Fabric of Fate (16 page)

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Authors: N.J. Walters

Tags: #David_James Mobilism.org

BOOK: Fabric of Fate
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She opened her eyes and smiled at him and Abrah knew he was lost. In spite of his best intentions, in spite of the barriers he’d built around his heart, she’d destroyed them without even trying. All it had taken was her tender, open smile.

Chapter Eleven


Heroc’s heart pounded, the pulse in his temple keeping time. Every muscle, every cell in his body was screaming for him to claim Audrey. But it wasn’t that easy. Sexually, they were well matched. He loved her intelligence, her wit, the way she viewed the world around her. She’d asked questions on their tour today, taking it all in. She’d seemed lost at times and at others she’d smiled and laughed.

He knew she still wanted to go home.

As much as they’d done today to make her feel comfortable in their home, it wasn’t enough. He glanced at Abrah but his brother was entranced with watching Audrey. He couldn’t blame him. She made the most spectacular picture spread across the bed. His cock jerked in agreement.

He quickly shed his clothing and climbed onto the bed beside Audrey. She’d agreed to let them both take her but he knew both of them would stop if it proved to be too much, too fast for her. They didn’t want to do anything that might cause her to want to leave any more than she already did. They were running out of time to convince her to remain in Javara with them.

Heroc wished he could see into her nimble brain and understand everything at work there. He comprehended her reservations about staying. How disorienting it must be to be pulled from your world and thrust into an unknown one. Not many men would hold up under the strain. Perhaps the knowledge that she could leave in three days allowed her to accept things and deal with what came her way.

Her eyes half opened and she gave him a sleepy, sated smile that went straight to his balls, making them swell and ache. A sound from the other side of the bed caused him to glance up. Abrah was naked now and he’d placed a small, wooden container on the chest beside the bed. Good—they’d need that before the night was done.

His brother climbed into bed and joined them. He and Abrah shared a look of determination. They still had one whole day left. Not much time, yet a lifetime, to convince Audrey that her place was here with them.

Heroc leaned down and kissed her. He wanted to claim her, devour her, but kept the caress gentle. Her body was tender from her orgasm and they needed to go slow to stoke the fires of desire once again.

Her hand slid down his chest and over his taut abs. He held his breath when she found his straining cock and took it in her hand. He groaned into her mouth when she stroked up and down. He couldn’t wait to take her.

Audrey’s body was still tingling from her orgasm when both men climbed into bed with her. This was it. Fear and anticipation thrummed through her. She’d never done anything like this before. It was daring and forbidden, a true ménage a trois with all of them joined together at once.

She swallowed hard, still not knowing how it was going to work but trusting both men not to hurt her. It was a huge step for her.

Heroc kissed her, a sweet, gentle caress that helped settle her nerves. It didn’t take long for her to put aside her worries and simply enjoy the moment. She slid her hand over his chest, marveling at the thick muscles. The head of his cock nudged her palm and she closed her hand over his straining erection. His groan was music to her ears and she savored the sound like the sweetest music.

A rustle of covers on her other side and then something hard pressed up against her hip. Abrah. She reached down with her free hand and found his hard shaft, closing her fingers around it.

Hot and heavy they pulsed against her palms, so alive, so vividly male. She wanted them both. Abrah shifted, tugging his cock out of her hand. She made a small sound of disappointment.

Heroc released her lips and peppered her face with tender kisses. Abrah closed his mouth over one of her breasts, sucking hard. They were still extremely sensitive from the attention earlier. She dragged in a breath and tried to pull away but he simply followed her. With the mattress beneath her and both men looming over her there was nowhere for her to retreat.

“Let go, Audrey.” Heroc’s low whisper startled her. His lips were caressing the rim of her ear, his tongue tracing the delicate whorls. She shivered and goose bumps rippled over her skin.

He had no idea what he was asking of her. As much as she wanted this to happen it was difficult to let go of the beliefs of a lifetime and to trust her body and well-being to a man, or rather two men.

He stared down at her and she saw something in his eyes that made her think that maybe he did understand. She nodded. “I’ll try.”

