Exposed (6 page)

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Authors: Andrea Maller

BOOK: Exposed
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Chapter Ten


     Just past midnight, Alex knocked on Cassie’s bedroom door. No response. Assuming she was asleep, he opened the door a crack to peek in. The room was empty, her bed still made.

This isn’t like her. She’s always home by eleven on a school night. Where can she be?

     Alex called her cell phone. Straight to voicemail.

     “Cassie, when you get this message, call me immediately. This is your father. It’s not like you to stay out so late without a phone call. Please let me know you’re okay. I’m very worried.”

     Alex hung up the phone and called Charles. He couldn’t wait for Cassie to return his call. He had a bad feeling that she wasn’t hanging out with friends and she didn’t lose track of time. He felt something was seriously wrong.

     When the phone rang, Charles grabbed it before the second ring, fumbling the receiver in his hand.

     “Alyson? I’m so glad you called. I’ve been going out of my mind.”

     “It’s not Alyson, Charles. It’s Alex.”

     “Alex, what’s wrong? Why are you calling so late? Is it Samantha? Has something happened?”

     “Samantha’s fine. Everything in the lab is fine.”

     “Then why the phone call?”

     “It’s Cassie. She hasn’t come home and I can’t reach her.”

     “She’s a teenager. She’s probably with friends.”

     “You know she’s no ordinary teenager. She didn’t pick up her cell. She always picks up when I call.”

     “Do you think she found out something?”

     “About herself? About the project? How could she? Unless somebody said something to her...maybe. I’ve always been very careful.”

     “We both have, but accidents happen. That’s how Alyson found out. When was the last time you spoke to her?”

     “I’ve been a little distracted lately. I don’t know. A couple of days maybe? But she was fine the last time I saw her. She couldn’t have found out anything. I would have known.”

     “Maybe not. She’s not as emotional as Alyson. Maybe she’s keeping it to herself?”

     “Is it possible Alyson knows about Cassie? Could she have somehow gotten to her?”

     “I didn’t tell her, but she’s very resourceful and I haven’t seen her in about a week. I don’t know where she is.”

     “Now they’re both missing. We need to find them.”

     “We can’t do anything tonight, Alex. It’s too late to call any of their friends. First thing in the morning, I’ll call Alyson’s boyfriend. Maybe she contacted him.”

     “And I’ll call Rachel. If anyone knows where Cassie is, it’s Rachel. They’re like sisters. They tell each other everything.”

     “We’ll speak in the morning then.”

     “Goodnight, Charles.”

     As they hung up, Charles couldn’t help but wonder where Alyson was. Was she okay? Did something happen to her? She was much more than just a science experiment to him. She was his daughter. He nursed her through every headache and childhood illness. He bandaged her skinned knees when she slid into home plate the day she scored four home runs. He needed her to know how important she was to him.

     The night passed slowly. Charles thumbed through old photo albums of Alyson growing up. By the time he reached her sweet sixteen photos, the sun was coming up. He splashed cold water on his face to prepare for the day ahead. Hoping Alyson reached out to her boyfriend, Charles tossed every paper from her desk searching for his number.

     “Got it,” he said, letting out a long breath.

     He quickly dialed and waited for a response.


     “Hello, Jake. I hope I didn’t wake you. This is Mr. Pierce. I’m...Alyson’s father.”

     “Hello, Mr. Pierce. What can I do for you?”

     “I’m looking for Alyson. I need to know where she is. Have you seen her? It’s very urgent.”

     “I’m sorry I can’t help, Mr. Pierce. I haven’t seen Alyson in days.”

     “Have you spoken to her? Do you have any idea where she might be staying?”

     “She was really upset the last time I saw her.”

     “She’s been...going through some...having some...issues.”

     “I know about the...issues. She...told me...everything. I know about...what she is. What you did. I’m not judging you, but I don’t think she’s going to forgive you any time soon.”

     “I just need to find her. To speak with her.”

     “Maybe she’s with her new friend, Cassie. She was with her the last time I saw her.”

     “Did you say Cassie?”

     “Yes, Alyson introduced me to her. Totally freaked me out. Why?”

     “Because Cassie is missing also.”

     “Do you think something happened to them?”

     “I certainly hope not, but that’s what I’m trying to find out.”

     “I’m surprised you care. Considering.”

     “She’s still my daughter. I’m worried about her.”

     “I believe you, but that doesn’t matter. We had a huge fight when she told me. We haven’t spoken since. You really messed with her head.”

     “She needs you now, Jake. She needs someone she can depend on. You have to help me find her.”

     “Why? So you can do experiments on her? Haven’t you done enough?”

     “It’s not like that, Jake. You don’t understand. I love her like a real daughter. I’ve raised her since the first day.”

     “You mean the first day she was created?”

     “Please, Jake.”

     “I’d like to help you, but Alyson won’t speak to me. She was furious the last time I saw her.”

     “If you have any information, any idea...please. I’m desperate.”

     “I’ll ask around, see what I can find out. I’m not making any promises. She probably just wants to lay low for a while. They both do. If I hear anything though, I’ll let you know.”

     “Thank you, Jake. Thank you very much.”

     “Goodbye, Mr. Pierce.”

     After hanging up the phone, Jake thought about their conversation. What if Alyson and Cassie weren’t hiding out? What if they were in trouble? He had to know for sure, but how was he going to find out? If Cassie was missing also, he couldn’t ask her. He didn’t want to do it, but he didn’t know where else to turn. He had to ask his father.

