Ever, Sarah (15 page)

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Authors: C.E. Hansen

BOOK: Ever, Sarah
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Pulling on a pair of thin socks I walked back into the closet and searched the shoe rack until I found just what I was looking for. A pair of western boots, perfectly worn in, that just happened to match Brads in color.

What a dork I am.

I pulled them on finding they fit perfectly and I was overly pleased at how comfortable they were.

I grabbed another of Brad’s tee shirts from his closet, another pair of boy shorts and threw them into the matching overnight bag brad had left on the bed. I walked back into the closet and found a pair of fawn colored riding pants with suede inserts along the thighs and another pair of jeans. I grabbed a cable knit sweater and a leather jacket. I took a couple pairs of socks and underwear as backups and after adding deodorant and a little makeup and skincare essentials, I zipped the top of the bag shut. I just finished braiding my long hair when I heard Brad’s boots announce his entrance.

“All ready? Finish packing?” I heard him behind me.

I turned to face him.


“You look like my Sarah.” He said proudly, perusing the length of my body slowly, a lazy smile playing on his lips. His gaze changed when he noticed my choice of footwear.

“She’s in here hiding somewhere.”

“Here, let me get that.” He reached over me and lifted the overnight bag lingering a little longer than necessary as his fingers grazed the top of my hand.

His light touch caused my heart to race and the air rapidly left my lungs leaving me feeling odd…dizzy.

He leaned in closer, close enough for me to feel the heat of his breath on my cheek. I stiffened, sure I was about to lose what little strength I had in my legs.

“What’s the matter?” my voice sounded so strange to me. Almost like I was panting.

“You smell like my Sarah.”

“You smell like Brad.” I laughed nervously, “but what I really want right now, is to have some of that delicious coffee I smell.”

He stepped back and I swear I moaned an audible sigh of relief.

Dear Lord, what the hell is wrong with me?

“After you.” He said, letting me pass him, and then he picked up the other bag, as well as the two jackets that were lying side by side on the bed and followed me down the stairs.

Chapter Twelve


We had a croissant with our coffee and afterwards packed up the car. Brad pushed some buttons on the keypad near the garage door, I assume to set the alarm, then he locked the doors behind us and we were on our way.

The chill of early spring morning was reluctant to give way to the warmth of the bright sunshine, but it was clean and crisp and smelled of pending summer. We traveled north for about an hour before traveling east. The highway we drove on hugged the Atlantic coastline and I pulled my sunglasses down over my eyes as the sparkle of the sun on the water was overly bright. The smell of the ocean spray was glorious, and I instantly knew that I’ve smelled it many times before.

After some time on this road, we turned onto another highway and headed west, away from the coastline. It wasn’t long before the scenic ocean drive became more of a country drive. Rolling green hills and valleys lay before us for miles and miles and each small town we passed was more charming than the last.

“Need a break?” Brad asked as he reached for my hand squeezing it gently.

“I wouldn’t mind standing up for a few minutes.”

“We’ve got to stop up ahead. You can stretch out then. Sound good?”

“Perfect.” I couldn’t help the smile that slowly spread across my face.

Brad just chuckled low in his chest and slightly shook his head. I guess I must have looked ‘corny’.

We arrived in a small town called Bantam, and Brad pulled the car to a stop in front of a small cluster of buildings. I stepped out of the car to stretch my legs.

“How much further?” I asked as I spun slowly taking in the sleepy town. Tall white spires rose up into the sky, stark against the deep blue. I breathed in deep as I lifted my face towards the sun. There was a smell in the air that was unmistakably ‘horse’. And without warning an excitement began building in the pit of my stomach. A sort of nervous excitement.

“About another half hour down the road. I’ll be right back. I just need to pick something up. Can I get you anything?”

“No thank you. I can’t wait to get there.” I could hear the jumpiness in my tone, “I think my body remembers this,” I scanned the immediate area, “even though my head is swimming in confusion.”

He smiled at me, “I’ll be right back.” He called out as he walked inside the quaint country store.

There were billboards in the distance that advertised riding lessons, with pictures of white fences and hay bales. One had an image of a horse mid-jump with a young rider sitting on top. I got a chill up the back of my neck and nearly began dancing in place. Somehow I knew Jez wasn’t too far from here and I was finding it hard to contain my excitement. Like a little kid Christmas morning.

Brad walked out of the small store effortlessly carrying a large picnic basket in one hand, and a wide case in the other.

I ran over to help him, but he assured me he was fine. He stopped at the rear of the car and reached into his pocket, pulling out a key fob, then popped open the trunk and gently placed the still hot case into the car next to the large picnic basket.

“Mmmm, smells delicious.”

“Wait till you eat it. It is one of your…”

“Favorites.” I finished his sentence for him.

“I’m sure you’re getting a bit tired of hearing that, huh?” He walked me back to my door.

“No. It’s just frustrating not knowing my own ‘favorite things’.” I climbed in and he shut the door before walking over and climbing into his side.

“Ready?” He smiled at me.

“As I’ll ever be.” I fastened my seatbelt, then reached over and squeezed his hand.

“Then, let’s get to it.” He pulled the car back and slowly turned getting us back on the road.

We drove for another fifteen minutes before I noticed that the homes were getting further and further apart. Several homes had big iron gates and pillars on the road with the name of the property on the post or, in some cases, the gate itself. Long white rails edged the acres and acres of property that were part of these exclusive horse farms. Hilly farm land sectioned into squares of property where all types of farm animals grazed.

Appletree Farms.

Juniper Farms.