Heroc tenderly tucked a curl behind her ear and smiled. “That is all we can ask.” He shifted quickly until he was kneeling between her thighs. “It is my turn to taste you.” He wrapped his hands around her hips and raised them toward his mouth, his gaze intent on her pussy.

Then her view was blocked and Abrah swooped down and kissed her. Unlike Heroc’s gentle kiss, there was nothing tentative or soft about this one. Abrah thrust his tongue into her mouth. She could taste her own arousal on his lips and it excited her.

Abrah captured her cry in his mouth as Heroc tongued her sex, lapping at her already slick folds and teasing her opening with his tongue. Passion flared like a wildfire, burning out of control.

Her need for these two men was branded into her very essence, her bones, her soul. It frightened her even as she was helpless to stop it. She wanted this as much as they did.

She clutched Abrah’s hair, needing something to hold on to, to ground her in this storm of passion. Heroc held her hips, anchoring her to the bed and to him.

The kiss was never-ending. Abrah kept her on edge, playful one moment and the next he ravaged her like a conquering hero. Both types of kisses overwhelmed her senses, taking her deeper into the world of sensual desires until nothing else existed.

Heroc’s mouth continued to taste, to tease her sensitive flesh, pushing her right to the edge of orgasm but not over. She tilted her hips and squirmed, trying to get his tongue where she wanted it, but he resisted.

She gave a groan of pure frustration. Really, he was being maddening.

Abrah surged back and stared down at her. His lips were moist and red, his hair falling around his shoulders, the skinny braids framing his rugged features. His green eyes gleamed in the dim light, like a great cat stalking its prey.

Heroc pressed his tongue against her clit and gave a little flick. She cried out, grasping for an orgasm that was just out of her reach. “It’s time.” He rolled onto his back and tugged her on top of him. It happened so fast it left her lightheaded and uncertain as to what was expected of her.

Abrah’s hands supported her, his touch soothing all her doubts. “Rise up and take him inside you.”

She knew then that Heroc was going to be inside her pussy while Abrah was going to claim her ass. The thought of anal sex and what was to come made her dizzy.

Heroc’s hands wrapped around her waist to steady her while Abrah raised her up onto her knees. The head of his cock nudged her opening.

“Take him inside you.” Abrah’s low voice sent a shiver down her spine. His breath was warm on the back of her neck as he supported her.

She licked her lips and allowed her lower body to sink. Heroc’s cock worked its way past the natural resistance of her opening. He remained still and steady, allowing her to maintain control.

She took a deep breath and relaxed. His shaft pushed inward, forcing her to accommodate his girth. She felt deliciously stretched and filled.

Heroc ran his hands up her torso and captured her breasts. His thumbs traced circles around her nipples. “Good?”

Such a bland word for what she was experiencing. Her skin tingled and her nipples peaked even though he wasn’t touching them. His eyes devoured her and she loved it.

Her entire body jerked when she felt something cool rub over the puckered rim of her behind. The action drove Heroc even deeper, making them both moan with pleasure.

Audrey froze when a thick finger touched the opening to her ass. “Trust me.” Abrah kissed her nape and licked down her spine. “This will make things easier for you.”

“What is it?” Abrah removed his hand from her behind and brought it around so she could see the jelly-like substance coating it.

“This will ease my passage into you. The herbs will relax you and allow you to enjoy it.” His hand disappeared and he playfully squeezed her butt before bringing his finger back to her ass.

Heroc tugged at her shoulders. “Lean forward. Let the herbal mixture work. It will help make penetration easier.”

This was it. Decision time. But she’d already made her choice and leaned forward.

The lubricant he was using was cool and slick. He pushed one thick digit past the tight opening of her ass, gently stretching her as he pressed inward. The invasion was foreign and slightly uncomfortable. She squirmed but Heroc banded his arm over her back, holding her still.

“Steady.” Heroc rubbed small circles at the base of her spine. The motion relaxed her and she sighed and let go.

The small action was enough for Abrah to be able to work a second finger into her behind. Her butt muscles clenched his fingers even as they stretched her, pushing her to her limits.

