Exposed: New Adult Sport Romance (The Boys of Winter Book 5) (10 page)

BOOK: Exposed: New Adult Sport Romance (The Boys of Winter Book 5)
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Garret’s voice continues for another word before he stops. “Hey, boss, just jamming out to keep the momentum going.”

I grin. “I can see that. Carry on.” I walk over to the music and crank it back up. I’m one for quiet. Because I set the pace when I’m here, the music is never loud, if I remember to turn it on at all.

I want to slap my forehead, realizing that once again the introvert wasn’t sensitive to the extroverted population around me. I guess that productivity went up a notch for them and decide I need to cater to my employees instead of myself.

I wander over to the rack of completed clothing and grab the clipboard that has the list of items to be completed and the tally of what’s been done. I’m days ahead of schedule, and the shame of not working this afternoon fades. I decide since I can’t sew with three people on machines, I can do my best to keep them moving.

I grab water bottles and fill them up. I clean up the scraps on the floor by each workstation and organize the cutting table. There’s nothing left for me to cut until the silks arrive, so I refill the iron with water. When I’ve neatened everything up I turn down the music to speak.

“Does everyone like pizza?”

I get three forms of yes, and we determine the toppings. I leave them to their noise and drive to downtown Frisco. Neal has texted me to call him, and I do so after I park outside the pizza place.

“Ruby, thanks for calling back.”

“Sure. What’s up?” I watch a couple walk hand in hand on the sidewalk in front of my car.

“You ran off on me today, and I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

Oh my gosh, he thinks I took off because of our kiss. “I’m fine. I lost track of time and was fifteen minutes late to meet an old friend. I’m sorry.”

“No need to apologize. I was making sure I didn’t scare you off.”

“You didn’t.” I should tell him I wanted the kiss. But it’s better I don’t, considering I’ve agreed to try again with Trevor.

“I shouldn’t have lost control like that. You’re my business partner, and I won’t compromise our relationship by putting you in an awkward position again.”

“It’s fine, really. I got carried away too. We’re good.” A family walks by, and I smile at the two boys shoving each other to see who can knock the other off the sidewalk.

“Okay, what are you doing right now?”

“I’m in Frisco, getting pizza for my ninja sewing team. They’re kicking butt, and I’m days ahead of schedule.”

“All of them?”

“Yes, why?” He knows I only have three sewing machines, and I’ve complained about how there isn’t much for me to do when they’re all working.

“Since you can’t work, you should come have dinner at Stone Soup tonight, my treat. You’ve never been here, have you?”

“No, but—I don’t know.”

“All work and no play makes Ruby a dull girl. Besides, if you don’t, I’m going to think you aren’t impressed with my restaurant.”

I flash to the music blaring when I got home and realize he’s right. “Okay, let me get food back to my employees and change my clothes. I can be there by seven.”

“Perfect, we’ll eat together, and we can talk business. I hope you’re hungry.”

I try to recall what I ate today. A piece of toast, coffee, and cake. “I’m starving, and rumor has it, I won’t be disappointed in what you’re offering.”

Neal chuckles over the phone and says, “I sure hope not.”

His sexual undertone isn’t lost on me, but I ignore it. “See you soon.”


I arrive at Stone Soup five minutes before seven. Wearing one of the sample outfits I swiped from the rolling rack, I’m billowing material and big hair, Ruby style. I don’t possess classic beauty, and I learned long ago to embrace my unique look. I’m about flowing curls, pixie features, and textures instead of clingy clothes and sex appeal.

In my mind I imagine I’m a bit like a fairy princess as I stroll into Stone Soup. Two guys kissed me today, and my confidence is through the roof. Garlic and spice greets me as I enter the dimly lit restaurant. The small hallway leads to a hostess stand, and Neal is behind it.

His grin covers his face as he comes out to greet me in dress slacks, a silk shirt, and tie. I notice his clothes are tailored, and I wonder why he never used me. I guess he uses Anna, the woman I worked for when I was pregnant. He says, “Welcome.”