The names were indicative to the area, but beautiful and expansive. We got to the point where you weren’t able to see the homes from the roadway because they were set so far back from the road. But the fields where the horses, cattle and sheep roamed were immaculately kept and gorgeous. Rolling green hills with long swaying weeping willows and tall oak trees.

We slowed in front of a big black iron gate with large brick pillars, each sporting a large gas lamp, complete with flickering flame, on the top. ‘Sugarlump Farms’ was in gold colored metal script letters across the span of the gate itself.

Brad turned to look at me. I believe my mouth was hanging open.

“Well, this is us.”

“Where did they get the name…my father and mother?”

“You.” He said plainly.

“Did I name it this?”

“You did.” He replied. His eyes were searching mine for some sign of recognition. I just smiled.


I did remember something about the word Sugarlump. It was a silly, childish name, but there was also something that was so endearing about it as well.

Brad dialed a few numbers on his phone and the gate slowly opened. He pushed the gas pedal and the car slowly entered the property.

It was amazing.

A stunning property with tall thick oak trees on both sides, every thirty feet up the length of the drive. We pulled to the side and stopped the car halfway between the white clapboard house with the dark red painted shutters and the same colored dark red barn. There was white wooden fencing as far as the eye could see. The first part had three separate sections, where various jumping stations were set up, and then the fence just took off towards the rear of the house into the fields that disappeared behind the mountain. To the left there was a large field of freshly mowed grass, and further back was another field of tall grass, each had rolls and rolls of hay circles. We got out and Brad took my hand as we walked towards the barn.

The smells assailed my nostrils and I closed my eyes, seeing a little girl with long reddish brown hair running and laughing. I didn’t see her face, but I didn’t have to see it to know that girl was me; my braids flopping as I ran.

We stepped through the twenty-five foot tall doors and walked into the cleanest barn I could have ever imagined. It was spotless. There were eight stalls. Each having a name hanging above the gate. Ichabod, Nat, Dusty, Lance and Jezebel, the other three stalls were empty. I walked up to Jezebel’s stall and noticed it too was empty.

“You looking for Jez Miss?”

We both turned to see a man, in worn jeans and tall rubber boots wearing a barn jacket and a cap that read Sugarlump Farms.

“Miss Sarah?” the man stopped in his tracks and just stared like he’d seen a ghost.

“Yes.” I answered.

“It’s me, Miss. Jim. Your momma told Maddie and me you were in an accident. Said you were gonna be MIA for a while.”

I stared at him, looking deeply into his faded blue eyes. His long wavy gray hair fell down over his eyes and he pulled off his cap shoving it back underneath. He was a kind looking, and although crooked, his smile was sincere and warm.

“I’m sorry.”

I couldn’t place him.

“That’s alright girlie. You take your time getting your head straight. Mr. Brad,” he turned to look at Brad and nodded, “You look well young man.”

“I am Jim. I hope you and Maddie are as well.”

“Oh, yes sir. That we are. Maddie will be thrilled to see you both.”

“Tell her we’ll be by shortly.” Brad looked at Jez’s stall, “I guess Jez is out and about?”

“She sure is. That stubborn mule.” Jim said with a smile. “Hold on a minute, she’ll be beside herself when she sees this one. That girl has been missing you Miss Sarah.”

He stepped outside, lifted his fingers to his mouth and let out the loudest whistle I’d ever heard. Or think I heard.

He did it one more time and I could hear a distinct neighing in the distance. I stepped out of the barn on the opposite side of where we entered and immediately my eyes settled on the most gorgeous animal I’d ever seen running in my direction.

She was black with a white diamond high on her head. She had four white feet. Her black body glistened in the sun, and as she got closer, I became increasingly nervous. I didn’t know if I’d remember her, or her me, but I had to find out.

I stood still next to Brad and Jim as she slowed, cautiously eyeing me. She raised her head and neighed loudly, as if chastising me for staying away so long. Her two front legs were prancing as she drew closer to where we stood. I stepped forward and extended my hand. She stopped and hesitated for a moment, but once she got my scent she slowly came closer, as if she couldn’t believe her eyes.

“She’s been a headstrong girl since you been here last, Miss.”

“Oh, that’s alright. Right Jez. Come here girl.” I reached into my pocket, the movement automatic, and when I realized it was empty I turned to look at Brad who held out an apple and some sugar cubes.

“Thank you.” I whispered.

“Here you go girl. Get over here where I can see you better.”

She tentatively walked up to where I stood and snorted. I held out the hand with the apple and she reached her head in and took a chunk out of it.

She came a little closer and lowered her head, nuzzling me as she raised it.

“Oh, you want more, do you?”

I held out the sugar cubes, my hand flat like my dad showed me and she nipped them right off. Tossing her head in the air and neighing loudly, nodding. As if she was as happy as I was right at this moment.

I rubbed her bangs and neck, taking special care to scratch near her ears, she liked when I did that.

“I’ve missed you Jezzy.”

I walked to her and hugged her solidly around her neck. She dipped her head lower, rubbing it along my shoulder and when I turned to look at Brad, she nuzzled again, looking for another good scratching.

“You silly girl.”

“I’m going to go unpack the car, spend some time with Jez. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

He kissed my forehead and Jez let out a loud snort.

“She’s wantin’ all of your attention miss. Still jealous of your man.” Jim said, somewhat to himself aloud. He looked towards Brad and smiled weakly.

“She does miss you Sarah.” He rubbed my shoulder as he backed up.

“Brad, thank you for this.”

He just smiled and looked at Jim

“I’ll keep an eye on her Mr. Brad.”

“No riding.” Brad looked at me.

“I promise.”

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