Expiez: Redeem Your Blood Lust (4 page)

BOOK: Expiez: Redeem Your Blood Lust
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The detective gave Clare a wary look before turning to Angel. "Go ahead," she said, kissing his cheek. "I'm just going to say hello to Clare,
Julia Laroque's
sister, before I join you." He glanced at Clare again before disappearing with Slade into the backroom.

"New man?" she wondered as Angel joined them.

"I guess you could say that."

"He's cute."

"So I've noticed," Angel replied with a wink. "It's good to see you. What brings you in town?"

"I couldn't stay away any longer."

"New Orleans is a hard city to resist."

"Hey, you should join us." Angel raised her eyebrows in question. "Julia and I…and Kate," Clare gave the redhead a sidelong glance, "are going out for a night on the town."

"Sounds like a lot of fun, but…" Angel glanced toward the back room where Detective Hottie was with Mr. Muscles.

"C'mon. When was the last time you had a girls' night out? I know I desperately need it, and from what I've heard about the crap going on here, you both need it, too." Angel hesitated and Kate still seemed dubious. "Pleeease."

Angel looked her over, a little too critically for Clare's comfort. She lifted her hand to her mouth, casually trying to cover her still swollen lip.

"You're right," Angel said. "I could use a night out with the girls. What do you say, Kate?"

"It's Bourbon Street…" Kate replied with a groan.

Angel grinned. "Perfect. We'll be anonymous. It'll be like going on vacation."

From what Julia had told her, even though the famous street was only blocks away, the locals rarely ventured there. "C'mon, when was the last time you enjoyed a good frat party?" she asked Kate.

"Last year. In college."

"Gah. I forgot you were so young. Okay, when was the last time you watched me enjoy a good frat party? I might even show you my boobs."

Kate smiled. "Fine, I'll go. But I'm not holding anyone's hair when they puke."

"Fair enough." She threw an arm around each woman. "I'm so glad you guys are coming. This is going to be so much fun!"

"What is?" Julia stood in the doorway, the deep red of the velvet curtains behind her a beautiful contrast against her dark brown hair and tan skin. Wearing a black cocktail dress and platform heels, Clare was once again shocked by how beautiful she looked. Not that Julia hadn't always been beautiful, but now she was radiant. Plus, the plunging neckline of her dress was downright daring. A year ago, Julia would've been in a sweater and jeans.

Clare glanced at the other women. Actually, everyone looked great—Kate in a pin-stripe mini, black tank, and knee-high boots, and Angel in high-waisted shorts paired with a fitted white top and polka dot heels. Together, they represented a wide spectrum of fashion: classy, Goth, pin-up, and Clare in steampunk. There was even a brunette, a redhead, a blond, and a blue.

"Angel and Kate are coming with us."

"Fun." Something in Julia's tone told her "fun" wasn't actually the word she had in mind. And the cool way she regarded Angel told Clare she must have left out some details when recounting the previous week's drama.

She wasn't going to let it spoil the evening. "Great! I'm ready whenever."

"Just give me five minutes." Angel turned and headed for the back.

"Julia, you might want to put away the skunk eye," Clare said once Angel disappeared.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Please. If your eyeballs could turn into daggers they'd jump out of your sockets and Norman Bates Angel. Anything wrong?"

"No. Everything's fine." Again, her tone and words didn't match.

"You're a horrible liar. Well, just save the bitch slapping for after I've had a few drinks. That way I'll find it entertaining."





Chapter Four



Kevin had his back to her when Angel entered the office, and jumped when she touched him.

"Don't be so nervous," she whispered in his ear. "I don't bite."

"That's not what I hear." The way he purred the words made her lick her lips.

He looked fabulous. All previous signs of fatigue erased, his rugged good looks and firm, masculine body made her want to tell Clare "some other time" and show him how much fun biting could be.

Slade cleared his throat, reminding them he was still in the room.

"Is everything settled?" she asked him.

He took the contract from Kevin. Membership for
unique services. "Yep."

"Good." She turned to Kevin "There is a slight change in plans."

"What's up?"

She glanced at Slade. "Do you mind bringing two shots? Flavor's unimportant." He took the hint and left the room. Once he'd disappeared she turned back to Kevin. "The ladies are going out tonight and want me to join them."

"Don't worry, you don't need to ask my permission. I'm not that kind of lover."

"Thanks, but that actually isn't it." He raised his eyebrows. "I want you to follow us. Discretely. I don't want the others to know you're there."

