Read Fallen Idols MC - Complete Online

Authors: Savannah Rylan

Fallen Idols MC - Complete (15 page)

BOOK: Fallen Idols MC - Complete
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He stepped back, and undid his own pants, pushing them down to free his eager cock. I bit my lip as memories of how amazing he felt inside of me flooded my mind. I wanted him now.

I lifted my finger, and beckoned him to come closer. But, stubborn as always, he ignored my request and stood back, stroking his cock, turning me on even more. Fine. If he wouldn’t come to me, then I would go to him. I sat up and began to slide off the table when he shook his finger back and forth.

“Don’t you dare,” he growled. “I want to look at you.”

His eyes roamed over me, and I could see him salivating at the thought of devouring the thing he wanted most. It was hot, intense, and made me so wet I practically dripped with anticipation.

I was wound tight, and incredibly frantic for release. I needed his touch. I needed his hands on me, but I knew he wouldn’t give it to me yet. I’d have to drive him crazy first until he couldn’t wait any longer.

I reached up, and unsnapped my bra, letting the cups fall away slowly. Ryder stroked his cock harder and faster at the sight of my bared breasts. I dragged my hands across my body, and closing my eyes, as my fingers made their way to my newly freed breasts. I pinched my nipple, rolling it between my thumb and forefinger. A moan fell from my mouth, and I slid my teeth over my bottom lip.

“God, baby, you’re killing me.”

I opened my eyes, and gave him a wicked grin, never stopping my hands. “Then come here.”

“But I’m enjoying the view.”

“Are you now?” I pulled at one nipple, pain mixing with pleasure.

He nodded, continuing to caress his big hard cock as he stared longingly. 

“What about if I did this?” I trailed my hand down my stomach until I reached my panties, pulling them aside to reveal my slick folds.

He growled and I lifted my legs, running my hand from my calf to my thigh. I curled my thumb around the thin band, and trailed it over my hips and down to my feet. I unhooked the thin material from my toe, and let them fall to the floor. 

I dragged my hand across my taut nipples, and back down my stomach, sliding down to my sex. My finger parted the flesh there, and circled my clit. My body arched at the intensity. 

Ryder inhaled deeply, his pupils dilating at my actions. “Are you wet?”

“So wet,” I moaned, and slipped a finger into the wetness, plunging it in and out.

“Does it feel good?” he growled, stroking faster now.

“Yes, but it would feel better if...” Pleasure shot through me, and my body arched again, cutting off my words. One hand continued rolling my nipples, pinching the tight buds as the other moved to circle my clit, the wetness only pushing me higher.

“If what?”

Instead of words, I whimpered, too worked up to get even a syllable out.

Ryder moved toward me, his hand resting on my thigh. I pushed my body into his touch. Needing it, craving it.

“If what, baby? Tell me.”

I grabbed his hand, and urged it toward my dripping pussy. His finger grazed my folds, but he pulled away, denying us both the pleasure we sought. “I want you to tell me. What would feel better?”


“I need more than that,” he teased, his fingers so close to where I craved

“Please, Ryder,” I begged. “I need your fingers in my pussy. Now.” As soon as the words tumbled from my lips he plunged two fingers inside of me, causing me to scream out. 

“Is this what you wanted?” he murmured hot against my ear as he curled his fingers, sending me spiraling toward the edge.

“Yes!” I screamed as his fingers pumped in and out of me. 

He bent down, and took one nipple into his mouth, sucking and nipping, making me latch onto his hair. Sweet, hot ecstasy flooded me, consuming every inch, every single ounce, and I held him closer.

“That’s right, baby. Hold on,” he urged, just as his fingers slipped out, and he plunged his hardness into me. My nails dug into his back as he slid his hands under me, and brought me up against his chest.

We moved together, a perfect rhythm, and completely in sync, as if we were becoming one. His forehead rested against mine, and he reached up, taking my face in his hands. He looked into my eyes, and it was like a portal to our past. Every emotion I locked away came pouring back into me. 

His grip on my face tightened. His thrusts went from languid and erotic to brisk and carnal. I knew he felt it too. I held his gaze for as long as I could before my lips yearned for contact. I crushed my mouth to his, savoring every touch and every shiver. His tongue swiped lovingly at my crease and I parted, tangling us in a familiar dance.

