Fallen Desire (17 page)

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Authors: N. L. Echeverria

BOOK: Fallen Desire
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My body shivers with pleasure in reaction to his every touch.  “I wanted to bring you here so you can feel how peaceful the earth can be.  I want to talk to you, Lindsay.  There’s so m
uch more going on down there than you could possibly know.  I brought you here so I can answer any questions you might have about me or even about you.  I want to tell you everything.  I’m sorry it took so long, but I had to make sure I wasn’t wrong about you.”  He pulls me in tighter and leans in to me as he presses his lips to my forehead for a soft kiss.  “I love you, Lindsay, and I want you to know everything because you of all people on this planet need to be prepared for what is coming.”

“You talk to me like I’m important and so special compared to other people, and I really have no idea what you’re talking about.  Please let’s just start with you and where you come from and how you got here.  I know it is probably a lot to tell, but I want to know as much as I can about you Ethan.”  We walk over to a bench that looks out on the town below.  He sits with his body turned toward me and places his hand in mine. 

“Lindsay I’m just going to tell you who I am and explain how I became this way but I would rather not get too far into it, I’ve changed and I don’t want to look back on who I was, at least not right now.” 

I can understand that.  “Okay.  That sounds like a good start.

Like I said before, I’m a demon.  I know that you think of me as an angel, and I guess you could consider me that.  You have to understand that I’m a Fallen Angel.  There are many others out there like me and others that are not like me.  There was a time that I did not agree with what was going on in the world.  I was cast out of heaven and sent to earth.  Here on earth, I chose the wrong path, at the time it seemed right.  I was persuaded by dark forces and therefore my soul was turned.  I fed on humans to gain strength and feel power.”  He leans his head back and takes in a deep breath. 

“I had no desire to help mankind and no respect for the planet.  I didn’t care what happened to anyone or anything.  I was angry with God and even though my anger came from him wanting to destroy mankind, I became the very thing I hated.  Until I met you, of course, you’re the only person I’ve cared about since the day I was placed here.  I spent a long time using people, forcing them to do evil and turning them into empty shells.  I took their souls for myself, I don’t need them to survive but they’re what make me strong.  Innocent souls feed the evil that has lived inside me since I fell to Earth, it needed to be fed.  ‘Demon’ is the word that describes me best, Lindsay.  The moment I picked you as a victim, I sensed something different.  Then once I met you face to face, I couldn’t harm you.  I know now that He created you to help me and others like me.  There are many demons that want nothing more than to be changed back into what we were before the fall, an angel.  It is said that there will be a soul created by God that will have the gift of forgiveness and will be able to change us and release us of our evil, if that is what we most desire.  This soul will be gifted with powers from God and it is said that this person will hold more powers than any human ever has.”  Ethan pauses just long enough to look deeply into my eyes and then continues.  “They'll have the ability to read people and their powers will put a stop to the war that is going on between the demons and angels.  This person will have the strength to give a demon new life – or take it away.”  I keep quiet, it’s all I can do to not speak up and ask more about this person.  I bite my lip not wanting to interrupt. 

“Lindsay, that soul is you.  You’re the one that was created to bring peace to the Demons and Angels, which will prevent the war on earth.  There are Angels out there that are doing all they can to destroy us, even if it means hurting people that get in the way.  I guess in most humans’ opinions, an Angel is considered to be completely good.  These Angels believe that they’re doing the work of God by destroying the Demons.  The thing is we were all placed here for the same reasons and for some of us it was easier not to be seduced by the evil that surrounded us here on Earth.  For me, I was too easily possessed.  I felt that God had betrayed me by casting me down.  If the Demons aren’t released of their evil, it’s only a matter of time before a war between the Fallen will break out.  A war would mean the end of mankind, it would destroy this planet.  There are already armies forming, they haven’t made any moves yet, but its coming.  I can feel it.  We need you Lindsay, I need you.” 

