Ever, Sarah (14 page)

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Authors: C.E. Hansen

BOOK: Ever, Sarah
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After three or four loud screaming sessions of my voice calling out to God, and our Dear Lord, and Jesus Christ, and DON’T STOP, I felt the warm wetness leave a trail from my happy place all the way up to the two points at the top that were heaving and wantonly shoving themselves into the tongue’s way.

He licked and nibbled until I couldn’t take it anymore and I did the hair-pulling thing again.

When he finally reached the top, and was face to, um, tee shirt with me. He laughed boldly, which of course got my tightened nub going again.

He pulled the tee shirt down, revealing a face that must have had the most euphoric expression on it, or my name isn’t…Sarah?

I’ll rephrase.

I looked like a woman who just experienced one of the best sexual encounters of her young life.

His mouth lowered onto mine and his tongue did the dance thing with my tongue, and I felt the tip of the beautiful, hot, hard, erection find its way home as he slowly slipped into me. I can’t be sure, but I think I literally said, “Oh, yes…thank you.” as he slid inside, filling every bit of me.

You know, the only thing I thought at that very moment was that it was too bad I couldn’t remember doing this with this perfect man in our past.

Chapter Eleven


“Sarah?” The way he said my name caused my insides to tighten. I so loved the sexy tone in his voice; I nearly melted.


“What do you think about taking a trip to Connecticut tomorrow? We’ll see Jez, have lunch. Spend the night maybe?”

I felt my excitement build and I blurted out “Yes.”

He chuckled and I felt his arms tighten around me, the steady rhythm of his heart against my back. His fingers were still caressing my belly.

“Good. Let me make a few phone calls, have Simon cover my meetings and I’ll arrange for a picnic lunch.” He kissed my temple, and I immediately felt heat surge through my midsection.

“Sounds wonderful. I’d really, really like that.”

Brad gave me a brief squeeze, then stood up and walked to where he’d deposited his pants. I found myself unable to take my eyes off of his body. He was a fine specimen of a man. That’s for sure.

He was strong, muscular and beautiful.

He had long legs which were equally as muscular as the rest of his body. When he turned to face me I quickly looked away, avoiding his knowing stare, trying to look nonchalant, feeling the heat rise to my face. I think I saw him smile.

From the corner of my eyes, I watched as he bent over lifting his pants up his legs and tugged the zipper up. His chest was splendidly V shaped and tapered down to his defined abs and narrow hips. He has a small trail of soft black hair that disappears inside the top of his pants.

I made a mental note to myself to explore that trail. Taste him. Feel him in my mouth, roll my tongue over…


I had to stop my wayward thoughts; they were only getting me amped up and wanting more.

He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out his cell phone. Then looked at me and smiled. “Remind me I have to give you something later.” He smirked.

“I will make it my mission to remind you.” I tried to smile my warmest, sexiest smile.

He laughed.

I feigned sadness.

“Get that pout off your mouth.” He whispered. “I’ll be happy to oblige you again…” He blinked, “Hello. Simon. Brad Hunter. Yes, I’m fine….Sarah…she’s doing well, thank you for asking…I do…I need you to cover my morning meetings with the Clark brothers, and the lunch with Wilson.” He put his hand over the mouth portion of the phone, and with his eyes blazing called out to me, “Don’t move.” He had that cat that ate the canary look. “Simon, yes, I’m here. I have to take Sarah to Connecticut tomorrow and won’t be able to make the meeting. Give them my regards and advise that we are ready to make them an offer…I will. Thank you….Yes, you as well…Night.” He pushed the button and killed the call.

“Don’t move?”

“Yes. Stay just like that.” He got us both another drink and joined me back on the couch. “Here.” He handed me the wine glass and I took a sip.

“Thank you.”

He took it and placed it on the table once again.

“Stay like this?” I was confused.


One word is all he said. But what he did was mind-boggling. He sat in front of me and pushed me back onto the giant pillow behind me. He took his hand and lowered it to my throbbing apex and slowly inserted his fingers. His eyes half closed and I leaned back further, pushing my head against the back of the sofa and moaned.

“Dear Lord.” Was all I managed to utter.

He moved his fingers in and out of me expertly. Lowering his head, he took my entire nipple into his mouth and ran his tongue over the tip, biting it lightly.

I arched my back, which was all the instigation he needed apparently. Because before I knew it, he was sliding out of his pants and once again sliding into me. His rocking movement pitched me to the top of that proverbial mountain and left me there until I shuddered.

I wrapped my legs around his ass and rode the crest with him. The world splintered apart and sparkled behind my closed eyes.

“Sarah. God, Sarah. I love you so much.” He pushed into me quicker and quicker satisfying every wonderful urge I had and more. I teetered on the edge until he called out my name again, and then I fell back to earth with him, riding him down till we were safely embedded back on the sofa.

He held onto me tighter for a few seconds and I felt the warmth of him as he throbbed inside me, my body clenching him from the inside.

“I will never get enough of that.” He whispered near my ear, his breath tickled me.

“Is that what you wanted to give me?” I asked sheepishly.

“Well, yes. I always want to give you that, but there is something else. Wait here.”

God help me this man was sexy.

“I’m not going anywhere. I don’t think I could walk after that.” I said calmly.

He looked at my squished face and laughed.

