Expiez: Redeem Your Blood Lust (7 page)

BOOK: Expiez: Redeem Your Blood Lust
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"Sure you don't want to start that tonight?"

"No. Not tonight." She knew her smile was weak. "Hey, I'm in for the evening. It'll be fine. Angel's cop boyfriend is in
. I'll let him know."

Concern covered his face and he didn't seem to be trying to disguise it. And there was nothing to be done to hide the damage caused by Chris' rage. His left eye and cheek were starting to swell and his forehead was dripping blood.

"I'm usually the last person advocating police involvement," he said. "But I'd feel a lot better—"

"I know Chris. Once he sobers up, he'll forget about it." Before he could get any more words out of his open mouth, she added, "You know, if we get some ice on your eye you might escape with a blue eye instead of a black one."

He touched his fingers to the side of his face, grimacing when they brushed across the swollen socket. "I'll do it when I get home."

"Why not do it now? Come on." The gate hadn't actually locked behind her and she was able to push it open without turning the knob. "Let's go upstairs." She didn't want him to leave, but she suddenly wanted to be inside where it was safe. She was half afraid if he left she'd have a nervous breakdown.

He paused at the gate, glancing dubiously at the second story. "Armand would flip if he discovered I was in his house."

"Don't worry, they aren't home. I was just in there. Plus, the lights are off." Her smile was stronger this time. "I'll protect you."

"If you think Armand won't kick your ass to get to me you're delusional."

"I'll take my chances." She took his hand and pulled until he took a few hesitant steps. "Please. I really want you to come up."

He glanced again at the upstairs apartment. Sighing, he muttered, "Not the first foolish thing I've done."

Once inside she directed him to one of the barstools tucked under the huge granite island separating the kitchen from the living room.

"Sit tight," she said and headed for the stainless steel refrigerator. Stooping, she rummaged through the bottom freezer drawer. "There's got to be some peas or something in here. Ah," she pulled out a bag. "Oh. Edamame." She glanced at him. "That'll work right?"

"Is it cold?"

"I think so."

"Bring it."

She joined him at the bar and pressed the bag against the side of his face. He winced but didn't flinch. "You really know how to take a punch."

"I have a lot of practice." He glanced at the bag. "You don't have to hold that." He lifted his hands and wiggled his fingers. "They work fine."

"Maybe I want to." She caught his gaze. He had the most amazing eye color: a true gray without a hint of blue or green. It was especially striking against his jet-black lashes and light olive skin. "Thank you. You didn't have to help me."

"I wasn't going to sit back and let that dick clock you. What kind of asshole would that make me?"

"Didn't you kill a girl last year?"

He pushed her hand away and rose. The act wasn't violent, but it was definitely deliberate. Once again, she'd opened her mouth without thinking.

"I'm going to go."

"No, wait." She put her hand on his shoulder to stop him. "I'm sorry. I really am." She made a feeble attempt at a smile. "You have to remember who I'm living with. That kind of hatred will rub off on a girl."

He huffed.

"Don't go," she said. "Please."

He hesitantly returned to the barstool. She lifted the frozen beans back to his face.

"I'm never going to live that down," he said.

"What happened? I've heard everyone else's story but yours."

He sighed. "I think it probably happened about like you've heard. I ran into her—Eve—on the street. She begged me to bite her. I did. When she passed out I freaked. She was always fucked up; I honestly thought she'd sleep it off." He trapped her gaze with his. "She didn't." For a moment his eyes were distant, lost. Then something seemed to click inside him and the emotion was wiped away. "Edamame. What the fuck is edamame?"

"Soy beans, I think."

"Why does Armand have soy beans in his freezer?"

"Oh my God, you would not believe the shit that man eats. I have never seen someone consume so much tofu in my life."

Darus' eyebrows scrunched together. "Is he a vegetarian or something?"

"Yeah. We went to some vegan restaurant yesterday. I really hope that isn't where he's headed. I can't see Julia giving up cheese."

He laughed. "Cheese would be tough." The smile suddenly dropped from his face. "How often did that guy hit you?" he asked.

"Only the one time. He was more of a shover. He really liked to grab my arm and fling me around. His specialty though, was verbal abuse."

"Why'd you put up with it?"

"I didn't. I'm here."

His hand covered the one she rested on the granite bar. "I'm glad," he said, giving her hand a little squeeze. He ran his thumb over her skin. She liked the feel of his flesh on hers. It sent little tingles up her arm. "I'll happily take a punch for you anytime."

"What the fuck?"

They both turned to see Armand standing in the doorway, his face enraged. Clare had never even seen him angry, let alone looking like he was about to rip the heads off a pack of wild dogs. Julia's head popped around his back and any beauty she'd possessed earlier in the night was replaced with disgusted horror.

"Oh my God! Clare!"

Darus rose as Armand charged toward them, Julia on his heels. Holding his hands up in surrender, he said, "Relax. I'm leaving."

"Why the fuck are you even in my house?"

"I brought him here," Clare said. "Chris came by and—"

Armand didn't seem to hear her. He was focused on Darus with such burning intensity it was frightening. "You are never to step foot in here again, do you understand? If I ever see you anywhere near my living room I will fuck up what's left of your face."

"No problem." Darus was already heading for the door. Armand shadowed him, hands clenched into tight fists, nostrils flared, chest heaving like a bull ready to charge. Darus pulled open the door leading back into the courtyard. "Thanks for the cold pack, Clare," he said.

"Thanks for using your face as a shield."