I’m speechless, “I…I…um…I’m not sure I understand, Ethan.  How is it possible that I’m this soul that you think I am?  I don’t have any special abilities that even come close to being inhumanly.  Even if I had some kind of special powers, I wouldn’t even know how to help or how to free your soul from evil.  I’m just one teenager.  How is it that the destiny of the world is left in my hands?  How is it that I even find these demons and then when I do how would I know that they want to be freed?  The
ultimate question is how do you even know for sure that I’m the one that can help you?  This is too much to take in.  I want to know but it’s hard to process and believe.”  I feel my heart racing as the questions are bouncing around in my head and I’m beginning to feel lightheaded.  I can’t do this right now.  “Please Ethan, take me out of here.  Take me high, high into the sky, so I can feel you.  Feel you for who you truly are.  Your touch is so calming.  Please, I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

“Of course Lindsay, but we better get out of anyone’s sight first.  I love you, and I don’t want you to be scared.  We still have plenty of time to get things figured out.  You will learn your powers over time.  I even know someone that can help us.  Come on, let’s head down the hill a ways, and then we can find a safe spot.” 

As soon as we’re half way down the hill, we’re surrounded by forest.  Ethan pulls the car over.  He walks around to my side of the car and helps me out.  “Come with me,” he says.  “We have to go into the woods to get out of sight.”  I follow him holding his hand and staying right up behind him.  My feet manage to keep right up to him as we are moving so fast past the trees that they are a blur, yet I’m still able to see clearly in front of us.  It’s amazing.  My senses are heightened, I hadn’t realized until now.  Being with him has caused these changes in me.  Maybe this is part of what he was talking about.  As soon as we come to a spot that has enough room, he comes to a stop. 

“This should be open enough to allow my wing span.”  Before I can say anything, two beautifully dark wings open up behind him.  They expand enormously on each side of him filling the entire area.  It’s stunning; it takes all I have not to fall to my knees.  The feathers appear as black as night with the texture of silk shimmering under the moon.  His hair softly pressed against his cheek bones ever so slightly and his eyes that are just as black as his wings lure me in.  His energy is pulling at me.  I can almost feel it grabbing me and wanting me.  There’s no way I can ever fight this desire for him.  He was meant to find me and I’m meant to save him from whatever evil that he believes is still within him, though when I look into his eyes I see nothing but
good.  No evil exist within him.  His soul is destined for g
.  The moment I met him, my world changed – I don’t know those around me, I no longer know myself – but what I do know is that only I can save him.  I almost fall to my knees staring into his remarkable eyes reading the soul that lies within, but then as soon as my knees buckle beneath me he’s there sweeping me up. 

As I look down I can see we have already left the ground.  He soars higher and higher into the black night sky, and I can feel the cool breeze on my face.  I forget about everything.  All I can see is him and me, his embrace on me and the love and energy that are flowing between the two of us.  Below us
is the earth and the people who are oblivious to the coming danger.  He continues to glide through the sky with ease, and his hands wrap tightly around me keeping me secure.  I take in the sweet fragrance that is all him and hum to myself with pleasure.  His scent causes a reaction deep in my gut.  My heart starts pumping faster, and even in the cool sky I can feel my face heating up.  I want him; I want all of him.  I want to feel his body on mine and as soon as I think it he looks down at me and gives me a grin as if he can hear my thoughts.  He runs one of his hands down my back, as he’s still holding me firmly with his other.  His wings gently moving against the wind making the most beautiful noise I have ever heard.  I lean my head back slightly and he moves his lips into my neck and gently kisses my neck several times as he moves his hand down my back slowly and then smoothly turns my body around so that my back is against his chest.  We’re now so high above the woods I can’t even make them out.  He continues to keep one arm tightly wrapped around me pressed just under my breasts and moves his right hand down my stomach giving me chills even though it feels like my skin is on fire.  His hand moves and with one try unbuttons the button to my shorts and then from there he moves his hand down and I can’t help but moan with his caress.  He kisses my neck as his hand continues to move giving my body pleasure that’s beyond anything I’ve ever felt.  Our bodies are made for each other.  His hand moves slowly and perfectly in tune with me.  My eyes closed and my head back against his chest I let him take over all my senses.  The pleasure rises in my gut, feeding my need for him. 