"Why? Oh... You're worried about Lohr."

"Maybe. But I'm more worried about Clare, Julia's sister. She showed up rather unexpectedly and I don't know if you noticed she's hiding a swollen lip."

He nodded. "I saw that. You think she's running from an abusive boyfriend or husband."

"I do. I know a night out will be good for everyone, but with everything that's been going on, it makes me nervous."

"You have amazing instincts," he said, pulling her into an embrace and kissing her gently. "Of course I'll follow you. It's been a while since I got to stalk a beautiful woman." His grin told her he was teasing.

"We'll probably get hit on…" They hadn't been together long enough to know whether Kevin was a possessive man or not. She knew from the other evening at Velvet he was a little jealous, but that had been perfectly natural and not overbearing.

"I'd be shocked if you didn't," he said. It was the answer she'd hoped to hear.

He kissed her again, slowly at first but quickly growing deeper. She loved the way his stubble irritated her lips, and it wasn't long before her body was pressed against his.

"Shots are up," Slade called from the other room.

Kevin reluctantly pulled back. "There's always later," she told him. "And if I get tipsy, there's a good chance I'll do things to you that you've only ever imagined." She nipped at his lower lip. "But only if your imagination is really good."

"I'm liking this 'evening out' idea more and more."

Taking his hand, she led him from the office. Two crimson shots were waiting for them on a stack of beer boxes. Slade was nowhere to be seen. Angel picked them up, handing one to Kevin and keeping the other for herself.

He eyed his with a bit of trepidation but looked at hers in general question. "I thought you'd arranged Donors through your studio?"

"I have, but I figured you would prefer not to drink alone. Besides, a little extra blood never hurts. Not for me."

He glanced at his glass again. "You are going to include me in your Donor rotation, right?"

"Of course. I'd drink from you every day if I could."

"You could…"

"I wouldn't do that to your body."

"I'm sure I'd be fine," he mumbled, still staring at the glass. "I know I've done this a couple times, but it still feels so strange."

"Would you rather drink live?" His bright blue eyes shot up to her. "Now that you're a member, we do have access to the blood room…"

"Are you serious?"

"I am," she said.

The memory of the one time her blood had been in his mouth sent a rush of heat to her core. She pressed her knees together, a gesture that didn't seem to be lost on him. His gazed dropped to her bare thighs and his brows pushed together.

"I would, um, love…"

"Here, give me your shot. I'll take it." He handed it over. As she prepared to tip the glass back she glanced at him in question. His expression was lustful, his eyes hooded. Apparently
drinking blood from a glass didn't bother him in the least.

Finishing the shots off quickly, she reentered the bar, putting the empty glasses into Slade's outstretched hands. He dropped them in a sink full of sudsy water and clearly labeled, "blood". Glasses for liquor and glasses for blood were not washed in the same sink. Or even stored on the same shelves.

"Do you ladies mind waiting a few more minutes? I need to take care of something first."

"Not a problem."

"Slade, do you mind giving us access?" She was speaking in code, but knew he would catch on.

"Sure." After walking to the blood room door and unlocking it, he pushed it open. "I take it you don't need Armand's help."

"No. I'll be fine."

"Everything is sanitized. Please leave whatever tools you use out so I can get them in the 'clave."

"Of course."

"They know," Kevin said when Slade closed them in the room. He sounded defeated.

"Doubtful. They'll think we're here for me." Relief washed over his face. "There's no need to be ashamed, though. Not here."

"You're probably right. It's going to take some time getting used to."

"I know."

He ran a hand through his hair. In the short time they'd been together, she quickly learned it was a nervous habit, and increased in frequency when he was uncomfortable. His thick hair refused to be tamed, smoothing for a brief moment before springing back up in a rebellious sort of way.

Pulling his hand away, she replaced his fingers with her own, sliding them through the soft brown strands. Easing her body close to his, she continued to rake her fingers through his hair. "Relax," she whispered, exuding a calming vibe. He closed his eyes, sinking into her touch. "There's nothing to fear."

His hands wrapped around her waist. "It isn't easy."

She brushed a soft kiss over his lips. "You just have to trust me."

He nodded and opened his eyes. "So, what now?"

"Tell me where you want to take it."

His gaze drifted over her body, lingering on her thighs. "Somewhere that can be hidden with clothing," she clarified. "Unless you want everyone to know…"

"Not yet." He peeled back the edge of her blouse. "Anywhere?"

"It has to be fleshy."

