Expiez: Redeem Your Blood Lust (13 page)

BOOK: Expiez: Redeem Your Blood Lust
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"I don't think she was much of a Lohr fan."

"Not Lohr." He ran a hand through his hair but didn't elaborate. "Unfortunately, the crime scene tape will need to stay up for a while. You can stay here, but you won't be able to use the courtyard until we take it down. It shouldn't be long." McCoy started for the back. "Oh, and why don't you both come down to the station tomorrow and I'll take your statements. Ms. Brown, you can file that restraining order while you're there."

When they were finally alone, the room suddenly felt unnaturally quiet. The click of the second hand on his wall clock was a deafening, "tick, tick". Suddenly uncomfortable in his chair, Darus rose. "You need another drink? I think I need another drink."

He reached for her glass and she placed a hand on his arm, effectively stopping him. "Am I making you nervous?" Her voice was filled with jest. Keeping her hand firmly on his arm, she rose and inched her body close to his, her bright blue eyes focused on his.

"Of course not." But he had this strange, squirmy feeling in his stomach. Butterflies? Was that what people described at butterflies?

"I think you are." She finally released his arm, but where it went sent the fucking insects swarming in his gut into a panic. She slid the palms of both hands up his bare stomach and stopped at his chest, making a little "mmm" noise as she did. Her gaze lingered on his flesh for a moment and then, without raising her head, she looked up at him. His cock immediately jumped to attention.

"That's cute." She kissed one pec. "I never got to tell you why I came here." She kissed the other pec.

He cleared his throat. "I think I'm beginning to figure it out."

"Actually I came to stomp your balls for pulling that jealous bullshit. But you redeemed yourself." She kissed the middle of his chest. "I can't promise anything," she said. "But I had an amazing time with you the other night." She kissed one collarbone. "And I love how I feel when I'm with you." She kissed the other one. "So, if you can be patient…." She slid her arms around his neck and kissed his throat.

"For you, I'd wait forever—well, a really long time." He grinned. "At least a week."

"That might be all it takes." She stood on her tiptoes, her chin tipped toward him. He bent to meet her halfway, wrapping his lips softly around hers.

"So are you really going to stay?" he murmured into them.

"I want to…"


She pulled back and glanced around him toward the courtyard. He turned to follow her gaze. The yellow crime scene tape fluttered gently on an unseen breeze.

"You're right. Let's get out of here." Grabbing her hand, he pulled her toward the front door.

"Where are we going?"

"Some seedy hotel where the cockroaches are as big as cats."

"Ooh, so we'll have an audience. Sweet. I was hoping for another round of public sex." She looked him up and down. "You might want to put on a shirt first."

He glanced at his bare chest. "I thought it was a little cold." Releasing her, he jogged into the bedroom and grabbed a clean shirt from the closet and slipped it on. He had half of the buttons fastened when he emerged from the room.

The sight of her waiting for him made him pause, mid-button. Standing in the doorway, he took a moment to absorb her, his weird state of elation, the electricity radiating through his body, the feeling of peace. She was so beautiful and he knew he was incredibly lucky just to be in her presence, and even luckier she chose to be in his. He would do anything to not fuck it up. Even if that meant meditating every day, or twisting himself into some sort of yoga pretzel with Angel, volunteering in the soup kitchen, or scooping up dog shit in the local park.

"What?" she asked with a smile.

He shook his head. When he joined her, he bent and kissed her. "I'm just thankful for you."

"Mmm, that's good to hear. Now," she slid her hand down the front of his pants, stroking the length of his cock in the process, "when are we going to get out of here so I can be thankful for

He yanked open the door. "Right fucking now."

She followed him into the cool night air. "Darus," she said, stopping at the sidewalk edge. He turned to look at her. "I'm thankful for you, too."








"I can't believe you talked me into this."

"It's just Thanksgiving dinner..."

"With your family! Who happen to despise me—if you've forgotten."

Clare released the door handle and went to him. "Well, Kate and Slade will be there. As well as Angel and Kevin. I'm sure the good detective will protect you."

"Pshaw. He'll have his hands full watching Angel's back. Making sure Julia doesn't attack her with the carving knife."

She laughed. "They're getting along a lot better. As long as there's four feet of separation between Armand and Angel at all times."

"Like a middle-school dance."

"Exactly." She slid her arms around his waist. "You do know you were invited."

He returned her embrace. "In that case, there's no way I'm going in." She raised her eyebrows in question. "Poison."

A laugh burst from her lips. "I think you're safe."

"Hmm." The expression was uttered with all the contempt in the world, but he had a huge, lopsided grin on his exotically handsome face. "And no unexpected visits from Chris…?"

"Not a chance. He's back in St. Louis. I even hear he has a new woman."

"Good, so he'll leave you alone."

"He's probably already forgotten about me." She snaked her body closer to his. "You know, if you come inside, we can have some wine, some turkey—"

"Not tofu turkey..."

turkey. We can even sneak away and have sex in the bathroom."

He leaned back to look at her, his head cocked. "Are you suggesting we defile Armand's bathroom?" She bit her lip. "You are evil."

She pulled him back in. "And that's why you love me."

He kissed her. "You know it."


His lips lingered against hers for a long time before he finally released her and reached for the door. "All right, I'm ready to face the wolves."

"I'll get your silver bullets."

He twisted open the doorknob. "You are my silver bullets," he said and brazenly stepped into the apartment.


Also by C.D. Hussey


The Human Vampire Series

La Luxure:
Discover Your Blood Lust

Book One in the Human Vampire Series

de Sang
: Embrace Your Blood Lust

Book Two in the Human Vampire Series

: Deny Your Blood Lust

Book Three in the Human Vampire Series





The next book by C.D. Hussey is in the works with a tentative release date of spring 2013. To stay updated please visit:








Thank you to all my fans that waited patiently until the very end of summer for this "late" summer release. And thanks to my beta readers and my editor for coming to my rescue and allowing it to happen.





About the Author


When not writing, C.D. Hussey enjoys a career as a professional engineer. She currently lives in the Midwest with her husband, teenage son and two cats. With an ongoing love affair with New Orleans, expect to see her in the Crescent City at least twice a year.


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