s Revenge
appeared two thousand meters off the port bow of the
Wrath’s Revenge
, Admiral Breq’s flagship.

Immediately the various screens around the bridge started showing the massive damage to the vessels. Large rips in the hulls of the ships showed the internal structure of the vessels. Some of the ships had active fires dotting their surface where the internal atmosphere was able to keep them burning. Some of the ships were leaking atmosphere at an astonishing rate and a few of the ships looked dead in space.

Dalliana appeared next to Bill as she spoke, “Admiral Breq’s carrier is the least damaged and two of the ships have had complete power failures. One of the ships has decompressed on almost all decks and the last two seem to be in decent working order. They’re running SAR operations and are trying to get the power back up on the two cruisers.”

“Admiral Breq is hailing us Sir,” one of the Com officers said.

has joined us, Sir, and are awaiting orders,” the Tactical officer said.

“That’s the Drovasian Combat Cruiser right?” Bill said.

“Aye Sir,” one of the Tactical officers said.

“Admiral Breq on screen,” one of the Com officers said.

“Admiral this is Captain Hawkins,” Bill said. “Can you give us a status report?”

“Captain Hawkins,” Breq said. “My ship is under her own power and we’re conducting SAR operation on the cruisers. Two of them have had complete power failures and we’re attempting to install portable power generators to get them under their own power. We have sixty percent of the crew evacuated from the ship that decompressed. We’re currently trying to get to the remaining crew.”

“Sir, I’m going to order the
to take that ship in tow and jump back to
Hope Station
,” Bill said. “We have the teams available there to rescue the remaining crew and to get it partially operational through station umbilical so that those trapped have air.”

“I’ll pull my teams back,” Breq said.

Bill pointed to one of the Com officers who said, “Relaying orders now Sir.”

“Sir, I’m going to ask you to jump to the station, we’ll take over here,” Bill said. “We have other ships in route.”

“I’m sorry but I’m not leaving my people,” Breq said.

“I understand Sir,” Bill said. “However, it isn’t safe here. If whatever attacked you arrives I would rather be worrying about the remaining ships. As our other ships arrive they will tow the ships to the station.”

“I’m sorry but I can’t leave,” Breq said. “The people who attacked us will be here shortly and you’ll need us.”

“I’m sorry, as commander of the Euthara space I’m going to order you to proceed under best power to the station,” Bill said.

“And if I refuse?” Breq said as a smile crossed his face.

“Well, I guess you’re staying then,” Bill said as he shrugged. “I thought it was worth a try.” Bill let a smile cross his face.

“Good now that that’s settled,” Breq said.

On one of the screens the
maneuvered in front of the disabled cruiser. A beam of light leaped out to the disabled ship. Shortly after that a portal formed in front of the Drovasian vessel and both ships jumped to hyperspace. Bill knew the Drovasian ship had fold and hyperspace capability, though their engines were one unit. It was still something highly classified by the Drovasian government and the last he heard Brad was working on getting access to the information now that the Drovasian people were part of the ADF and Jon was their ruler.

“Sir, the
has arrived,” one of the Com officers said. “Captain Gilas is hailing us.”

“Put him through,” Bill said.

Gilas’ face appeared on a different screen. “Captain Hawkins we’re here to lend assistance. What do you need us to do?”

“I need you to set up a perimeter and assist rescue operations,” Bill said.

“Expecting company?” Gilas said.

“Possibly, we don’t know for sure,” Bill said.

“Roger, I’ll coordinate our efforts with yours,” Gilas said.

“Thanks, keep this line open so you can keep up to date on what’s going on,” Bill said.

“Will do,” Gilas said and then turned his attention to away from the screen as it was muted.

“Con, bring us alongside the
Wrath’s Revenge
in escort position,” Bill said. “She’s our priority if the shit hits the fan. Keep the fold drives spun up.”

“Aye Sir,” the Con officer said.

“Flight control and damage control teams now have available resources,” Bill said. “Use the Titan’s personnel as needed.”

Several minutes’ later power returned to one of the cruisers and a new face popped up on the screen next to Admiral Breq. The Invaru had a bad gash across his forehead and one of his four arms dangled at his side, obviously broken. Where ever he was located the place was in shambles, conduits hung behind him and smoke filled the back ground. Flashes of light reflected off his face from some unseen light source.

“Commander Adja, where is Captain Noase?” Breq said.

“Dead Admiral,” Adja said. “Most of the command crew was killed when the bridge was hit. I’m in engineering at the auxiliary controls.”