He helps me remove my coat and gives me the onceover. “You’re a vision.”

Heat rises to my cheeks, and I remember to accept the compliment. “Thank you.”

Candles flicker on white linen tables, and I notice a gas fire burning on a far wall. Subdued conversations hum amidst the soft clash of silverware.

“Right this way.” Neal takes me around a half wall to a table that’s tucked away. The bar is in sight, but most of the other tables are not. It’s cozy, and I imagine it’s a favorite for an intimate dinner. I might even be uncomfortable if it weren’t for the laptop that’s open on it.

I ask, “Working dinner?”

“This is where I hide when it’s not busy. Tonight is slow, and the wait staff can take care of seating people while I enjoy myself with you.” He pulls a chair out for me, and I sit on a cushion that is luxurious compared to what I’ve been sitting on for hours behind my sewing machine.

Ice clinks in glasses as a waiter fills our water and asks Neal, “Ready for the wine?”

“Yes, thank you, Scott.” Neal turns his gaze to me. “I have a dinner picked out so you can sample all the best things. I hope that’s okay.”

“That’s wonderful. I would have asked you what to order anyway.”

The waiter has returned and opens the bottle as he describes the wine to me. He hands me a goblet to sample the dark red liquid. While the flavor is heavy, it ends smoothly. “That’s wonderful, thank you.”

Neal says, “We’re having elk, and it begs for this Zinfandel.”

A basket of bread arrives, and when I open the napkin I find an array of interesting choices. I’m not sure what they are and pick the one on the top. I smear soft butter on it and say, “This place is lovely. I’m going to have to bring my mother here when she visits. This is her kind of restaurant.”

“Your mother lives nearby? I don’t think you’ve told me about her.”

“Yeah, she lives in Vail now, but Breck is where we came my senior year of high school.” I’m dangerously close to having to explain things, but my story is well rehearsed.

“That’s a tough time to move. Was it hard for you to be in a new school for only one year?”

I take a moment to finish chewing what I think is olive bread and swallow down the savory flavor. “I didn’t go. I was homeschooled and then took off to college before we had been here a year.”

“Interesting.” Neal doesn’t ask any questions and takes a bite of bread. I guess he’s waiting for me to elaborate.

I don’t. “Did you grow up in Breck?”

“I did. I’m the son of two ski bums that moved to Florida a few years ago.”

The way he adds a touch of emphasis to the word “bums” makes me think he didn’t come from financially motivated parents. “Do you have sisters and brothers?”

“I do, one sister that lives in California with her husband and three kids. They visit for a ski vacation once a year, and I go see them for my beach time in the summer. What about you?”

Wine sits on my tongue melding nicely with lingering olive bread before I swallow it down. “It’s just me and my mom. Has been all my life.” The urge to test Neal hits me, and I add, “I don’t know who my father is. I was the product of a teenage pregnancy.”

His eyebrows rise up. “Impressive.” He lifts his wine goblet. “To the amazing person your mother is, because she brought up a wonderful woman.”

Wow, I couldn’t have asked for a better response. I smile and touch my glass to his making it clink. “To my mom.” And to small surprises. Neal’s reaction just endeared him to me a little bit more.

Chapter 15

al launches into a story about his niece and nephews. As he finishes the waiter approaches us with small salads. Ruffled greens I don’t recognize are topped with caramelized onion, cheese, and pistachios, and placed before me. I grab my fork, and it hovers over the plate as I decide what I should put in my mouth first.

Neal chuckles. “It’s kale. Put a little bit of everything on your fork and try it that way.”

I grin at him and gather a small collection of ingredients. “Between you and Christian, you’re going to make sure I try every food known to man, aren’t you.”

“Nope, just the good ones.”

I roll my eyes as I take a bite. The leaves are rough in texture and stiffer than regular lettuce, but the taste isn’t bad. I probably won’t crave this any more than I crave broccoli, but the combination of salty nuts and sweet onions take over, making it more than tolerable.

“It’s not bad. For a vegetable.”

