Exposed (5 page)

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Authors: Andrea Maller

BOOK: Exposed
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     “I am. We are. Me and Cassie are...”

     “Don’t! Don’t say it! If what you’re telling me is true...”

     “It is. I wish it wasn’t, but it is.”

     “You can’t be. You mean I’m dating a...”

     “Go ahead and say it! I’m a freak! You’re dating an illegal freak!”

     “Calm down.”

     “How can I calm down? I just found out I’m nothing more than a proven hypothesis. I’m real live science nonfiction.”

     “I think you just need some time by yourself to deal with this.”

     “Are you breaking up with me? Not that I would blame you.”

     Alyson hesitated before speaking again.

     “But are you?”

     “I think we both need some time to think,” Jake said very calmly.

     “Take all the time you need. We’re through! I can’t believe I really thought you would be there for me. I thought you loved me, but obviously I don’t know you at all.”

     Alyson turned away from Jake, nose running, fluid-filled eyes blurring her vision. She blinked hard, then wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand. Trying not to let anyone see how distraught she was, she staggered back to where Cassie was waiting, her gait unsteady. Jake wanted to follow, but knew he would only upset Alyson further. He did love her, but his confusion was real. How do you handle hearing that your girlfriend was something that got cooked up in a laboratory? Even Alyson was having a hard time processing the information.

     “Are you okay?”

     “I will be, Cassie.”

     Alyson took a deep breath.

     “I can’t believe he’s being such a jerk. I thought I knew him.”

     “I’m not defending him, but you did just drop a bomb on him. Anyone would be a little blown away. Maybe he’ll come around.”

     “I don’t care if he does. Can’t he see how hard this is for me? I don’t even know which end is up anymore. My whole world has been ripped apart.”

     A wave of sadness came over Cassie’s face. Her eyes lowered and she bit her bottom lip.

     “I’m sorry. You must think I’m horrible and self-centered. I know you’re going through the same pain as me. You were lied to your whole life also. We need to stick together.”

     “It’s okay. I understand. I told Rachel I’d meet her at the library. Why don’t you come with? You shouldn’t be alone now.”

     “Thanks. If I ever did have a sister, I’d want her to be just like you.”

     “You mean just like you, don’t you? We’re identical, remember?”

     “How could I forget? That’s how this whole mess started.”

     Cassie dabbed the smudged mascara from Alyson’s face and smoothed her hair.

     “If you’re going to look like me, I can’t have you looking like something the cat dragged in.”

     Both girls smiled and then burst out laughing.

     “We could always tell people we were twins separated at birth,” Alyson said.

     “That would certainly be easier than explaining the truth.”

     “And safer,” Alyson added.

     “Come on. Rachel is waiting.”


Chapter Eight


     Jake raced home, threw open the front door, and slammed it behind him.

     “What’s going on, Jake? I thought we were having an earthquake,” his father said.

     “Very funny, Dad. Ha ha. I’m not in the mood.”

     “I can see that. What happened to get you in such a state?”

     “What happened? What happened? I’ll tell you what happened. Me and Alyson broke up. That’s what happened.”

     “I’m sure it’s just a tiff. You’ll make up. Whatever you did, just say you’re sorry. Oh, and give her some flowers. Females like that sort of thing. So I’ve been told. I haven’t tested out the theory as of late.”

     “I didn’t do anything wrong. Just forget it. You wouldn’t understand.”

     “I was young once, Jake. I wasn’t born this age you know. Why don’t you give her a call and work things out?”

     “It wouldn’t help. There’s nothing to work out. We just can’t be together.”

     “You’ve been together for two years. What’s changed? Was she with another guy? Is that it?”

     “No, it’s nothing like that. Nothing’s changed. Everything’s the same. Everything is too much the same.”

     “You’re not making any sense.”

     “Alyson and Cassie are the same.”

     “Who’s Cassie?”

     “I can’t explain.”

     “Jake, I’m your father. You can trust me. You know you can tell me anything.”

     “Alyson and Cassie are exactly the same. Their fathers aren’t their fathers. They’re their creators.”

     “What in the world are you babbling about? You’re losing it, Jake.”