A moan rumbled up my throat, and I threw my head back, letting the pleasure over take me. Devour me. Ryder dragged a line of ferocious kisses down my neck before tracing his tongue along my collarbone, completely consuming me in his delicious assault.

I was on the brink, teetering on the sharp edge. My clasp on Ryder’s shoulders tightened. He reached down, and massaged my swollen clit, pushing me over that edge. Moans poured from me, as Ryder rode out my orgasm, and succumbed to his own.

My body shuddered against his, and he held me close until we both came down from our sex-induced haze.

He pulled away, taking my face back in his hands, and pressing a chaste kiss to my lips.

“I think we just made up for five years,” I sighed.

He shook his head and smiled. “Not even close.”



Ryder and I moved to my bedroom, snuggling under the covers. I rested my head on his chest as he traced circles on my bare shoulder.

He pushed my hair off my forehead, stroking it lovingly. “I’ve missed you so much.”

All the emotions I’d been trying to escape from flooded into me, and a tear slid down my cheek, landing on his skin.

“Hey. Look at me.”

I did as he asked, and he gave me a smile. The same smile he only ever used on me. I wondered how many girls had seen it since?

“Don’t cry.”

“I left you. I don’t even know how you can look at me right now.” I tried to turn away, but he held me steady.

“It’s easy. I know how it feels to lose you, and I never want to feel that again.” He leaned toward me, touching his lips to mine, next pulled back, and kissed my nose.  “I don’t care about the past. All I care about is right now.”

I nodded. “I like that.”

His finger stroked my cheek, and I never wanted to leave this spot. For the first time in a very long time, I felt complete.

My cell rang, and I slumped against Ryder. “Of course.”

“Don’t answer it,” he whispered against my ear, slipping his hand under the cover, and pinching my nipple between his fingers.

I squealed then gave him a kiss on the lips before rolling over. “It might be the hospital,” I reminded him.

“Good point.”

I looked down at the screen, and Cruz’s name flashed. “Where the fuck have you been?” I yelled into the phone.

“Sawyer?” His voice was frantic, and I could hear the terror in his tone.

I sat straight up. “Cruz, what is it?” My hand shook, and my heart raced, knowing something was wrong.

Ryder sat up beside me, concern pulling at the corner of his eyes.

“Cruz, talk to me. What is it?”

“Sawyer,” Cruz whispered.  “I need help.” 






Fallen Idols MC 4

Trista and Blaze Book 2



Savannah Rylan



I took a swipe at my bedside table, thinking it felt awfully early for it to be my seven AM alarm. When I opened my eyes, I realized that it was still dark outside, and it wasn’t my alarm going off. I looked over to see Ryder’s name on my screen, and I tapped the screen to accept the call.

“This better be important. I need my beauty sleep.”

“I need you to get up. And come to Sawyer’s house.”

I started to sit up, attempting to run my hands through my mangled mess that I called hair. That bedhead look was lost on me. “Like hell! I’m not getting up in the middle of the night to see
of all people.”

“It’s not her you need to be worried about. It’s Cruz. He got into some trouble. You’re better at this stuff than me, and Sawyer needs a friend right now. Her mom’s in the hospital, and we just got Cruz, and he’s a mess. I need you to come.”

I scanned the practically empty bedroom in my apartment. I wasn’t much of a decorator. I also had the tendency to move pretty often. We always had when I was a kid, so I just kept doing it as an adult.

What I wouldn’t give to have Blaze laying next to me right now. But we’d been laying low since Larry had practically caught us, and that was right before we found out that Axel had gotten thrown in jail. There was definitely heavy flirting, but we hadn’t acted on our feelings since. Right now, though, I’d kill to have a boyfriend here to tell me not to go. Or maybe even to come with me.

“I’m not going to see her by myself. You leave me alone with her right now, and I’ll kick her ass.”

“Call Blaze. I’m sure he’ll come with you.” There wasn’t even sarcasm in his voice; something really was wrong.

I pushed the blanket off, and swung my feet over the side of the bed. “Fine. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

I hung up, and sent a text to Blaze. I hoped he wasn’t asleep, and that he’d answer me quickly.

Come to my apartment. I assume you remember how to get here.

He responded within a minute.
On my way. Another late-night meet up?

This isn’t a booty call. MC business.

Be there in 10.

