Faith (My Misery Muse) (3 page)

Read Faith (My Misery Muse) Online

Authors: B. Betzold

Tags: #romance, #contemporary romance, #tattoos, #rockstars, #rockstar romance, #my misery muse

BOOK: Faith (My Misery Muse)
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“So Brent is Quinn’s dad, huh?” I asked my
still grinning sister.

“Hell if I know, but I will be finding out
when Seth gets me out.”

“Thought she had better taste than that.”

“So did I, big brother, so did I.”

“Ya know, this is the first time we have ever
been arrested together.”

Devi giggled. “Yeah, I was just thinking
that; it’s usually one or the other coming to bail the other

“Eh, it was worth it.”

“Damn straight it was, asshat thought he
could lay a hand on my baby, he’s lucky he’s still got his

“So when you going to drill on me again?”

“When you have time, bro. I have my kit with
me; I am putting some new ink on Sam, X and Eli while I am here. I
can fit you in too.”

“That works I want to add my angel and
princess to Taz’s.”

I had Dev start a piece on my ribs when she
had Jaks. I had his nickname and I planned on adding Cait’s
nickname, Angel but hadn’t had time yet, might as well add my
princess while I was at it.

“Princess, huh?”

“What can I say I like the little girl, she’s

“Yep, she is.”

“What’s that goofy smile on your face

“Is princess the only one your sweet on?”

I groaned. “Shut up, Dev.”

“What? I didn’t say anything.”

“You know the drill, right? You say nothing
until Seth gets a lawyer here, okay?”

“Yeah, I know the drill. See ya soon,

“Love ya, sis.”

With that, they dragged us out of the car and
into the precinct to be tagged and to wait and wait some more.

Five hours later, Devi and I were released to
a calmer looking Seth and a tired Eli.

“Thanks for springing us,” I told Seth with a
slap on the back.

“Yeah well, I couldn’t very well leave my
wife in here, and if I left her brother I would never be sleeping
in my bed again.”

I laughed because we all knew it was true.
Devi and I were close, but we had to be, we were the only family we
had left. Things with our parents went from strained to
non-existent when Devi got pregnant with Jaks. I still got my
inheritance when I had turned twenty-five three years ago. I hadn’t
touched it, and they couldn’t stop Devi from getting her
inheritance from Gram Porter when she married Seth, her will left
Devi everything, and it was a lot. They were pissed about that, but
with nothing left to do to stop it, they wrote her out of
everything from them. Funny thing was that a lot of what they
thought they had was from Gram.

When we got in the car, Seth handed Devi and
I baby wipes to get the ink off our fingers. We had been through
all this before, at different times and learned one of the only
ways to get the ink off was with baby wipes.

“So how are my babies?”

“They’re fine, I left them with Ash, Mags and
Mike watching them all,” said Seth.

“Did you have enough milk? Damn my boobs

We laughed while Devi readjusted herself and
leaked yet again. Damn, I am glad I am not a woman. She stuck her
tongue out at us, and then folded her arms over her chest causing
Seth to laugh even more. Those two were perfect for each other. I
was happy Seth finally pulled his head out of his ass and came to
his senses.

We pulled up to the hotel and I kicked Eli to
wake him up. When we all got out and went up to the room, I guessed
we were all congregating to discuss what the hell had happened. I
walked in and saw X, Sam and Mags sitting with a case of beer on
the table. I walked over grabbed one and plopped down beside

“So Brent, huh?”

Chapter 5


“So yeah, I guess you found out who Quinn’s
father is.”

“Uhm, you could say that,” responded Devi.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Uhm, he told me he didn’t want anything to
do with her, so I figured what purpose would it serve if I told
everyone who it was and cause drama.”

“Yeah, cause that worked out well,” came from
X, an ass like always.

“So what happened?” asked Sam.

“Well, the party X threw about a month or so
before Seth and Devi’s wedding, I got really drunk and met this
guy, and I didn’t know he worked for you until the next morning. I
found out and we parted ways nothing to it, right? A one night
stand I would rather forget after I talked to him without the
alcohol. So I found out I was pregnant a few weeks later, saw him
for the first time since that night at the wedding and told him I
was pregnant. He basically called me a lying whore and said not to
contact him again, so I didn’t.”