     “They’re clones, Dad! They’re clones. My girlfriend, correction, my ex-girlfriend, is a clone. The girl I’ve loved for the last two years is a clone. She’s not real like you and me. She’s something that got whipped up in a laboratory one day.”

     “She’s playing a practical joke on you. Clones don’t exist. Not human ones, anyway.”

     “That’s what I thought. But she wasn’t joking. It’s real. How can I still be with her? I don’t even know what she is. Is she human? Is she some kind of mutant? I don’t understand any of this. All I know is I’ve never felt so confused in my life.”

     “Imagine how she must feel. This can’t be easy for her.”

     “I know. She’s having a really hard time dealing with the news. She doesn’t even want to go home because she’s so angry with her dad for what he did. I know it must sound cruel, but I just don’t know how to be with her anymore.”

     “You should talk to her.”

     “I can’t. Even if I knew what to say, she would never forgive me. She would never listen to me. I’ve never seen her so upset. It’s really over, Dad.”

     “I’m sorry, Jake. I know you really loved her. Give it some time. Maybe she’ll come around.”

     “Thanks, Dad. But I don’t see how things can change. Not this time.”

     Feeling lost, Jake went down to the basement to feel closer to Alyson. They spent almost every afternoon there for the past two years. The couch cushions still had her scent imprinted in them. He leaned back and breathed in her essence.

How can I just let her go? How can I still be with her? I’ve never felt so confused in my life. I don’t know what to do. I guess it doesn’t really matter since she’ll never forgive me anyway. But I do still love her. Even if she is a clone. Even if she were a robot. Even if she were a fifty foot robot. But it doesn’t matter now. She’ll never give me another chance.

     Jake closed his eyes and tried dreaming of Alyson. He pictured her in his mind and forced himself to only see her face. He missed her and ached to hold her again. He realized he made a huge mistake, but now he had no choice but to live with it.

     Meanwhile, while Jake was drowning in despair, his father was upstairs calling Alyson.

     “Hello, Alyson. It’s Mr. Parker, Jake’s dad.”

     “I have nothing to say to you, Mr. Parker.”

     “I know Jake didn’t handle the news very well, but he really cares about you. Just give him some time.”

     “I should what? Give him time? Are you...?”

     Alyson paused, then replayed his words in her head. 

     “He..told you? You know...the truth...about me?”

     “And about Cassie. I know everything. Don’t worry. He’ll get past it. Why don’t you and Cassie meet me at my lab tomorrow morning? Say about 7am? I’ll talk to Jake.”

     “I don’t know.”

     “Give him a chance. This is big news.”

     “I’ll talk to Cassie, but I can’t promise anything. Me and her are in this together.”

     “Jake said you won’t go home. I can give both of you a place to stay.”

     “I guess we really don’t have too many options. We’ll see you in the morning.”

     “Don’t worry. No one will ever find you.”


Chapter Nine


     The next morning, shortly before 7am, Alyson and Cassie arrived at Genesis Biotech. The security guard greeted them as if they were expected guests. They thought it odd, but dismissed it and entered the building. Straight ahead of them was the information desk.

     “We’re here to see Mr. Parker,” Alyson said in a soft voice.

     “He’s expecting us,” Cassie chimed in.

     A heavy set, bearded man of about fifty dialed Mr. Parker’s extension and announced the arrival of his two guests.

     “Send them in,” the girls heard him say over the intercom.

     “You may go in. His office is through the double doors, down the hall, make a left, third door on the left. I’ll buzz you through.”

     “Thank you, Mr...” Cassie leaned in to read his name tag. “Hopkins.”

     Alyson and Cassie passed through the double doors, certain they were making the right decision. As they neared Mr. Parker’s office however, the little hairs on the back of their neck stood up, almost as a warning. A chill passed up Alyson’s spine, then down Cassie’s.

     “Do you think we’re making a mistake?” Cassie asked in a soft voice.

     “It’s too late to turn back now. Besides, we have no where else to go. We can stay here while we figure things out.”

     “Girls, I’m glad you came,” Mr. Parker said, startling Alyson and Cassie.

     “Sorry I jumped. I didn’t see you there, Mr. Parker. This is Cassie.”

     “Wow, Jake was right. You two are identical. Hello, Cassie. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Why don’t you girls go into my lab and I’ll meet you inside in a little while? I just need to tend to something very important. It shouldn’t take more than a half hour. Make yourself at home.”

