Fabric of Fate (17 page)

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Authors: N.J. Walters

Tags: #David_James Mobilism.org

BOOK: Fabric of Fate
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She slumped forward, resting her head on Heroc’s shoulder, totally exhausted. “I can’t feel my toes.” She didn’t know why she made the odd comment but it made her laugh. She tried to stop but couldn’t stop giggling. The motion jiggled her around and both men groaned.

Abrah was the first to withdraw from her, his motions slow and measured. Then it was Heroc’s turn. She allowed them to do all the work, too tired to help. Her body felt as though it was made of jelly.

She tried to open her eyes but they remained stubbornly shut. As tired as she was, she had a smile on her face.

“Audrey?” There was concern in Abrah’s voice.

“Hmm,” was the best response she could make.

A warm, wet cloth bathed her pussy and then her behind. Not even that intimate act could rouse her from her sexual stupor. The bed depressed and she knew both men had settled in around her.

She made a sound of contentment and snuggled between both of them.

“I think we wore her out.” Heroc’s masculine pleasure made her want to laugh out loud, but she was too tired and contented herself with a smile.

“Sleep. Tomorrow is your last day.” Abrah sounded so sad it pushed aside her happiness and brought tears to her eyes. She didn’t want him to hurt. Didn’t want any of them hurt.

She had to go home. She had a job and responsibilities, and Javara was no place for a modern woman, was it? There was no answer as she drifted off to sleep, secure with both men surrounding her.

Abrah lay awake a long time with his eyes closed, staring into the darkness of his mind. He knew Audrey was going to leave and he couldn’t blame her. Unlike his brother he didn’t have any hope that she would stay. He was a realist. Faced with the daunting task of leaving behind everything she knew for the unknown, she would be foolish to stay. He honestly didn’t know what he’d do if he were in her situation.

There simply wasn’t enough time to ease the fears of a woman like Audrey. She wasn’t clingy, wasn’t looking for a man to take care of her. She was used to taking care of herself.

She didn’t seem to understand that needing someone did not make you weak. Allowing someone to shoulder some of your burdens was not a bad thing.

His parents had had a strong marriage. His mother had been able to bring light and laugher to his father, wise counsel when needed and a steady presence in her family’s life. He missed her. She would have known what to say or do to ease Audrey’s fears, to convince her to stay.

Or maybe not. Maybe it was simply wishful thinking on his part.

He rolled over onto his side and draped his arm around her. Audrey gave a slight snuffling sound and wiggled closer to him. She looked to him in sleep but he knew she would not do the same in the light of day.

He cursed the gods, wishing for more time but knowing none would be forthcoming. The tapestry would come tomorrow evening and then Audrey would be gone.

Chapter Twelve


Audrey woke with one brilliant flash of insight. They hadn’t used a condom. Not any time they’d had sex. She placed her hand on her stomach and tried to remember when her last period was, but her mind was so muddled she couldn’t. She could be pregnant even now. What would she do?

Whatever she had to. Just the way she always had. She didn’t relish the idea of being a single mother but the more she thought about it the more excited she got about the idea of having a baby.

Her joy fled as quickly as it came. What about Heroc and Abrah? Was it fair to them? They’d never know if she was with child or not, but she knew she’d always feel guilty about depriving them of a chance to know their son or daughter.

“Chances are you’re not pregnant,” she muttered. “Don’t borrow trouble.” After all, she wasn’t at the peak of her cycle and her body had been through such turmoil. The chances of her actually being pregnant weren’t great.

She flung back the covers, sat up and noted the sheets beside her were cool, a sure sign both men had been up for a while. She was becoming a real slug-a-bed. This was the second day in a row they’d managed to get up and leave the room without her waking.

It was also the last time she’d wake in this beautiful four-poster bed. The tapestry would come today. Tomorrow she’d wake in her own bed, in her own room in her apartment.

The thought was cold comfort. Audrey wasn’t nearly as excited at the prospect as she would have been yesterday. The longer she was here, the less she wanted to leave.

“Get up and get dressed,” she ordered. “One thing at a time.” The tapestry wouldn’t arrive for hours yet. She had an entire day to spend with Abrah and Heroc.