He unbuttoned the top buttons of the blouse, pushed the fabric aside and then reached inside her bra and cupped her breast. He bent and nuzzled the rounded crest. Running his tongue along the exposed flesh he murmured, "I think I know just the place."

Her core clenched hard when his tongue found her nipple and lightly flicked across it. She clamped her thighs tightly together, chewing on her lip to keep from moaning too loudly as she watched him explored the ridges of her hardened nipple with his tongue and teeth.

He rose suddenly and kissed her. "I'm so hungry for you," he said as his lips left hers.

"Let me grab a blade…" Releasing her flesh, he backed away just enough so she could reach over and retrieve a scalpel. His gaze was intensely locked on her face as she carefully cut a small X into the top of her breast. When the blood began to spill from the incision, her core clenched even tighter.

His gaze briefly flicked down. "Jesus," he breathed. Wrapping one arm around the small of her back, and cupping the breast with the other, he kissed her hard and rough before stooping and taking her blood.

His fingers found her nipple, capturing it between his thumb and forefinger, gently pulling and tugging on it just as his mouth pulled and tugged on her flesh. She clamped her legs even tighter together, the pressure of her thighs against her sex enough to shoot waves of pleasure through her. Rolling her hips ever so slightly caused her swollen clit to brush against the silky fabric of her panties. He pulled harder on her nipple just as he sucked harder on her flesh and suddenly, an orgasm unexpectedly erupted through her.

"Oh my God!" She clutched at the back of his head, pulling his mouth tighter to her. The hand he'd had on her back shot between her legs, rubbing her clit through the fabric of her shorts. It pushed her orgasm into overdrive, and she had to bite down on her lip to keep from crying out.

His head jerked up, capturing her mouth with his, his tongue demanding her submission. She was happy to give it.

"I have to fuck you," he said.


He spun her around and bent her forward. She slapped her hands on the cold stainless steel to brace her upper body while he undid the buttons on her shorts. Simultaneously jerking her shorts and panties down to her ankles, he used his foot to push her legs apart and then gripping her hips, slid inside her.

She moaned as quietly as she could, loving the rough grip of his hands on her flesh and the aggressive thrust of his hip. She arched her flexible back to give him ever better access.

"Fuck yeah," he moaned, pushing deeper into her, the tip of his cock rubbing gloriously against her G-spot.

Her legs began to tremble. Glancing over her shoulder she said, "I want you to come."

"You don't have to ask twice." With a grunt he slammed into her. It was just what she needed and once again had to bite her lip to keep from crying out as her orgasm made her knees buckle.

She collapsed forward onto her forearms and he followed her, wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzling into her neck. "I'm sorry I was so—"


He panted a chuckle. "I was going to say rough."

"Obviously not a problem." She wrenched her neck around to kiss him and he twisted to meet her. "Maybe just not every time," she murmured as their lips parted.

"Mmm." He kissed her again and then stood upright, pulling her with him. "We should probably get cleaned up. I don't want to keep you from ladies' night."

"You know I'd rather stay with you."

"We have all the time in the world. Those girls need you tonight."


* * * *


"I take it you guys got what you needed," Clare said when Angel and Kevin emerged from the blood room looking blissfully happy.

Angel chewed her bottom lip as she gave him a sly,
glance. "Yes. I believe so." He just grinned like a fool.

His smile was infectious and Clare couldn't help catching it. She wanted what they had.

Someday. Right now she just wanted to revel in her freedom and get her drink on.

"You ladies want some shots before you leave?" Slade wondered. He gestured toward the bottles of liquor behind the bar. "We got the best shit. And the price is right."

"Hell yeah!" It was like he'd read her mind.

He poured shots of Patron for all except Kate who declined, saying something about being the designated walker. She still joined the toast with a shot of water.

After the round was disposed of, they left the men behind and made their way to Bourbon. They were ogled the entire time, and even if Clare was pretty sure the other ladies were the focus of the attention, she still enjoyed it. It was certainly fun to watch men drool over Angel. Especially since the blonde seemed oblivious.

They settled on a club with top forty dance beats pouring out the open windows and doors. The bar wasn't too busy yet, and they scored a table in the shadow of a stripper pole mounted on an elevated stage. The waitress immediately swooped in for the kill.

Clare was already ready to dance. She wasn't a huge fan of top forty, but she didn't care. She had two goals for the night: get drunk, and dance her ass off.

When the shot girl came around with a tray filled with colorful shots and Julia ordered a round and then Angel ordered another, she knew she was on her way.

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