     Jake dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen. His father jumped when Jake entered the room.

     “I didn’t hear you come in. You startled me.”

     “Sorry, Dad. Didn’t mean to scare you. You look like you were a thousand miles away.”

     “I’m just a bit preoccupied. There’s a lot going on at work.”

     “There must be. I haven’t seen you in days.”

     “You know the drill, Jake. Work comes first. Research waits for no man.”

     “I understand how important your work is, but I’m your son. I need you now. Alyson is missing. Nobody knows where she is.”

     “I thought you and Alyson broke up. Why do you care where she is?”

     “Just because we broke up doesn’t mean I don’t care about her anymore. I still care if she’s okay. If something happened to her, I want to know.”

     “It’s never going to work between the two of you. Just forget her. Find another girl. Move on.”

     “Just a few days ago you were telling me to try to work things out with Alyson. What happened? What changed your mind?”

     “I realized that my son could never have a real relationship with a clone. You should forget her and find a real girl.”

     “Alyson is a real girl.”

     “Don’t get so worked up. You know what I mean, Jake. A girl you can have a future with. One that wasn’t designed in a laboratory.”

     “I thought of all people, you would understand. You believe so much in science and research, but you don’t think Alyson is good enough because she’s the product of science and research? You’re such a hypocrite! Why do I even try to talk to you? You’re never on my side!”

     “I’m sorry you feel that way, Jake. You’re my son and I love you, but this conversation is over.”

     Jake snatched his father’s plate, smashed it in the sink, and before his father could react, bolted from the room and headed for his sanctuary -- the basement. He ran down the steps, slammed his body into the couch cushions and closed his eyes.

     “Calm down. He’s not worth i

Jake told himself.

     His breathing began to slow and the pounding in his chest lessened. He envisioned images of Alyson hugging him and he slowly started feeling better.

     “Why did I ever let her go? How could I have been so stupid? She was the best thing that ever happened to me. I have to find her. Obviously my dad is going to be useless. He only cares about his stupid research. If my mom was here, she would understand. She always believed in love. Well, I’m not going to get any answers sitting in my basement all day. It’s time to face the world and find Alyson

     Jake felt his heart pound as he walked up the basement stairs. He entered the kitchen and slowly exhaled upon seeing his father gone. The shattered food-covered pieces sat in the sink as a reminder of his anger and frustration. Rather than deal with the mess, he grabbed his car keys and headed out to find Alyson.

     He drove for hours, scouring the familiar streets and hot spots they shared. She wasn’t anywhere and nobody had seen her. Even the local hospitals were a dead end. With each “no” he received, the pain in his stomach grew. Jake didn’t want to give up, but he was wasting time driving around in circles looking for someone who didn’t want to be found. He drove home and called Alyson’s father for help.

     “Mr. Pierce, this is Jake.”

     “You found her! I knew you would. How...”

     “I didn’t find her. I don’t even have a clue where she could be. I went to all the places we usually go to, but nobody’s seen her. Nothing. No sign of her anywhere. It’s as if she just disappeared.”

     “I hate to suggest it, but did you try...the hospitals? Maybe she was in an accident?”

     “I was in every emergency room within a twenty mile radius. She wasn’t in any of them. I even showed her picture. Nobody saw her.”

     “I do feel somewhat relieved to know she wasn’t injured, but we’re no closer to finding her. I appreciate all you’ve done. Thank you for trying.”

     “I’m not giving up. I love her. I will find her.”

     “I love your optimism, Jake.”

     “That’s why I’m calling. I thought you might know something and not even realize it. If we work together we have a better chance at finding her. I don’t know what I would do if anything happened to her. It’s my fault she’s missing. I should have been more supportive. I shouldn’t have reacted like I did. She came to me and I turned my back on her. I let her down. I’ll never forgive myself if something happens to her. We have to bring her home.”

     “Calm down. We will, Jake. We will.”

     “I tried to get my dad’s help, but he was completely useless. He wouldn’t even listen to me. Just told me it wouldn’t work between us and to forget about her. I could never do that. I couldn’t forget her even if I wanted to.”

     Jake paused a moment.

     “That was very strange,” Jake said, thinking out loud.

     “What was strange?”

     “My dad. When I told him about Alyson, he said to forget her.”

     “Why is that so strange? Under the circumstances, his feelings are perfectly understandable.”

     “You don’t get it. A few days ago he was trying to get us back together. He told me to go after her. That nothing else mattered but my feelings for her. He just did a complete 180. It doesn’t make sense. Why?”

     “You know your father better than I do. Why do you think he changed his mind?”

     “He must have something up his sleeve. He’s planning something, but what?”

     “Why do you think he’s planning something?”

     “My dad doesn’t just let things go. You must remember that about him.”

     “Remember him? From when? I don’t believe we’ve ever met.”

     “You’ve definitely met. My dad never forgot you. I hate to admit it, but he’s the reason I started dating Alyson.”

     “What are you talking about?”

     “About twenty years ago, you were both interested in the same girl. I think he said her name was Samantha.”

     “Samantha? He wanted my Samantha? What’s your father’s name?”


Why didn’t I realize it sooner? I’ve been so preoccupied with my work, I didn’t even put two and two together. You’re his son. Jak
If I wasn’t so caught up in my own research, I would have realized that Howard was your father. He caused a lot of trouble for Samantha and myself.”

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