“So, what do we do now?” asked Seth.

“She needs a lawyer, a DNA test, and then
after that, a petition for child support,” said Eli.

We all looked at him.

“What? You’ve met my sister, right? I had to
know what to do when that day comes.”

Devi laughed. “Your parents would be so

“Shut up, cuz.”

“I don’t want child support.”

“Well here’s the thing, he will either pay
child support and all that jazz or sign away his rights; hope he
signs away his rights then,” replied Eli. “But why not give the guy
a chance to do the right thing?”

“Okay I have to go wake up Cait, my boobs
really hurt,” came from Devi and with that she jumped up and went
out the door to find her daughter.

“Okay then, I never thought I would say this
but I am starting to get tired hearing about Devi’s tits. I mean,
she’s hot and all, but she’s always bitching about them hurting or
something leaking from them,” replied X.

Seth reached over and punched him in the arm,
“Don’t talk about my wife’s tits.”

“She’s the one that brought them up.”

“Yeah well, doesn’t mean you get to talk
about them.”

“You’re no fun anymore, Seth.” X pouted.

Seth and Sam rolled their eyes, and then
looked over at me.

“When you get back to Dallas you will have a
meeting set up with a lawyer. We’ll help you find a good one, so
you and Quinn are protected, all right?” asked Sam.

I nodded. “Yeah, I understand, and I am going
to go and get some sleep while she’s still out.”

They all said goodbye and I left with Drake
saying bye as well and following me out.

We walked in our suite to find Devi sitting
on the couch nursing Cait, and Ash trying to soothe screaming
Quinn. Of course she’s up and screaming, it’s all she seems to

“Is she hungry again?” I asked Ash.

“I don’t know. You nursed her not that long
ago, but I don’t know her as well as I do Cait.”

I nodded and took my daughter and sat down
beside Devi and tried to nurse her but she had no interest. I
sighed it was going to be one of those nights I guessed.

“Here give her to me and go get some sleep,”
Drake said.

“No that’s okay, you need sleep, you look

“Just hand her over, Mags and go get some
sleep. I’m fine.”

“It’s okay, Drake; I got it, go to bed.”

“God Damnit, Mags, hand her over and go to
bed. You are exhausted, and I am pissed enough at you.”

“Why are you pissed at me?”

“Hand her over,” he bit out.

“Fine, whatever.”

I watched Drake take Quinn, whisper something
about his princess then sit on the couch and place her on her
chest. Her full out wail turned into whimpering then nothing. How
in the hell does he do that?

“Don’t feel bad, both Jaks and Cait are the
same way with him.”

I looked over and Devi nodded then I headed
to my room to get some sleep.


“So Jaks is passed out on your bed, mind if I
keep him there until morning?” asked Devi.

I grunted which she took as a yes, and left
the suite to go across the hall with Cait. Ash had already left to
get some sleep, so it was three a.m. I had a now sleeping Princess
on my chest and I couldn’t stop thinking about who her father was.
I still couldn’t understand why Mags would sleep with that guy, but
that explained what he was doing at the wedding when I saw her
leave with him. There was nothing to be done about it now, just
deal with the fall out of one of her impetuous decisions again.

I closed my eyes and let sleep come.

I woke up and looked around, it was just
after seven a.m. I sighed and looked down at the squirming baby on
my chest.

“You hungry, Princess? Let’s go see if
Mommy’s up yet, huh?”

I picked her up and went to Mags’ room and
knocked lightly, when I didn’t hear anything I opened the door and
found her still sleeping.

“Mags, wake up, Quinn is hungry.”

She just grumbled and rolled over to her

I reached over and shook her arm. “Mags, come
on get up. Princess is hungry.”

“I’m up,” she mumbled. She looked up at me,
her blue eyes still clouded with sleep, her hair was a mess, but
she looked gorgeous. She sat up and reached for the baby. I handed
her over and noticed her nipples poking through her barely there
tank top and prayed for my dick not to perk up. I had no idea what
to say to her this morning, but I was saved with the sound of
running feet down the hall.