     “Thank you, Mr. Parker,” the girls said in unison.

     They stepped inside the cold, sterile room and Mr. Parker closed the door behind them. They heard a click, but didn’t think much of it. After a few minutes, a strange gas started filling the room. Cassie wheezed as she gasped for air.

     “I can’t...breathe,” Cassie said, reaching for her emergency inhaler.

     “Let me help you,” Alyson said, coughing.

     Cassie shook the inhaler, sucked in a deep breath, then slowly exhaled.

     “Are you okay?”

     “I’m..I’m okay. Let’s get out of here.”

     “The door won’t open!”

     “We have to get out of here!” Cassie said. “Try harder.”

     Alyson twisted, shook and pulled the knob. It wouldn’t budge.

     “He must have locked us in here! Find something we can use to pry it open.”

     “I can’t...find...anything,” Cassie said, slurring the words.

     Her eyelids grew heavy and in a few minutes, both girls were unconscious. The gas dissipated as Alyson and Cassie lie helpless on the cold, tile floor. Mr. Parker unlocked the door and waited for the last trace of gas to disappear. He called his associate, Leonard Steele, to join him in the lab. When the air was clear, they entered the room.

     “Leonard, help me strap them to the beds.”

     “Who are they?” Leonard asked, eyeing the girls.

     “He did it. Charles did it.”

     “Did what? Had twin girls?”

     “They’re not twins. They’re clones.”

     “What do you mean they’re clones? We’re still years away from being able to clone humans. Even if it was legal. And these girls have got to be about eighteen years old. That would mean they were cloned nearly nineteen years ago. It’s not possible.”

     “Oh, but it is. The one on the left admitted it to my son, Jake.”

     “What are you planning to do with them? We can’t keep them strapped down in restraints forever.”

     “We’re going to find out how Charles did it. You’re right about not keeping them forever, though. We’ll insert a locator chip in them. In case they do manage to escape, we’ll always be able to find them.”

     “You’ve gone mad, Howard.”

     “All in the name of science, Leonard. You will help me, of course.”

     “Don’t I always?” Leonard said matter-of-fact.

     “Make certain those restraints are secure. I’ll set up the IV. We can’t have them die before we find out how he did it.”

     “You are joking, Howard. You’re not planning to hurt them, are you?”

     “Of course not. Have a sense of humor, Leonard.”

     After ensuring a proper flow, they went into the lounge to get some coffee. They filled their mugs and raised them in a toast.

     “To science,” they said in unison.

     They drank their coffee in silence, then Howard headed back to the lab where Alyson and Cassie were being held prisoner.

     “Don’t they look like little angels when they’re asleep?” Howard said out loud.

     A groggy Alyson woke up to see Mr. Parker standing over her with a syringe.

     “What the hell are you doing? You’re insane! Let us go!” Alyson demanded, trying to wiggle loose.

     “In good time. After I’ve gotten my answers. I must know how he did it. How did he succeed? What did he do differently? How did he manage to clone a human? And not once, but twice. You are going to help me get those answers.”

     “You’re crazy! We’re not going to help you do anything!”

     “We may have been created as some science experiment, but we’re not an experiment anymore. We’re human beings just like you,” Cassie said.

     “Maybe more human.”

     “Alyson’s right. You are insane.”

     “How long do you think you can keep us here? People are going to notice we’re missing. Our friends and family will be looking for us,” Alyson said.

     “They’ll think you’re just a couple of teen runaways. Nobody will pay much attention.”

     “You really are crazy. Jake will be looking for me. Remember Jake? Your son? He does love me, you know.”

     “I remember very well. I also remember he broke up with you the moment he found out what you are. How do you think I found out that you’re a clone? He told me.”

     “He would never betray me like that. He was just in shock from the news. I was in shock from the news -- and it was my news!”

     “Don’t believe him, Alyson. He’s just trying to get to you.”

     “Well, he’s doing a very good job, because it’s working.”

     “That’s right, Alyson. You hold on to your faith in Jake. See where that gets you. Just so you know, he never would have asked you out at all if it wasn’t for me.”

     “What are you talking about?”