Her muscles gave a twinge when she climbed out of bed and stretched. Her pussy was sore and her butt ached, not surprising considering last night’s activities. She couldn’t stop smiling as she padded to the bathing chamber and peeked into the room. As usual, the hot water fairies had the tub filled and she climbed in, soaking away the worst of her aches.

It didn’t take her long to finish her bath and comb her hair. Then it was back to the bedroom, where she dressed in the clothing that was sitting on the chest at the end of the bed. When she was presentable, she left the room, anxious to find the men.

Heroc sat in front of the fire staring at the piece of wood in his hand. It had started life as a small block but now looked like a perfect replica of Carn. He rubbed his thumb over the wood and held the piece up to the light and turned it from side to side. Perfect.

He set aside the sharp knife he’d been using to finish the final details. He’d started carving when he was a boy as a way to pass time during the long, cold months and had kept up the practice as he’d grown. He enjoyed it. The act of carving calmed his mind and allowed him to think.

This morning all his thoughts were about last night. He took a deep breath and released it slowly even as his body stirred to life. Audrey had given them a great gift, one he would always cherish. Heroc hadn’t said anything to his brother but even he was beginning to lose hope. Today was the final day and Audrey was still nowhere near to agreeing to stay.

He heard footsteps on the stairs and stood as Audrey came into view. She stopped at the base of the stairs and looked around the room. The hall was empty but for him. Tara was busy in the kitchens and Abrah was in the stables waiting.

“Good morning.” Heroc went toward her, his right hand extended.

Audrey smiled and came to him. He pulled her to him for a quick hug, inhaling her sweet scent tinged with the perfume of flowers from the soap she’d used in her morning bath. “I wasn’t certain it was still morning. I slept longer and harder than I thought I would.”

Her cheeks turned a delectable shade of red and he knew she was remembering last night. He couldn’t resist leaning down and kissing her. It was slow and long and incredibly arousing. He tasted desire, but he also detected the bitter tang of regret. He ended the kiss and brushed the curls away from her face.

“How are you feeling?”

She glanced down at the floor and then back up at him, meeting his gaze straight on. “I feel good.”

“This is for you.” He thrust the carving toward her and she took it automatically.

She stared at the wood and her eyes widened. “It’s Carn.” She looked to him for confirmation, so he nodded.

“Did you do this?”

Once again, he nodded.

“This is amazing.” She ran her fingers over the wood and his muscles clenched. He wished it were his body she was touching so reverently. His cock swelled, making his pants uncomfortable. “You are so talented. Thank you.”

He nodded and took a step back. “I don’t know if it will travel with you when you go.” He held his breath, waiting for her denial that she was leaving. She said nothing, but there was great sadness in her eyes.

Heroc rubbed the back of his neck as frustration pounded through him. Why would she not stay? Even as he thought it he knew he wasn’t being fair to her. But he didn’t care. He wanted her with him, wanted years to discover everything about her. She was such a contradiction, seemingly shy at times and incredibly bold at others.

“If you are up to it after you eat we can go for a ride.”

“A ride?” She perked up at the suggestion.

“Abrah is at the stables getting the horses ready.” They both wanted her to see the world beyond the walls of their home and the weather had cleared enough to make it possible. Maybe something there would turn the tide to their favor.

“I’ve never been on a horse before.” She nibbled on her bottom lip. Heroc groaned, unable to resist the innocent provocation. He bent down and kissed her hard and fast.

“You will ride with one of us.” He ran his hand over her hair. “We will take care of you. Trust us.” There was so much meaning in those simple two words and he knew she’d heard his underlying plea.

She swallowed hard and nodded. “I do.”

Disappointment beat at him. Yes, she trusted them to some extent, just not enough to stay.

“Come and eat.” With his hand on the small of her back, he urged her toward the table where Tara had set out some oatmeal and honey. Steam no longer rose from the bowl but it was still warm.

Audrey set the carving on the table beside her and then picked up her spoon to eat. Heroc watched her, memorizing every move and gesture. His gut twisted into a knot and he feared he would soon have nothing left of her but a memory.