I open my eyes and see that we are slowly descending; the pleasure is increasing to a point that I want nothing more than to grab him and bring our bodies together so that I can feel him inside me.  I feel my feet landing softly on the ground and open my eyes to see the surrounding forest.  Disappointment runs thro
ugh me as I don’t want this to be over.  In a slow soft move, Ethan releases me, buttoning my shorts, and begins kissing me on the back of my neck. 

“Lindsay, you are amazing, and I love you so much.  I’m sorry if I get too aggressive.  I hope that wasn’t too much.  It is really difficult for me keep my hands off you.  When I’m with you, I want to hold you and touch you constantly.” 

I sigh, “That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt.  Please don’t be sorry.  You’re incredible, Ethan, and trust me, if we weren’t flying I would have forced it to go a lot further.”  I look down a little embarrassed that I just admitted that, but it is how I feel.  He grabs my chin and lifts up my face looking into my eyes with a smile filled with sweetness and kindness.

“Maybe we can continue this another time then.  If we’re going to make it to Kim’s house at all tonight, we better get going.” 

I sigh at the thought of not being able to be alone with Ethan.  The last thing I really feel like doing is going to the party.  I want to spend every second I get with Ethan.  His world is now my world, and I have so much to learn I feel like I’m wasting time, but I know that if I don’t go Kim will never let me live it down.  “Okay but you better keep to your word!” I say.

“Oh, that won’t be hard, Lindsay.”










Today is going to be a long day.  I barely got any sleep staying up with Kim last night.  I listened to her talk about her parents and how she was so glad that they finally took a vacation so that she could have the house to herself.  The odd thing is that I don’t think I’ve ever even seen Kim’s parents.  I mean I’ve only lived here for a few months, but you would think that I would have run into them with her at least once by now.  Every time I’ve ever been over here they are always off doing something or busy with work.  I wanted so bad to tell her everything about Ethan and me, but I can’t.  I can’t say a word.  She kept asking how we were doing, and all I could tell her was that we were fine.  I didn’t say anything about the time we spent in the sky and what he told me about my soul and what I was created for.  His wings are his secret, and I can’t share what I know about him.  It’s harder than I thought to keep all this information to myself.  I never was one to gossip but this is huge.  I feel like if I share it with someone else it will make it feel more real.  It’s still hard to believe even after last night. 

I’m supposed to meet up with him today so he can introduce me to this person that supposedly can help me with my
.  Right now I don’t even care about meeting up with this stranger.  All I care about is getting out of here and seeing Ethan.  He’s all I can think about.  The way he made me feel last night and how my body instantly responded to his touch, it’s all I want and all that’s on my mind.  His long fingers moving along my skin is an experience all its own.  But if finding out more about who I am and what I can do means helping him, then I’ll do it.  I still have no clue how I’m going to be able to save him from the evil he thinks is inside him when I don’t even see it, but I’ll do anything to make sure we’re together.  I’m tired of him running off for days on end, so I’ll do whatever it takes to free him of his evil and turn him back into the angel that he is. 

“Lindsay, what are you doing just standing here in the middle of the kitchen?” 

I didn’t even realize Kim was standing behind me, and I’m not even sure how long I’ve been standing here just daydreaming.  “Oh, I was just contemplating if I should eat breakfast here or just head home.” 

She isn’t going to let me leave that quick though, “Now why would you go home to eat when I can whip you up a delicious and nutritious breakfast?  Come on, take a seat and we can chat while I get cooking.” 

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