He didn't seem to be paying attention to Armand staring him down. "Any time, love." Finally, he glanced at the other man. "Nice place," he said, and disappeared outside.

After a few moments of staring out the door—presumably to make sure Darus left the property—Armand turned to her. The violent hatred was gone from him expression, but his eyes were not nice. "Want to tell me what is going on?" He sounded calm enough.

"Why the hell would you bring him in here?" Julia's tone was not so calm. In fact, she was downright shrill. "After what we talked about tonight?"

"Look, it isn't what you think—"

"Isn't what we think?" Julia's hands were waving around so much, she looked like she might take flight any minute. "He was holding your hand and looking at you with googly eyes. I can't believe you'd even consider…"

This was fucking ridiculous. After everything, she didn't need this kind of scrutiny.

"Look," Clare interjected. "Before you both get your panties bunched so far up your asses you need a plunger to retrieve them, I invited him up here because Chris showed up, thought he was going to use me as a punching bag, and Darus got between us. In fact, he took a punch squarely in the face for me. The least I could do was offer some ice."

"Chris was here?"

"Yes. In fact, I should probably file a police report."

"Are you okay?"

"I am. Thanks to Darus. If he hadn't showed up, I don't know what would have happened."

Some of the anger drained from her face. She sat on a barstool. "I'm so glad you're all right."

"Me too," Armand said quietly, looking pensive. "I wonder what he's up to," he muttered, seemingly to himself.

"Who? Darus? Ever stop to think he might just be being nice? Or that he likes me?"

He gave her a patronizing smile. "He's too narcissistic for that."

"I agree," Julia piped in. "He's got to be up to something."

Clare tossed the thawing bag of edamame on the counter. "Nice." She'd never realized her sister could be such an unforgiving, judgmental bitch. No wait, she did know that. She was just appalled Julia couldn't even
Darus' motives might not be evil.

"I'm going to bed," she told them, heading for the stairs.

The police could wait, and arguing with her sister and brother-in-law could definitely wait.

She wished she had Darus' number so she could at least send him a thank you text. Even if she'd already verbalized it, she wanted to make sure he knew how much she appreciated everything he'd done for her tonight. No matter what his motives might be.


* * * *


The first thing Darus did when he hit the sidewalk was pull out a cigarette and smoke it to the filter. For a second he considered tracking down Chris and beating his ass. But he'd never been much of a fighter, and given Chris was piss drunk and stupid angry, Darus was pretty sure he'd be the one who ended up in the hospital—and then probably jail. And Chris would still be walking the streets.

So swallowing what was left of his pride, he headed for
instead. Just as he hoped, Detective Kevin McCoy was sitting at a table across from Angel. He slipped into an empty seat next to him.

Angel stared at him in horror. "What happened to your face?"

"Clare's ex. Lovely man."

"He's here in New Orleans?" Kevin asked.

"It seems so. Hey, I'm a little worried for Clare. Is there any way to file a restraining order on her behalf? She didn't seem to want to deal with it tonight and I'm afraid if it doesn't happen now, she'll just blow if off. And the only reason I got this," he pointed his index finger at his bruised noggin', "is because I intercepted Chris' fist as it headed for her face."

"Unfortunately, no. She has to do it."

"Fuck. That's what I was afraid of."

"You can press charges…"

"Even though his attack wasn't directed at me?"

"How'd your forehead get split open?"

"He headbutted me. I had him pinned, though. And he left with a broken hand."

Kevin shrugged. "You can still press charges."

"My parole officer would kill me. This is exactly the shit I'm supposed to avoid."

"It's up to you…"

"No, no. Of course I'll do it. I was just thinking out loud." He knew he was risking jail, but also knew it didn't matter. If pressing charges against that dick Chris put him in jail for a few days until Clare could sort things out, Darus would happily join him. Maybe they'd even be cellmates. Wouldn't that be swell. "I'm not good with this cop shit. You mind calling…?"

Kevin already had his phone out and was dialing. That answered that.

Mentally prepping himself to speak with the police, Darus caught a glimpse of Angel beaming at him like a proud mother. Before she could open her mouth to praise him for his good karma or some bullshit, he turned away.

Afraid his sudden feelings of selflessness were a fluke, he went to the bar and ordered a drink. He needed one anyway if he was going to deal with Johnny Law.


* * * *


Julia stared in the direction Clare had just skulked off like a petulant teenage. She turned to Armand. "Can you believe it?"

"No." He tossed the bag of edamame into the trash.

Feeling somewhat dazed, Julia sat on the couch, her purse falling limply onto the floor. Clare and Darus… It was…horrifying.

Armand joined her with two glasses of wine. Taking one, she smiled gratefully at him. "You need one too?" She nodded toward his glass.

"Maybe even more than you." He held the glass out in an invitation to "toast" and after she touched her glass to his, they both took a drink.

She sank into the couch cushions and he followed her. "What are we going to do?" she wondered.

"Strangling him probably isn't an option, is it?"

"Not unless you can guarantee you won't get arrested."

"What about Clare?"

"I'd rather not strangle her."

"Can we lock her in her room? Only until Darus loses interest…"

"Now, that's an option."

They sat in silence for a few minutes. All Julia could think about was Clare's hand in Darus' and them staring at each other all lovey-dovey like. It was making her want to puke.

"What is that?" Setting his glass on the coffee table, Armand rose and went to the window. The shutters were open and when he pushed the curtains aside, she saw what he had. Police lights, right outside.

Words were unnecessary when he glanced at her. Her wine glass joined his on the table, and they both rushed down the stairs into

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