“Are you able to move under your own power?” Breq asked.

“Yes Sir,” Adja said. “The auxiliary power unit should allow us to do that and engineering crews are working on getting main power back on line. We blew a main power conduit when we exited hyperspace.”

“Do that underway to
Hope Station
,” Breq said. “I’m transmitting the coordinates now.”

“I have them Sir,” Adja said. “I’m spinning up the hyperspace engines now.”

“Jump as soon as you’re capable,” Breq said.

“Understood Sir,” Adja said. “Sir?”

“Yes Commander?” Breq said.

“Did the rest of the fleet make it?” Adja said.

Breq shook his head as he spoke, “No, we lost twenty three ships during the engagement. All that’s left is us.”

“The home world?” Adja said.

“Burning as we speak,” Breq said. “From all accounts the Emperor is dead and most of the ruling council. I’ve transmitted on our emergency bands that this is our rally point. As of now we’re officially alone and the Empire is in ashes.”

Bill and some of his crew gasped at the news. One thought was in Bill’s mind, who the hell could do such a thing? To cripple a few ships or even smash a fleet is one thing but to destroy an entire world belonging to an Empire the size of the Invaru is another.

“You’re not alone,” Bill said. “You’re now a part of the ADF if you so wish.”

Breq raised an eye brow as he spoke, “You have that authority?”

“Well, I’m sure something will have to be worked out and papers signed. However, I’m second in command of the ADF and I’m sure Captain Hunter would agree,” Bill said.

“Then I guess were unofficially a part of the ADF until all the documents are in order,” Breq said.

“Good, then as second in command of the ADF I’m ordering you to take your ship to the station and dock up for repairs,” Bill said.

“Nice try, but the answer is still no,” Breq said.

“Well you can’t fault a guy for trying,” Bill said as he smiled.

Breq chuckled lightly. “Like I said I’d rather be here to help protect my people,” Breq said.

“Sir, Commander Adja’s Cruiser the Relgoa just entered hyperspace,” one of the Tactical officers said.

“You get that Admiral?” Bill said.

Breq nodded as he spoke, “They’re about to bring power up on the other Cruiser in just a few seconds. They’ve already started the warm up cycle for the hyperdrive by doing a quick patch job before they started routing power to the main systems. So, she should be able to jump as soon as partial power is restored. I’ve had to appoint a temporary Captain as the whole bridge crew is dead and there’s no Bridge officers left.”

“Okay,” Bill said. “That should be everyone then. I want everyone preparing to jump on my command. Recall all fighters…”

“Sir, I’m picking up multiple events forming about six thousand meters out,” one of the Tactical officers said.

“Ship types?” Bill said.

“Unknown, they haven’t started to emerge yet,” the same Tactical officer said.

“Admiral I suggest you get those people moving,” Bill said.

“I see it,” Breq said. “All hands to battles stations. Captain, I suggest you have your fighters and light craft return to your ship. They’re no match for these guys.”

Bill issued the orders for all light craft to land. “You sound like you’re sure of who is coming through,” Bill said.

“Pretty sure,” Breq said. “The Invaru have been fighting these beings for the last five years and it hasn’t been going very well for us.”

“Sir, the first ship has arrived and it’s the same signature as the ship that attacked the fleet in Euthara orbit a week ago,” the Tactical officer said.

“Alright, bring us about and put us between them and the Invaru ships,” Bill said. “Bring all modified weapons online and spin up the special shields.”

Earth’s Revenge
slowly turned away from the
Wrath’s Revenge
as she fell back. The Crystari wasted no time as they emerged, four ships all smaller than a cruiser, they all fired on the disabled Invaru Cruiser just as the Cruiser’s engines flared to life and a hyperspace portal started to form. Two of the bright beams found their marks and cut a swath of destruction across the engines of the cruiser. The other two beams glanced off the
Earth’s Revenge’s
shields as she slid in to try to protect the damaged ships and missed the cruiser by inches.

The cruiser’s engines faltered as multiple explosion erupted from her aft section. The bow of the ship had just entered the hyperspace portal as it collapsed. Another explosion rocked the ship and sent it into a spin. As the bow of the ship came into view it looked like it had been sliced off. The explosive out gassing from the bow of the ship shoved the ship away from the small fleet as large fireball erupted from the port side of the ship just under her engines where the beams had cut deep into her hull. Then the ship swelled as if someone had put two pounds too much pressure inside her and exploded.

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