Now she felt really uncomfortable, the sensation bordering on painful. “Breathe through it,” Abrah ordered. She had no idea how much time passed as she took one breath at a time. In and out, slowly letting her body become accustomed to the foreign sensation.

Both men stayed perfectly still and steady. The only sound in the room above the crackle of the fire was their heavy breathing.

Audrey did as Abrah instructed and eventually the pressure eased and became manageable. After another minute she started to enjoy it. She’d never felt so full, so…
in her life. That was the word she was searching for. It was as though both men were imprinting themselves on her body in a way she’d feel for the rest of her life.

A slight warming began in her butt and she wiggled to try to escape it. Both men groaned but she ignored them as she explored this new sensation. Her behind tingled and she wanted to move. Had to move. The herbs in the lubricant obviously did more than ease the way for his fingers. It not only soothed the sensitive nerve endings, it was also making her horny.

She started to laugh but it quickly turned into a moan as Abrah withdrew his fingers almost to the entrance of her ass and then eased them back in. Inside her pussy, Heroc’s cock pulsed hard and deep, seemingly growing even larger with each passing second.

She couldn’t take this. Something had to give. “Help me,” she pleaded. “Do something.” This time it was an order.

Abrah chuckled and slid his fingers all the way out. Where minutes before she’d wanted him out of her, now she wanted as much of him as he’d give her.

She heard Abrah rustling around behind her. Before worry could set in, Heroc cupped the back of her head and kissed her. As a distraction, it worked perfectly. His tongued teased and twined with her, diverting her attention from Abrah.

The heavy press on the opening of her ass brought the world back into sharp focus. Abrah’s hands eased the mounds of her buttocks wide and he pushed his cock head against her opening. She could tell he’d covered his shaft with the same jelly-like substance he’d used before to make it easier to slide the slick tip inside her.

It was much thicker than his fingers and she began to pant and count in her head, promising herself that when she got to ten, and then twenty, the discomfort would ease. The herbs in the lubricant made her inner muscles tingle and helped her relax. The sensation of fullness remained.

The tension in the room mounted as both men strained to remain as still as statues. Beneath her, Heroc’s muscles were as hard as stone, but his cock involuntarily twitched inside her, as if to remind her it was still there. She almost laughed, but Abrah chose that exact moment to push inward another inch.

Her ass muscles burned but the lubricant quickly soothed it until the pain receded and only pleasure remained. He pushed another inch and waited. Then another. It became a slow pleasure, a grinding torture until she couldn’t stand it any longer. “Finish it,” she pleaded. She reached around, placed her hand on Abrah’s side and pulled him toward her.

He fought her for a brief moment and then forged carefully ahead until he was all the way inside. Now she could feel both cocks pulsing deep within her. She felt claimed, overwhelmed. But she didn’t care. She wanted this, not only for herself but for them as well.

Abrah’s chest surrounded her back and his lips nibbled her shoulder. “Does it hurt?”

She shook her head. “It did, but not any longer.” The herbs were warming her butt and that heat was seeping through her inner tissues into her pussy, making her desperate to move.

Heroc maneuvered a hand between them, finding where they were joined. Her breath caught in her throat when he touched her clit. A low moan broke from her.

As if that was the sign both men had been waiting for, they started to move. It was more a rocking motion than actual thrusting. Heroc eased back as Abrah pushed inward. Then they reversed so Heroc’s cock filled her pussy while Abrah’s eased slightly from her ass.

Audrey bit her bottom lip to keep from screaming. Pleasure surrounded her, filled her to overflowing. Something this good couldn’t last very long. They were all on edge. So near to finding bliss.

Heroc pressed this thumb against her clit, making her see stars. A second later she felt the hot flood of semen as he came, the hard pulse of his cock in her pussy. His jaw tightened and his nostrils flared.

Abrah’s hands tightened around her hips and he surged inward one final time. She felt his cock swell, the ripple of his shaft as he found release.

It was too much for her and she willingly fell over the edge and let her orgasm sweep her away on a cloud of bliss. Her body spasmed and she cried out her pleasure. Her inner muscles squeezed both cocks tight, milking them for everything they had.

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