“I love you.” And without waiting for a response from me, he got up and walked over to the small bag on the table by the door. I hadn’t noticed it before. He carried it back to where I sat and handed it to me.

“What is this?”

“Open it.”

I opened the bag. There were two items inside. One, a box with a picture of a cell phone on it. I looked at it for a long time.

“It’s the same as mine. You used to have one just like it.” He took it out of the box and handed it to me. “I programed my number into the number two spot, and your mother into the number three spot.”


“Yes, when you want to talk to either one of us, you just press and hold that number and it will automatically call either Ronnie or myself.”

“Well, that seems easy enough.” I smiled. “I think even I might be able to handle that.”

I reached inside and pulled out the other box. It was a blue box, small, wrapped in a pretty blue ribbon. The word Tiffany’s on the top lid. I looked at him.

“What is this?”

It looked like a jewelry box.

“When you…fell. You broke your engagement ring. I took the liberty of having it reset.” He looked into my eyes. When I didn’t respond he quickly added, “If you want to wear it again, it’s up to you. I just wanted you to have it again.” He briefly looked away and I couldn’t see his expression. I suddenly felt sad. “No pressure.” He turned away again and reached for the glass, lifting his drink to his lips.

I opened the box and was stunned at what I found inside. It was the most beautiful ring I think I had ever seen.

“It’s perfect.” I gushed. I hesitated and the look on his face told me this wasn’t going the way he planned. I instantly felt super guilty.  “Would you mind if I waited just a little more before I wear it again? I mean, it’s beautiful, and large…it’s large.” I was my turn to hesitate as I tried to find the right words. “I just want to…I need to…feel a little more like she…I did.” The look he shot my way made me feel like a selfish twit, “I love it.”

“No. I don’t mind. I totally understand. You take however long you need.” He smiled. “But now, I think it’s time for you to go to sleep. It’s been a busy day and you need your rest if you’re going to be seeing Jez tomorrow.”

I smiled broadly.

“You are the most wonderful man in the whole world.” I meant that. I really did, and I felt guilty for ruining his wonderful surprise.

“Am I now?” He laughed.

“Well, yes you are, at least right now you are.” I laughed out loud.

Well, he wasn’t taking that sitting down. He rapidly stood up, lifted me, or should I say slung me, over his shoulder, and carried me effortlessly up the stairs.

“To bed with you wench!” I could feel his body tremble with laughter as he walked me down the hall to the bedroom. “Get some sleep.”

He deposited me softly onto the floor next to the bed in ‘my’ room and turned towards the door.

“Where are you going?”

“I’ve got some work to do before I email the final proposal to Simon.”

“Oh.” I really think I was disappointed. Hell, I couldn’t figure me out, how the hell was he supposed to?

“I’ll check on you later. Get some sleep. I’ve got a lot to show you tomorrow.”

“I like when you show me things.” I smirked. Then I stood on my toes and planted a kiss on his lips.

“I like showing you things. Now go to sleep, before I lose my mind and stay here making love to you all night.”

I blushed. The slow rise of heat that crept up from my chest to the top of my head. Even my ears were even burning.

“You make me feel all kinds of crazy.” I said.

“I get that. You make me crazy…period.” He kissed my forehead and disappeared behind the door of his closet. I heard the water of the shower running a few minutes later.

I climbed into the bed and pulled the covers up to my chin. I tried to wait until he was finished, but I don’t think I lasted two minutes before falling asleep.






The next morning, Brad shook me and woke me. I squinted at the sun creeping through the blinds it looked like it was just starting to rise; I turned and searched for the clock, 6:45 am.

“If you want to spend the day with Jezebel, you have to get up soon. It’s a two hour ride to your father’s estate in Connecticut and we should be on the road by 8:00. I’d pack for you, but I don’t know what you want to bring.”

“Oh, okay.” I stretched and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Turning I looked at Brad who was already dressed in a pair of comfortable looking jeans and a long sleeved tee shirt with buttons on the top. He was wearing a pair of western styled boots on that made a solid clap on the wooden floor.

I couldn’t help watching him as he pulled a small overnight bag from his closet placed it on the end of the bed and placed a few personal items inside, admiring his concentration. With nature calling I stood and walked into the bathroom, peed, washed up and brushed my teeth. I leaned in and turned the water on in the shower and after feeling the water to make sure it was the right temperature, lifted the big tee shirt—Brad’s tee shirt—over my head and walked in. Just the simple pleasure of standing there with my face lifted towards the showerhead, feeling the warm water cascading over my body was enough to cause the silly grin on my face. But my excitement built when I thought about my, our, upcoming plans for the day. I hurried and lathered up my hair, then conditioned it. Afterwards, I opened the bottle of body wash and breathed in the scent.


Closing my eyes, I washed my body, rinsed, then stepped out and dried off as quickly as I could, feeling the chill of the early morning air.

Throwing my hair up into a big white fluffy towel, I made my way back into the closet and flipped through the hangers, noting that there were way too many to choose from. Whoever I was, I certainly liked clothes and obviously bought everything I laid my eyes on. I must be some crazy hoarder type. I laughed at my thoughts and finally came across a pair of worn, soft, comfortable jeans. I grabbed them off the hanger, and pulled a light sweater from the shelf as I made my way into the bedroom. I tensed as I opened the dresser drawers, until I found a pair of panties and a bra. I dressed as fast as I could, feeling the goose bumps slowly rose to the surface of my skin.

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