“Sounds like Taz is up, I should go deal with

She just nodded as she changed Quinn’s

I found Jaks sitting on the couch in the
living area, and decided to take him out to breakfast. I hadn’t
spent much time with him lately, and I missed my Taz.

“Taz, let’s go eat.”


He jumped up, grabbed my hand and started
pulling me out the door.

“Uhm Taz, maybe you’re forgetting

He sighed and looked at me. “What, Uncle

“Uhm maybe clothes?”

He glanced down and realized he was still in
his Super Mario pj’s; he looked at me and nodded.

“Okay, Mommy and Daddy’s room first.”

I nodded. “Good idea, Taz.”

We walked across the hall, knocked on the
door and a few minutes later, a half asleep Seth opened the

“Mornin',” he mumbled then walked away.

“Daddy, I am going to have breakfast with
Uncle Drake.” He took off towards what I can only assume was his

Seth watched Jaks run off, and then looked
over at me. “Breakfast, huh?”

I nodded. “I haven’t seen much of him lately.
Been busy with work, and when I am around, he’s in preschool.”

“Yeah, I know how that goes; mind if I join
you? I wouldn’t mind having some time with him, and I need to talk
to you.”

“I don’t have a problem with it, but might
want to run it by Jaks.”

He smirked at me. “Jaks, can I come to

“Sure, Daddy but you have to wear clothes,
Uncle Drake said so.”

I laughed, when Seth gave me a confused look,
and then went to get dressed as well.

A few minutes later, Jaks ran back in dressed
and ready to go, followed by Seth.

“Where we going for breakfast?” asked

“I know a small café in the area, if you’re
up for it, that has great blueberry pancakes.”

Jaks mulled this over for a second then
nodded. “That works, I could go for some pancakes.”

I glanced over at Seth. “He’s spending too
much time with X.”

“That’s what Dev says too. Oh Sam is meeting
us in the lobby.”

A little later we were sitting in a booth
ordering breakfast, listening to Jaks talk about the girls in his
preschool class.

“According to Dev, Jaks is a player.”

“Really?” I asked.

Seth nodded. “Yeah, apparently he has like
five girls in his class that say they are going to marry him.”

“Well he’s doing better than me then,” Sam

I smirked at Sam. “Me too.”

“So where is he going to go tokindergarten? I
know Devi was talking about some private school.”

Seth sighed. “We want him to grow up as
normal as possible but, for security reasons, he’s going to some
fancy private school about fifteen minutes from the house.”

I nodded. “Makes sense, especially after the
daycare debacle. I don’t see Devi wanting to put him in that
position again.”

Sam snickered.

“It’s not funny. I still can’t believe a mom
at that daycare told Jaks that she was going to be his new mommy; I
thought Devi was going to kill her.”

“That’s what I am laughing at; I can just see
her face when Jaks told her that.”

“I had to hide the damn knives,” Seth said
trying not to laugh. “I really thought I was going to have to bail
my pregnant girlfriend out of jail.”

“Yeah but you got Ash now,” I said, “and the
kids love her.”

Seth nodded. “Yeah, she’s been a lot of help,
especially with Devi going back to work when she gets home. Cait
will be six months old and Cris is starting to get antsy about her
coming back.”

“Yeah, but I saw your back, she’s still been
doing some work,” I said.

“Yeah, and she’s doing the guys today; they
all want the band logo.”

Sam cleared his throat. “So Drake, we were
wondering if you were interested in becoming our manager.”

I looked at Sam then Seth. “Uhm,

They both nodded.

“Yeah, see here’s the thing, we are buying
out the label you are working at now, keeping management and
everything, but we will be the owners—Seth, X and me. We are going
to switch labels after this tour is over, and we want to move you
as our manager when we do that. But before that, have you find a
couple of new A&R guys and show them the ropes.”

I stared at Sam—were they serious? I loved my
job, going around the country listening to bands at different
clubs, signing them and helping them get started, but on the other
side I would be with my best friends, my brothers. I could see Devi
and the kids more, Mags and Quinn more often too.

“Can I think about it?”

“Of course,” they both chimed.

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