* * * * *

Abrah paced back and forth, his boots stirring hay in his wake. Carn paced beside him, his large paws barely making a sound. The animal sensed his agitation and was sticking close. One of the horses whinnied and he came to an abrupt halt. The animals were picking up on his growing unease. Would Audrey agree to go for a ride with them or would she start to pull away from them now that her last day had arrived?

He heard the crunch of footsteps on the gravel in the yard and a light, female voice that made his groin tighten. He rested his hand on the hilt of his sword and his eyes devoured Audrey as she entered the stables alongside his brother.

He wanted to grab her, throw her over the back of his horse and ride until no one could find them. But that would not work. The tapestry would find her no matter where he took her. There was no way to keep her here if she did not wish to stay.

Anger pulsed through her veins. Why had the tapestry brought her? Audrey didn’t want to be here. Had the tapestry made a mistake? It no longer mattered. She was perfect for him and for Heroc. Either of them would be proud to call her wife and the other would count his blessings to be able to share her bed from time to time.

“Are the horses ready?” He ignored Heroc’s question and Audrey’s smile and turned his back on them both. He went to the two horses he had saddled and led the animals to where they were waiting.

Heroc swung easily onto the back of his horse, a high-spirited creature they’d traded with the Craddock brothers for. The older brothers had all been bastards but the younger ones were not only better men but also brilliant when it came to breeding fine horseflesh.

Abrah mounted his huge warhorse, the large beast shifted to the left but quickly came to a halt when Abrah gave the reins a short tug. “Come.” He held out his hand to Audrey, who was staring up at both of them, her blue eyes round and huge against her pale face.

She glanced at Heroc and then back at him. Abrah waited for her to make her choice. He would not beg. Finally, she took his hand and he leaned down and easily lifted her, settling her in front of him. The pants and tunic she wore allowed her to ride astride rather than across his legs. He settled the thick folds of her coat around her. The air was still a little chilly but would warm up as the day went on.

It seemed her arrival had heralded the end of the cold season. From here on the warmer days would come and the fields and woods would soon bloom again. It would be perfect if only she would agree to stay.

Abrah wrapped both arms around her, as much to hold her close as to steady her. Holding the reins easily in his left hand, he squeezed the horse’s sides with his thighs and the beast trotted out the door of the stable, sensing freedom beyond. The iron-shod hooves clattered over hard-packed earth and rocks as he guided them toward the main gates and the world beyond.

Audrey gasped and grabbed his arm, which was banded around her, and held on tight. Her knuckles turned white and her body was rigid.

“Are you well?” Abrah wasn’t certain what was wrong. Did she regret her choice? Would she rather ride with Heroc? It was too late. He had her and he was not giving her up. His arm tightened around her.

“I think so.” He could hear the uncertainty in her voice, the way her breath caught in her throat. “It’s a long way up, isn’t it?”

His brave little warrior was afraid. It struck him like a knife to the gut and weakened the barrier he’d tried to erect around his heart. “Have you never been on a horse before?”

She shook her head, making her curls dance in the wind. “Never. But it’s incredible.”

“I will keep you safe,” he promised. “Relax and enjoy the ride.”

Pleasure poured through him when he felt her rigid muscles gradually ease, her body going fluid and conforming to the hard planes of his torso. He kicked his mount in the sides and the beast took off at a gallop across the barren fields. She gave a small scream, which quickly turned into a laugh of pleasure. “It’s like flying,” she declared. Her enjoyment fed his soul even as it broke his heart.

What would tomorrow bring? Would there be any pleasure in riding without her in his arms? But that was for another day. Today was all about Audrey. How he wished she would be here when the crops were ready for harvest. He wanted her to see the bounty of their land and know its wealth was not in gold but in what it could provide for all of them.

Heroc’s horse thundered alongside them as they raced across the open meadow. They slowed and went single-file when they entered the woods. Birds chattered and small animals scurried out of the path of the large horses and their passengers. Carn loped alongside them, a large gray shadow. Abrah knew the dog would not leave their side and would warn them of any wild boar or predators in more than enough time to enable them to defend themselves.

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