     “Oh, he was attracted to you, but he never would have pursued you if it wasn’t for my urging,” Mr. Parker said very smugly.

     “So he was shy. A lot of guys are. Just because you encouraged him doesn’t mean anything.”

     “You just don’t get it, do you? I didn’t encourage Jake. I set everything in motion. He was sent to spy on you. Although I never expected to hit the mother lode. I was only trying to find out information about your father’s experiments -- and I’ve certainly done that, haven’t I? You’re living proof.”

     “You’re lying! Jake loves me. He would never do what you’re accusing him of. I know him. His feelings for me were real. I could tell if he was just...”

     “Oh sure, he developed feelings for you along the way. After all, you are a very attractive young woman. He’s not blind. He’s a normal teenage boy with hormones.”

     “I thought...I thought you liked me. Why are you doing this?”

     “It’s really nothing personal. Truth be told, I do like you. If things had been different, who knows? Maybe you and Jake would have made the perfect couple.”

     “Please let us go,” Alyson begged.

     “Please, Mr. Parker. We won’t tell anyone.”

     “I know you won’t. You don’t want anyone knowing your dirty little secret. Okay, not so little,” Mr. Parker said, laughing, a wild look in his eyes. “You should be thankful it’s me performing the tests. I’m a professional. Other facilities...well, let’s just say they might be more intrusive in their quest to gain knowledge of what you are.  I think you know what I mean. After all, your kind isn’t exactly legal yet.”

     Feeling helpless, tears started streaming down Alyson and Cassie’s face. They knew he was right. If a government agency found out, they would be probed and prodded like cattle. Newspapers and magazines would haunt their every step. Their lives would never be their own again. They were in a no win situation.

     Mr. Parker bent down and injected the syringe into Alyson’s arm. In seconds, her eyes closed and she was unconscious again. Then, he casually walked over to Cassie’s bed and reached for a second syringe from his pocket.

     “What did you give her?” Cassie demanded.

     Cassie tried thrashing about, but she was strapped down so tightly, she barely moved. An icy chill coursed through her body as the fluid entered and flowed quickly through her vein. Before she could say anything else, she was unconscious. After both girls were asleep, Leonard entered the room.

     “Did they give you any trouble?” Leonard asked.

     “It would have been easier if you were here, but I managed just fine. They won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.”

     “Let them go, Howard. These girls don’t know anything. They only recently found out what they are. They can’t give you the information you’re looking for.”

     “We don’t know that for sure. We can’t take any chances. All the answers lie within them. One way or another, I’ll get them out.”

     “You’re not going to hurt them, are you?”

     “Nothing is more important than science and the truth. Sometimes, casualties can’t be avoided, Leonard.”

     “I won’t be a part of this, Howard.”

     “You already are.”

     “I didn’t...”

     “Relax. We’re just going to run some tests on them.”

     “That’s all?”

     “Some might be more invasive than others. Whatever we need to do. You’re my partner. We’ve always worked together in the past. Don’t go getting a conscience on me now.”

     “We never kidnapped anyone before.”

     “Don’t think of it as kidnapping. They came here of their own free will.”

     “Yes, but then you drugged them and kept them from leaving. That’s kidnapping!”

     “Nobody is going to find out. Besides, you helped me. You’re in this just as deep as I am.”

     “I didn’t...”

     “Breathe, Leonard. You worry too much.”

     “Only because you don’t. You can’t do this. We can’t do this.”

     “Of course we can.”

     “This isn’t right.”

     “It’s all going to work out. Nobody is looking for them. Nobody will be looking for them. The one over there told me they had nowhere else to go. We’re safe.”

     “I hope you’re right.”

     “I always am. Let’s get started while they’re still asleep. We have much work ahead of us.”

     The next few days, Howard and Leonard worked tirelessly looking for answers, breaking only occasionally for food and nature calls. Neither stopped long enough to go home. They kept the girls unconscious while they drew blood, took cell samples and ran their endless tests. They were no closer to an answer. After the third day, Jake called, concerned that his father hadn’t been home.

     “Everything’s fine, Jake. I’m working. I’ll be home in the morning.”

     Before he could say a word, his father hung up and Jake was listening to dead air. Howard frequently forgot about his family when he was working on a project. Work always came first. Now was no exception.

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