Neal smiles at me while he chews. When he’s swallowed, he says, “You’re going to like the elk. It’s very meat and potatoes.”

I take another sip of my wine. It’s delicious, and I’m going to have to be careful I don’t have too much to drive home. “I’m sure I will.”

“Where did you move here from?” Neal sets his elbow on the table to lean his chin on his hand.

“Maine. My mother worked for Sugarloaf Mountain, and I went to the CVA, a school for competitive skiers there. I was a racer.”

Neal’s eyes light up. “Me, too. We’ll have to ski together sometime.”

“That would be fun.” I wink at him. “I bet you can keep up with me.”

He snorts. “A tiny thing like you? No problem.”

The wine is making me a little freer with my words, and I reply, “Well, you’re kind of old.”

Neal has just taken a sip from his goblet and almost sputters. When he’s recovered he says, “I really like you when you’ve had wine.”

“I like you all the time. This is fun.”

Neal’s smile fades as he gazes at me, and his tone is serious when he says, “I really like you too.”

Uh-oh. Uncomfortable with the direction he seems to be heading, I ask, “Can I have a little more wine, please?”

Burgundy liquid climbs the sides of my glass to fall quickly as he splashes it in. My attention is drawn to a girl who has come around the corner. Her eyes go right to our table, making it clear she’s looking for someone.

“Neal, I thought I might find you here.”

The girl is beautiful and working everything she’s got. Her hair is salon blond and in a smooth angle-cut bob that plays up her big brown eyes. While her dress isn’t skin tight, it leaves little to the imagination and shows off a killer figure. Green clouds my vision because this is the kind of woman who makes me feel dowdy.

Neal places his napkin on the table and stands. “Jess, how can I help you?” He places a hand on her arm as if to steer her away, but she turns to me.

Extending her hand she leans down, sharing her cleavage with me, and says, “I’m Jess.”

I grasp cool fingers. “Ruby.”

She stands and glances at Neal. “New girlfriend?”

I decide to spare him discomfort and answer. “No, we’re business partners.”

I can’t decide whether the look on Neal’s face is discomfort or relief as Jess slips her arm through his and says to me, “I need to steal him for a moment.”

I wave her off and grab my wine glass. I’m not sure what my problem is, but jealousy is stripping me of all my confidence, and I take a big swallow of alcohol. And what does it matter if he’s into her, anyway? I’m not interested in a relationship with Neal.

I notice I’m just about done with my second glass of wine and am decidedly tipsy right now. I guzzle half my glass of water and get up to go to the ladies’ room.

When I turn the corner to return to the hallway where the bathrooms are located, I’m met with Jess pressed up against Neal with her fingers threaded through his hair. She seems to be purring something to him, and the angle at which they stand makes it so I can’t see his face. But judging by the way his arm is snaked around her waist I’m assured it’s intimate.

Casey and Megan were right. Neal’s a player. I drop my gaze and try to slink by, but the area is too small for me to get by unnoticed. I’m aware that Neal steps away from her, but I don’t acknowledge him.

The bathroom is a pleasant oasis with a faint lemon scent and dim yellow light. Water rushes as I wash my hands before leaving. Glancing in the mirror I think the outfit that made me feel pretty earlier suddenly appears bulky.

Because I’m wearing a form-fitting silk slip dress under the long layered blouse, I decide to unbutton it all the way and let it hang open like a jacket. I loosen the straps on my slip to make it fall lower, and I hoist up my breasts in my bra to make them perkier.

Smiling at myself I realize I am indeed drunk. But what the hell? I can play this game too, Miss Jezebel Jess. Throwing my shoulders back, I strut out of the restroom and to the table.

Neal stands when I approach, and his eyes move slowly down my body. I say, “I was hot.”

He mutters something under his breath that sounds a lot like “You sure are.” Or maybe I’m projecting. But it makes me slip out of my shirt completely before I sit.

I perch myself on the edge of my chair and lean over the table slightly as I rest on my elbows, crossing my forearms. I’m surprised dinner isn’t here yet. “Did you sort out her problem?”

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