I stood up, and pulled on my pair of jeans from yesterday, before tossing my hair up in a messy bun, and sliding on a tank top and my leather jacket. After I washed my face and put on some light makeup, I sat on the edge of my bed, and was lacing my motorcycle boots when Blaze knocked on the door.

I walked over and let him in. “Thanks for coming.”

He didn’t look nearly as disheveled as I did. “I was just working out.”

Of course he was. He looked as good as ever, in a dark gray T-shirt under his cut. Black jeans, that highlighted his luscious ass, and boots complemented the outfit nicely. Everything about him turned me on, but I didn’t have any time to act on those feelings now. Ryder said he needed me, so I had to go. It was just as much of a family obligation as it was part of the MC.

“I don’t know what the hell is going on, but Ryder said we have to go to Sawyer’s house. Something happened to Cruz, and with her mom in the hospital, and all the other shit that’s been going on, if he says he needs us, then he does.”

Blaze simply nodded. “We ride together? I brought my truck.”


We drove in silence through the night. It only took about twenty minutes to get to Sawyer’s house, I still remembered how to get there from years ago. I knew that Ryder had been helping Maria since Sawyer had left, but I stayed away from the place. It felt cold there, dark, like someone had died.

Ryder was sitting outside on the stoop, smoking a cigarette, as we pulled up. He quickly shook Blaze’s hand, before ushering me inside.

“He’s in bad shape, Tris. I was hoping you could help.”

“Me? Why didn’t you call Bones?”

He sighed heavily. “He wouldn’t let us. He doesn’t want the MC to know what happened.”

Blaze stood behind me. “Well, what did happen?”

Ryder shrugged. “I’m not even really sure. He’s in the back bedroom.”

I walked down the narrow hallway to the one room that appeared to have a light on. Cruz lay in the bed, holding his side. There was blood everywhere. He had a serious gash on his face, and the way he moved, holding his left side, it was clear that he had some ribs broken. His eye was also swollen and bruised, and he had a split lip. Sawyer sat on the bed next to him, trying to administer some type of first aid.

“What the hell happened to him?”

Sawyer’s eyes grew wide at my voice, but the shock quickly dissolved when I met her gaze. “I don’t know everything.”

Cruz didn’t even open his eyes to look at me. “Well, you have to know something. Your brother’s lying half-dead on his bed. What the fuck happened?”

She just shook her head slowly back and forth, tears rolling down her cheeks. Maybe I’d been a little too rough on her, especially with Maria still in the hospital. But, if someone hurt Cruz, then they were going after the MC. And I would die protecting my family.

Cruz cracked his eyes open slightly, and began to speak, but it wasn’t much more than a whisper. “Trista, you can’t tell nobody.”

“Tell them what?”

“You can’t tell them I got hurt. Ryder said you might be able to stitch up my face. That’s all I need you to do, but then you have to go.”

I didn’t like being told what to do by a prospect, especially a kid. Cruz was just a baby.  But, whatever he had gotten himself into, it was clear he wasn’t going to talk to me about it.

I took a deep breath. “Do you have any medical tape? And some butterfly stitches?”

Sawyer quietly got up and left the room. She came back moments later, holding the supplies I requested. “Thank you,” she whispered. It was the only words she spoke to me the rest of the night, not that you could hear much else over Cruz’s whimpers, and the occasional scream of agony when I pressed on his broken ribs.

I didn’t know how long I’d have to cover up whatever the hell had happened to him, but I made a promise that I wouldn’t tell anyone until he was ready. He didn’t show up to the MC for four more days. Ryder told everyone he was sick, and helping out with Maria. Luckily, no one went over to check.

Blaze had been watching me extra closely, trying to figure out why I’d covered for Cruz. The truth was, I didn’t know. Lying to the MC was a serious offense, but Cruz was just a kid. Whatever he had gotten himself into was probably something stupid, and he just didn’t want the other guys to know because he was afraid they wouldn’t let him prospect anymore. I knew that Cruz needed the MC; with his dad in jail, his mom sick, and his sister being MIA for so long, we were the only family he had. I wouldn’t take that away from him.

I didn’t have too much time to worry about Cruz, not with everything else happening in the MC. I made myself more available to go to the warehouse on a regular basis, yet somehow parts were still walking away. After hearing that Cruz had finally showed up to work at the Raven’s Nest, I went down to the warehouse to check in with Ryder. One problem solved, another to deal with.

BOOK: Fallen Idols MC - Complete
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